Harry Potter Harry Potter fanfiction rantings


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One of the things I figure that I will spend quite a bit of time ranting on/about, is fanfiction.

Gee, what a surprise, eh? :)

Anyhew, figured I'd split up my ranting according to fandom and this right here, will be the rants'n raves for Harry Potter fanfiction.

It's a recent fancy of mine, haven't been reading HP fanfiction for more then a month, but I have read quite a bit of it in this time.

And I figure I'll start off my HP fic rant with some general stuff on what I think about the scene in general.

First impression is that there's an horrifying amount of HP-fanatics that are obscenely facinated with very squicky pairings. I mean, Draco/Harry I can somewhat understand as they're at least of comparable age, even if I don't endorse it as I feel it would take quite a lot for these two to get together. But just what is it about Severus Snape and Lucius Malfoy getting it on with young girls and/or boys that has everybody's boxers/panties in a bind?

Yaoi/Yuri in general has never been my cup of tea, not out of lack of interest or anything, but rather because it's only rarely worth the effort to read fics about it. Purely because the writers only rarely have the talent/personal maturity/knowledge/whatever to actually write a believable homosexual pairing.

In fact, many lack the talent to write a believable heterosexual pairing.

Then again, since it seems to me that the books have been written for a rather young audience, it's completely understandable that the majority of the fans have a less then satisfactory level of relationship-knowhow which would make it rather hard to write a believable story about it.

To say nothing of the added problems inherent in writing a believable homosexual pairing.

And the additional difficulties inherent in writing a believable story with a ship that's both homosexual antagonistic and has the people involved separated by more then a handful of years in age, makes it next to impossible to find fics worth reading with the more unusual homo-pairings.

Another thing I have noticed, this one to my great pleasure, is that amongst all the drivel to be found in this fandom, are some real gems. Including some gems with the sort of unusual pairings/situations that usually piques my interest.

In this particular fandom, I've gained a rapid appriciation for fics where Fumblebore gets what's comming to the manipulative bastard I perceive him as, fics where Harry gains independence in some way, fics where Harry turns dark or at the very least severely gray.

When it comes to pairings, I find myself favouring Harry/Bellatrix, Harry/Narcissa, Harry/Luna and Harry/Tonks.

After reading xxx number of HP fics in the last month or so, I must say that I'm pleased that at least one of the ideas I had for HP fics of my own still seems to be a fairly original one. A Harry Potter / Venom x-over is something I have yet to encounter, other then my own.

Two of the other HP fics I've started writing, has turned out to be less then original as I've discovered during my reading that similar premises have been used before. Oh well, I guess I can't be the trailblazer all the time, even if it is nice when I am.


Transforming Harry

Weird multiship fic. A good read, despite the somewhat immature relationship-handling. A word of warning for the easily squicked, this fic features genderbending and people changing sexes to have sex with each other.

I dunno what it is about this particular fic that got me hooked, usually I'd just drop something like this upon the first appearance of 'Stella', in anticipation of the fic turning out to be utter crap before long. But, I find myself unable to stop reading and although I haven't actually finished the entire thing yet ( only at chapter ten at the moment ), I expect that I will finish it, if only to see how it ends.

Concern at the moment, before actually having finished the fic, is that Harry seems too bloody powerful and the rapid growth is somewhat annoying.

Then again, I should be the last one to complain about that, as Harry in Venomous Wizardry will most likely 'suffer' from a similar problem, if not quite as much as he appears to be doing here. :)

The Philosophers Stone Retransmutated
Chamber of Secrets Reopened

Excellent AU rewrites of the first two books. Oh, the 'Excellent' earlier should really have been 'EXCELLENT!!!!!'. There's a third rewrite in progress ( I'm guessing, due to the smaller number of chapters involved, haven't actually started reading that one yet however... ) which I'm really looking forward to having a looksie at whenever I have the time for it.

The AU bits comes from Tonks being the same age as Harry with her and Andromeda Tonks living near Privet Drive #4, resulting in her meeting up with Harry before he goes to Hogwarts. As a result of this, Harry doesn't wind up in his usual house and things change due to all this.

As I said, excellent reads and they're incredibly engrossing. The writing is at times better or at least just as good as the original books and the story is overall much better then the original books. Both rewrites strikes me as incredibly well thought out and contain a very good blend of action, drama, romance and humour.

