Harry Potter Harry the Black Mage


Well-Known Member
Since it seems that Love is what is to be used to destroy Voldemort in the end, I've thought up one possibility for at least a crackfic.

The only Love powered weapon that seems to be able to do the trick comes from 8-Bit, namely the signiture attack of Black Mage Evilwizardington. The Hadokens main power source is love: every time it is used, it drains a portion of love out of the Universe. It also causes divorce rates to skyrocket. Although it's cost is rather high, he could easily kill some of the Death Eaters and use their kids for the sacrifice.

For a demonstration of its destructive capability look here and then here.

Mighty Bob

Well-Known Member
Oh god....and in a huge bout of coincidence, both Fighter McFighter and Ron are redheaded idiots with whom Black Mage/Harry are stuck with. Would we be treated to scenes of Harry attempting to pierce Ron/Fighters skull multiple times with a dagger and failing due to his fragile limp mage wrists? hehehehehe...just the idea of Harry as or like BM makes me wanna giggle. :yay:


Well-Known Member
I've done a one shot that I may expand upon based on Harry getting Hadoken. HERE