Ranma ½ Immortal


Well-Known Member
Author's Notes û

More ideas out of my head. Let me know what you think.

No, I do not own Ranma ¢ or any of Rumiko Takahashi's works. I also don't own anything done by Ken Akamatsu. I can only aspire to be as successful as either of them, though given how strict publishing laws are in the US I seriously doubt that I can become that successful through this medium of Fanfiction.

# # # # #

The usually busy Cat CafÚ was unusually quiet today. A somber and sober atmosphere filled the air, making it all the more awkward for the handful of guests that entered.

"So, you all came," the owner of the cafÚ stated as she gazed at the quintet of guests.

"Yeah," the raven haired boy replied.

"Have a seat, son-in-law."

The air was thick with tension as the five seated themselves across from the ancient Amazon despite the barb.

"Why'd you call me out here?" the pigtailed martial artist asked as he eyed the matriarch.

Wrinkled eyes narrowed as they focused on the young man. "I know that your fool of a father promised his fool of a friend that you would marry one of his daughters to unite your schools."

Soun Tendo and Genma Saotome nodded.

"But our laws demand that you marry Shampoo," the crone added. "You defeated her in combat, and it is her responsibility to bring you back to our tribe as her husband."

"If it's her responsibility than why are you here?" the youngest Tendo exclaimed.

Cologne's piercing eyes locked with the fiery Tendo's, prompting Ranma to put his hand and arm before Akane. The gesture wasn't lost to anyone.

"Though she maybe the most talented Amazon of her generation, she has a long ways to go before I can accept her as my heir," the master martial artist stated. "But if she were to have your child, that child could well be the greatest warrior my people has seen in their history.

"Your rival, Ryoga, has mastered the Breaking Point, and did so without scarring himself, a feat that only I have done. Shampoo is not yet at the point where she is ready to undergo that training even, and she's a champion."

"So why not have Ryoga marry into your tribe?" Genma suggested.

"Because as good as he is, none of our warriors has lost to him," Cologne stated. "If he were to fight one I am certain he'd win, and thus have an Amazon warrior hound him as Shampoo has hounded you. But that is neither here nor there. We're here to discuss you, son-in-law.

"Shampoo and I did what was necessary to prevent you from marrying her, but if you truly persist in trying to marry her, we will simply have to step up our attempts to take you back with us and remove all obstacles that would dare to bar our path."

It was Ranma's turn to glare at the ancient master. "So you'd kill her," he stated.

"You can't imagine what we'd do to her and her family," Cologne stated. "Do you seriously think that you can defeat me child?"

"Yes," Ranma replied. "I used to think that you'd gone easy on me back when we fought over the Phoenix Pill, but then I realized, despite all your control and all the techniques you knew, you couldn't keep fighting on that level for much longer without serious risks to yourself. That's when you started pushing for a different approach to getting me to come back with you to China."

Cologne scowled. The boy really was much more observant that she or anyone gave him credit for. "We'll have you or no one will have you."

The tension in the air increased, nearly suffocating the others as the two martial artists glared at each other.

"I guess this meeting's over," Ranma stated.

Behind him the others stood. Slowly they made their way out of the cafÚ.

"You've been warned," Cologne exclaimed. "Whatever happens is on your head."

# # # # #

Mousse was not happy. Though he knew that Cologne and Shampoo wanted Ranma to come back to China with them, the myopic martial artists knew that it would never happen. Having fought Ranma the most of the Amazons, the near-sighted master of hidden weapons knew that the proud fighter would never subjugate himself to either Cologne or Shampoo. Sure, they could hate him and even cry, but there was only so much that Ranma was willing to put up with. And this, this was definitely going too far. It wasn't a case of the straw that broke the camel's back, this wasn't even a declaration of war û it was a fucking nuke.

But trapped as he was in hid cursed form, there was little that he could do to warn Saotome and the Tendos.

Not only had the old ghoul taken each of her targets into account, she'd plotted and planned everything perfectly.

Well, not perfectly.

As much as he disliked Ranma, Mousse would never wish that fate on his rival. But as good as he was, he knew he didn't have a chance against Cologne. Ranma might, but he was too kind hearted to do what was needed. No, there was only one person left who could stand up to Cologne.

# # # # #

Total devastation greeted the Saotomes and the two Tendos as they returned to the Tendo household. It really wasn't a surprise considering that the dojo and house had been damaged during the failed wedding. Still, the sight was disheartening.

"Why don't we eat out?" Ranma suggested as his stomach began to growl. With even the kitchen in disarray, the pigtailed martial artist doubted that even Kasumi and his mom could serve them a nice meal. Then again, it was kind of hard to do given all the repair men stomping around the house.

"That's actually a good idea," Nabiki chimed in as she came down the stairs. "There's this new sushi shop that just opened up and they were handing out some coupons today."

Feeling his empty stomach turning, Ranma simply shrugged as the rest of the household voiced their opinions.

"Hey, with the price of all the repairs we need to save some money," Nabiki pointed out. "I'm sure Ranma can get some free food around town, but the rest of us aren't as fortunate."

Though the others (Genma and Soun) groused, none dared to refute Nabiki's argument.

The tiny corner restaurant was virtually empty save for the lone chef behind the bar.

"Ah, customers," the thin man smiled. "Please, have a seat at the bar."

Eight seats lined one side of the bar with three more along the end of the bar. Taking seven of the eight seats the Saotomes and Tendos eyed the chilled fish.

"You're my first customers," the chef and owner stated as he pulled out his knife.

"Why am I not surprised?" Nabiki mumbled as she eyed the dingy shop. Still, the bar and the seats at the bar appeared to be clean and up to par.

Before anyone even looked at the menu the slightly nervous chef handed them a large plate ten slices of sushi and ten slices of sashimi. "Please, this is on the house," the man insisted. "To celebrate my first customers."

Never one to turn down free food, Genma and Soun quickly snapped their chopsticks. Grabbing some wasabi, they poured soy sauce over it and blended the two ingredients in their own tiny dishes.

Knowing her husband and having seen the chaos that usually erupted over any meal, Nodoka quickly set a slice of sashimi and sushi on everyone's plate, leaving the extra slices and the ones for Genma and Soun on the original plate.

"What kind of fish is this?" Kasumi asked as she eyed the pinkish flesh.

"Why not try it and guess?" Soun teased as he dipped a slice in his brownish soy sauce. Setting it back on the white radish, he threw it into his mouth.

Beside him Genma did the same, though he'd managed to down two slices already.

In a matter of moments all twenty slices had been devoured.

"Hmmm, that's pretty tasty," Ranma remarked as he eyed the menu. Having had two slices (one sashimi and one sushi) he was curious as to what type of fish it was. "Can I get more of that?"

"Sure," the chef replied. "I just need to get more from the refrigerator."

"Hey, get some more red snapper and some squid too," Genma added as eyed the selection of fish behind the glass. "And some hot sake."

The man bowed before quickly retreating to the back.

"Ohhhà" Akane groaned.

"This is why I don't eat anything raw," Nabiki groaned as she clutched her stomach.

Ranma glanced at the others. Clearly something was wrong.

Slamming her hand to the counter, Kasumi dug her nails into the hardwood, scratching the sealed and finished dark wood.

"IT HURTS!" Nabiki growled as she ripped her blouse off, her clawed hands tearing into her flesh.

"NOO!" Soun cried out as he emptied the contents of his stomach.

Genma slammed his head against the glass, shattering it and opening up a long cut on his forehead. A greenish-brown tinge replaced his normally pale complexion. Strong, nimble fingers elongated even as the nails on his fingers grew into menacing claws. New muscles grew, expanding the skin. Clothes strained to contain the new growth before slowly being torn apart.

"So, you didn't have any of the sushi," Cologne sneered as she appeared at the back door. "That's good."

"You!" Ranma roared as he spotted the diminutive figure. "What did you do to them?"

"I told you I'd remove all obstacles," she stated. "I tried to warn you, but you were too pig-headed to listen. But it's not too late for you. You can still come back to the village with us."

For the first time in his short life, rage and hate filled his eyes.

"I'll take that as a no," the ancient Amazon shrugged. "Pity, you are the greatest martial artist in over a hundred years. Oh well, I guess Shampoo will just have to settle for Ryoga."

Before Ranma could launch himself at the hated Amazon, he felt powerful claws rake his back. Rolling with the blow, he turned to face his attacker. Looking at the monsters before him he couldn't tell who had been whom as none of them appeared to have anything that identified them with who they had been. Each had sickly greenish-brown skin and the bulbous amphibian-like eyes, though it was the closest one who had blood dripping from his long, vicious claws.

"Mom?" he forced out. She had been the one sitting the closest to him.

The creature roared as it raised its powerful hand. Years of ingrained training propelled Ranma away from the towering creature's slow but vicious attack.

His vision blurred even as he fought through the pain. "I'm sorry," he mumbled as he picked up his mother's sword. "I couldn't protect any of youà I couldn't even save you."

Unsheathing the blade, he rushed at the closest of the creatures. Though they could easily touch the high ceiling, they lacked speed or coordination. Leaping over an attack, he swiftly beheaded the creature.

Before he even landed a second creature tackled him, intercepting him in mid air. Shark-like teeth sunk into his shoulder as Ranma and his newest attacker hit the floor. Rolling around, they jockeyed for position even as the deadly teeth ripped into his muscles and scrapped against his bones.

Dropping the sword, he pulled his hand back. "Forgive me," he muttered as he struck the creature with the Gaito Retsugan Dan. Despite the creature's thick skin and the fact that he had not mastered the attack, his attack pierced the thick hide. Slipping his hand through the tough muscle and strong bones, he gripped the creature's heart, squashing with great regret.

The creature's muffled roar of anguish caused its teeth to rip into his shoulder even more despite the fact that the creature was in its death throes.

Before he could even push himself off of the creature another monster kicked him, hard. The resulting blow ripped the tattered remains of his shoulder off, leaving it in the second creature's mouth and sent Ranma crashing through the sushi bar.

Shaking off the effects of the blow, he scrambled to his feet. Grabbing hold of the sushi chef's knife, he cut off the hand of the closest creature. Leaping over the bar he slammed the knife into the creature's neck. Clearly the short blade had not been intended to cut through the bones of anything but fish as the blade stopped well short of beheading the monster.

Enraged, the creature swung its arm at Ranma, bashing him away even as it left the blade in its thick neck.

Rolling on the ground, Ranma managed to spot his mother's sword. Kicking off of the wall, he propelled himself towards the sword. With his remaining hand he gripped the hilt before spinning around, cutting off the leg of the closest creature. Springing to his feet he stabbed the creature through the heart before eviscerating it.

Dashing towards the next creature, he ducked under the creature's swipe. Rolling, he hamstrung the creature, bringing it down to his height. A quick slash decapitated the creature, leaving him with only two more creatures to contend with.

Parrying a wild swipe, he again cut the arm off of his opponent. Swiftly following through, his blade cut through the skin of the creature's stomach, spilling its guts over the floor. Waiting for the creature to fall to the ground, Ranma stabbed it through the heart. Kicking the creature off of the sword, he turned to face the last of the creatures.

Fighting through the pain, he charged the last creature. Ducking under the swipe, he cut the creature in two.

"I'm sorry," he said as he turned to face the struggling creature. "I'm so sorry. It'll all be over soon."

Steeling himself, he prepared to deliver the killing blow.

"AARH!" one of the other creatures roared as it got to its feet.

The hole in its chest was still bloody but clearly healing.

"Damn," Ranma cursed.

Though off balance, the creature rumbled forward as it charged at Ranma.

Reaching deep, the pigtailed martial artist met the creature's charge. Kicking it in the head, he skillfully followed up with a fierce one handed slash that separated the head in a shower of brownish blood.

Returning his attention to the one armed creature he scowled. 'It's regenerating,' he concluded as he watched the muscles in the arm spasm even as the fingers protruded from the stump. Even the one he'd cut in two was pulling itself together, the long horizontal cut mending before his eyes.

Clearly cutting them in two didn't help, unless one of those parts was the head itself.

Gritting his teeth, Ranma surveyed the battlefield. The other creatures wouldn't let him get to the one still mending on the floor, and the one he'd just hamstrung was already back on its feet.

This wasn't looking good.

# # # # #

The lingering light of day shone brightly in the office window, illuminating the room as two men sat across from each other.

"That's great news," the older man stated. "Truly an occasion worth celebrating."

One, the older of the two, stroked his long, white beard while the younger of the two poured some liquor for the both of them.

"Yes, it is," the younger man replied as he handed the first cup to the older man.

"To Konoka," the wrinkled man toasted.

"To Konoka," the taller man replied as he raised his cup.

The sound of several hurried steps approaching the large double doors interrupted the toast, announcing the sudden presence of the older man's assistant.

"Sir," the busty young blond exclaimed. "I'm sorry to bother you at such a time," she added, "but an emergency has come up."

Both men turned to face the blond, still clutching their drinks as they did so.

"A monster has been spotted in Nerima," the woman explained.

"Nerima?" the younger man scoffed. "There are always monsters showing up there. With the number of world class martial artists they have there, I'm surprised that they'd even ask for assistance."

The old man quickly knocked back his drink. "Be that as it may, we may have to investigate it. If there is a monster on the loose we should be ready to assist as needed."

The taller man shrugged as he knocked back his drink in one fell swoop. "I guess you are closer, but my escort and I are faster. If you want we can check up on things since most of your staff are probably off for the summer holidays."

