Akamatsuverse Husbands for Tsuruko

Lord Raa

Exporter of Juice Tins
Inspired by the "Alternate Guardians for Shinji/Asuka/Rei" threads,

As we know very little about the man in question, I was thinking why not have some fun and suggest who could Tsuruko be married to?

Post your ideas here, as who knows what sort of fic could emerge :p

I'll start things off with Sousuke Sagara.


Well-Known Member
Married to Tsuruko huh?

Hmmm...Souske is a good one.

What if she was married to someone younger (Yes, I'm talking about Shota!Tsuruko.) Like...lets say...Simon? And Tsuruko likes to dress up in a Flame bikini and short shorts :snigger:


Well-Known Member
Arisugawa Sorata (X/1999). He's got a thing for sword-chicks.

Manji (Blade of the Immortal). Because honestly, older guy (you may laugh now), vagabond, scruffy _and_ perfectly able to kick anyone's ass by simple virtue of experience ... yeah, Motoko'd be pissed. Either before finishing his 'contract' or just after.

Kintaro Oe. Can you see this? I can see this.



Well-Known Member
It can't be anyone other than Kintaro Oe. :sisi: :sisi:

Edit: ...haha Soulgriever beat me to it by mere minutes.


Well-Known Member
Damnit, Griever beat me to Kintaroe Oe.

For great justice, and most likely very jealous kunoichi, Hiko Seijuro.


Well-Known Member
Just to explain Motoko's hatred for perverts...Ataru Moroboshi ^_^

And for pure crack....well let's just say that her husband is very old and at that time he is trying to create supersoldiers and one day they shall know no fear ;)


Well-Known Member
I'm still curious on the entire turtle fear thing that this guy would instill in Motoko...

But hey, if we're going for crack, Ranma Saotome >.>


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Ikkou from Amaenaideyo.


Well-Known Member
A couple more ideas:

Lezard Valeth from Valkyrie Profile

Axl Low from Guilty Gear (bonus points if you make it so that S'ko, the spirit possessing Zappa, turns out to be Tsuruko - most fanon has her be Axl's girlfriend whom he left behind)
Kintaro Oe. She would probably love his zeal for life... And his pervertedness, heh heh heh...

"Life is study!"


Well-Known Member
Colonel Roy Mustang.

Or even more crackish: Lieutenant Colonel Alex Louis Armstrong, the Strong Arm Alchemist.

"Now watch, little Motoko, your sister told me to demonstrate you the demon vanquishing technique that has been passed down the Armstrong line for 800 generations: The demon's ruin fist!"

"Stop crying, Motoko-chan. So you didn't manage to perfectly execute your newest sword technique on the first try, that's no need to feel sad."

*Rips off his shirt*

"Just look at these beautiful muscles and you'll instantly feel better!"


Well-Known Member
Grunt said:
Just to explain Motoko's hatred for perverts...Ataru Moroboshi ^_^

And for pure crack....well let's just say that her husband is very old and at that time he is trying to create supersoldiers and one day they shall know no fear ;)

On a more canon note, didn't her husbend look alot like Vincent form FF7 in like, the one clear shot we got of him?


Well-Known Member
Kintaro Oe. The "study, study, study" aspect of the "student of life"'s life would easily rub off on Motoko, though she'd very much disapprove of that which Kintaro was studying, ie. her sister's physique.

Lord Raa

Exporter of Juice Tins
Feeling more than a little evil right now, so you get these options:

Gendo Ikari
Dark Schneider
Char Aznable
Roy Fokker
Philip J. Fry
Shinji Ikari
Al Murry, Pub Landlord
Daisuke Jigen
Goemon Ishikawa

kevinasher said:
Kintaro Oe. The "study, study, study" aspect of the "student of life"'s life would easily rub off on Motoko, though she'd very much disapprove of that which Kintaro was studying, ie. her sister's physique.
Who wouldn't want to study that? :D


Well-Known Member
Well, whoever he is, I know why Motoko is afraid of turtles.

See, there was this little "dressing up" incident that she walked in on, involving a turtle costume, a tear-away outfit and some very artistic shibari... :p


Beware of Dog. Cat not trustworthy either.
For crack content... Al Bundy from Married with Children. Now there's a guy that'll scare ANY woman into hating men.

It would also explain Tsuruko's rather questionable decision making techniques.

I suppose Tatewaki Kuno would fall into this class as well.


Well-Known Member
There might be something to that... But then again, at least in fanon, a guy's junk was teasingly refered to as "flying turtle" or some such nonsense... Can't find which fic that was in at the moment, but I thought it was in "The Kiss That Never Was"... Should be on ff.net


Well-Known Member
Well, we got Maito Gai in one FF/Omake (which would explain Motoko's hate for perverts as well as her fear of turtles)

To explain the hate for perverts:


...I'm seriously messed up...


Tenchi Masaki
Hibiki Amawa (I my me Strawberry Egg)
Junpei (Those who hunt elves) He's much muscle, little brain with a love for curry


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Hayate Ayasaki, for pure randomness.


Well-Known Member
Dark Schneider of Bastard. He can teach one or two tings to Keitaro.

Or maybe, General Cross from D-Gray Man (the master of Allen)


Well-Known Member
DS as Tsuruko's husband... well, I guess if Tsuruko could accept being in a harem ^_^

Though motoko's hate for perverts would most likely come from being seduced by her brother-in-law all the time :snigger: