Nasuverse Holding Back the Sea


Well-Known Member
Summary: Chiron always said thereÆd be legends about him one day. He hadnÆt thought thatÆd result in him fighting to the death with other Heroes, though. PJatO/F/SN

Holding Back the Sea


ôHave you accurately memorized the incantations of summoning? Goodàonly, midway through the incantation, add two more lines of incantation.ö

ôWhat do you mean?ö

ôIsnÆt it obviousà? Kariya, you should know that as a magus, your abilities are more than just a notch or two below the other Masters. It will affect the basic abilities of the Servant. If thatÆs the case, it can only be amended through the ServantÆs Class, and we must raise the parameter from the root up.ö

Predetermining the ServantÆs class through alterations of the summoning incantation.

Usually, the class is inevitably decided by the summoned Heroic SpiritÆs own attributes, but there were two exceptionsùclasses that could be designated beforehand.ö

One of them was Assassin, a group of killers that inherited the name of Hassan I Sabah.

And the second was a class for all Heroic Spirits and could be manifested as long as the incantation was changed appropriately.

ôGive the summoned Servant the attribute of æMad Enhancement,Æ Kariya! As the Master of Berserker, fight for me was all of your strength!ö


ôYe first, O silver, O iron
O stone of the foundation, O Archduke of the Contract.
Hear me in the name of our great teacher, the Archmagus Schweinorg.
Let the descending winds be as a wall.
Let the gates in all directions be shut, rising above the crown, and let the three forked roads to the Kingdom revolve.
Shut. Shut. Shut. Shut. Shut.
Five perfections for each repetition.
And now, let the filled sigils be annihilated in my steed!
Let they body rest under my domain, let my fate rest in thy blade.
If thou submitteth to the call of the Holy Grail, and if thou wilt obey this mind, this reason, then thou shalt respond.
I make my oath here.
I am that person who is to become the virtue of all Heaven.
I am the person who is covered with the evil of all Hades.
Yet, thou serves with thine eyes clouded in chaos.
Thou, bound in the cage of madness.
I am he who commands those chainsùô

Kariya was different from other Magi. His Magic Circuits were made from other organisms that lived in him as parasites. The pain caused by inciting them and activating his circuits was incomparable to that suffered by other magi. Even as he chanted, his limbs spasmed in agony and blood seeped from shattered capillaries. Tears began to flow from his wholesome right eye.

ùBut even so, his concentration did not lapse.

Thinking of the duty he bore upon his back; he would not let himself shrink back, no matter what.

ôùThou seven heavens, clad in a trinity of words,
Come past they restraining rings, and be thou the hands that protect the balance!ö

Finishing the incantation, he poured all his strength into the summon. It hurt, but even so, he wished and prayed: æPlease, for SakuraÆs sake, let a mighty hero answer my call.ö

Thunder and lightning roared. Plume of smoke filled the room, carried like storm clouds on a mighty wind. The summoning circle shone with a brilliant light, from which a bronze silhouette emerged.

He wasnÆt tallùan inch or two above Kariya, at most. But he was striking. He looked the part of a hero reborn, his black hair windswept, and his eyes deep green. He wore armor of polished bronze and hints of gold. On his arm was a brand like tattoo, æSPQR,Æ with a trident and lines beneath.

His eyes swept the room quickly, sliding over Zouken before focusing on Kariya.

ôI ask of theeùare you my Master?ö Berserker asked.



Well-Known Member

Berserker didnÆt even have time to think about question why he was here before the Grail providing him with all he needed to know.

He was a Servant summoned to fight in the Holy Grail War. His class was Berserkerùa Servant that traded his sanity in exchange for power. Berserker objected to this on principleùhis mind was as sharp a weapon as any blade and he could serve as a warrior better with his wits about him then he could as a mindless thug.

But it was not his place to objectùor rather, his objections would not matter.

This War was fought with the purpose of obtaining the Holy Grail and granting a single wish. Because only one wish could be granted, the war was fought to decide who it would belong too. He wondered what he would wish for, but the question mattered little, if his sanity was to be taken from him. Further, his Master had three æCommands SealsÆ with which to force his compliance.

So he was just a pawn? The notion raked at himùhe never liked being bound or contained.

The old man that was with his master began to clap. Berserker focused on him immediately. He didnÆt wish to judge, but he found the main very ugly. Granted, he hadàheÆd had a number of friends that ranged from ugly to monstrous, so he couldnÆt hold it against him.

ôGoodàvery good, Kariya. You are officially a master in this War. With your Servant, bring me victory.ö

His MasterùKariyaùbarely veiled his animosity for the man, which attracted BerserkerÆs interest.

Once more he noticed his MasterÆs conditionùhis hair was white and if he hadnÆt been moving, Berserker would have thought his dead. His left side was injuredùor perhaps recovering from injuryùand Percy could tell it was weakened by home he favored his right side. His left eye seemed dead and he thought he could see things moving beneath his masterÆs skin.

ôTake your Servant and prepareùthe Holy War shall begin soon.ö

Kariya grit his teeth, but he could tell it was only partially in annoyance. His Master forced himself to stand upright and began to walk out of the room. As heÆd suspected, his left leg moved slowly.

Wordlessly, he fell in line behind his Master.


Barely a moment after closing the door behind him, Berserker had to catch his Master as he fell.

He waited silently, as his Master gasped for air so greedily, it was like heÆd been drowning.

Berserker looked at him silently for a moment before speaking.

ôYou are dying, Kariya.ö He risked using his MasterÆs name to gauge his reaction. There wasnÆt oneùhe just nodded slightly in acknowledgement. Berserker pondered that briefly, deciding that he was either not the type to lord power, or perhaps completely unused to it.

ôWhere should we go now?ö He asked.

Kariya made to reply, but began to choke in the process.

ôAway from here.ö His Master gasped out.

Berserker nodded in acceptance, partially because those were his orders, and partially because he wanted to see this new city at least once before he lost his mind.

He scooped up he sickly Master and left the house in a blur of motion.

Knowing better then to draw attention, he moved quickly from the streets to the rooftops in a series of short jumps, careful not to move fast enough to further wound his Master.

He was in the process of deciding where to goùto a hotel or to attempt to find an abandoned houseùwhen Kariya spoke up.

ôTake a left down this street and take the fifth right, the second left, and the third right. ThatÆs my house.ö

If you have your own home, why were you in that old manÆs house, Berserker thought, but did not ask. Instead, he simply obeyed, arriving at the house in less than ten minutes.

Placing Kariya down outside the door, he turned himself into a spirit even as his Master began fumbling for keys. Passing through the door, he solidified on the other side and unlocked it from inside, holding it open silently.

Even as his Master slowly entered the house, Berserker surveyed the house, taking note of any details he found interesting.

It was dusty. Really dusty. It looked as though it hadnÆt been used in a year; for all he knew, it hadnÆt been. Which told him his Master didnÆt have a maid, further supported by the size of his house. It also raised the question of why he hadnÆt used the house in so long.

He frowned.

ôHow long have you lived here?ö He asked immediately.

Kariya had shuffled over to one of the chairs and sat down stiffly.

ôSeveral years now, ever since I left my æUncleÆsÆ home.ö Kariya said. He pronounced the word Uncle like a swear word and with a strange tone, as if his uncle was not actually his uncle. Percy quickly associated the term with the old man and assumed Kariya wasnÆt fond of the man.

He wondered why; and more, why was he working with someone he hated.

But for the moment, he had bigger concerns.

ôIs this house registered in your name?ö He asked.

Kariya nodded.

ôWeÆll need to find another place soon. The other MasterÆs we learn of you eventually, if they havenÆt already. But we can stay here for tonight at least, and find another place tomorrow.ö

Kariya looked at him with his one good eye, and something fierce burnt in it.

ôIt doesnÆt matter what happens to me, as long as I survive long enough to win this war. Are you strong enough to do that, Berserker?ö

Berserker looked at his quietly, and had to ask.

ôWhat is the wish you seek, Kariya?ö

Kariya made a rasping sound that Berserker couldnÆt distinguish as an inhale or exhale.

ôWhy do you wish to know?ö He asked sharply.

Berserker considered dropping the subject or being more subtle.

But if he was going to have to fight in someone elseÆs war, he at least wanted to know why.

ôI am a Berserker,ö He said. ôAnd once you activate the Mad Enhancement, I will probably lose all of myself. Then, I will fight to the death with respectable heroes from across all of history, to which I will seem nothing but a savage bloodthirsty beast to be killed. I do this because I am your Servant and I have to grant your wishùI think I am at least entitled to know what it is I will sacrifice my mind, body, and pride to fulfill.ö

His Master fell silent, apparently only now realizing what it meant to be a Servant and a Berserker.

ôItÆs for a girlùnot like that!ö He replied when his Servant sighed and smiled wryly. ôThereÆs a girl who needs help.ö

The smile fell away from the BerserkerÆs face.

ôDo you love her?ö He asked, something glimmering in his eyes. Kariya suddenly remembered that his Servant had once been a hero, with friends and loves of his own. He also realized that they were probably all dead by now, and Berserker probably knew it.

Even so, he nodded at his ServantÆs question.

ôI do, though probably not in the way youÆre thinking.ö

ôYour daughter?ö

ôMore like a niece, really.ö

Berserker moved over to KariyaÆs chair and sat on the armrest.

ôWhat happened?ö

Anger burnt in KariyaÆs eye.

ôHer father had two daughters and only chose one to carry on his family traditions. Zouken,ö Kariya spat, and Berserker quickly associated it with his Uncle. ôOffered to take her in, because his heir was incapable of using magecraft.ö

Berserker began putting pieces together in his head.

ôBut you can use magecraft, Kariya. Or else I wouldnÆt be here.ö

ôI walked out of that house and the world of magi the moment I could.ö

Berserker closed his eyes and nodded.

That was the reason his family didnÆt have a worthy heir. Berserker could understand, then, why he would consider himself to blame for what had happened to the girl.

But that didnÆt explain why he was taking part in the war. It was true that being given away by oneÆs parents was bad, but it seemed a bit strange to go this far for it. He should know that it was not uncommon to die in a Holy Grail War.

ôWhy are you going so far for her, Kariya?ö

Kariya lifted a shaking hand to his disfigured face.

ôYou wouldnÆt know it if you saw her, butàfor all that he has done to me, Zouken has done worse to Sakura.ö

The Servant frowned, pieces suddenly snapping into place.

ôHeÆs done this to you? Why?ö

ôAlone, I could not take part in the Grail War, so for one year, I was trained. But my power is nothing compared to SakuraÆs. I took part in this war, because if I won, there would be no need to make Sakura suffer, and she could go back to her mother and sister. But Zouken has no faith in me, so for the year I trained, he continued to make Sakura suffer. Even if he loses this war, there will be another after itùone where SakuraÆs child would have to fight. If Iàif we fail here, then Sakura will suffer for the rest of her life and so will her children. So I have to win.ö KariyaÆs eye rolled to look up at his Servant. ôI am sorry for what I will do to youàand I am sorry for what I will have to make you do. But I cannot lose. If it makes you feel better, I wonÆt survive long after this war.ö

Berserker shook his head.

ôAh. It doesnÆt matter. As a hero, I will of course give my life to save an innocent girl. Rest, Master Kariya.ö

Berserker was about to stand, but Kariya stopped him, grabbing his arm. His grip was shaking and weak and the Servant could easily have broken it. But he stopped obediently, looking at his Master.

ôPleaseàtell me you are strong. Tell me you can really save that girl.ö

Berserker slowly lifted his hand to KariyaÆs and removed it from his arm.

ôRest now, Kariya. When you awaken, I will give you all the proof you need that you summoned exactly what you needed.ö


It was not long before his Master drifted off to sleep. As soon as he had, Berserker reverted to his spiritual form and drifted out of the house like a ghost.

He retraced the steps he had taken to get to the house, quickly returning to the place where heÆd been summoned.

For a moment, the reborn hero stood like a ghost outside the Matou Household.

And then he drifted in through the walls.

At the very least, before he lost his mind, he would do this of his own free will. He would show that he didnÆt need to be forced to do what was right.

That was his pride as a Hero.


Well-Known Member
Promising start, but I don't recognize the crossover. Or historical figure, if that's what you're doing.