"How kind," the Dean smiled, "but just in case, why don't we have Takamichi accompany you? It's been a while since the two of you have worked together, but I'm sure he's the best one for the job.

"Now, let us see what kind of monsters we're dealing with."

Motioning towards his wall, he summoned his scrying pool. "Now, let us see what transpires in Nerima."

With a wave of his hand the clear waters in the marble stand slowly shifted, taking on the image of a city as though being viewed from the sky. Slowly the image shifted as the buildings grew bigger and less distant. Soon, the image of a large creature with blotchy green and brown skin running through the street came into focus.

"A Lost Soul."

"You know of these creatures?" the blond asked.

The younger man nodded. "Those creatures are very hard to kill."

"How hard?" the shriveled old man asked.

"They're immortal," he added as he reached for his sword. "Cut off their head, destroy their brain, or burn them completely. Everything else they'll heal from eventually."

The Dean nodded grimly. "Shizuna, call Takahata immediately."

# # # # #

Nerima was no stranger to chaos and fighting. Many world class martial artists called the district home, and given the temperament of the young fighters, fights were an everyday occurrence. Unfortunately nothing that had happened before prepared the residents for what they experienced today.

"Foul creature, I, the Blue Thunder of Furinkan, shall smite you," the kendoka declared as the fierce monster advanced.

Drawing his feared weapon, he lashed out. Though his weapon fell well short of his opponent, the force of his strikes hit home as the pressure of the displaced air collided with the rampaging monster.

"So," Kuno exclaimed as he assessed his work, "you can take a beating û well none deliver divine punishment like the Blue Thunder can!"

Fierce thrusts pierced the monster's already flayed skin as blood flowed freely. A final thrust pierced the creature's heart, prompting the creature to shudder then slump to its knees.

"Hahaha!" Satisfied with vanquishing the foul creature, Kuno extracted his weapon from the creature's heart. "Such is the might of the Blue Thunder of Furinka-ahh!"

The arrogant kendoka screamed in pain as the creature sunk its teeth into his leg. Stabbing pain ran up his other leg as the creature dug its claws into his other calf.

Unable to use his legs, the kendoka resorted to bashing the creature over the head and shoulders. "Cursed beast û ah! You shall not de-ahh defeat the Blue Thunder!"

Using its size to its advantage, the creature pulled him down to the ground despite the pummeling that it was receiving.

"Beating them doesn't help," someone grumbled.

Kuno looked up momentarily before composing himself again. "Saotome," he growled as he stabbed the creature in the eye.

Limping over, Ranma stabbed the creature in the neck, making sure to not injure his former rival. With a flick of his wrist, he cut through the creature's brain. "Take the head off," he advised as he limped away.

# # # # #

Nerima was in chaos. In the handful of months that she'd been there the ancient Amazon had never seen things get to this point. As a fighter herself, Cologne knew that the 'chaos' generated by their fights was actually pretty structured as the fighters sought high ground or other ground that favored their strengths.

But watching the chaos unfold as civilians rushed through the streets was something altogether different. This was true chaos.

Still, the old crone didn't care. True, some of them had been good and loyal customers, but only because they lacked the culinary skills of centuries that she had.

"You know," a sagely voice called out, "I can't let you get away with this."

"Why Happi?" the Amazon asked as she turned to face her long time rival. "It's not as though you cared for any of them."

"I'll miss the many silky darlings," the tiny man stated, "but you've cost me two of my favorite students. As their master I have to avenge them."

"You still have Ranma," Cologne taunted.

"No, even if he survives this, and I know he will, he's not one of mine," Happosai replied. "He'll never walk down the path that I took.

"Oh, and speaking of paths, don't bother packing, you're not going to be going anywhere."

Scowling at her one-time suitor, she considered her options.

Launching herself at her rival she jabbed at him with her cane. Just as expected he parried with his pipe, redirecting the force of her attack as he attempted to send her flying into the ceiling. For anyone else the short trip to the low ceiling might have been disastrous, but to a master martial artist of her caliber she could easily turn things around.

Flipping around in the air, she planted her feet on the ceiling as she scanned the area for the arrogant martial artist. Creating several images of herself she pushed off of the ceiling. Several images moved to engage Happosai, distracting him so that she could find an opening. With a casual swipe he dispelled three of the images.

"Is that all you got?" he taunted. "You're a century too late to beat me with that trick."

Spotting an opening, the Amazon dashed in, lashing out with her cane. The feel of cloth and padding connecting with the wooden shaft nearly brought a grin to her face but the lack of any further substance told her that her opponent had avoided taking the hit.

Swinging around his pipe, the old pervert slammed in into her cane, shattering it with casual ease. With a flick of the wrist he threw a handful of crushed pepper at her. Rather than close her eyes and leave herself exposed to whatever else Happosai had in store for her, the weathered Amazon endured the hot peppers. Though they irritated her she knew that she could overcome the slight burning sensation in her eyes.

The founder of the Musabetsu Kakut? Ry? simply smiled as he pulled out a lit match. Spitting out a mouthful of sake into the flame, he lit her up.

The flames weren't strong enough to do any real harm, but the bright light combined with the pepper dust to her eyes left the Amazon momentarily blind. Landing on her feet she felt her opponent rush her, seeking to take advantage of her momentary handicap. A desperate parry allowed her to grab onto the sleeve of his robe. A simple twist and turn allowed her to throw him into a pile of pots and pans.

As the owner and master of the Cat CafÚ, she knew just where she was and how far she was from the sink. If she wanted to win she'd have to wash her eyes out so that she'd at least have some vision. Leaping towards the sink, she threw the remains of her cane at the faucet. The sound of running water greeted her ears as she rushed to clean her eyes out. Jumping into the sink, she reached for her eyes even as the water cascaded over her.

Something was wrong. She couldn't move her hands. She didn't have arms much less hands. Falling into the bottom of the sink she realized that she didn't have legs either.

"Well, well, well," her rival's voice called out, "that went better than I expected. It's sad that I had to actually use this against you, but there's a city that needs its martial artists."

Cologne hissed.

"Pool of drowned viper," the tiny man said as he stood atop the basin, cautiously turning off the water. "How fitting really. Crush the head of the snake and the body is useless. Just like how the Amazons are going to be once you're gone."

"Just kill her now," another voice stated. "We shouldn't give her any time to adapt to her new body."

"You're right lad," the old master replied. Pulling out his flask, he emptied it into the deep sink, dousing the snake with the alcoholic liquid. "You've set all the bombs?"

"Everything's set," Mousse proclaimed. "With Cologne dead and Shampoo returning to the village in disgrace, I can marry her without anyone interfering."

"She'll hate you, you know," the old man stated as he poured cooking oil into the sink.

Mousse shrugged. "She'll learn to be happy eventually."

"Good bye Cologne."

Coiling up, the vengeful Amazon turned deadly viper launched herself at the arrogant old man. Only the sudden intervention of a deadly blade prevented her from sinking her poison fangs into the little man.

"I told you she'd get used to her body," the younger martial artist chided.

"Guess you're right," Happosai lamented. "You better hope Shampoo doesn't turn out like her great-grandmother."

# # # # #


So, what do you think?

This'll take place just after Asuna is enrolled into Mahora, so no Negi and no 3-A. Takahata and Eishun have just left Nagi and adapted to their lives in Japan.



Well-Known Member
Interesting. Looking forward to more. I just hope it doesn't go the odd direction Ranma's Totally Bogus Adventure went. I enjoyed your previous Ranma x Negima fic and can't wait to see more of this one.

I am curious about what Shampoo thinks of this.

One note, in the fic, Ranma ate a piece of sushi and sashimi, but Cologne said he didn't. You might want to fix that. I had to read that section to figure out why it felt off.

MC80a Liberty

Well-Known Member
tsilverman said:
One note, in the fic, Ranma ate a piece of sushi and sashimi, but Cologne said he didn't. You might want to fix that. I had to read that section to figure out why it felt off.
That was almost certainly intentional seeing as this is also a crossover with Mermaid Saga, also by Rumiko Takahashi. While most people who eat mermaid's flesh become lost souls, in very rare circumstances a person will become immortal instead. Presumably Cologne was unaware of this.
Nice to see a Ranma who doesn't angst first about having to fight his family. (He was pretty ruthless during his fight with Saffron.) But he should mourn them later.

He also won't be too happy with Mousse who could have warned him instead of calling Happosai.


Well-Known Member
All I could hear is the sound of a giant shoehorn being stabbed into the side of Negima to make make room for a Ranma with no attachments. Not that I expected anything, but I am still letdown.

And oh look, fanon evil Amazons with an endless bag of tricks. Hark, the sound of a horse being beaten to death doth ring in my ears.

Who knows, maybe Ranma will kill himself and spare us a horrible contrived crossover.

Inb4Haruna is Ranma's cousin.


Well-Known Member
Anonguy said:
All I could hear is the sound of a giant shoehorn being stabbed into the side of Negima to make make room for a Ranma with no attachments. Not that I expected anything, but I am still letdown.

And oh look, fanon evil Amazons with an endless bag of tricks. Hark, the sound of a horse being beaten to death doth ring in my ears.

Who knows, maybe Ranma will kill himself and spare us a horrible contrived crossover.

Inb4Haruna is Ranma's cousin.
Well if he's immortal then suicide might not be an option. Please Dreamingfox, don't let this become some huge angst quest of Ranma searching for a way to die. I get that as a dark story grief and despair are to be expected and perfectly natural response to what Ranma's facing right now, but don't have him wallow in it.


Well-Known Member
Anonguy said:
All I could hear is the sound of a giant shoehorn being stabbed into the side of Negima to make make room for a Ranma with no attachments. Not that I expected anything, but I am still letdown.

And oh look, fanon evil Amazons with an endless bag of tricks. Hark, the sound of a horse being beaten to death doth ring in my ears.

Who knows, maybe Ranma will kill himself and spare us a horrible contrived crossover.

Inb4Haruna is Ranma's cousin.
Every bit of fanfiction is contrived. As long as it's not completely out there it doesn't matter. A little more ruthlessness from Cologne and company isn't a big deal. The complete defeat of all those in the family is all within good reason.

Anyway, my main issue is how Ranma immediately assumes they're beyond saving and fights to kill. People invariably go into denial from traumatic events, seeing as how they aren't dead it becomes even more likely he will not deny them the chance of salvation. Only seriously disturbed people or those whom have already experienced it would shrug off the denial and immediately dispose of the problem.

XLII Lone Wolf

Well-Known Member
I have to also agree, his quick shift to killing, or at least trying to kill them, was rather unbelievable even if it was nice to see a little more ruthless Ranma I'm quite sure he would have been more determined to try and find a way to save them. Let them kill someone first, that might knock some sense into him. [/unlurk]

Capito Celcior

Well-Known Member
Hmm...true, that was the only bit I had problems with.

After all, every trick of the Amazons so far has had a cure, reversal technique or other solution.

Ranma WOULd have used his skills to lock up the monsters, chase after the Amazonsand demand a cure.

What COULD happen is that he catches Cologne and gets the answers out of them. After finding out there is absolutely no way to help them, he will take responsibility and kill them. As painlessly as possible, and give them a propper funeral. But not before he beat the answer out of the old ghoul. He might even meet up with Happosai before going after the ghoul if Happi is spotted before her, and ask if he knows of a cure. After getting a negative answer, he will act as if the grandmaster simply doesn't know enough and go after his supposed great-grandmother in-law.


Well-Known Member
I like the idea, but I agree with the others; Ranma would have tried to change them back first before killing them.


Well-Known Member
A couple of issues with the story; first, why the change in behavior? You don't give any rationalization or motivation for Cologne to decide to change her hands-off, don't-confront approach to Ranma. Second...Cologne apparently disappeared after talking to Ranma at the cafe, but she never left the scene, she just wasn't addressed again. You need to have Ranma looking around for her at some point and realizing she'd split during the fighting, or some equivalent. Otherwise...echoing what others said; it's a bit too violent and unexpected. If you're setting the tone like this, I'm expecting the rest of the story to follow with massive amounts of death throughout. If that's not what you're aiming for, then the opening does not work at all. Also I suggest not doing any kind of pairing at all after this opening. With something like this, it's not believable to turn it around and have Ranma be adjusted well enough to have a relationship unless it's a very dysfunctional one out of anger or something.
About the pairing..yeah, the only way he could get a love interest is if one of the girls feels sorry for him and tries to talk him out of his anger. Slowely, over many a chapter, he relaxes a bit and sees her for the nice girl she is, and she starts to see the person hidden underneath his shell. They become friends, and some chaptrs later might, just MIGHT get in a relationship.

But this is probably the only way, it will take a lot of time, and can only be one girl.

That, or a girl that understands revenge, feels it herself or has satisfied it and wants to help him...and it will be a physical relationship. A lot of anger aimed at each other, heated passionate sex with angry kisses and bites, scratching and near-rape. It will not have a sweet side, be only fueled by lost and grieve, seeking release and comfort though the flesh. In time, again after many a chapter of this, they may lose some of that anger and start to realise what they have done, wat they have meant for each other etc, and maybe grow into something more...

Those are the only two ways you could ever have a relationship with Ranma after that. So it IS possible, but limited. Also, if you are going to picka canon Negima character, the choices are very, very limited to fit either of those profiles.


Well-Known Member
Early Eva's really the only one that comes to my mind, in that second case.

