If You Made a Harem Anime...

David Alan Abramczyk said:
Is that the moaning of laments, or... the other sort of moaning?

Y'know, the ones usually followed by a deep, contented sigh?
I thought the :evil2: gave it away... but yeah, that moaning. That whole last part just seems like a great 'punchline' to the series.
In that case, he'd better count his lucky stars that he's dead, then.

If he wasn't, the stress of that much nookie could kill him. :lol: :snigger:


Well-Known Member
Hmm....Actually, if I were to make a harem anime, it would attempt to be as realistic as possible. No mecha, no mahou shoujo, etc.

As in, a guy, originally monogamous, getting together with many girls(lets say five), all of which are monogamous as well. However, it is not going to be a comedy based romance, but a drama, slice of life, Honey & Clover-esque kind of thing.

The timeline will be from the male chara's last year in high school to his late twenties, after all the girls graduate from grad school and start their careers. It'll be long, so two seasons, like, again, Honey & Clover.

Somehow, the male main chara will eventually be able to bring the group together in some real-life possible manner, say they love him so much they come to a workable agreement of some kind. Maybe during the end of he series, he, in a fit of emo and whimpery, runs out on the women because of his inability to decide between them. The women get together over the weekend and hash it all out, and they decide that maybe living together would work out better for all, especially if earlier in the series, two of the women already teamed up in bed on him before. Then they go out and drag the guy down in public like a pride of lionesses on a antelope.

It might even work out because if all the women pursue their careers, their combined income would be more than enough to provide for all of them and then some, seeing as the only need to pay for one house instead of five. Cooking, cleaning, ect. can be doled out, leaving much more free time than would be possible than in a monogamous relationship. The girls won't turn full on lesbian all of a sudden like you perverts want, but they'll eventually feel experimental enough and comfortable enough to be classified as slightly bisexual.

He won't marry nobody, but in the epilogue, he'll be living with a group of women in one large house a few years after the series end.

He'll have several kids in the house, and each kid has five different mamas to take care of them.

As for specific characters?

The male could be a future author or something, quiet, but intelligent, practical, somewhat guarded emotionally, but sensitive in his own way. Not the center of attention. More of a cat-lover than a dog-guy. Think the guy that likes going out for quiet walks in the park, or the guy that enjoys watching over his friends having fun rather than joining in on them. Contemplative and serene to begin with, but as the series progresses, we can see that he's pretty lonely and wants to change that. Introspective; think Kyon with less sarcasm. Hobbies can be reading books and flying kites(my own hobbies, actually) but enjoys more modern entertainments as well. Physical build? Think slender, not muscled, just a normal, slender guy(like Kyon).

The girls?
Come from all walks of life.
Possible girls, subject to change.

A girl who's parents are divorced, lives with mother who's always out for work. Wants to be a teacher or professor.
Another with a "normal family" that runs a cafe. Wants to open her own cafe in the future.
Two girls, neighbors and best friends, want to become lawyers and have their own law firm in the future. May damage friendship during their fight over the protagonist, but are the two that eventually work together for him first. After all, they are best friends, ne?
A girl whose parents own a clinic, so rich enough and sheltered enough to want to be a social worker or home maker.
A girl who wants to be a doctor or vet, family: "normal."
A "bad" girl(neon highlights, black make up, rowdy) influenced by rock and metal music, wants to be a rock star. Doesn't get along with parents(typical). May have female admirers.
(Another possible two girl combo, one being the rocker, the other being one of her admirers who also likes the protagonist. Imagine:
"Woah! What the hell, *rocker's name*!"
"You're damn lucky, asshole. I don't do this for anyone else, y'know."
"Anno...*male chara*-sempai, I know I am inexperienced, but...um I'llbeinyourcarefromnowon!")

Yeah....thoughts? I really just want something RL possible.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II

Sounds like a merging of when Harry Met Sally with Friends. Wierd, but I guess it might appeal to some.

However, it is not likely something I'd read.

That would not be due to a quality issue, or a lack of action issue (which it might be for some it you do it this way, just not me)

My problem would be twofold. First would be one of the main reasons I would read a harem anime is for the comedy hijinks that are sure to occur. Second is that by making it closer to RL as you state, I have a low enough opinion of RL and people in particular as to believe it would not be realistic and be too optimistic.


Well-Known Member
Let me amend my above idea.

While the main genre is drama, comedy will still be present. I keep mentioning it, but if you've seen Honey & Clover, you'll know what I mean. First season is Slice-of-Life/Comedy, 2nd season is Drama/Slice of Life.


Well-Known Member
Scygnus Darkhawk said:
So, what do y'all think? Not a very original idea, but I think it could be fun in its own way.
That's an awesome idea. In fact, it needs to be made manga post-haste.

I would add one thing in: After things begin to settle (but before Boy meets Bumper), the violent girl cools down, and all that, she concludes that the best way to have everyone happy is to allow the ghosts to use her as a medium for nookie with the male lead.
She would probably regret her idea a bit once the ghosts start arguing about who gets her headspace on which day.

Girl: "So this must be what it feels like to be a love hotel." :sweat2:
Hmmm... I'd leave that to the fanfiction authors to do, actually. Within the harem anime itself, they might ask, but I doubt it'd be received well. Would actually be pretty funny watching them try to convince her to do it.

EDIT: On second thought... probably be better to tame it down to a kiss, which she might agree to... only to pull out at the last second. Of course, that'd be on one of the more timid that she could easily force out. Which might piss off one of the less timid, with fun results.

EDIT2: You know, I might actually try to make a screenplay out of this... who knows, right?


Well-Known Member
I know it is a bit late to add to this discussion but....

If I made a harem anime I would make it so that the male lead is a nice guy, not completely oblivious, but most importantly, in a bad relationship. The girl he is with is right from the start seen to be as selfish, and demanding and he gives into her demands because he wants the relationship to work. Other women, his freinds, or whatever, who might have had a thing for him before hand, start falling for him because he is doing so much for the relationship, and trying to steer him away. The guy is nice but not clueless so he tries to keep loyal to his girlfriend, while trying to keep them as friends.

Thing is, his girlfriend was cheating on him, right from the start, there would be subtle signs, little details from body gestures to hesitation in answering questions, or averting her eyes. She was cheating on him with a Kuno-esque person (full of himself, looks down on others, violent, and rich) so he ends up being in a relationship with one or more of the other girls.

The series would end with his ex, much later in time, realizing that she had a crappy marriage and that she really did love him, probably right before she dies, with a brief fantasy of how things might have been.

I would add some sci-fi or fantasy elements to explain why the main character gets all the girls, and how that would be acceptable. As well as the fact that the signs are mostly subtle at the beginning so it would be fairly boring, so it would focus more on the sci-fi/fantasy early on, and then delve into the romance more as time goes on.