All in all, these two are probably the best HP fanfics I've yet to encounter. Or at least the best that I can recall. Cudos goes out to Regulus for writing two such kick-ass examples of fanfiction perfection.
There are good gems in nearly all fanfiction its just you need to shovel more shit in the hp universe to get to them. If you like comedy I recommend reading some of nonjon's work. Mainly the "Where in the World is Harry Potter?" series. For a more suggestive story I like fbline's A Boy and His Wand classic laughs.


One more that really just gets me laughing in fits is Grandpa Dursley and the Schooling of Harry Potter. Only a one shot with no update in over a year but its my favorite orginal character fic. Theres just something funny about a military man being in the hp universe.


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Scratching the Itch

Very nice. Very hot. The picture that inspired this fic is also really nice.

Fairly realistic ship-wise, it's nice to actually see a relationship fic where the people involved doesn't instantly have wild monkey sex with each other right after having had their first kiss and first 'Aha, he/she likes me just as much as I like him/her'-moment.

Can't say that Harry/Hermione does anything in particular for me, so it must all be because this is so brilliantly written. Cudos to Anne U for producing such a tasty treat.


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As far as reality wise in pairings Mehetabelo and his other incarnations (he uses multiple nicks that I can't seem to think of right now) usually has pretty water-tight plot lines and believable lead-up to the pairing, even when doing it with someone like Narcissa or Tonks. :blink: :D Which is pretty hard. :ph43r:

I also have to give my rec for Mehetablo. The guy writes some good stuff. His Harry/Narcissa, Narcotic Effects is one of the best.

He's also been working on a Narutofic so hopefully we'll see it soon.


Since you're new I'll also pass on a link to J.A.K. who's got a couple of great stories, with the only problem being that the updates don't come that often. Harry/Pansy Harry/Tonks


Then there's Jon3776, the guy has great stories as well. Litany of Blood which is Harry/Fleur Harry/Blaise, and maybe one other ship. Redemption of the Black Sisters which is Harry/Cissa Harry/Bella. Art of Healing which is Harry/Gabby. The updates once again don't come often but the stories are good.


I also can't say enough about Sloth. In a couple of his fics I could do with a different ship but it's still good. He's written many fics but the most recent Undead Alliance is top notch.

Since you don't like slash I'd avoid Schnoogle, while it does have a few gems it's best to follow a link to a direct story. The sheer amount of slash and other really really awful things there is very sad. But there are few, one of the best being Aerie22.

The guy writes the premiere Harry/Parvati story, trust me it's excellent stuff.


He's also got a Black Sisters story called Spoils of War.


Hmm 664, in my book he's high, he's got a couple of fics that are tops in the Harry/Cho category. Sure not many people like that ship, or at least I haven't come across that many but his are good. Now that I think about it though I'll rec all of his stuff, even his harry/ginny which I don't ship but is just too damn funny to pass. I also recommend checking out the other writers on the fanficauthors.net site.

Ruskbyte covers many areas, he's got a Harry/Luna that is beyond funny. Full Pensieve writes what I call the absolute best harry potter fanfic out there. The ship is sadly Harry/hermione but still the best HP story out there. Check out Jeconias, he's got many ships, many ships, same with Kinsfire who handles the threesome, but yeah check out the ffa.net site.

Now that I think about it this is getting kinda long so I'll end it with this last one.


Dragonmasters, once you read that check out her other stuff but Dragonmasters is tops.

I've got more so let me know if you're interested.



Well-Known Member
Full Pensieve writes what I call the absolute best harry potter fanfic out there. The ship is sadly Harry/hermione but still the best HP story out there. Check out Jeconias, he's got many ships, many ships, same with Kinsfire who handles the threesome, but yeah check out the ffa.net site.
I looked up all the authors who mentioned and I couldn't find any of the above three, what really bothers me is that I swear I've seen full pensieve somewhere before, so if you could give some story names as well that would be appreciated.

On the subject of good stories another good author is Xayne who writes some of the most beautifully depressing stories I've read thus far, Rorschach's Blot is pretty good and his/her story "Make A Wish" is very funny and rather well written. As far as just straight out POWER!Harry fics one of the best I've read is "Dakaath Prince of Darkness" written by LT2000, the one-shot "Spinning" is the BEST portrayal of Luna I've seen, I'm working on a HarryLuna currently as well on a side note, it will probably surface on the previews board sometime soon. Fayr Warning is a very good well-rounded author as well, her big story right now is "Reign of Power" though "Child of Mercy" should be pretty good as well if she ever gets around to updating it. If you want epic proportion fics then go to Shezza88, though actually getting him to finish anything is a trial in itself.