In the first, you have Konoka, Izumi, and maybe Akira. That last one's more because she hasn't really made an impression on me other than "swimming girl," despite all her slave-showtime in the Mundus Magicus arcs.


Well-Known Member
Dreamingfox did tell us that it's pretty soon after Nagi left so by the time the girls of 3-A enter the picture Ranma should be a full adult while all of them except Eva of course will be middle school age. I doubt that there'd be a Ranma 3-A pairing.
The bias against the Amazons in this is pretty strong right from the start. I've seen it in some of your other fics and they do make decent villains, but it doesn't seem IC in this fic so far without a better setup. In your other fics you've done it by diving into the plot and handling the 'Evil Cologne' with flashbacks, which works since we can suppose some sort extensive buildup to the explosion if we like, but some variation in the villain might not be a bad idea. Kiima, Herb, Ryouga, and especially Tarou could also fill these shoes either out of some sloppy revenge scheme or by accident.

Mousse's blatant arrogance in how he'll 'handle' Shampoo is particularly irritating to anyone who has any liking for her as a character. Not bad in itself, but if he doesn't find some sort of serious trouble from her quarter it'd sour the fic every time I read the first chapter. And I'm not a Shampoo fanboy... I just give her more credit than that.


Well-Known Member
Author's Notes û

More ideas out of my head. Let me know what you think.

No, I do not own Ranma ¢ or any of Rumiko Takahashi's works. I also don't own anything done by Ken Akamatsu. I can only aspire to be as successful as either of them, though given how strict publishing laws are in the US I seriously doubt that I can become that successful through this medium of Fanfiction.

# # # # #

The usually busy Cat CafÚ was unusually quiet today. A somber and sober atmosphere filled the air, making it all the more awkward for the handful of guests that entered.

"So, you all came," the owner of the cafÚ stated as she gazed at the quintet of guests.

"Yeah," the raven haired boy replied.

"Have a seat, son-in-law."

The air was thick with tension as the five seated themselves across from the ancient Amazon despite the barb.

"Why'd you call me out here?" the pigtailed martial artist asked as he eyed the matriarch.

Wrinkled eyes narrowed as they focused on the young man. "I know that your fool of a father promised his fool of a friend that you would marry one of his daughters to unite your schools."

Soun Tendo and Genma Saotome nodded.

"But our laws demand that you marry Shampoo," the crone added. "You defeated her in combat, and it is her responsibility to bring you back to our tribe as her husband."

"If it's her responsibility than why are you here?" the youngest Tendo exclaimed.

Cologne's piercing eyes locked with the fiery Tendo's, prompting Ranma to put his hand and arm before Akane. The gesture wasn't lost to anyone.

"Though she maybe the most talented Amazon of her generation, she has a long ways to go before I can accept her as my heir," the master martial artist stated. "But if she were to have your child, that child could well be the greatest warrior my people has seen in their history.

"Your rival, Ryoga, has mastered the Breaking Point, and did so without scarring himself, a feat that only I have done. Shampoo is not yet at the point where she is ready to undergo that training even, and she's a champion."

"So why not have Ryoga marry into your tribe?" Genma suggested.

"Because as good as he is, none of our warriors has lost to him," Cologne stated. "If he were to fight one I am certain he'd win, and thus have an Amazon warrior hound him as Shampoo has hounded you. But that is neither here nor there. We're here to discuss you, son-in-law.

"Shampoo and I did what was necessary to prevent you from marrying her, but if you truly persist in trying to marry her, we will simply have to step up our attempts to take you back with us and remove all obstacles that would dare to bar our path."

It was Ranma's turn to glare at the ancient master. "So you'd kill her," he stated.

"You can't imagine what we'd do to her and her family," Cologne stated. "Do you seriously think that you can defeat me child?"

"Yes," Ranma replied. "I used to think that you'd gone easy on me back when we fought over the Phoenix Pill, but then I realized, despite all your control and all the techniques you knew, you couldn't keep fighting on that level for much longer without serious risks to yourself. That's when you started pushing for a different approach to getting me to come back with you to China."

Cologne scowled. The boy really was much more observant that she or anyone gave him credit for. "We'll have you or no one will have you."

The tension in the air increased, nearly suffocating the others as the two martial artists glared at each other.

"I guess this meeting's over," Ranma stated.

Behind him the others stood. Slowly they made their way out of the cafÚ.

"You've been warned," Cologne exclaimed. "Whatever happens is on your head."

# # # # #

Mousse was not happy. Though he knew that Cologne and Shampoo wanted Ranma to come back to China with them, the myopic martial artists knew that it would never happen. Having fought Ranma the most of the Amazons, the near-sighted master of hidden weapons knew that the proud fighter would never subjugate himself to either Cologne or Shampoo. Sure, they could hate him and even cry, but there was only so much that Ranma was willing to put up with. And this, this was definitely going too far. It wasn't a case of the straw that broke the camel's back, this wasn't even a declaration of war û it was a fucking nuke.

But trapped as he was in hid cursed form, there was little that he could do to warn Saotome and the Tendos.

Not only had the old ghoul taken each of her targets into account, she'd plotted and planned everything perfectly.

Well, not perfectly.

As much as he disliked Ranma, Mousse would never wish that fate on his rival. But as good as he was, he knew he didn't have a chance against Cologne. Ranma might, but he was too kind hearted to do what was needed. No, there was only one person left who could stand up to Cologne.

# # # # #

Total devastation greeted the Saotomes and the two Tendos as they returned to the Tendo household. It really wasn't a surprise considering that the dojo and house had been damaged during the failed wedding. Still, the sight was disheartening.

"Why don't we eat out?" Ranma suggested as his stomach began to growl. With even the kitchen in disarray, the pigtailed martial artist doubted that even Kasumi and his mom could serve them a nice meal. Then again, it was kind of hard to do given all the repair men stomping around the house.

"That's actually a good idea," Nabiki chimed in as she came down the stairs. "There's this new sushi shop that just opened up and they were handing out some coupons today."

Feeling his empty stomach turning, Ranma simply shrugged as the rest of the household voiced their opinions.

"Hey, with the price of all the repairs we need to save some money," Nabiki pointed out. "I'm sure Ranma can get some free food around town, but the rest of us aren't as fortunate."

Though the others (Genma and Soun) groused, none dared to refute Nabiki's argument.

The tiny corner restaurant was virtually empty save for the lone chef behind the bar.

"Ah, customers," the thin man smiled. "Please, have a seat at the bar."

Eight seats lined one side of the bar with three more along the end of the bar. Taking seven of the eight seats the Saotomes and Tendos eyed the chilled fish.

"You're my first customers," the chef and owner stated as he pulled out his knife.

"Why am I not surprised?" Nabiki mumbled as she eyed the dingy shop. Still, the bar and the seats at the bar appeared to be clean and up to par.

Before anyone even looked at the menu the slightly nervous chef handed them a large plate ten slices of sushi and ten slices of sashimi. "Please, this is on the house," the man insisted. "To celebrate my first customers."

Never one to turn down free food, Genma and Soun quickly snapped their chopsticks. Grabbing some wasabi, they poured soy sauce over it and blended the two ingredients in their own tiny dishes.

Knowing her husband and having seen the chaos that usually erupted over any meal, Nodoka quickly set a slice of sashimi and sushi on everyone's plate, leaving the extra slices and the ones for Genma and Soun on the original plate.

"What kind of fish is this?" Kasumi asked as she eyed the pinkish flesh.

"Why not try it and guess?" Soun teased as he dipped a slice in his brownish soy sauce. Setting it back on the white radish, he threw it into his mouth.

Beside him Genma did the same, though he'd managed to down two slices already.

In a matter of moments all twenty slices had been devoured.

"Hmmm, that's pretty tasty," Ranma remarked as he eyed the menu. Having had two slices (one sashimi and one sushi) he was curious as to what type of fish it was. "Can I get more of that?"

"Sure," the chef replied. "I just need to get more from the refrigerator."

"Hey, get some more red snapper and some squid too," Genma added as eyed the selection of fish behind the glass. "And some hot sake."

The man bowed before quickly retreating to the back.

"Ohhhà" Akane groaned.

"This is why I don't eat anything raw," Nabiki groaned as she clutched her stomach.

Ranma glanced at the others. Clearly something was wrong.

Slamming her hand to the counter, Kasumi dug her nails into the hardwood, scratching the sealed and finished dark wood.

"IT HURTS!" Nabiki growled as she ripped her blouse off, her clawed hands tearing into her flesh.

"NOO!" Soun cried out as he emptied the contents of his stomach.

Genma slammed his head against the glass, shattering it and opening up a long cut on his forehead. A greenish-brown tinge replaced his normally pale complexion. Strong, nimble fingers elongated even as the nails on his fingers grew into menacing claws. New muscles grew, expanding the skin. Clothes strained to contain the new growth before slowly being torn apart.

"So, you didn't have any of the sushi," Cologne sneered as she appeared at the back door. "That's good."

"You!" Ranma roared as he spotted the diminutive figure. "What did you do to them?"

"I told you I'd remove all obstacles," she stated. "I tried to warn you, but you were too pig-headed to listen. But it's not too late for you. You can still come back to the village with us."

For the first time in his short life, rage and hate filled his eyes.

"I'll take that as a no," the ancient Amazon shrugged. "Pity, you are the greatest martial artist in over a hundred years. Oh well, I guess Shampoo will just have to settle for Ryoga."

Before Ranma could launch himself at the hated Amazon, he felt powerful claws rake his back. Rolling with the blow, he turned to face his attacker. Looking at the monsters before him he couldn't tell who had been whom as none of them appeared to have anything that identified them with who they had been. Each had sickly greenish-brown skin and the bulbous amphibian-like eyes, though it was the closest one who had blood dripping from his long, vicious claws.

"Mom?" he forced out. She had been the one closest to him at the bar.

Cologne forgotten, he focused on trying to identify his six companions. 'It was me, mom, pops, Mr. Tendo, Kasumi and Akane.'

Looking down the line, he tried to focus on a distinctive feature that would identify each one from the others.

'Mom's got four fingers; pop's is a bit heavier set; Mr. Tendo has two fingers and a thumb on each hand and is taller than pops,' he thought as he leapt onto the bar. 'Kasumi has the weird eyes; Nabiki still has her earring; and Akane still has part of her bra.'

The creature, his mom, roared as she raised her powerful hand. Years of ingrained training propelled Ranma away from his mother's slow but vicious attack. The tiny restaurant offered little room for him to maneuver as the towering figures of his companions nearly touched the low ceiling.

"Mom!" he called out as he leapt over another swipe. "It's me, Ranma!"

Behind her the others roared.

Though large, they were clearly uncoordinated as they attacked.

Pure instinct and years of training his muscles and body allowed him to flow around their attacks. Still, there was only so much that he could do in the limited space that he had to work with. Dodging a swipe from his father, he left himself exposed as Mr. Tendo plowed into him.

Powerful, three fingered hands dug into his side as Mr. Tendo pinned him down. Roaring, he opened his gaping maw, exposing rows upon rows of shark-like teeth. Powerful muscles added by gravity brought his head down as he clamped its teeth down onto Ranma's shoulder.

His vision blurred even as he fought through the pain. "I'm sorry," he mumbled as darkness threatened to consume him. "I couldn't protect any of youà I couldn't even save you."

Fighting back tears he struck the creature with the Gaito Retsugan Dan. Despite the thick skin that now protected Mr. Tendo and the fact that he had not mastered the attack, his attack pierced the thick hide. Slipping his hand through the tough muscle and strong bones, he gripped Mr. Tendo's heart before brutally squashing it.

The Mr. Tendo's muffled roar of anguish caused his teeth to rip into Ranma's shoulder even more despite the fact that the Mr. Tendo was in his death throes. With the hold over him loosening, the pigtailed martial artist managed to get out from underneath his attacker though Mr. Tendo's teeth remained imbedded in his shoulder.

Another creature rushed in, kicking him hard enough to dislodge him from the other creature's mouth though it left him without the muscles on his shoulder. Had Ranma been all there he would have realized that it was his father kicking him.

Ignoring the pain, the broken boy reached for his mother's discarded sword. With only one working hand he unsheathed the blade, cutting off one of the creature's foot as it ran towards him. Unbalanced, the creature crashed into the sushi bar as Ranma rolled to his feet.

Armed, Ranma no longer gave up a considerable reach advantage to the monsters. Though he only had the use of one arm, it gave him another edge over his lumbering opponents.

The closest standing creature rushed him.

Ducking under the creature's strike, the pigtailed boy lashed out, cutting the creature in two.

# # # # #

The lingering light of day shone brightly in the office window, illuminating the room as two men sat across from each other.

"That's great news," the older man stated. "Truly an occasion worth celebrating."

One, the older of the two, stroked his long, white beard while the younger of the two poured some liquor for the both of them.

"Yes, it is," the younger man replied as he handed the first cup to the older man.

"To Konoka," the wrinkled man toasted.

"To Konoka," the taller man replied as he raised his cup.

The sound of several hurried steps approaching the large double doors interrupted the toast, announcing the sudden presence of the older man's assistant.

"Sir," the busty young blond exclaimed. "I'm sorry to bother you at such a time," she added, "but an emergency has come up."

Both men turned to face the blond, still clutching their drinks as they did so.

"A monster has been spotted in Nerima," the woman explained.

"Nerima?" the younger man scoffed. "There are always monsters showing up there. With the number of world class martial artists they have there, I'm surprised that they'd even ask for assistance."