Well-Known Member
It says Percy Jackson in the title.

Also, glad to see this posted. Honestly, I'm more interested in this than your other TM crossover.

Can't wait to see how well Percy fights against the other Servants, he'll probably have to avoid Gil though.


Well-Known Member
sytang said:
It says Percy Jackson in the title.

Also, glad to see this posted. Honestly, I'm more interested in this than your other TM crossover.

Can't wait to see how well Percy fights against the other Servants, he'll probably have to avoid Gil though.
How on Earth did I miss that?


Well-Known Member
Cool story. Interesting that it is the fourth war, that is fairly unique.

ôIsnÆt it obviousà? Kariya, you should know that as a magus, your abilities are more than just a notch or two below the other Masters. It will affect the basic abilities of the Servant. If thatÆs the case, it can only be amended through the ServantÆs Class, and we must raise the parameter from the root up.ö

Predetermining the ServantÆs class through alterations of the summoning incantation.

Usually, the class is inevitably decided by the summoned Heroic SpiritÆs own attributes, but there were two exceptionsùclasses that could be designated beforehand.ö
Ether missing a " at start of third paragraph or extra one at the end of paragraph one or three.

It hurt, but even so, he wished and prayed: æPlease, for SakuraÆs sake, let a mighty hero answer my call.ö
Different quotation marks.

and Percy could tell it was weakened by home he favored his right side


Well-Known Member
Holding Back the Sea
A Hero and a House of Corpses

Berserker literally ghosted through the house, making no sound and leaving no trace.

He quickly prioritized his objectives: The girl first, the old man second. That in mind, he covered the house quickly and efficiently.

But neither was in the house. He checked every room and found neither the girl nor the old manùjust a man that looked like Kariya and a boy young enough that he was probably his son. He briefly contemplated the possibility that the old man had left, taking the girl with him. He wondered what he could do if that was the case.

He closed his eyes and shook his head.

There was no need to consider that possibility yet.

Not when there was water in the basement. Moving through pipes, spread across some surfaceàthere was even water that was moving and changing position in ways that meant they were probably in contact with something animate and probably living.

Still intangible, he simply let himself fall through the floor.

When he opened his eyes, what he saw disgusted him.

Indeed, the old man and the girl were in the basement. As were a number of other things.

They looked like worms, but they were all far too thick and big to be normal ones. They swarmed all across the basement, squirming and writhing in sickening fashions, creating a disgusting and dizzying display.

And there, on the floor, being swarmed and covered in the disgusting creatures, was a young girl with plum eyes and hair. She didnÆt scream or cry, which worried him almost as much as the bugs. If she was æokay,Æ sheÆd be screaming, he thought; any girl would.

But instead, she just stared blankly into space, with eyes that didnÆt really see anything.

And looking down upon her from above, the old manùZoukenùjust watched. Looking at him, he thought it would have been bad enough if the old man had just felt sick pleasure at the act, because it might have caused this situation to at least be understandable, but it wasnÆt. A little girl was lying there, broken, covered with horrible things, and had been for a year; if Zouken was a sick enough man to take some form of amusement, Berserker could have just hated him and killed him.

But the old man didnÆt feel anything. He looked down at the girl and the worms with a calm, observing gaze, as if they were nothing but an experiment, and Berserker had a feeling he would have looked the same way if he had dissected the girl and looked inside.

And it didnÆt anger Berserker.

It nearly sent him spiraling into a rage he didnÆt understand. Because he didnÆt understand the old man, either.

He didnÆt understand how this man didnÆt feel anything about what he was doing. He didnÆt think it was rightùhe probably knew it was wrongùbut he didnÆt care at all. And the Servant couldnÆt understand how someone could do that to a girl theyÆd taken as a part of their family, or to a nephew who was willing to risk his life to save a girl, and not feel anything.

There should have been a hint of shame or disgust at the sight of the worms, at least.

But there wasnÆt.

Berserker briefly entertained thoughts of how to punish the manùnot even fully out of anger, but also out of a desire to at least see if pain could make the man feel regret that sickened him as soon as heÆd felt it. But still he couldnÆt stop himself from thinking: Maybe if he threw him in that pit, itÆd be less interesting?

But just because he couldnÆt stop the thought didnÆt mean he had to pay it any heed. He was better than thatùheÆd been taught better then that.

He didnÆt do things like that, even to those he hated.

But more than that, saving people was more important than empty sadism or revenge. The girl was more important than the man.

But, he thought, saving the girl would probably be easier if the man was dead.

Most of the beings that heÆd fought were monsters and heÆd opposed them and heÆd killed them, but heÆd always known they couldnÆt be anything but what they already were. They were primal concepts given form and purpose. He almost liked them and how black and white they made everything seemùGood and Evil, Heroes and Monstersùeven though he was well acquainted with shades of grey.

But even though he hated them, heÆd never hurt them or made them suffer. The faster they died, the less people got hurt, and he didnÆt hold a nature that could not be changed against them, even if he hated that nature. He wouldnÆt torture animals, even if they bit him, and he wouldnÆt torture monsters.

He did hold ZoukenÆs nature against him, but it didnÆt matterùthe same rule applied. The sooner he was dead, the safer the girl would be and the less sheÆd have to suffer.

His decision made, he acted with the quick efficiency that had been trained into him. He had the advantage as an unseen spirit and he used it completely to his advantage. He didnÆt waste it on witty phrases or words, because even he knew when it was time to be silentùand he had nothing to say to a man like Zouken, with the possible exception of ædie.Æ

And his blade could say that as well as he could.

Materializing behind the old man, he held his sword in his hand and swung it in a wide, deadly, and inhumanly fast arc, ending his life in a single, anticlimactic stroke.

His head came off and rolled away, an expression of surprise still on it. A moment later, the rest of his body fell as well.

He looked at the corpse, unsatisfied, but knowing heÆd done the right thing.

Then he looked at the girl. She hadnÆt even reacted.

But the worms had. TheyÆd started moving faster, furiously, as if in response to the manÆs death.

Or maybe they just realized that they were next.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
Hmm. I wonder where the soul worm is (or is that fanon, and the soul is in all the worms/can move between worms?).