Well-Known Member
As a side note to my earlier post about Mehetabelo, one of his other nicks is eQuasarus, he has also hinted that he has about 4 or 5 other nicks active on FF.net alone when I last talked to him so be aware of that. :ph43r:
I'm sure you have seen FP before, he's had his story on various places and has taken them down as well. Now a days though he's sticking with ffa.net.


Ruskbyte, FP, Jeconais, Draco664, Kinsifre, and others are at that site.


Well-Known Member
Harry Potter and the Years of Rebellion

Just finished reading this and I have to agree with vekkel, this is absolute top notch. FP has written the sort of story that I find myself only wishing that I was capable of churning out.

Original ideas, compelling plot, hanging-of-the-edge-of-your-seat-drama, well researched, incredibly funny at parts, realistic romantic progression, excellent portrayals of every single canon character and the author created ones are brilliant as well. Except for a nap for like 1h30m a while ago, I've been reading this thing just about non-stop ever since yesterday afternoon, excepting short bathroom, smoking and snack-breaks. Loosing a nights sleep was no major concern in the face of such perfection.

This one just pushed Regulus Harry/Tonks rewrites down from the first spot on my list of favourite HP fics. It's just that flonqing awesome. Even if the pairing is Harry/Hermione, it's a must-read for the serious HP fanfiction reader.

The writing style itself reminds me somewhat of published author John Irving ( Garp, Ciderhouse rules, Hotel New Hampshire etc etc etc ). The reader is taken on a real rollercoaster ride of emotions, going from highs to lows with a few loop-de-loops in between, before the ride is over and one is left with a deep sense of satisfaction and a smile on the lips from the experience.

Already mentioned Litany of Blood and

Redemption of the Black Sisters and

Dakaath Prince of Darkness

also gets my stamp of approval, read them a couple of weeks ago and found all of them bloody brilliant, if not quite years of rebellion-level.


Well-Known Member
I think those are very good as well, though I feel that "Redemption of the Black Sisters" gets kind of bogged down about half way through, another interesting fic is "The Hammer Falls" by CaDor which is a very good necromancer!Harry. I haven't gotten around to reading 'Years of Rebellion' yet but that's only for lack of time. With your glowing review I'm looking forward to it, especially since, because I am a fan of HarryHermione, it's pairing is HarryHermione. :D
Hawk, I also suggest you check out Last Horcrux which is a post!hbp story that FP is working on.

The reader is taken on a real rollercoaster ride of emotions, going from highs to lows with a few loop-de-loops in between, before the ride is over and one is left with a deep sense of satisfaction and a smile on the lips from the experience.
Hawk just so you know the fic is not complete, far from it actually. Although I guess most fics would be done at 425k words. I think FP said his inital lengths were going to be double that but things have changed and he's had to cut back. But yeah, there is still a lot to come.

A couple of Harry/Fem!Blaise stories, once again top notch stuff in my book. Sadly it looks like HBP claimed another writer and the second fic won't be finished but the 40k words that it already has is some very good Harry/Blaise.


Wishweaver's story doesn't have a ship yet but is just a really good story set in the summer after GoF.


Dzey can get emotional on you. He's provided the characters with a side that we don't see in canon, some people don't agree with his characterizations but to me they're good, and provide a nice change to the norm. Daddy's Favorite and the Here by Monsters stories are what I would suggest first.


I like Olafr a lot, Time of Change was a huge favorite of mine in the beginning but the last couple of chapters have changed things a bit and it's fallen from my top spot a little bit. Check out his other stories as well.


Robin has created what I consider the best HP AU. The Unbroken Universe is once again top notch, and allows us to see what could have been if things had gone differently in the beginning. Note, it's not really harry-centric but Harry is involved with things. There are three main fics all with nice length, with the third one still in progress.


Raven Dragonclaw, has a main fic Elemental Genesis which I love, as the title suggests it involves a lot of elemental magic. Celestial Requiem is different from most fanfics, we get a very smart Harry in that one. Dark Reflections provides the humor, Tears of Twilight provides the darkness, but sadly thanks to school she isn't able to update at the moment. Elemental Genesis is complete with a sequel Elemental Prophecies already 60k words and still in progress. Plus she has various one shots.


If you can handle incomplete fics then I say give March Madness a go. The main one Fugitive Prince comes in second or third on my list of AU fanfction. She also started about 4 other fics before her disappearance but they only have 1 or 2 chapters. Fugitive Prince is just a little over 200k words.

There are many more links but I think I'll leave it at that for now.