The old man quickly knocked back his drink. "Be that as it may, we may have to investigate it. If there is a monster on the loose we should be ready to assist as needed."

The taller man shrugged as he knocked back his drink in one fell swoop. "I guess you are closer, but my escort and I are faster. If you want we can check up on things since most of your staff are probably off for the summer holidays."

"How kind," the Dean smiled, "but just in case, why don't we have Takamichi accompany you? It's been a while since the two of you have worked together, but I'm sure he's the best one for the job.

"Now, let us see what kind of monsters we're dealing with."

Motioning towards his wall, he summoned his scrying pool. "Now, let us see what transpires in Nerima."

With a wave of his hand the clear waters in the marble stand slowly shifted, taking on the image of a city as though being viewed from the sky. Slowly the image shifted as the buildings grew bigger and less distant. Soon, the image of a large creature with blotchy green and brown skin running through the street came into focus.

"A Lost Soul."

"You know of these creatures?" the blond asked.

The younger man nodded. "Those creatures are very hard to kill."

"How hard?" the shriveled old man asked.

"They're immortal," he added as he reached for his sword. "Cut off their head, destroy their brain, or burn them completely. Everything else they'll heal from eventually."

The Dean nodded grimly. "Shizuna, call Takahata immediately."

# # # # #

Nerima was no stranger to chaos and fighting. Many world class martial artists called the district home, and given the temperament of the young fighters, fights were an everyday occurrence. Unfortunately nothing that had happened before prepared the residents for what they experienced today.

"Foul creature, I, the Blue Thunder of Furinkan, shall smite you," the kendoka declared as the fierce monster advanced.

Drawing his feared weapon, he lashed out. Though his weapon fell well short of his opponent, the force of his strikes hit home as the pressure of the displaced air collided with the rampaging monster.

"So," Kuno exclaimed as he assessed his work, "you can take a beating û well none deliver divine punishment like the Blue Thunder can!"

Fierce thrusts pierced the monster's already flayed skin as blood flowed freely. A final thrust pierced the creature's heart, prompting the creature to shudder then slump to its knees.

"Hahaha!" Satisfied with vanquishing the foul creature, Kuno extracted his weapon from the creature's heart. "Such is the might of the Blue Thunder of Furinka-ahh!"

The arrogant kendoka screamed in pain as the creature sunk its teeth into his leg. Stabbing pain ran up his other leg as the creature dug its claws into his other calf.

Unable to use his legs, the kendoka resorted to bashing the creature over the head and shoulders. "Cursed beast û ah! You shall not de-ahh defeat the Blue Thunder!"

Using its size to its advantage, the creature pulled him down to the ground despite the pummeling that it was receiving.

Only a well placed sword kept the creature from mauling him any more.

Kuno looked up momentarily before composing himself again. "Saotome," he growled as he stabbed the creature in the eye. Even the kendoka could tell that something was off about his rival. The normally bright blue eyes sparkled with life and energy, but today, they were dead and lifeless. It was as though Ranma were simply going through the motions of slaying the creature.

The accursed pigtailed boy stood over the thrashing beast, sword in hand. Said sword appeared to have pierced the monster's heart, causing it to shake violently in its apparent death throes. Fresh blood marred his normally pristine red silk shirt and pants, some of it his and some clearly from the beasts as the dark greenish-brown mixture stained the silk.

Momentarily free of the beast, Kuno managed to get to his feet. "What manor of foul magic is this?" he demanded. "The beast took a beating that even you would not have been able to get up from."

The other fighter seemed to ignore him. Extracting his sword, Ranma viciously stomped on the creature's back. A sudden flash of steel later and the head of the beast rolled free of the body.

# # # # #

Nerima was in chaos. In the handful of months that she'd been there the ancient Amazon had never seen things get to this point. As a fighter herself, Cologne knew that the 'chaos' generated by their fights was actually pretty structured as the fighters sought high ground or other ground that favored their strengths.

But watching the chaos unfold as civilians rushed through the streets was something altogether different. This was true chaos.

Still, the old crone didn't care. True, some of them had been good and loyal customers, but only because they lacked the culinary skills of centuries that she had.

"You know," a sagely voice called out, "I can't let you get away with this."

"Why Happi?" the Amazon asked as she turned to face her long time rival. "It's not as though you cared for any of them. Even you threw the fight when you realized what was in store for you had you won our fight back then."

"I was younger back then," he conceded. "But you have no right to impose your archaic laws on anyone else. Ranma didn't know, and your granddaughter's foolish pride as well as your peoples', is what is going to doom you. You've angered Ranma, and I know that the boy will do anything in his power to avenge his loved ones on you. But if I end things here your granddaughter and the others will have a chance to make amends."

"Ha," she scoffed. "You're doing this for me?"

"No," he shook his head. "I'm doing this for the others. I've let too many people get involved in your schemes just because I was entertained by them, but no more."

The ancient Amazon raised her brow.

"I know that when you discovered I was here you wanted revenge for what I did to the Amazons all those centuries ago. You knew that you couldn't force Ranma to come back with Shampoo, but you used her as justification for lashing out at the boy as a means of getting back at me. You also used him to get back at me as well, pitting me against my heir so that you could test me.

"Perhaps I should not have let you play your last card, but it all ends today. Shampoo will go back in disgrace and without your support she will lose her warrior status. If she doesn't accept her demotion, than that's up to her. If she does, than Mousse has a chance at winning her heart. She might have children, but they'll have to prove themselves to your council and without you around it'll be all the more difficult.

"Hopefully Mousse can convince Ranma and Ryoga to not tear every Amazon apart. If he does than he'll have done more for your people than you. That boy is the greatest fighter your people has produced in generations, and just because he was a boy your council shunned him."

"Don't lecture me," Cologne snapped. "Everything I did was to ensure that my peoples' traditions would last. Four thousand years of tradition! Do you know what means?"

"Yes, I do," he replied. "I've learned, so has Ranma. But we've adapted, you haven't. That's the difference between us and you. While we have allowed traditions to mold us, we don't let them restrain us or define us.

"By following your traditions you've doomed your people, but by breaking those traditions, Mousse seeks to save what is left of your people."

Still scowling at her one-time suitor, she reconsidered her options. Though both were grandmasters, neither one knew all the other's tricks. Still, the battle would not last long. Neither would be holding back, but neither was capable of going all out for very long either.

"So, are you ready?" he asked, taunting her as though he knew what she was thinking.

Launching herself at her rival she jabbed at him with her cane. Just as expected he parried with his pipe, redirecting the force of her attack as he attempted to send her flying into the ceiling. For anyone else the short trip to the low ceiling might have been disastrous, but to a master martial artist of her caliber she could easily turn things around.

Flipping around in the air, she planted her feet on the ceiling as she scanned the area for the arrogant martial artist. Creating several images of herself she pushed off of the ceiling. Several images moved to engage Happosai, distracting him so that she could find an opening. With a casual swipe he dispelled three of the images.

"Is that all you got?" he taunted. "You're a century too late to beat me with that trick."

Spotting an opening, the Amazon dashed in, lashing out with her cane. The feel of cloth and padding connecting with the wooden shaft nearly brought a grin to her face but the lack of any further substance told her that her opponent had avoided taking the hit.

Swinging around his pipe, the old pervert slammed in into her cane, shattering it with casual ease. With a flick of the wrist he threw a handful of crushed pepper at her. Rather than close her eyes and leave herself exposed to whatever else Happosai had in store for her, the weathered Amazon endured the hot peppers. Though they irritated her she knew that she could overcome the slight burning sensation in her eyes.

The founder of the Musabetsu Kakut? Ry? simply smiled as he pulled out a lit match. Spitting out a mouthful of sake into the flame, he lit her up.

The flames weren't strong enough to do any real harm, but the bright light combined with the pepper dust to her eyes left the Amazon momentarily blind. Landing on her feet she felt her opponent rush her, seeking to take advantage of her momentary handicap. A desperate parry allowed her to grab onto the sleeve of his robe. A simple twist and turn allowed her to throw him into a pile of pots and pans.

As the owner and master of the Cat CafÚ, she knew just where she was and how far she was from the sink. If she wanted to win she'd have to wash her eyes out so that she'd at least have some vision. Leaping towards the sink, she threw the remains of her cane at the faucet. The sound of running water greeted her ears as she rushed to clean her eyes out. Jumping into the sink, she reached for her eyes even as the water cascaded over her.

Something was wrong. She couldn't move her hands. She didn't have arms much less hands. Falling into the bottom of the sink she realized that she didn't have legs either.

"Well, well, well," her rival's voice called out, "that went better than I expected. It's sad that I had to actually use this against you, but there's a city that needs its martial artists."

Cologne hissed.

"Pool of drowned viper," the tiny man said as he stood atop the basin, cautiously turning off the water. "How fitting really. Crush the head of the snake and the body is useless. Just like how the Amazons are going to be once you're gone."

"Just kill her now," another voice stated. "We shouldn't give her any time to adapt to her new body."

"You're right lad," the old master replied. Pulling out his flask, he emptied it into the deep sink, dousing the snake with the alcoholic liquid. "You've set all the bombs?"

"Everything's set," Mousse proclaimed. "With Cologne dead and Shampoo returning to the village in disgrace, I can marry her without anyone interfering."

"She'll hate you, you know," the old man stated as he poured cooking oil into the sink.

Mousse shrugged. "She'll learn to be happy eventually."

"Good bye Cologne."

Coiling up, the vengeful Amazon turned deadly viper launched herself at the arrogant old man. Only the sudden intervention of a deadly blade prevented her from sinking her poison fangs into the little man.

"I told you she'd get used to her body," the younger martial artist chided.

"Guess you're right," Happosai lamented. "You better hope Shampoo doesn't turn out like her great-grandmother."

# # # # #

"Keep the customers safe," the brunette chef ordered as she eyed the two monstrous creatures.

Both had sickly greenish-brown molted skin, though the similarities ended there. The first appeared to be little some sort of serpentine creature with the torso of a humanoid while the second had two right forearms and mismatched legs that made it look as though it were limping as it walked.

Grabbing her battle gear, she eyed her trusty assistant. From the look in the cross-dressing ninja's face it was clear that he'd never faced anything like those creatures before.

Throwing her battle batter, she waited for the tell tale explosion of her customized weapon as she momentarily turned her back to the creatures. Hearing the loud 'puff' she turned around. As she'd hoped the two creatures were bound in the doughy trap.

A nod to her companion was all the signal she needed to give him as the male kunoichi rushed in, his ningato already drawn. A quick slash nearly took the head off of one creature though the impressive spray of blood did fill the air.

The sickening sound of her battle spatula connecting with the other creature's head echoed off the buildings, nearly making the battle hardened girl lose her stomach even as she used her weapon to push off of the creature and avoid getting caught in the dough. Landing well clear of the dough, she was surprised to see the creature continue to fight out of its sticky confines.

"Stop!" a voice called out.

The chef and waiter looked up at the newcomer.

"What do you mean?" Konatsu asked. "These monsters were terrorizing our customers."

"They're the Tendos," the male Amazon stated as he leapt off a building and landed on the street.

Both the chef and the waiter eyed the other boy.

"Cologne fed them mermaid's flesh," the myopic martial artist explained. "They've turned intoà well, whatever these things are."

"Bu-but we've already killed them," Ukyo exclaimed.

"They're immortal," Mousse explained as he reached into his robes. "The only way to kill them is to immolate them or cut their head off."

"Well, cooking them alive is going to leave a stench that is going to kill the restaurant," Ukyo remarked.

"We need to keep them trapped," Mousse interjected. "And keep Ranma away from them."

"Why?" the brunette turned to eye the Amazon.

"He's already killed three of them," the Amazon explained.

"But, aren't there only four Tendos?" the male kunoichi asked.

Ukyo simply blinked as she absorbed the information.

"Cologne also got to the Saotomes," Mousse explained. "If he does see the monsters, don't get in his way û I don't think that there's anything that can stop him right now."

"What are you going to do?" Konatsu asked.

"I'm going to try the cursed water on them," Mousse replied as he put his glasses on. Checking the label of the vial he extracted from his robes.

The others nodded, understanding what he was trying to do.

"Could you cut off an arm for me?" Mousse asked as he turned to Konatsu.

The ninja turned to his mistress, waiting for her nod of agreement. In a flash, he cleared the five meter distance between the martial artists and the monsters. A skillful stroke of his blade was all he needed to sever an arm off the closest beast. Skillfully he kicked the dismembered limb towards the Amazon.

The bloody limb landed with a thud, squirting more of the foul smelling blood. Both Ukyo and Mousse could see that the hand was still moving despite not being attached to the body.

"It's still alive!" Ukyo exclaimed in a mixture of disgust and awe.

Mousse nodded, uncorking the vial and pouring the cursed water on the limb.

All eyes waited for some sign that the cursed magic was working.

"You're sure you got the right stuff?" Ukyo asked.

As if to respond, Mousse reached into his sleeves, pulling out a mouse. Setting it down, he poured some of the water on the rodent. Suddenly a duck appeared.

"You carry that around with you?" the chef asked.

"Why not?" he replied. "It's not as though it'll work against me and it's always useful to have around if I'm hungry for duck."

Ukyo opened her mouth for a rebuttal but couldn't find any words.

"So, what do we do?" Konatsu asked as he appeared beside his mistress.

Reaching into sleeves once again, the myopic Amazon pulled out another pair of vials.

"Tranquilizers?" Ukyo asked.