Well-Known Member
Prince Charon said:
Hmm. I wonder where the soul worm is (or is that fanon, and the soul is in all the worms/can move between worms?).
Nope, it's linked to a particular worm. As long as it's intact, Zouken can use the rest of his worms to consume someone and use their body to reform. Percy had better get Sakura out of there ASAP or she's going to wind up as worm food.

Also, I'm pretty sure that you need to deliberately activate the Mad Enhancement of the Berserker, and I'm not sure if Kariya did so in this timeline.


Well-Known Member
nick012000 said:
Prince Charon said:
Hmm.? I wonder where the soul worm is (or is that fanon, and the soul is in all the worms/can move between worms?).
Nope, it's linked to a particular worm. As long as it's intact, Zouken can use the rest of his worms to consume someone and use their body to reform. Percy had better get Sakura out of there ASAP or she's going to wind up as worm food.

Also, I'm pretty sure that you need to deliberately activate the Mad Enhancement of the Berserker, and I'm not sure if Kariya did so in this timeline.
It's explicity stated in part of an earlier chapter. Percy chooses to rescue Sakura while Kariya is sleeping, before Kariya has the chance to use the Mad Enhancement. Good deed and his duty as a hero before he loses his mind.


Well-Known Member
ragnarok1337 said:
nick012000 said:
Prince Charon said:
Hmm.á I wonder where the soul worm is (or is that fanon, and the soul is in all the worms/can move between worms?).
Nope, it's linked to a particular worm. As long as it's intact, Zouken can use the rest of his worms to consume someone and use their body to reform. Percy had better get Sakura out of there ASAP or she's going to wind up as worm food.

Also, I'm pretty sure that you need to deliberately activate the Mad Enhancement of the Berserker, and I'm not sure if Kariya did so in this timeline.
It's explicity stated in part of an earlier chapter. Percy chooses to rescue Sakura while Kariya is sleeping, before Kariya has the chance to use the Mad Enhancement. Good deed and his duty as a hero before he loses his mind.
Oh, right. Well, I'll point out that when Kariya sees that, he might well decide not to Mad Enhance him, especially if Berserker explains why he thinks it's a bad idea. ;)

Besides, the Grail War's already got an Archer that wields swords. Why not a Berserker that isn't actually Berserk? :p


Well-Known Member
nick012000 said:
ragnarok1337 said:
nick012000 said:
Prince Charon said:
Hmm.á I wonder where the soul worm is (or is that fanon, and the soul is in all the worms/can move between worms?).
Nope, it's linked to a particular worm. As long as it's intact, Zouken can use the rest of his worms to consume someone and use their body to reform. Percy had better get Sakura out of there ASAP or she's going to wind up as worm food.

Also, I'm pretty sure that you need to deliberately activate the Mad Enhancement of the Berserker, and I'm not sure if Kariya did so in this timeline.
It's explicity stated in part of an earlier chapter. Percy chooses to rescue Sakura while Kariya is sleeping, before Kariya has the chance to use the Mad Enhancement. Good deed and his duty as a hero before he loses his mind.
Oh, right. Well, I'll point out that when Kariya sees that, he might well decide not to Mad Enhance him, especially if Berserker explains why he thinks it's a bad idea. ;)

Besides, the Grail War's already got an Archer that wields swords. Why not a Berserker that isn't actually Berserk? :p
Wrong Grail War.

This is the 4th, not the 5th.
Right. Gilgamesh can wield swords, he just prefers to spam weapons from Gate of Babylon.


Well-Known Member
He narrowed his eyes and reached out with his will, and every pipe in the house was torn apart from the inside, gushing forth water in streams, all of which curved unnaturally towards the basement at his command. Not satisfied with just the house, he reached out further, beyond where the pipes enter the building and quickened the influx. For a moment, he held it back, gathering more and more just beyond the door to the basement, the water hardened as its hydrogen bonds were strengthened, and then flooded forward as he released it, crashing into the heavy door and knocking it out of its frame.

No longer held back in the slightest, it was like someone pours a river into the basement.

The waters fell upon the girl first, moving with tightly controlled strength to wash off all the worms but not harm her, and then curling around her in a protective embrace. At the feeling of the water, the girl was snapped out of her stupor, and though her eyes were dull, there was now some awareness in them.

The sight bolstered his confidence, and at his gesture, the Water lifted her completely above the worms and then bulldozed over them, carrying her to him before collapsing. Scooping her up into his arms, her skin dried at his touch, the remaining drops of water quickly rejoining with the rest of the flood.

ôDo not worry,ö He said. ôIÆve come to save you.ö

And with that, he began to quickly and efficiently flood the basement. For the girlÆs sake, he turned the water away from them, and not even a drop touched them in the torrential downpour. Some of the worms tried to crawl up the steps to safety, but sprays and waves of water rose to smack them into water. Without any remorse, he made sure every one of them died with their master.

It was hard to tell how the girl in his arms felt about that. Was she happy that they died? Was she scared of the man whoÆd appeared like a ghost and killed the man and creatures that had been tormenting her? Did she even consider this all real or did she just think she was dreaming?

Percy didnÆt know, but before he could figure it out, he had work to do.

But first of all, considering the way she was shivering, he should probably get the poor girl some clothes.


As Berserker left the basement, he came face to face with the man who looked so much like Kariya. He had panic in his eyes, likely from how the pipes had exploded, but it shifted to a complete fear when he saw Berserker.

Swallowing, he opened his mouth to speak, but the Servant silenced him with a wolf-like glareùthat heÆd learnt from actual wolvesùbefore he could even speak.

ôBefore you say anything, you should knowàeverything that was down there except this girl? ItÆs dead. Because I killed it. And now, IÆm taking this girl, getting her some clothes, and leaving. If you try to stop meàö He let the threat hang in the air.

With that, he breezed past the suddenly shaken man, looking for SakuraÆs room.

He paused for a second, though, realizing something.

ôOh, by the wayàthereÆs probably a lot of water and property damage now. You should probably take that boy and leave.ö

With that said, he walked toward the room heÆd seen a small girlÆs clothes in when heÆd moved through the house.

ôGet dressed and get anything you donÆt want to leave behind.ö He said, leaning against the doorframe and closing his eyes.


ôHang on,ö He said to the girl in his arms not even five minutes later. ôIÆm taking you away from here.ö

The man and the boy, whatever their names were, were gone by the time Sakura was finished dressing. TheyÆd taken a few things from around the houseùvaluables, he assumed.

HeÆd killed the old man and the worms and had saved the girl. Now he just had to take her back to Kariya; a piece of cake.

But Sakura had a question.

ôàWho are you?ö The girl asked, having not woken up from a dream and slowly daring to hope she never would.

For a moment, he thought about using telling her he was the Servant Berserkeràbut that probably wouldnÆt mean anything to her. And further, was there any real reason to hide his identity anymore? HeÆd already granted his masterÆs wishùin less than an hour without the sacrifice of multiple Servants; take that, Holy Grailùand he didnÆt even know if he would be fighting any more with that having been done.

And, to be honest, maybe he just didnÆt want to be remembered as æthe Servant Berserker.Æ

So instead, he told her the truth.

ôIÆm Percy,ö He said. ôPercy Jackson.ö

Sakura blinked at him once.


ôàClose enough.ö


Well-Known Member
So...what's Kariya's motivation to continue to fight in the War now? And is this Percy based on the one in the books or is he tweaked to fit the story?


Well-Known Member
Presumably she still has a crest of worms installed...

Sakura may no longer have to deal with Zouken's torture any more, but without the grail the Wormcrest will still eventually consumer.


Well-Known Member
Holding Back the Sea
A Soldier to War

Percy opened the door of KariyaÆs house the same way he had before, which made him increasingly aware of how easily any other Servant could break in.

But he couldnÆt work on that problem until after his Master awoke, so he put it out of his mind.

ôAre you hungry?ö He asked Sakura awkwardly. ôIàguess I can cook.ö

Sakura nodded before adopting a weird expression. For a moment she looked unsure, but she spoke anyway.

ôThank you.ö She said.

Percy knew immediately that she wasnÆt talking about the food.

He smiled warmly at her and wink.

ôDonÆt worry about it. I have to save any damsel in distress I come across or turn in my Hero License. ItÆs the rule.ö

ôAre you a Hero, Jack-san?ö

Percy paused for a moment as he realized something that brought a smile to his face.

ôIf I wasnÆt, I wouldnÆt be here.ö

It felt kind of nice, knowing that one had been recognized as a Hero and become a Heroic Spiritùfor if he hadnÆt, he wouldnÆt have been summoned.

Even if he was not the ærealÆ Percy Jackson, he took pride in that achievement.

But Sakura was waiting for him, so he put the happy thought aside and looked back at the girl.

ôTell me Sakura-chanàdo you like the color blue?ö

The girl just looked at him in confusion. Chuckling, he patted her on the head.

ôWellàdonÆt worry about it. I was just remembering something my mother used to make me; IÆm not sure how well I can imitate her, but IÆll try my best.ö


ôThe Tohsaka made their move last night.ö Hisau Maiya said. ôAnd while seemingly unrelated, the Matou Mansion fell.ö

Of the various forms of magecraft Kiritsugu had taught her, Maiya had particular skill with the management of familiars, and heÆd often trusted her with scouting and reconnaissance missions. This time, heÆd assigned her to watch both the Tohsaka and Matou familiesùthe other two great families, despite their advantages, had a simple weakness in that their locations were already defined. He didnÆt even bother to ask Maiya if there had been other familiars watching, for the answer could only have been yes.

But stillàa move by one of the families wasnÆt surprising, but for one to have fallen alreadyà

He didnÆt want to admit it, but even he was surprised.

Before Kiritsugu could raise a question, Maiya had already moved towards the TV.

ôPlease, first watch the recordings of it.ö

Of course. There was no point in asking uninformed questions if he didnÆt need too.

MaiyaÆs prized familiars were bats, which, on KiritsuguÆs suggestion, had been equipped with CCD cameraÆs. The illusions and disguises of magi were often based on influencing the mind of the observes, but that sort of thing had no effect on a camera. They were also useful for rewatching, and even if they slowed down the familiar, you could always pair multiple cameras with multiple familiars to keep the option viable.

Because of that, the entire happenings of last night was replayed. With the initial surprise of the MatouÆs fall out of the way, Kiritsugu watched Tohsaka TokiomiÆs golden servant obliterate a white masked Servannt that could only have been Assassin.

It could have been nothing more than what it seemed.

But situations that were exactly what they seemed were pretty rare for Kiritsugu, at least when he was on a mission.

Still, times like these were the reason he had a second opinion.

ôWhat do you think?ö

ôIt went too well.ö Maiya asked repeatedly. ôThe time between AssassinÆs arrival and that ServantÆs response was too small. Disregarding the possibility that he was in exactly the right place at exactly the right time, it seems likely that TohsakaÆs Servant was ready for them. I could accept it if it had been any other Servant, but it was an Assassin with the ability of æPresence Concealment.Æ It seems probable that Tohsaka had been aware of the attack prior to it.ö

Kiritsugu nodded. The assessments of both master and student were identical.

Even so, the situation raised questions.

ôIf Tohsaka knew of the attack, why make such a public display?ö Rather than talking to himself, it was more like he was sharing his thoughts with Maiya, even while not expecting an answer.

The Tohsaka family, which was now participating in its fourth Grail War, had the advantage of experience. They obviously knew that the other masters were watching them, so creating a public spectacle made little sense unless there was a hidden purpose behind it.

The Grail War was a war of legendary heroes, meaning, of course, that all of its participants were legendary. They are all famous and the information about them was readily available, including their strong and weak points. This means, it was natural that any Master who had prepared properly for the Holy War to know everything about an enemy Servant once their identity became known.

As such, it was an iron-clad rule that all ServantÆs hide their true identities, which was why they were all called by their class names.

In AssassinÆs public execution, Tohsaka revealed two thingsùhis ServantÆs appearance and a form of attack that looked like a Noble Phantasm. Neither were enough for Kiritsugu to identify the Servant, but it was a risk that could have easily been avoided. If he was aware of AssassinÆs presence and wished for his death, his Servant could have easily done it outside the view of the watching Masters.

ôHe showed us something he didnÆt have tooùwhich means he wanted to show us.ö Maiya stated.

ôPossibly. And if thatÆs the case, the reason is obviousàMaiya, what happened to the Master of Assassin?ö

ôHe requested the Church supervisors protection last night. His name was Kotomine Kirei.ö

At the name, KiritsuguÆs eyes went cold.

ôSend a familiar to watch the Church. One should be fine for now.ö

ôàIs that okay? The Church is an area where conflict between the MasterÆs is supposed to be prohibited.ö

ôItÆs only breaking the rules if someone finds out about it. Stay at a safe distance and see that they donÆt.ö


Not understanding KiritsuguÆs orders, but also not questioning them, Maiya switched tapes and began to play the events that had unfolded at the Matou household.

This time, there wasnÆt much to see. For several minutes, Kiritsugu simply watched a recording of the front of the Matou household. He didnÆt bother asking what he was waiting for; if Maiya wanted him to see it, it was important, and heÆd know when he saw it.

And then a man carrying a small child literally ran out of the house, pulling with him a bag and running to his car.

ôMatou Byakuya and Matou Shinji.ö Maiya supplied.

ôWhat are they running from?ö He asked, glancing at her.

ôNo one was recorded entering the house,ö Maiya said meaningfully. ôBut someone certainly left.ö

Turning his eyes back to the screen, he was just in time to witness a man leave the house, carrying a small girl.

ôMatou Sakuraùformerly, Tohsaka Sakura, being carried by a man who was never recorded entering the house.ö

A Servant. Even without MaiyaÆs words, that conclusion was obvious. The black haired main stood, proud and confident, exiting the house like a triumphant conqueror. He was covered in bronze armor, though it was hard to make out precise details at the distance the Familiar had been recording at.

And if his attire and unexplained arrival at the house didnÆt prove his nature, the supernatural speed with which he left the scene did.

ôAnd what of the Family Head, Matou Zouken, and the Master, Matou Kariya?ö

ôUnknown. Neither was recorded leaving the house since my familiars were in place.ö

ôWhat do you know of Matou Sakura?ö Kiritsugu asked, as his research had not been focused on the younger members of the Matou Household.

ôLittle, except that she was formerly Tohsaka Sakura, and was given to their old allies, the MatouÆs, approximately one year ago. HoweveràI looked into who might take an interest in her, and only two people seem probable. Tohsaka Tokiomi, her biological father, and Matou Kariya, a friend of Tohsaka Aoi and now her uncle. Andàö

ôAnd Tohsaka already has a Servant.ö Kiritsugu finished. ôCould they be working together? If Matou Kariya was a friend of TohsakaÆs wife and now the uncle of one of his daughtersàö

ôAll records seem to imply that they had a falling out approximately one year ago.ö Maiya said, in a tone that implied nothing.

Kiritsugu understood her nonetheless.

ôAt which point, Tohsaka had already been chosen by the Holy Grail and Matou Kariya was designated as the intended Master for the Matou family.ö He said. ôAs well as when the prodigal son returned to the Matou family and was quickly accepted as the Master in the upcoming war.ö

ôYou think theyÆve been working together.ö

Kiritsugu wasnÆt sure how to answer. Up to this point, heÆd been sure that the conflict between Tohsaka Tokiomi and Matou Kariya had been real. And heÆd thought Matou ZoukenÆs acceptance of his nephew, whoÆd strangely decided to return, was an act of desperation.

And yetà

ôI donÆt know what to think yet. But I know that Matou KariyaÆs first target was not his supposed enemy Tohsaka Tokiomi, but his own Uncle, Zouken. I think that TohsakaÆs daughter, Sakura, was, for some reason, spared from the violence in the Matou Household and taken to a different location, completely unharmed. I think Zouken was never recorded leaving, while his Eldest Son and Grandson were sent fleeing. I think that if, theoretically, someone chose to oppose an alliance between the TohsakaÆs and the MatouÆs, everyone in a position to realistically do so is either dead or gone. And I think that everything which happened at the Matou Household, perhaps by coincidence, took place while everyone was busy looking at TohsakaÆs Servant.ö

ôAnd if that theory happens to be correctàö Maiya began, looking at the screen once more. ôThen Tohsaka may as well have two Servants. In the worst case scenarioàof the three Knight Classes, Lancer and Archer are both unaccounted for.ö

No. That wasnÆt the worst case scenario.

The worst case scenario was that his suspicions were correct and everything that happened at the Tohsaka manor was an act and Assassin was, somehow, still alive. In which case, there was a team of three Servants in this war, including an Assassin that nobody would suspect.

And he wasnÆt sure the other two Servants being Archer and Lancer was the worst possibility.

Just the worst one heÆd thought of yet.

But no matter what-whether it was a ploy or there was a team of Servantsùone thing was absolutely certain.

In this city, there were now two Servants with unknown classes and no real evidence for which they belonged to or their true identities, except for the fact that they could not be Saber or Assassin.

And if that was the best case scenario, he wasnÆt comforted.



Well-Known Member
I'll point out that Zouken's probably not entirely dead yet. There's still the worms in Kariya and Sakura that he could reform from if he had them eat somebody (like, say, Kariya or Sakura). Alternately, he could use the hypnosis spell he used in Heaven's Feel to make some random person flee in terror right into his worms so he can devour them, like he did after Kirei killed him with an exorcism spell.


Well-Known Member

Beside the city of Fuyuki, a plane landed, and with its arrival, the last of the Seven Servants arrived.

Even if it was winter in Japan, it couldnÆt even be compared to the frigid cold of Einsbern Castle. Or, perhaps, it was simply the fact that this was the first time Irisviel was been allowed to move freely and leave the castle.

Either way, as the Homunculus stepped out of the plane, sincere happiness filled her heart.

In order to avoid drawing attention to themselves, both Irisviel and Saber had put aside their usual clothing and disguised themselves in order to blend in with the people of the city.

Or, at least, that was the intention. But perhaps a Humonculus raised in a secluded castle and a king from an era over a thousand years before the modern one were not the best judges of æcommon sense.Æ

With her silk blouse, knee-high boots, and silver fox-fur coat, Irisviel failed utterly in her attempts to blend in with the people of Japan. But given her long silver hair and beauty, it would have been impossible for her to fade into the crowd to begin with.