Well-Known Member
Oh, one other I can't believe I forgot about was Natasha Vloyski who does some of the best mystery stories I've seen, though they tend to be a bit depressing at times. Her story 'Mysteries' is excellent and has a concept in it that I have yet to see anywhere else.



Well-Known Member
Hawk just so you know the fic is not complete, far from it actually.
Yeah, don't I know it! Can't wait to get my hands on the rest so I can see if the end of the ride leaves me with the same feeling of contentment as Irvings books usually leaves me in.

I'm not one to complain about writers having unfinished fics, t'would be rather hypocritical of me after all, considering just how much of my own shit is in a constant state of 'Work in Progress'. *sheepish smile* One of the dangers of never being able to focus on one single story and almost never writing my stories in a 'from-start-to-finish' order.

Usually, it's the end, early middle, late middle, beginning, early end, late beginning, middle and then small rewrites of late middle, early end and the end, due to the changes that has occured due to me writing later parts before early parts.

And doing this on something like 20-30 stories at the same time.


And people wonder why I seem so severely mentally disturbed some of the time...

Rather a lot of the time...

Most of the time...

Well, just about all the time, really. ;D


Well-Known Member
I can't believe nobody mentioned Jeconais yet, IMO he is one of the best HP fanfic author out there. Check all of his stories, I'm sure you won't be disappointed.

Excellent stories, but all of his stories are more suited for perverts out there lol. He ALWAYS makes the characters engaged in polyamorous relationship. He also has an annoying habit to make scenes with massive theatrics....
You can find his older stories here or here
This is where you can find his WIP stories

Excellent author. Just don't expect fast update from him (not as slow as Hawk though :p).

you can find his stories in restrictedsection.org and portkey.org. He only writes Harry/Hermione stories though. He stopped writing I think, I'm not sure.
With Three You Get Egg Roll --> read this, his only HP/Hr/GW story

He is a professor in history I think, so expect a lot of historical stuff in his stories. Find his stories in fictionalley.org and restrictedsection.org

WAFF, fluff, sweet stories writer, no angst whatsoever. His stories are not that great but if you have addiction for fanfic sweets then read his stories.

Heather Sinclair:
Great stories, she stopped writing though. Use google, I forget where to find her stories. I think adultfanfiction.net has few of them

adultfanfiction.net has 1 of his stories too.

There are a LOT of great HP fanfic writers out there, it's just that they are hard to find...

I avoid slash/gay/yaoi stories, so I don't know where to find good authors for those kind of stories.
Harry Potter and the Years of Rebellion

Just finished reading this and I have to agree with vekkel
Thank you very much - you're too kind.

I concur with a number of the recommendations posted in this thread, particularly Wishweaver's 'Realizations', Jeconais' fics [especially his current WIP, 'Hope'], Aerie's Harry/Parvati fics [Dance With Me Harry and the incomplete sequel], and Rorschach Blot's 'Make A Wish' - which is absolutely witty and wickedly ironic. Enjoy your swim in HP fanfiction - LOL.

Mike [Full Pensieve]
even mike turns up in this place :blink:
crikey hawk this is becoming a happening place



Well-Known Member
thecodthemullet said:
even mike turns up in this place? :blink:
crikey hawk this is becoming a happening place

I have to agree with thecodthemullet, looking at the membership of this place is like looking at a who's-who of fanfic authors, I've seen SimmyC, Beege, Mehetabelo, Full Pensieve, and Hawk (of course). If you're another 'famous' author and I didn't list you than I probably just haven't read any of your fics or don't remember your handle, sorry if I did. :unsure:


Well-Known Member
I downloaded a lot of HP-fics from aff.net and saved away for later reading, during this week when I would have been otherwise bored out of my mind staying at a hotel in Stockholm instead of my nice cozy appartment, I took the time to read some of them and found a couple worth mentioning.

Stietoe/nienie at http://www.adultfanfiction.net/aff/authors.php?no=8544 or http://www.fanfiction.net/u/347450/ has written a couple of stories that I really enjoyed as well.

"The Magic of Firelight" is an AU and a very intriguing one at that. Harry / Hermione, although Harry is married to Cho. It raises several question regarding a couple of issues and I found it a very thought-provoking read. Not so much because of the quality of the writing, though that is certainly more then fine. But for some reason, Stietoe made me think while reading this fic.

Weird, since I usually never think. :)

"Walking, Alive" is another story well worth a read. Another Harry / Hermione story, involving shared dreams, some fairly minor bdsm-issues and whatnot. Very nice, very nice indeed.