Mousse nodded. "This should be enough to knock out an elephant. This should allow us to move them to a more secure location."

# # # # #

'I've lost him,' the violet haired girl thought as she watched the chaos from above.

Though she'd only known him for a relatively short time, the past year or so had proven that Ranma really was a worthwhile husband.

His ability to perceive, disassemble, learn, and adapt ancient Amazon techniques that even the greatest of her generation were not yet capable of learning was astounding. Then there was the string of victories he had over many of the mightiest warriors in all of China û Cologne, Herb, Saffron - and the other notable fighters in Japan proved the he was clearly the best of their generation.

But beyond his physical abilities and skills in the art, he was also a good person. He could have easily allowed Mousse to bind her once she hatched from the Phoenix's egg yet he hadn't. He could have killed her to free himself from her advances as well as to make things easier for himself and any of her rivals, but he'd helped her against her rivals despite the fact that she'd previously tried to entrap him with her many schemes.

Yes, Ranma was a good man despite his many flaws. He was trustworthy, honorable, and considerate. Though she had initially thought of those traits as weaknesses to be exploited, she'd learned that those very traits made him all the more desirable as a mate and spouse.

Though she'd enjoyed pursuing him, she'd recently realized that she would not be able to get him to love her as he loved Akane.

That very realization was what brought around the current chaos.

Cologne's unwillingness to allow her to return in disgrace, and thus robbing her of her last heir, as well as the fact that she could not simply wait for the next generation though had prompted the Amazon elder to take such drastic measures.

But seeing Ranma slaughter the remains of his family as well as the remains of the violent girl's family, she knew that he was broken. Fighting back her tears, the young Amazon held her ground.

Cologne had been right - this measure would end any chance for any of the other remaining rivals to acquire Ranma for themselves. But the venerable elder had also been wrong. As good as the elders were, none of them would be able to fight against this battle crazed Ranma. And then there was also Ryoga to contend with. Though the lost boy often played second fiddle to his rival, Ryoga was not far behind Ranma in skill and ability. The loss, no, death, of Akane Tendo as a result of an Amazon scheme would mark all Amazons as the lost boy's eternal enemy.

Despite her great-grandmother's best interests, Shampoo knew that they had pushed too far.

All she could do was hope that Mousse would be able to calm Ranma's cold rage.

# # # # #

Many of the martial artists that had come through Nerima in the past year were drawn there for a reason. Most came to make a name for themselves, though some came to settle a score with one of the two Saotomes or the grandmaster of their style. Like the majority of the rest, he had come to Nerima for the same reasons.

Though he had taken longer than most to settle things with Ranma, Ryoga had come to respect Ranma as a fighter and even as a person. Over the past few months he'd come to see Ranma not as the source of his problems, but merely part of the total equation. Accepting his own role in his fate, the Lost boy had started to drift away from Nerima over the past few months, though he occasionally found his way back to Nerima as he did today.

Initially though he hadn't recognized the city, though in truth he never recognized anywhere he went unless there were obvious landmarks.

The sound of screaming and gunshots drew his attention. The lost boy paused, taking a moment to place himself.

All around him people were screaming. Even the police were scrambling as they herded the civilians away.

More shots rang out, drawing his attention to the armed police officers. Following their eyes, he spotted the monstrous creatures. Having fought against monsters like Pantyhose Taro as well as others, Ryoga thought little of the sight of the creatures. Seeing one of the creatures attacking despite being shot told him all he needed to know.

Dropping his pack, he let out a fierce roar (shouting 'Ranma, prepare to die!' just didn't feel right) as he ran past the fleeing civilians and non-combatants. Rushing past the closest monster's swipe, he connected with a powerful punch. Despite his ability to break giant boulders with a single punch, he failed to do more than knock the monster back a few steps.

Backpedalling, he avoided a fierce swipe. A punishing uppercut connected with the brute's jaw, knocking out several vicious teeth. A swift kick to the stomach jackknifed the creature, allowing Ryoga to connect with a hammer-fisted blow to the back of the creature's neck. The sound of bone breaking greeted Ryoga as he landed.

A confident smile formed on his face as he eyed the second monster.

Bloody wounds from the bullets healed before his eyes, but it was seeing the first monster shaking its head as its neck healed that wiped the smile off of his face.

'Regeneration,' he thought as he leapt out of the healing creature's reach. "Get back!" he shouted as he drew the creatures' attention. "I'll keep them busy!"

Though the police were initially skeptical, more than a few had seen him fight before. Trusting in the young martial artist's ability, they quickly retreated, ushering the other non-combatants away from monsters.

Pulling out several bandanas, he began to twirl them even as he channeled ki into the fabric. "Why don't you try these!" he shouted as he unleashed a barrage.

Before the deadly projectiles could connect with the creatures they were knocked down. Following the flight of his projectiles, Ryoga eyed the source of the disruption.

"Mousse, what are you doing?" he demanded as he considered the male Amazon.

"You can't kill them," the myopic fighter proclaimed.

Having fought beside and against the master of Hidden Weapons before, Ryoga knew that the other boy knew more than he was letting on. "Mousse, if you"

"I didn't," Mousse shouted as he unleashed a barrage of weighted chains that bound the creature in the back.

"Curse?" he hoped.

"In a way," the Amazon replied as he yanked the feet out from under the bound creature. "I'm not sure who these two are, butà"

"Cologne?" Ryoga guessed. Having been the willing pawn of the shrewd Amazon elder before, he knew that she was perhaps the only one capable of doing something like this to anyone who had crossed her path. Unfortunately only the Tendos and possibly the Saotomes were likely to draw her ire.

"Not good," Mousse grumbled as he released his hold on the chains.

"Wha- Ranma?" the lost boy exclaimed as he caught sight of his rival.

A red blur charged the unbalanced monster, lopping off an arm.

"Ranma!" another newcomer shouted.

"Happosai?" Ryoga called out, not sure what was going on.

"We have to stop him," the ancient grandmaster stated even as Ranma stabbed the creature through the heart.

"Why are you trying to stop him?" another new voice asked.

The three Nerimans eyed the three figures that stood atop an abandoned car.

"He seems to be the only one willing to vanquish the creatures," the smallest and lone female of the group stated.

"He's not in his right mind," the tiny grandmaster stated. "Ranma wouldn't take a life so easily."

"They aren't people anymore," the dark haired man stated as he drew his sword.

"That's not for us to judge," Happosai countered. "The boy doesn't know it now, but he's killing his own family."

# # # # #


So, what do you think?

Yes, I've made some changes that should change the way some characters might be perceived in the context of this fic.

This'll take place just after Asuna is enrolled into Mahora, so no Negi and no 3-A. Takahata and Eishun have just left Nagi and adapted to their lives in Japan. Don't expect Ranma to have much interaction with any of the Negima cast other than Takahata and perhaps the Dean.



Well-Known Member
ok, how can I explain this... your characters say a lot but do little, and then all of them repeat themselves over and over, I think that almost 4 people including mousse himself hoped that he would be able to stop Ranma's rage.

The you have the Monsters there where 4 Tendos and 2 Saotomes Ranma got 3 And Mousse seems to have gotten another 2 still people act like they are getting invaded by dozens of those, and you describe the place like they are razing Nerima by themselves.

This makes little to no sense.

Honestly the whole Amazons angle still sucks, it doesnt seems to flow with the story, you seem to be trying to force Mousse to be the hero or something like this with everyone already deciding that Shampoo is going to love him ove he stops Ranma and kicks her ass whenether she wants it or not.

And the whole Cologne Angle doesnt makes any sense, if she knew that Ranma was better she would have higtailed after they ate the Mermaids meat and probably get back to Nerima Later or just higtail to China like that.

And the last part The Mermaids meat it's supposed to be a very strong poison so strong that Most people that eat it die, some of them the stronger ones actually become lost souls not al of them, and even less very few of them actually become innmortal, with some variations of some survioving but becoming lost souls little by little.


Well-Known Member
Oh, I don't think Dreamingfox has done that badly.

Even if he did just kill off Nabiki. :rant: You Bastard!

But for where he's going with it, the rewrite has helped. I don't see anyone but Mousse pairing him with Shampoo. He just has a plan (so far confided only to Happosai) that if he can keep Ranma and Ryoga and whoever else from destroying the Amazons, he can parlay the increased prestige to induce a humbled Shampoo into a marriage of convience which he believes will eventually lead to an affectionate bond if not a passionate bond.

Shampoo for her part is not yet thinking that far ahead, being less hopeful than Mousse about the Amazons' survival.

Cologne has made a few poor decisions this day. These happen. Not a factor beyond here anyways. But for the record she thought that Ranma hadn't eaten the flesh. And that his transformed family would destroy him one way or another. Or at least leave him easy prey later.

Why did everyone other than Ranma become a Lost Soul? Have one of the 'experts' that come later theorize that because of hereditary factors: all potential ki-users, or devil hunters or what have you (author's choice); they all qualified as strong. Like Cologne, its not really going to matter for the rest of the story.

I agree with Tonyloco about the fight progress however. If we could get a smoother transition between the later scenes, as I did have some trouble keeping track of how the fight was speading, and have no idea how Ranma was progressing aside from the shot with Kuno.

Also it might add pathos if in each of the scenes you could give the little tags Ranma noticed earlier so we can tell which Lost One is which. Especially if you plan on any surviving past this day (if only to suffer the failed rescue attempts).

As previously mentioned, without Nabiki not really my cup of tea... :blue:

But good luck anyways Dreamingfox. You Bastard! :lonegunman:


Well-Known Member
OK, let me put it this way, Mermaids meat is known because if you eat it you can become innmortal, not because it's a poison.

In fact its a waste to use it as a poison IMHO, and you're basically asking to screw yourself by feeding it to your enemies, since you might as well get an innmortal enemy out of your troubles, why not better use another quite likely to really kill you poison?

I mean if all the writer wants to do is create a Ranma is Innmortal+ His family is dead+The amazons out of the way+Him going to mahora why not use a less cliched way?

Have someone else feed them the meat during aparty Amazonz included, Make Genma or someone else steal the meat by mistake and the everyone dies by eating it.

Get some of the other enemies wanting to kiil and punish them by doing this.

I think many other angles would work better.


Well-Known Member
Well, given that the immortality while keeping human form happens so damn rarely, Cologne just might not know about it- or have heard, but have judged it a justifiable risk.

I'm more curious about where she got it, myself.


Well-Known Member
Author's Notes û

More ideas out of my head. Let me know what you think.

No, I do not own Ranma ¢ or any of Rumiko Takahashi's works. I also don't own anything done by Ken Akamatsu. I can only aspire to be as successful as either of them, though given how strict publishing laws are in the US I seriously doubt that I can become that successful through this medium of Fanfiction.

# # # # #

The usually busy Cat CafÚ was unusually quiet today. A somber and sober atmosphere filled the air, making it all the more awkward for the handful of guests that entered.

"So, you all came," the owner of the cafÚ stated as she gazed at the quintet of guests.

"Yeah," the raven haired boy replied.

"Have a seat, son-in-law."

The air was thick with tension as the five seated themselves across from the ancient Amazon despite the barb.

"Why'd you call me out here?" the pigtailed martial artist asked as he eyed the matriarch.

Wrinkled eyes narrowed as they focused on the young man. "I know that your fool of a father promised his fool of a friend that you would marry one of his daughters to unite your schools."

Soun Tendo and Genma Saotome nodded.

"But our laws demand that you marry Shampoo," the crone added. "You defeated her in combat, and it is her responsibility to bring you back to our tribe as her husband."

"If it's her responsibility than why are you here?" the youngest Tendo exclaimed.

Cologne's piercing eyes locked with the fiery Tendo's, prompting Ranma to put his hand and arm before Akane. The gesture wasn't lost to anyone.

"Though she maybe the most talented Amazon of her generation, she has a long ways to go before I can accept her as my heir," the master martial artist stated. "But if she were to have your child, that child could well be the greatest warrior my people has seen in their history.

"Your rival, Ryoga, has mastered the Breaking Point, and did so without scarring himself, a feat that only I have done. Shampoo is not yet at the point where she is ready to undergo that training even, and she's a champion."

"So why not have Ryoga marry into your tribe?" Genma suggested.

"Because as good as he is, none of our warriors has lost to him," Cologne stated. "If he were to fight one I am certain he'd win, and thus have an Amazon warrior hound him as Shampoo has hounded you. But that is neither here nor there. We're here to discuss you, son-in-law.

"Shampoo and I did what was necessary to prevent you from marrying her, but if you truly persist in trying to marry her, we will simply have to step up our attempts to take you back with us and remove all obstacles that would dare to bar our path."

It was Ranma's turn to glare at the ancient master. "So you'd kill her," he stated.

"You can't imagine what we'd do to her and her family," Cologne stated. "Do you seriously think that you can defeat me child?"

"Yes," Ranma replied. "I used to think that you'd gone easy on me back when we fought over the Phoenix Pill, but then I realized, despite all your control and all the techniques you knew, you couldn't keep fighting on that level for much longer without serious risks to yourself. That's when you started pushing for a different approach to getting me to come back with you to China."

Cologne scowled. The boy really was much more observant that she or anyone gave him credit for. "We'll have you or no one will have you."

The tension in the air increased, nearly suffocating the others as the two martial artists glared at each other.

"I guess this meeting's over," Ranma stated.

Behind him the others stood. Slowly they made their way out of the cafÚ.