Completely oblivious to this fact, the smiling woman turned and smiled brightly at her companion.

The soul of the hero Arturia functioned differently from other Heroic Spirits, though she didnÆt know why. Even now, she was unable to dematerialize. That draw back wasnÆt something that could be easily accounted forùunlike all the other Servants, Saber couldnÆt abandon her physical form to preserve her MasterÆs prana. More than that, she couldnÆt go invisible to avoid drawing attention, so theyÆd had to dress her in modern styles and had her accompany Irisviel.

And rather than being worried about the downsides, Irisviel was amused.

Glancing quickly at the Servant, she turned her face away and laughed quietly.

Saber looked at her silently for a long moment.

ôàWhen you laugh like that, it means youÆre hiding something. Tell me what it is.ö

ôItÆs not a problem for you to remain physical; as long as you do, I get to have fun choosing your clothes like this.

The reborn hero, a woman who wasnÆt even 155 centimeters, was dressed in a dark, French suit, and once more disguised as a man.

Whether it was the suit or her features, the fact remained that she blended in no better than Irisviel.

Still, even having been dead in every way that mattered for many centuries, the King still had a basic grasp of the modern era. Looking down at herself, she had to ask.

ôIrisviel, are these clothes really fit for walking around town?ö


Several hours after eating breakfast, Sakura had decided to go to sleepùon his lap. Sitting around waiting for his Master to wake up while a small girl slept on top of him wasnÆt the most exciting experience of his life, but Sakura had grown attached to him since heÆd saved her, and he didnÆt have the heart to tell her she couldnÆt.

Percy kind of wanted to go to sleep, even if he didnÆt really need too. He had a short attention span and had been waiting for his master to wake up for more than twelve hoursùeight of which had been spent with a little girl sleeping on top of him. He was bored.

But he was also a Servant and he now had a duty to protect two people. HeÆd already proven how easy it was for a Servant to invade someoneÆs house and kill them, even if they werenÆt Assassin. At least this way, he should be able to sense the presence of other Servants, except oneÆs with Presence Concealment.

Further, he kept the people he was trying to protect close by, in case something happened.

Which, again, it hadnÆt.

As it was, he was beginning to worry about the amount of prana he was wasting, simply by staying materialized.

But then his Master awoke.

ôBerserker?ö He immediately asked.

ôIÆm right here.ö He said, keeping his voice low. ôPlease be quieter, Master.ö

Kariya blinked a few times to correct his blurred vision, turning his head towards his Servant and promptly freezing at the sight.

ôSakura?ö He asked, his voice nearly ragged.

Berserker rested a hand gently on the girlÆs head.

ôSheÆs sleeping. SheÆs had a longàyear, you said?ö

Kariya completely ignored the question. Standing so quickly that he nearly fell over, he quickly shuffled towards them, his speed making his limp all the more pronounced.

Not so much kneeling as collapsing to his knees, he reached out towards Sakura with trembling hands, only to draw back, not wanting to wake her.

ôHowà? Whyà?ö He asked, unable to even comprehend the situation.

ôIt was youÆre wish to save her, Kariya,ö Percy said. ôAnd your wish is my command.ö



Well-Known Member

Moving as gently as he could to avoid waking Sakura, he set her down and followed Kariya into another room of the house. He didnÆt know which oneùhe hadnÆt really had a chance to go exploring.

Kariya stood by a window, looking even weaker than before, even though only a day had passed. His Servant quickly joined him, scanning the outside of the house. He didnÆt sense any other Servants, but he still didnÆt know where Assassin was. The thought that a Servant, even a physically weak one, could be watching him or preparing his attack without him ever knowing was nerve-wracking. HeÆd need to find that Servant and kill him as soon as possible; only then would he be able to guarantee his MasterÆs safety.

ôWhat happened?ö Kariya demanded, though he kept his voice low as his Servant had asked.

ôI promised that when you awoke, I would provide proof that you summoned exactly who you needed.ö Percy smiled. ôAnd maybe I wanted to be a hero again, just for a little while. I wanted to show you that IÆm not summon who needs to be forced into helping people. And alsoàyour method was too slow. If I had to beat every Servant to save her, it would have taken all week. So I just went and saved her myself.ö

Kariya let out a sound that could have been a laugh or a choking cough.

ôAnd Zouken?ö

ôDead. I cut off his head.ö

Kariya looked relieved, but also concerned.

ôIn the basement,ö He said. ôThere are thousands of worms. TheyÆre ZoukenÆs and it would be dangerous to leave them thereùô

ôThen itÆs a good thing I killed them all, too. I hope you werenÆt too attached to that houseùthereÆs a lot of property damage, now.ö

ôIÆm not, and IÆd be just as happy if I never went back again. I wouldnÆt have in the first place, if not for Sakura.ö He grimaced. ôWhat about my brother and Shinji?ö

ôThe man and the boy? I scared them off. They were gone by the time Sakura and I left.ö

Kariya swallowed, beginning to let himself believe it was really overùthat Sakura was really safe and Zouken really dead. It was like something out of a dream for himùsomething heÆd desired and strived for, but could scarcely believe was actually possible, much less this easy.

ôThank you. Thank you so much. The Grail War hasnÆt even begun and yet, my wish has already been granted.ö He said, bowing as deeply as he could in his state.

And then, he hesitated.

If his wish had been granted, then he had no need to take part in the Holy Grail War.

Which was the same as saying: He didnÆt need a Servant any longer.

And yet, for someone whoÆd done for him what his Servant had done, dispelling him was something he couldnÆt even consider. Yet, at the same time, keeping him around meant that he would have to constantly fight for his life against the other Servants.

Once again, Kariya realized the tragedy inherent in the Servant systemùgreat heroes resurrected for the sole purpose of fighting to death for the wishes of others. But even soàhe could not say he regretted in the least his summoning of Berserker.

But in that case, wouldnÆt it make more sense to ask Berserker for his own opinion?

ôWhat do we do next, Berserker?ö

The Servant blinked, surprised, not so much by the question, but as if he had thought the answer obvious.

