His Dark Materials


Well-Known Member
As the above title and description states, it looks like the producers of Lord of the Rings trilogy are now turning another wonderful trilogy into film format. For those of you who never read it, it's a very interesting trilogy that puts Christianity into a whole new perspective. The titles of the series are The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife, and The Amber Spyglass. Me? I'm eagerly anticipating the release! Now if they would only do one for Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow...

lord geryon

Well-Known Member
Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow won't ever be made into movies, IMO.

Censors and humans rights would fucking flip at showing kids going through what Ender, Bean, and Poke's crew went through.


Well-Known Member
Ender's Game is currently being made into a movie. Card has turned down five scripts, though. He thinks it lends itself better to the videogame format.
I read about it a while ago in GI. I think it'll be interesting: I loved those books. I also love the fact that the christian population is going to hate these movies. The books weren't very popular, or at least, not on a level where the high-and-mighty took note(as far as I know... I read them years after they were written, so...), so I'm just hoping the movies draw a bit more attention to it.

I'm going to love being able to watch Lyra in action: I really love how she can talk her way out of just about anything.

And Ender's Game movie/game? Too-awesome-for-words. If it's done well. And yes, it probably would be better as a game: a movie wouldn't be able to show Ender's slow progression of skill and knowledge, not to mention the actions of The Game...

Also, the battle school games could have some very interesting control schemes... especially if they give you the same sorts of off-the-wall strategic tools that Ender had.


Well-Known Member
I'm really looking forward to this movie. Someone I know is in advertising and she's been backing it to me from the get go.

And Daniel Craig is Lord Asriel. i approve.


Well-Known Member
I don't really care much for the upcoming movie; however, I know have the urge to buy some nice hardcover copies of the series and reread them. One of my favorites.