"You've been warned," Cologne exclaimed. "Whatever happens is on your head."

# # # # #

Mousse was not happy. Though he knew that Cologne and Shampoo wanted Ranma to come back to China with them, the myopic martial artists knew that it would never happen. Having fought Ranma the most of the Amazons, the near-sighted master of hidden weapons knew that the proud fighter would never subjugate himself to either Cologne or Shampoo. Sure, they could hate him and even cry, but there was only so much that Ranma was willing to put up with. And this - this was definitely going too far. It wasn't a case of the straw that broke the camel's back, this wasn't even a declaration of war û it was a fucking nuke.

But trapped as he was in hid cursed form, there was little that he could do to warn Saotome and the Tendos.

Not only had the old ghoul taken each of her targets into account, she'd plotted and planned everything perfectly.

Well, not perfectly.

As much as he disliked Ranma, Mousse would never wish that fate on his rival. But as good as he was he knew he didn't have a chance against Cologne. Ranma might, but he was too kind hearted to do what was needed. No, there was only one person left who could stand up to Cologne.

# # # # #

Total devastation greeted the Saotomes and the two Tendos as they returned to the Tendo household. It really wasn't a surprise considering that the dojo and house had been damaged during the failed wedding. Still, the sight was disheartening.

"Why don't we eat out?" Ranma suggested as his stomach began to growl. With even the kitchen in disarray, the pigtailed martial artist doubted that even Kasumi and his mom could serve them a nice meal. Then again, it was kind of hard to do given all the repair men stomping around the house.

"That's actually a good idea," Nabiki chimed in as she came down the stairs. "There's this new sushi shop that just opened up and they were handing out some coupons today."

Feeling his empty stomach turning, Ranma simply shrugged as the rest of the household voiced their opinions.

"Hey, with the price of all the repairs we need to save some money," Nabiki pointed out. "I'm sure Ranma can get some free food around town, but the rest of us aren't as fortunate."

Though the others (Genma and Soun) groused, none dared to refute Nabiki's argument.

The tiny corner restaurant was virtually empty save for the lone chef behind the bar.

"Ah, customers," the thin man smiled. "Please, have a seat at the bar."

Eight seats lined one side of the bar with three more along the end of the bar. Taking seven of the eight seats the Saotomes and Tendos eyed the chilled fish.

"You're my first customers," the chef and owner stated as he pulled out his knife.

"Why am I not surprised?" Nabiki mumbled as she eyed the dingy shop. Still, the bar and the seats at the bar appeared to be clean and up to par.

Before anyone even looked at the menu the slightly nervous chef handed them a large plate ten slices of sushi and ten slices of sashimi. "Please, this is on the house," the man insisted. "To celebrate my first customers."

Never one to turn down free food, Genma and Soun quickly snapped their chopsticks. Grabbing some wasabi, they poured soy sauce over it and blended the two ingredients in their own tiny dishes.

Knowing her husband and having seen the chaos that usually erupted over any meal, Nodoka quickly set a slice of sashimi and sushi on everyone's plate, leaving the extra slices and the ones for Genma and Soun on the original plate.

"What kind of fish is this?" Kasumi asked as she eyed the pinkish flesh.

"Why not try it and guess?" Soun teased as he dipped a slice in his brownish soy sauce. Setting it back on the white radish, he threw it into his mouth.

Beside him Genma did the same, though he'd managed to down two slices already.

In a matter of moments all twenty slices had been devoured.

"Hmmm, that's pretty tasty," Ranma remarked as he eyed the menu. Having had two slices (one sashimi and one sushi) he was curious as to what type of fish it was. "Can I get more of that?"

"Sure," the chef replied. "I just need to get more from the refrigerator."

"Hey, get some more red snapper and some squid too," Genma added as eyed the selection of fish behind the glass. "And some hot sake."

The man bowed before quickly retreating to the back.

"Ohhhà" Akane groaned.

"This is why I don't eat anything raw," Nabiki groaned as she clutched her stomach.

Ranma glanced at the others. Clearly something was wrong.

Slamming her hand to the counter, Kasumi dug her nails into the hardwood, scratching the sealed and finished dark wood.

"IT HURTS!" Nabiki growled as she ripped her blouse off, her clawed hands tearing into her flesh.

"NOO!" Soun cried out as he emptied the contents of his stomach.

Genma slammed his head against the glass, shattering it and opening up a long cut on his forehead. A greenish-brown tinge replaced his normally pale complexion. Strong, nimble fingers elongated even as the nails on his fingers grew into menacing claws. New muscles grew, expanding the skin. Clothes strained to contain the new growth before slowly being torn apart.

"So, you didn't have any of the sushi," Cologne sneered as she appeared at the back door. "That's good."

"You!" Ranma roared as he spotted the diminutive figure. "What did you do to them?"

"I told you I'd remove all obstacles," she stated. "I tried to warn you, but you were too pig-headed to listen. But it's not too late for you. You can still come back to the village with us."

For the first time in his short life, rage and hate filled his eyes.

"I'll take that as a no," the ancient Amazon shrugged. "Pity, you are the greatest martial artist in over a hundred years. Oh well, I guess Shampoo will just have to settle for Ryoga."

Before Ranma could launch himself at the hated Amazon, he felt powerful claws rake his back. Rolling with the blow, he turned to face his attacker. Looking at the monsters before him he couldn't tell who had been whom as none of them appeared to have anything that identified them with who they had been. Each had sickly greenish-brown skin and the bulbous amphibian-like eyes, though it was the closest one who had blood dripping from his long, vicious claws.

"Mom?" he forced out. She had been the one closest to him at the bar.

Cologne forgotten, he focused on trying to identify his six companions. 'It was me, mom, pops, Mr. Tendo, Kasumi and Akane.'

Looking down the line, he tried to focus on a distinctive feature that would identify each one from the others.

'Mom's got four fingers; pop's is a bit heavier set; Mr. Tendo has two fingers and a thumb on each hand and is taller than pops,' he thought as he leapt onto the bar. 'Kasumi's slumped over; Nabiki's only half transformed; and Akane still has part of her bra.'

The creature, his mom, roared as she raised her powerful hand. Years of ingrained training propelled Ranma away from his mother's slow but vicious attack. The tiny restaurant offered little room for him to maneuver as the towering figures of his companions nearly touched the low ceiling.

"Mom!" he called out as he leapt over another swipe. "It's me, Ranma!"

Behind her the others roared. Akane and Mr. Tendo quickly turned on the slumped over girls, their wicked claws and powerful hands literally ripping their bodies into smaller, more manageable pieces before they began devouring them.

He wanted to scream, to tell them to stop, but he couldn't. All he could do was watch helplessly as the two Tendos devoured the others. And with his own transformed parents before him he couldn't even intervene physically.

Pure instinct and years of training his muscles and body allowed him to flow around their attacks. His mom attacked with her long arms, forcing him to leap out of her range. The sickening sound of Nabiki and Kasumi being devoured reached his ears despite his father's fierce howling as the stout monster joined the feast.

With only his mother to contend with, dodging was easy as he leapt off the wall or simply ducked under a swipe.

"Mom, it's me, Ranma," he called out, hoping that she would be able to beat whatever it was that Cologne did to her.

Using her long arms, she reached out for him, her clawed fingers seeking to imbed themselves in his soft flesh.

Undeterred, he caught her wrists. "Mom?"

Unbelievable brute power broke his tentative hold on her massive wrists, forcing Ranma to abandon his attempts to subdue his mother and break through to her.

A thundering roar filled the restaurant as Genma turned towards them. Nothing remained of Nabiki or Kasumi, leaving the hungry creatures to turn to the only other food source.

As was typical of the rotund Genma Saotome, he rushed in, seeing to claim the food for himself.

Ducking under the deadly claws, Ranma tripped his father, sending him crashing into the wall. Despite his increased bulk and power, Genma didn't crash through the reinforced wall.

'Not good,' he thought as he eyed his position.

Though he could leap over the others, he knew that he didn't have the room necessary to cleanly escape them. Unwilling to attack them, he could only hope that they'd leave an opening for him to escape. Still, there was only so much that he could do in the limited space that he had to work with. Dodging a swipe from his father, he left himself exposed as Mr. Tendo plowed into him.

Powerful, three fingered hands dug into his side as Mr. Tendo pinned him down. Roaring, he opened his gaping maw, exposing rows upon rows of shark-like teeth. Powerful muscles added by gravity brought his head down as he clamped its teeth down onto Ranma's shoulder.

His vision blurred even as he fought through the pain. "I'm sorry," he mumbled as darkness threatened to consume him. "I couldn't protect any of youà I couldn't even save you."

Fighting back tears he struck the creature with the Gaito Retsugan Dan. Despite the thick skin that now protected Mr. Tendo and the fact that he had not mastered the attack, his attack pierced the thick hide. Slipping his hand through the tough muscle and strong bones, he gripped Mr. Tendo's heart before brutally squashing it.

The Mr. Tendo's muffled roar of anguish caused his teeth to rip into Ranma's shoulder even more despite the fact that the Mr. Tendo was in his death throes. With the hold over him loosening, the pigtailed martial artist managed to get out from underneath his attacker though Mr. Tendo's teeth remained imbedded in his shoulder.

Another creature rushed in, kicking him hard enough to dislodge him from the other creature's mouth though it left him without the muscles on his shoulder. Had Ranma been all there he would have realized that it was his father kicking him.

Ignoring the pain, the broken boy reached for his mother's discarded sword. With only one working hand he unsheathed the blade, cutting off one of the creature's foot as it ran towards him. Unbalanced, the creature crashed into the sushi bar as Ranma rolled to his feet.

Armed, Ranma no longer gave up a considerable reach advantage to the monsters. Though he only had the use of one arm, it gave him another edge over his lumbering opponents.

The closest standing creature rushed him.

Ducking under the creature's strike, the pigtailed boy lashed out, cutting the creature in two.

# # # # #

The lingering light of day shone brightly in the office window, illuminating the room as two men sat across from each other.

"That's great news," the older man stated. "Truly an occasion worth celebrating."

One, the older of the two, stroked his long, white beard while the younger of the two poured some liquor for the both of them.

"Yes, it is," the younger man replied as he handed the first cup to the older man.

"To Konoka," the wrinkled man toasted.

"To Konoka," the taller man replied as he raised his cup.

The sound of several hurried steps approaching the large double doors interrupted the toast, announcing the sudden presence of the older man's assistant.

"Sir," the busty young blond exclaimed. "I'm sorry to bother you at such a time," she added, "but an emergency has come up."

Both men turned to face the blond, still clutching their drinks as they did so.

"A monster has been spotted in Nerima," the woman explained.

"Nerima?" the younger man scoffed. "There are always monsters showing up there. With the number of world class martial artists they have there, I'm surprised that they'd even ask for assistance."

The old man quickly knocked back his drink. "Be that as it may, we may have to investigate it. If there is a monster on the loose we should be ready to assist as needed."

The taller man shrugged as he knocked back his drink in one fell swoop. "I guess you are closer, but my escort and I are faster. If you want we can check up on things since most of your staff are probably off for the summer holidays."

"How kind," the Dean smiled, "but just in case, why don't we have Takamichi accompany you? It's been a while since the two of you have worked together, but I'm sure he's the best one for the job.

"Now, let us see what kind of monsters we're dealing with."

Motioning towards his wall, he summoned his scrying pool. "Now, let us see what transpires in Nerima."

With a wave of his hand the clear waters in the marble stand slowly shifted, taking on the image of a city as though being viewed from the sky. Slowly the image shifted as the buildings grew bigger and less distant. Soon, the image of a large creature with blotchy green and brown skin running through the street came into focus.

"A Lost Soul."

"You know of these creatures?" the blond asked.

The younger man nodded. "Those creatures are very hard to kill."

"How hard?" the shriveled old man asked.

"They're immortal," he added as he reached for his sword. "Cut off their head, destroy their brain, or burn them completely. Everything else they'll heal from eventually."

The Dean nodded grimly. "Shizuna, call Takahata immediately."

# # # # #

Nerima was no stranger to chaos and fighting. Many world class martial artists called the district home, and given the temperament of the young fighters, fights were an everyday occurrence. Unfortunately nothing that had happened before prepared the residents for what they experienced today.

"Foul creature, I, the Blue Thunder of Furinkan, shall smite you," the kendoka declared as the fierce monster advanced.

Drawing his feared weapon, he lashed out. Though his weapon fell well short of his opponent, the force of his strikes hit home as the pressure of the displaced air collided with the rampaging monster.

"So," Kuno exclaimed as he assessed his work, "you can take a beating û well none deliver divine punishment like the Blue Thunder can!"

Fierce thrusts pierced the monster's already flayed skin as blood flowed freely. A final thrust pierced the creature's heart, prompting the creature to shudder then slump to its knees.

"Hahaha!" Satisfied with vanquishing the foul creature, Kuno extracted his weapon from the creature's heart. "Such is the might of the Blue Thunder of Furinka-ahh!"

The arrogant kendoka screamed in pain as the creature sunk its teeth into his leg. Stabbing pain ran up his other leg as the creature dug its claws into his other calf.

Unable to use his legs, the kendoka resorted to bashing the creature over the head and shoulders. "Cursed beast û ah! You shall not de-ahh defeat the Blue Thunder!"

Using its size to its advantage, the creature pulled him down to the ground despite the pummeling that it was receiving.

Only a well placed sword kept the creature from mauling him anymore.