ôNaturally, I will continue to fight, Kariya.ö

ôWhy? For what reason do you continue to fight? You have already granted my wish, soàthere is no reason for you to continue to risk your life in this war.ö

Berserker shook his head.

ôEven if your wish has been granted, my work is not yet done. Have you really not even thought about it? At this rate, you will surely die soon, Kariya.ö

The nature of what he was implying took Kariya by surprise and made him stiffen, but the Servant continued as if he hadnÆt noticed.

ôAt the end of this war, Servants like me will fade away, even if we survive until the end. And youàwill die shortly after. And then, Sakura will be alone in this world. Surely, even if you donÆt value your life, you should at least be worried about that.ö

ôàEven after I am gone, it will be okay. She will still have her mother and sisterùô

ôHer mother and sister could not keep her from being given to the MatouÆs, Kariya.ö Berserker said, having learnt the whole story from Sakura. ôAnd so they cannot be trusted to keep her safe.ö

His words made Kariya remember the reason Sakura was no longer a Tohsaka and he clinched his hands into fists.

ôItÆs because of Tokiomi,ö He all but snarled. ôAoi couldnÆt even hide her tears when I spoke to her a year ago, and yet Tokiomi had still given his own daughter away!ö

ôThen you realize, if you give her back to them, even if Aoi and Rin disagree, they could not keep her safe. Andàö Berserker paused, briefly wondering if he should say this and deciding to go for it. ôHow do you even know that Sakura wants to return to her family?ö

Kariya had no answer to that, so his Servant just kept talking.

ôShe is your niece, now, Kariya. It is unlikely anyone would object to you looking after her. I think that she would be safest with you. Perhaps she can reconcile with her mother and sister, but itÆs not something that would happen quickly, and she would need someone to watch over her, at least until it did. And I think that person should be you, Kariya, soàI still have a wish. And I am willing to fight in this Grail War if I can have it granted.ö

ôàEven if that is trueàif you had the Holy Grail, you could make any wish you wanted. You could even wish for a new body and live again.ö

His Servant closed his eyes and quietly chuckled.

ôThat may be true, butàwhile it would be nice to live again, if I have been given a chance to fight for a wish and live for even just one weekàI think IÆd rather spend both that wish and that time saving the life of a good man, rather than waste it on things that donÆt matter. I may not look it, Kariya, but I have already lived one lifeàI think you should have the chance to do the same.ö

And then, he surprised his Master by kneeling before him.

ôWhen you summoned a Hero, I was the one who responded. And I found a good man who needed help; at the very least, I think thereÆs a reason I am your Servant. I let my body rest under your dominion. So let thy fate rest in my bladeàMatou Kariya.ö


Well-Known Member
and she would need someone to watch over her, at least until it did.
"did" should be "does", I think

If Tokiomi is the problem, then all they have to do is get rid of him. I imagine that he'll be the (main) target of Percy and Kariya in the War... Unfortunately, Tokiomi has Gil (for now) so it'll be difficult.


Well-Known Member
Holding Back the Sea
Heroes Clashing

ôWhat should I do?ö Kariya asked, while Berserker dressed in real clothes.

In this War, it was natural for Servants too fight, but first they had to find each other. Normally, both the Matou and Tohsaka families were at a disadvantage in this regard, as their locations were defined.

But since Berserker had basically destroyed the Matou household, it now only applied to the Tohsaka. Which meant that there were five Servants with unknown locations scattered throughout an entire cityùand he probably wouldnÆt be able to sense Assassin.

Finding four people in a city wasnÆt easy, but Servants could sense each other. As such, in theory, if he walked around long enough, heÆd probably be able to find the locations of at least four Servants, even if it required giving his own away.

Which was another reason he was leaving. It was the type of tactic that would take time, but any of the Seven Servants could do it if they tried. And if one did and walked by this house, they would notice his presence immediately, which would also give away his MasterÆs location.

So Berserker had chosen to leave and explore the city in order to protect his Master.

Also, needless to say, he was much better at looking like a normal person than Irisviel.

ôLeave this house after IÆm gone. Take Sakura and find a safe place. DonÆt tell anyoneùnot even meùbut if something happens, donÆt hesitate to use a Command Seal to summon me. The bond through which you feed me prana shouldnÆt care about distance, so, if possible, leave this city. IÆll use this house as a front and pretend itÆs our base, so if you need to contact me, call this phone. If you canÆt leave the city through normal methods, then call me. This city has a river through it, so if needed, I can get us out by boat, but IÆll need some time in advance to prepare. If IÆm not at the house, donÆt leave any messagesùhang up and call again; emergencies are what Command Seals are for. If you see an enemy Master or Servant, donÆt summon me unless you think theyÆre aware of your presenceùmy presence would give your location away. If they seem like theyÆre going to just pass you by, let them do so, wait until theyÆre out of sight, and then call me with the telephone, because they could still be nearby and we donÆt want them to know where you are. IÆll come from a different direction and lead them away to fight. After IÆm done fighting, IÆll scout out the surrounding areas, so give me a number to call you at. If I give the all clear, change location; IÆll watch over you from a distance.ö

ôAre you sure you donÆt need any help?ö

ôNo offense, Kariya, but a ServantÆs most vulnerable point is his master. In your condition, itÆs unlikely you would be able to beat even the other masters in a fight, and if this was a battle between magi, we would probably lose. But as this is a fight between Servants, I alone am enough. Have no fear, Kariya; I will be victorious. Just keep the girl safe.ö

Looking down at himself, he felt something was missing.

ôAh! I canÆt forget these.ö Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a wristwatch and a whistle. ôOkay, I have my watch, I have my whistle and I have my pen. Enemy Servants, look out.ö

Kariya frowned.

ôAre theseàNoble Phantasms?ö

ôHmàmy pen is. But not the watch and whistle; neither was important enough to my legend to become Noble Phantasms. StillàtheyÆre useful in their own ways. Think of them as being likeàmy armor.ö

ôAh, I see.ö Kariya lied. ôWaitàyour pen?ö

ôThe pen is mightier than the sword!ö Percy exclaimed suddenly, having waited for that question, before laughing. ôDonÆt worry about it; IÆll be fine.ö

ôOkayàö Kariya conceded, looking skeptical.