Both of them well worth a read. Firelight because it's just a good story, dealing with some adult issues, though most of the fic isn't about shagging like dogs in heat. Walking, because it's sexy as hell and actually has a plot somewhere in there between the erotic encounters.

There are more, but I haven't gotten around to reading those yet.

Also got around to reading one of the previously recommended Aerie22's fics. Namely "Spoils of war".

Niiiiiiice, very nice. If you haven't already, read it.

It's also incredibly refreshing to see a Bellatrix that isn't either innocent as a white lamb and who's only been drugged or mc:ed into doing nasty shit over the years. Or as a psychopatic bitch without a single redeeming feature. Black or White, pfeh, we live in a world where things are in varying shades of gray, don't we? So why not have characters like that also? This is something which A22 seems to have taken to heart.
I tend to keep at a distance from Harry Potter (wether it be the books, movies, or fanfiction) out of general disdain. Down here where I live, the books are entirely too publicized - I was once outright ordered by my junior high principal to read the books (which our library stocked a hefty collection of... they threw out a bunch of classics like Shakespere and such and devoted one entire wall to several dozen copies of all the HP books - they had another wall devoted to Hitler's Mein Kampf and other Nazi/white supremacist literature too), which I refused to do, leading to my expulsion from the school.


Well-Known Member
I find all of that amazingly unlikely, while I can buy the part with your principal HEAVILY 'encouraging' everyone to read them I can't see you getting expelled over not reading them or for that matter there being an entire wall devoted to Nazi/white supremist literature. Did you do something stupid like light the HP section on fire or something like that? Becuase to get expelled you have to do soemthing like get in either a big fight where you knock the shit out of the other kid, get caught dealing some serious stuff like crack or heroin in the school bathrooms, or do some mass property damage.
The Principal was a member of the KKK (thus the white supremacist literature), and I did get expelled for frivolous reasons, the HP thing being the only one of them I know of (the rest he only revealed to my parents in a meeting with them right before he expelled me, and they aren't talking).

Note: Same principal later got arrested for having an affair with one of the junior high cheerleaders. He was killed in jail.


Well-Known Member
I've been reading through HP fanfics for quiet a while now and there are tons of cliches when it comes to HP fanfiction but there are a particular few that I just absolutely CAN NOT STAND! I cannot emphasize this enough, it is just depressing for me to read a certain thing in a story that I've seen in hundreds of other stories, my biggest complaint at the moment is when people have Harry go to Gringotts and immediately he recognizes the goblin teller as 'his old long lost buddy' Griphook and then it's "oh hello Griphook" and he responds with "oh my Harry Potter sir, how is it that you have remembered me? For I am but a humble goblin and wizards never remember goblins' names" and Harry responds with "oh but Griphook how could I have forgotten you, you who drove the cart during my my first trip to Gringotts", gah I just hate it, can't people come up with ANYTHING more original.

I also hate how the supervisor that Harry inevitably ends up seeing is almost always, without fail, named Ragnok! Why? Why is that?!? Please somebody tell me who started this horrible tradition so I can somehow gain miracolous superpowers without any apparent training or reason and go back in time to kill him. And those are only the two that I choose to name at the moment, I think we all know just how many of those horrible cliches there are present in the Harry Potter fandom.

So please, my comrades, my brothers, my fellow fanfic authors and readers, stand with me and shout! Shout out from the highest mountain, scream it from the bell towers, bellow it from atop the tallest skyscraper, "WE'R MAD AS HELL AND WE'R NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!" Stand with me now and help to abolish awful writing and cliched stories, stand with me for the encouregment individuality and originality among authors instead of one monotoneous droning storyline that will be done again and again until it is beaten, broken, raped, pissed on, murdered, cremated, and dead and buried and yet we will still exhume it once more and attempt to resurrect it. NAY I SAY, nay, I will not stand for this and if we truly wish to destroy even the slighest possible inclination in anyones mind that urges them to take the easy way out in their story and use the same cliches than WE MUST stand together or we shall all hang seperately! So I implore you all, when writing do it with originality and indiviuality, seperate yourself from the mindless rabble of common day fanfic authors and rise, rise above them to the true place of the fanfic author, not writers of trashy two-bit pieces of fiction but novelists who should be given just as much respect as those who write original works of fiction. For is that not what we are doing? All writing is merely variations on a theme and what are we doing but variations on a particualar theme! So I say to you now, my fellow man, that now is the time to stand up for ourselves, now is the time to stand for what we believe in, now is the time for REVOLUTION!