Kuno looked up momentarily before composing himself again. "Saotome," he growled as he stabbed the creature in the eye. Tatewaki immediately banished the thought of needing Saotome's assistance, attributing it instead to the fact that Saotome had arrived at the last second to steal his kill.

Opening his mouth to voice just that, he noted the odd posture that the younger fighter had.

'Something is wrong,' he mused as he noted the lack of life in Ranma's eyes. The normally bright blue eyes sparkled with life and energy, but today, they were dead and lifeless. It was as though Ranma were simply going through the motions of slaying the creature. Almost as though he were enscrolledà

The accursed pigtailed boy stood over the thrashing beast, sword in hand. Said sword appeared to have pierced the monster's heart, causing it to shake violently in its apparent death throes. Fresh blood marred his normally pristine red silk shirt and pants, some of it his and some clearly from the beasts as the dark greenish-brown mixture stained the silk.

Momentarily free of the beast, Kuno managed to get to his feet. "What manor of foul magic is this?" he demanded. "The beast took a beating that even you would not have been able to get up from."

The other fighter seemed to ignore him. Extracting his sword, Ranma viciously stomped on the creature's back. A sudden flash of steel later and the head of the beast rolled free of the body.

# # # # #

Nerima was in chaos. In the handful of months that she'd been there the ancient Amazon had never seen things get to this point. As a fighter herself, Cologne knew that the 'chaos' generated by their fights was actually pretty structured as the fighters sought high ground or other ground that favored their strengths.

But watching the chaos unfold as civilians rushed through the streets was something altogether different. This was true chaos.

Still, the old crone didn't care. True, some of them had been good and loyal customers, but only because they lacked the culinary skills of centuries that she had.

"You know," a sagely voice called out, "I can't let you get away with this."

"Why Happi?" the Amazon asked as she turned to face her long time rival. "It's not as though you cared for any of them. Even you threw the fight when you realized what was in store for you had you won our fight back then."

"I was younger back then," he conceded. "But you have no right to impose your archaic laws on anyone else. Ranma didn't know, and your granddaughter's foolish pride as well as your peoples', is what is going to doom you. You've angered Ranma, and I know that the boy will do anything in his power to avenge his loved ones on you. But if I end things here your granddaughter and the others will have a chance to make amends."

"Ha," she scoffed. "You're doing this for me?"

"No," he shook his head. "I'm doing this for the others. I've let too many people get involved in your schemes just because I was entertained by them, but no more."

The ancient Amazon raised her brow.

"I know that when you discovered I was here you wanted revenge for what I did to the Amazons all those centuries ago. You knew that you couldn't force Ranma to come back with Shampoo, but you used her as justification for lashing out at the boy as a means of getting back at me. You also used him to get back at me as well, pitting me against my heir so that you could test me.

"Perhaps I should not have let you play your last card, but it all ends today. Shampoo will go back in disgrace and without your support she will lose her warrior status. If she doesn't accept her demotion, than that's up to her. If she does, than Mousse has a chance at winning her heart. She might have children, but they'll have to prove themselves to your council and without you around it'll be all the more difficult."

"My people need me!" Cologne snapped. "I have guided them for nearly two centuries! Everything I did was to ensure that my peoples' traditions would last. Four thousand years of tradition! Do you know what means?

"You, the master who was sealed away by your own students for nearly two decades û what would you know about tradition and doing right by your students?"

"You're right, I once thought only of myself," he replied. "And since escaping from the cave I've learned to enjoy life. True, I have often butted heads with the youngsters and you, but I've never forced my views on them. I may have provoked them with my antics, but I've never forced my ideals on them.

"But that's the difference between me and you - I've learned from my mistakes, so has Ranma. We've adapted, you haven't. That's the difference between us and you. While we have allowed traditions to mold us, we don't let them restrain us or define us. By following your traditions, or at least the ones you wish to follow, you've doomed your people."

Still scowling at her one-time suitor, she reconsidered her options. Though both were grandmasters, neither one knew all the other's tricks. Still, the battle would not last long. Neither would be holding back, but neither was capable of going all out for very long either.

"So, are you ready?" he asked, taunting her as though he knew what she was thinking.

Launching herself at her rival she jabbed at him with her cane. Just as expected he parried with his pipe, redirecting the force of her attack as he attempted to send her flying into the ceiling. For anyone else the short trip to the low ceiling might have been disastrous, but to a master martial artist of her caliber she could easily turn things around.

Flipping around in the air, she planted her feet on the ceiling as she scanned the area for the arrogant martial artist. Creating several images of herself she pushed off of the ceiling. Several images moved to engage Happosai, distracting him so that she could find an opening. With a casual swipe he dispelled three of the images.

"Is that all you got?" he taunted. "You're a century too late to beat me with that trick."

Spotting an opening, the Amazon dashed in, lashing out with her cane. The feel of cloth and padding connecting with the wooden shaft nearly brought a grin to her face but the lack of any further substance told her that her opponent had avoided taking the hit.

Swinging around his pipe, the old pervert slammed in into her cane, shattering it with casual ease. With a flick of the wrist he threw a handful of crushed pepper at her. Rather than close her eyes and leave herself exposed to whatever else Happosai had in store for her, the weathered Amazon endured the hot peppers. Though they irritated her she knew that she could overcome the slight burning sensation in her eyes.

The founder of the Musabetsu Kakut? Ry? simply smiled as he pulled out a lit match. Spitting out a mouthful of sake into the flame, he lit her up.

The flames weren't strong enough to do any real harm, but the bright light combined with the pepper dust to her eyes left the Amazon momentarily blind. Landing on her feet she felt her opponent rush her, seeking to take advantage of her momentary handicap. A desperate parry allowed her to grab onto the sleeve of his robe. A simple twist and turn allowed her to throw him into a pile of pots and pans.

As the owner and master of the Cat CafÚ, she knew just where she was and how far she was from the sink. If she wanted to win she'd have to wash her eyes out so that she'd at least have some vision. Leaping towards the sink, she threw the remains of her cane at the faucet. The sound of running water greeted her ears as she rushed to clean her eyes out. Jumping into the sink, she reached for her eyes even as the water cascaded over her.

Something was wrong. She couldn't move her hands. She didn't have arms much less hands. Falling into the bottom of the sink she realized that she didn't have legs either.

"Well, well, well," her rival's voice called out, "that went better than I expected. It's sad that I had to actually use this against you, but there's a city that needs its martial artists."

Cologne hissed.

"Pool of drowned viper," the tiny man said as he stood atop the basin, cautiously turning off the water. "How fitting really. Crush the head of the snake and the body is useless. Just like how the Amazons are going to be once you're gone."

"Just kill her now," another voice stated. "We shouldn't give her any time to adapt to her new body."

"You're right lad," the old master replied. Pulling out his flask, he emptied it into the deep sink, dousing the snake with the alcoholic liquid. "You've set all the bombs?"

"Everything's set," Mousse proclaimed. "With Cologne dead and Shampoo returning to the village in disgrace, I can marry her without anyone interfering."

"She'll hate you, you know," the old man stated as he poured cooking oil into the sink.

Mousse shrugged. "She'll learn to be happy eventually."

"Good bye Cologne."

Coiling up, the vengeful Amazon turned deadly viper launched herself at the arrogant old man. Only the sudden intervention of a deadly blade prevented her from sinking her poison fangs into the little man.

"I told you she'd get used to her body," the younger martial artist chided.

"Guess you're right," Happosai lamented. "You better hope Shampoo doesn't turn out like her great-grandmother."

# # # # #

"Keep the customers safe," the brunette chef ordered as she eyed the two monstrous creatures.

Both had sickly greenish-brown molted skin, though the similarities ended there. The first appeared to be little some sort of serpentine creature with the torso of a humanoid while the second had two right forearms and mismatched legs that made it look as though it were limping as it walked.

Grabbing her battle gear, she eyed her trusty assistant. From the look in the cross-dressing ninja's face it was clear that he'd never faced anything like those creatures before.

Throwing her battle batter, she waited for the tell tale explosion of her customized weapon as she momentarily turned her back to the creatures. Hearing the loud 'puff' she turned around. As she'd hoped the two creatures were bound in the doughy trap.

A nod to her companion was all the signal she needed to give him as the male kunoichi rushed in, his ningato already drawn. A quick slash nearly took the head off of one creature though the impressive spray of blood did fill the air.

The sickening sound of her battle spatula connecting with the other creature's head echoed off the buildings, nearly making the battle hardened girl lose her stomach even as she used her weapon to push off of the creature and avoid getting caught in the dough. Landing well clear of the dough, she was surprised to see the creature continue to fight out of its sticky confines.

"Stop!" a voice called out.

The chef and waiter looked up at the newcomer.

"What do you mean?" Konatsu asked. "These monsters were terrorizing our customers."

"They're the Tendos," the male Amazon stated as he leapt off a building and landed on the street.

Both the chef and the waiter eyed the other boy.

"Cologne fed them mermaid's flesh," the myopic martial artist explained. "They've turned intoà well, whatever these things are."

"Bu-but we've already killed them," Ukyo exclaimed.

"They're immortal," Mousse explained as he reached into his robes. "The only way to kill them is to immolate them or cut their head off."

"Well, cooking them alive is going to leave a stench that is going to kill the restaurant," Ukyo remarked.

"We need to keep them trapped," Mousse interjected. "And keep Ranma away from them."

"Why?" the brunette turned to eye the Amazon.

"He's already killed of them five times," the Amazon explained.

"Five times?" the male kunoichi asked.

Ukyo simply blinked as she absorbed the information. "He doesn't know how to kill them?"

"I didn't ask," the myopic fighter replied. "Butà well, you know Ranma's not one to kill lightly. I don't think he'd be so cruel as to force the creature to endure five killing blows only to heal and be killed again. I.. I think he's finally lost it."

Ukyo and Konatsu paused.

Though the ninja had a few encounters with Ranma, the pigtailed fighter had always been friendly if somewhat tactless. He might offend someone, but he rarely went out of his way to be cruel to anyone.

For Ukyo, the idea that the unbeatable and indomitable Ranma had been snapped was mind boggling.

"Cologne convinced someone who had a grudge against the Tendos and the Saotomes to feed them cursed meat," Mousse explained. "Most die once they have even a bit of it, but some turn into those" he indicated the trapped monsters. "I didn't see the start of the fighting, but I think Ranma snapped. Now if he does see the monsters, don't get in his way û I don't think that there's anything that can stop him right now."

"What are you going to do?" Konatsu asked.

"I'm going to try the cursed water on them," Mousse replied as he put his glasses on. Checking the label of the vial he extracted from his robes.

The others nodded, understanding what he was trying to do.

"Could you cut off an arm for me?" Mousse asked as he turned to Konatsu. Though it was only a theory, Mousse hoped that his idea worked.

The ninja turned to his mistress, waiting for her nod of agreement. In a flash, he cleared the five meter distance between the martial artists and the monsters. A skillful stroke of his blade was all he needed to sever an arm off the closest beast. Skillfully he kicked the dismembered limb towards the Amazon.

The bloody limb landed with a thud, squirting more of the foul smelling blood. Both Ukyo and Mousse could see that the hand was still moving despite not being attached to the body.

"It's still alive!" Ukyo exclaimed in a mixture of disgust and awe.

Mousse nodded, uncorking the vial and pouring the cursed water on the limb.

All eyes waited for some sign that the cursed magic was working.

"You're sure you got the right stuff?" Ukyo asked.

As if to respond, Mousse reached into his sleeves, pulling out a mouse. Setting it down, he poured some of the water on the rodent. Suddenly a duck appeared. "This isn't good û even the cursed water isn't as powerful as this curse."

"You carry that around with you?" the chef asked.

"Why not?" he replied with a shrug. "It's not as though it'll work against me and it's always useful to have around if I'm hungry for duck."

Ukyo opened her mouth for a rebuttal but couldn't find any words.

"So, what do we do?" Konatsu asked as he appeared beside his mistress.

Reaching into sleeves once again, the myopic Amazon pulled out another pair of vials.

"Tranquilizers?" Ukyo asked.

Mousse nodded. "This should be enough to knock out an elephant. Once they're out we can move them to a more secure location. After that, it's up to Ranma to decide."

# # # # #

'I've lost him,' the violet haired girl thought as she watched the chaos from above.

Though she'd only known him for a relatively short time, the past year or so had proven that Ranma really was a worthwhile husband.

His ability to perceive, disassemble, learn, and adapt ancient Amazon techniques that even the greatest of her generation were not yet capable of learning was astounding. Then there was the string of victories he had over many of the mightiest warriors in all of China û Cologne, Herb, Saffron - and the other notable fighters in Japan proved the he was clearly the best of their generation.

But beyond his physical abilities and skills in the art, he was also a good person. He could have easily allowed Mousse to bind her once she hatched from the Phoenix's egg yet he hadn't. He could have killed her to free himself from her advances as well as to make things easier for himself and any of her rivals, but he'd helped her against her rivals despite the fact that she'd previously tried to entrap him with her many schemes.

Yes, Ranma was a good man despite his many flaws. He was trustworthy, honorable, and considerate. Though she had initially thought of those traits as weaknesses to be exploited, she'd learned that those very traits made him all the more desirable as a mate and spouse.

Though she'd enjoyed pursuing him, she'd recently realized that she would not be able to get him to love her as he loved Akane.

That very realization was what brought around the current chaos.

Cologne's unwillingness to allow her to return in disgrace, and thus robbing her of her last heir, as well as the fact that she could not simply wait for the next generation though had prompted the Amazon elder to take such drastic measures.

But seeing Ranma slaughter the remains of his family as well as the remains of the violent girl's family, she knew that he was broken. Fighting back her tears, the young Amazon held her ground.

Cologne had been right - this measure would end any chance for any of the other remaining rivals to acquire Ranma for themselves. But the venerable elder had also been wrong. As good as the elders were, none of them would be able to fight against this battle crazed Ranma. And then there was also Ryoga to contend with. Though the lost boy often played second fiddle to his rival, Ryoga was not far behind Ranma in skill and ability. The loss, no, death, of Akane Tendo as a result of an Amazon scheme would mark all Amazons as the lost boy's eternal enemy.

Despite her great-grandmother's best interests, Shampoo knew that they had pushed Ranma too far.

# # # # #

Many of the martial artists that had come through Nerima in the past year were drawn there for a reason. Most came to make a name for themselves, though some came to settle a score with one of the two Saotomes or the grandmaster of their style. Like the majority of the rest, he had come to Nerima for the same reasons.

Though he had taken longer than most to settle things with Ranma, Ryoga had come to respect Ranma as a fighter and even as a person. Over the past few months he'd come to see Ranma not as the source of his problems, but merely part of the total equation. Accepting his own role in his fate, the Lost boy had started to drift away from Nerima over the past few months, though he occasionally found his way back to Nerima as he did today.

Initially though he hadn't recognized the city, though in truth he never recognized anywhere he went unless there were obvious landmarks.

The sound of screaming and gunshots drew his attention. The lost boy paused, taking a moment to place himself.

All around him people were screaming. Even the police were scrambling as they herded the civilians away.

More shots rang out, drawing his attention to the armed police officers. Following their eyes, he spotted the monstrous creatures. Having fought against monsters like Pantyhose Taro as well as others, Ryoga thought little of the sight of the creatures. Seeing one of the creatures attacking despite being shot told him all he needed to know.

Dropping his pack, he let out a fierce roar (shouting 'Ranma, prepare to die!' just didn't feel right) as he ran past the fleeing civilians and non-combatants. Rushing past the closest monster's swipe, he connected with a powerful punch. Despite his ability to break giant boulders with a single punch, he failed to do more than knock the monster back a few steps.

Backpedalling, he avoided a fierce swipe. A punishing uppercut connected with the brute's jaw, knocking out several vicious teeth. A swift kick to the stomach jackknifed the creature, allowing Ryoga to connect with a hammer-fisted blow to the back of the creature's neck. The sound of bone breaking greeted Ryoga as he landed.

A confident smile formed on his face as he eyed the second monster.

Bloody wounds from the bullets healed before his eyes, but it was seeing the first monster shaking its head as its neck healed that wiped the smile off of his face.

'Regeneration,' he thought as he leapt out of the healing creature's reach. "Get back!" he shouted as he drew the creatures' attention. "I'll keep them busy!"

Though the police were initially skeptical, more than a few had seen him fight before. Trusting in the young martial artist's ability, they quickly retreated, ushering the other non-combatants away from monsters.

Pulling out several bandanas, he began to twirl them even as he channeled ki into the fabric. "Why don't you try these!" he shouted as he unleashed a barrage.

Before the deadly projectiles could connect with the creatures they were knocked down. Following the flight of his projectiles, Ryoga eyed the source of the disruption.

"Mousse, what are you doing?" he demanded as he considered the male Amazon.

"You can't kill them," the myopic fighter proclaimed.

Having fought beside and against the master of Hidden Weapons before, Ryoga knew that the other boy knew more than he was letting on. "Mousse, if you"

"I didn't," Mousse shouted as he unleashed a barrage of weighted chains that bound the creature in the back.

"Curse?" he hoped.

"In a way," the Amazon replied as he yanked the feet out from under the bound creature. "I'm not sure who these two are, butà"

"Cologne?" Ryoga guessed. Having been the willing pawn of the shrewd Amazon elder before, he knew that she was perhaps the only one capable of doing something like this to anyone who had crossed her path. Unfortunately only the Tendos and possibly the Saotomes were likely to draw her ire.

"Not good," Mousse grumbled as he released his hold on the chains.

"Wha- Ranma?" the lost boy exclaimed as he caught sight of his rival.

A red blur charged the unbalanced monster, lopping off an arm.

"Ranma!" another newcomer shouted.

"Happosai?" Ryoga called out, not sure what was going on.

"We have to stop him," the ancient grandmaster stated even as Ranma stabbed the creature through the heart.

"Why are you trying to stop him?" another new voice asked.

The three Nerimans eyed the three figures that stood atop an abandoned car.

"He seems to be the only one willing to vanquish the creatures," the smallest and lone female of the group stated.

"He's not in his right mind," the tiny grandmaster stated. "Ranma wouldn't take a life so easily."

"They aren't people anymore," the dark haired man stated as he drew his sword.

"That's not for us to judge," Happosai countered. "The boy doesn't know it now, but he's killing his own family."

# # # # #


Third version of the opening chapter.

So, what do you think?

This'll take place just after Asuna is enrolled into Mahora, so no Negi and no 3-A. Takahata and Eishun have just left Nagi and adapted to their lives in Japan.



Well-Known Member
You know, at this rate, I'm seeing Mahora sealing Ranma up somewhere for the next ten or fifteen years.

Again the question of where the sushi vendor got his stock, what Cologne had to do with it, and how she got her hands on it. As it is, there's a vague threat, Mousse knowing something that is never really explained, and bam Ranma's an immortal human and the Tendo and his parents are ravening immortal monsters.


Well-Known Member
Author's Notes û

No, I don't own the respective works of either of these accomplished authors. I'm pretty sure that I won't need another disclaimer for this fic.

Please Read and Review.

# # # # #

She was nervous. All things considered, being nervous was completely acceptable, just as long as her nerves didn't interfere with her duty, even if that duty had just appeared before her.

Nerima was in chaos, which, according to rumor, wasn't unusual. As the home to several world class martial artists, fights and the ensuing chaos weren't unexpected as said fights could start virtually anywhere and at anytime.

The prospect of facing off against some of the infamous martial artists made her trip to Nerima all the more appealing, but she was there for other business. True, it did involve some of the fighters, but mostly it had to do with the fact that her school had scheduled a late season sparring session with Furinkan and their renowned kendo club.

Tatewaki Kuno was considered to be the favorite to win the approaching national high school tournament, and Nada High School had secured the coveted (though some considered it unenviable) invitation to spar with Furinkan.

Having won the national tournament in his first year of high school, Kuno had been absent during the previous tournament. But it was what he'd done to the two teams that had sparred with Furinkan that had made him infamous in the kendo world as the arrogant swordsman soundly defeated each member of the opposing squads, injuring each of them enough to keep them and their squads out of the national tournament held over a month later.

Despite his fearsome reputation though, the young swordswoman had hoped to face his blade. True, she preferred a naked blade to that of a shinai, but a match was a match. As a Shinmeiryu swordswoman she was more than prepared to face a skilled swordsman.

But it was her duty as a Shinmeiryu that demanded that she deal with the new threat.

"What the hell is that?" one of her classmates asked.

As a Shinmeiryu maiden, she had exorcised demons and spirits before, but this, this monstrosity was different. Regardless, it was a threat to the non-combatants.

Three long fingers with menacing claws tipped long, powerful arms and a mouthful of wicked teeth stood against her skill and her measly shinai. The odds weren't good. Still, she couldn't, wouldn't allow the creature to harm her peers without going through her first.

Before she could even grab her hilt though a mysterious martial artist appeared, drawing the creature's attention. Howling, the towering creature focused on the boy in red.

It was clear to her that the boy was a martial artist, though from the way he moved, it was obvious that he wasn't formally trained to fight with a sword despite the fact that he had one in his hand. Dark brown and black stains told her that as good as he was he'd been injured, yet he fought on.

"That must be Ranma," someone muttered.

"Ranma Saotome?" someone else asked for clarification.

"What other guys named Ranma do you know of?" the first replied. "He's supposed to be Nerima's top fighter."

The creature charged the martial artist.

Fearlessly, Ranma rushed to meet the charge. The flash of steel brought a squeal of delight from some of the younger and less experienced kendoka as he effortlessly cut off the creature's arm.

Howling in pain, the creature pulled back, but not fast enough as Ranma cut the creature's stomach.

The sudden spray of blood from the arm and stomach though made the street slick, causing the sword wielding martial artist to slip. The momentary lapse was all the creature needed as it lashed out at Ranma. Clawed toes ripped into the boy's side, tearing through his already blood stained shirt and sending him flying. An unfortunate Toyota stopped the pigtailed boy's flight as he crashed into the side of the car.

Injured, the creature used the opportunity to flee its hunter.

"We need to find someplace safe," someone, possibly the team's supervising teacher and coach, suggested.

Unwilling to simply seek shelter, the young swordsmistress waited for her opportunity to slip away. By the time she made it back to the initial scene, neither the boy known as Ranma nor the beast he hunted remained, though the trail of blood (both human and other) was more than enough for her to follow.

A grim discovery greeted her less than a block away. Having been cut open before, the creature had literally spilled its guts. Judging from the contents, it was clear that the creature had feasted on humans recently. The sight of the partially dissolved face as well as a chewed upon hand greeted her, nearly making her lose her lunch.

Steeling herself, she focused on the remains of the creature. Judging from the way the pieces were strewn about, Ranma had managed to cut its other arm off before a second monster apparently appeared, knocking Ranma into a storefront.

The remains of the arm still twitched and the fingers appeared to be clawing at the cement street even though neither piece was attached to the creature's destroyed head.

'Like a chicken with its head cut off,' she mused as she watched the remaining parts try to move.

Shaking her head, she followed the trail left by the martial artist. 'He's lost a lot of blood,' she observed as the drops of blood became smaller and began to be spaced further and further apart. 'He can't go much further, not with all the blood he's lost.'

The feel of several fighters' battle ahead of her told her that she was on the right trail, prompting her to rush ahead. 'Ni-san? Wasn't he supposed to be visiting his daughter? Those other two must be from Mahora û could that be Kuzunoha-san? Three othersà probably the local martial artists. Just how many creatures are there?'

Turning the corner, she spotted two creatures as they stood in the center of the street, one currently being assaulted by the martial artist in red. The other fighters lined the street, standing on cars or atop telephone poles. 'Wait, that doesn't add upà'

"That's not for us to judge," she heard someone proclaim. "The boy doesn't know it, but he's killing his own family."

Tsuruko blinked. That didn't make any sense.

The sound of breaking glass brought her out of her thoughts, drawing her attention to the cloud of gas that enveloped Ranma and the creature he was attacking.

"You have to get him out of there!" Tsuruko protested as she tried to sense the martial artist's battle aura. "He's spent and bleeding badly."

All eyes turned toward her.

"Tsuruko? Whatà that's right, your club..." Eishun grumbled. "You're not even properly armed."

In a flash the young woman beside her cousin vanished, appearing directly beside her.

"If you're going to be here," the young Shinmeiryu master said as she put her hand on her sword, "you should be properly equipped."

Tsuruko smiled, accepting the young swordsmistress' second sword. "Thank you, but we must rescue him," she urged.

"He'll be fine," the young woman insisted.

A second cloud of gas erupted at the other creature's feet, prompting it to roar in protest.

Chains erupted from one of the local fighter's sleeves, wrapping themselves around the powerful creature's arms and legs.

A bandana clad boy charged at the howling creature, driving his fist into the creature's lungs and forcing out any air that had been inside. Doubling over, the creature's head vanished into the gray mist even as the fighter rushed out of the cloud.

"We need to destroy those things," Toko insisted as she unsheathed her blade.

"But, shouldn't we allow the local martial artists to deal with them?" Tsuruko asked. As the future leader of the Shinmeiryu, she knew that there were certain protocols when dealing with other martial artists and the occasional fits that one group or another would throw when someone disrupted their 'turf'.

"We were sent here because the situation as deemed to be beyond your control," Eishun proclaimed as he watched the second creature fall over.

"Well, we didn't ask for your help," the bandana clad boy shouted as he rushed towards his fallen companion. "We've managed to take care of them ourselves."

"What of the innocents already killed?" the scruffy blond man beside Eishun asked. "Too many people witnessed what happened here."

"We'll deal with them," the tiny, shriveled old man replied.

"I'm sorry, but we can't let you take those things away," Eishun stated.

"I'm not letting you kill the boy's parents," the tiny man said firmly.

Despite his size, it was clear to the young swordmistress that he was the most powerful fighter present. Even if she were to aid her cousin and his companions, Tsuruko doubted that they would be able to prevail in a straight fight. But this wasn't a straight fight. Their targets needed to be destroyed, and the creatures were already knocked out. But how good were these fighters?


Well-Known Member
How about Amazon Potion BS? cologne fed/watered them during their talk, and slipped Ranma a potion that would turn him immortal, but slipped the rest of them a version that would turn them into flesh eating zombies (or whatever the hell they are). Both potions get triggered by the Mermaid Flesh, or something along those lines, but otherwise remain dormant until flushed out of the system.

Cologne had the stock, and used Amazon Mind Control Technique #35 to convince the sushi chef that he had the flesh in stock, and to serve it to his guests. Cologne got the stuff cause she's a crazy fucking old Amazon, and probably found it in her youth (or something like that), or the tribe has some that she has access to thanks to her matriarch status.