Akamatsuverse Immortality Theory


Well-Known Member
Well in an attempt to use what little logic there is in this kind of anime, what if the Urashima male line carried in its genetics a cluster of genes that gave all the Urashima sons vast ki reserves, the unconcious ability to gather and utilise chi and subconsicious eneregy manipulation abilities (think redirecting the kinetic energy of an attack into a ki blast).

However a long time ago they realised that wielding this kind of power would only cause trouble and as such all sons have their abilities sealed from birth with a special ritul that twists their ki into a special pattern that keeps them safe (Keitaro's immortalitiy) but also ties up all that power so that they appear, to all but the most well trained eye, a bit weak and pathetic with an almost improbable ability to look on the bright side and limitless patience.

To futhur reduce the chances of the destruction of a sizable chunk of japan, the sons are taught a very defensive martial arts style, while the girls are taught the more offensive style, in this way the guys grow up kind hearted and forgiving(keitaro) while the girls grow up tough(haruka). With the hope being that with luck the girls will take care of things and the guys won't have to blow up any cities by accident.

Knowing that not all things go according to plan the weave which binds their powers can be undone with certain emotional stimulus (intense need to protect something), also when an Urashima son gets a serious girlfriend he plans to marry, or reaches the age of 25 he is then given special training after which it he can unweave the seal at will and use and train his abilities consiciously. prior to special training being received said candidate is checked pschologically to make sure he will be responsible enough with his abilities with training being postponed if the subject is found lacking.

All of this is of course kept quite by the family and the guys only find out when its time for them to be unsealed, and the girls only when it is deemed neccessary for them to know.

So when Keitaro gets smashed his body automatically steals energy from the blow to cushion his landing, before siphoning any latent chi in the enviroment to repair his body, however the slight flaw is that it prevents none of the pain just makes sure you don't die at the end of it. The Urashima elders didn't want spoilt idiots thinking they were invincible after all.

Does it hold together enough considering the appropriate anime logic?
So Urashima males are natural gimps? :p

John Tannius

Well-Known Member
I always felt that This had something to do with Keitaro's immortality. Perhaps his mortality is being kept in a box somewhere. It would make for a good darkfic if Kitsune were to find and open the box thus releasing his mortality at the wrong moment.
Whoops, didn't look at your group. Never mind.

That said, on a variation of the box thing, a picture like with Dorian Grey from the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Before Hinata: Looked pristine. He doesn't even know it exists, hanging in his parent's attic or something where he won't see it. Then, after he's at the Hinata for a week, one of his parents gives it a funny look because it appears to have been burned and cut to ribbons without leaving the frame.

The broken leg? Well, I never read the original, so I can't say how things like Keitaro fucking up and stepping on it wrong (which is how it happened... as you'll notice, his leg isn't actually hit by the giant onion) would work, since it's his own damn fault, but it could still lead to interesting debates.


Well-Known Member
I am fully aware that this post could be considered a necropost, but I've sreated my own theory as to how Keitaro is immortal.

When he was a young boy he was brought back to life by someone misusing the powers of the Time Vortex, rendering him a permanent fact in space and time; much like with Captain Jack Harkness. This means that anything that would kill him either doesn't, or it's only temporary; while everything else effects him normally, like the broken leg, and aging.

Lord Raa

Exporter of Juice Tins
Dubrichius said:
I am fully aware that this post could be considered a necropost, but I've sreated my own theory as to how Keitaro is immortal.

When he was a young boy he was brought back to life by someone misusing the powers of the Time Vortex, rendering him a permanent fact in space and time; much like with Captain Jack Harkness. This means that anything that would kill him either doesn't, or it's only temporary; while everything else effects him normally, like the broken leg, and aging.
That's potentially inspiring me to write an AU...

Though I must admit that I'd be tempted to go for the Bloodworms from Blade of the Immortal and possibly have a Kitsune match, but you know.......
I know this will make some of you ask yourselves WTF? but personally I think Keitaro is related to the McLeod clan in some way. I actually believe that Keitaro is a Highlander.

"There can be only one!"


Well-Known Member
I always thought that Ken Akamatsu stated in an interview that Keitaro has an AT field? <_<

But this was some time back... so I could be wrong.

Or perhaps... Keitaro is a VERY good painter. A painter whose skill level that has not been seen since Dorian Grey.


Well-Known Member
Or maybe...Keitaro's promised girl wasn't Naru either, and Mutsumi remembered incorrectly. Maybe...it was this girl.

After all, she's been known to spend a day every century as a person...who's to say it wasn't as a child, that time? And who's to say that she's not going to keep that promise with Keitaro, someday...even if they both have to wait another century to meet at Tokyo U?

Alternative thought...perhaps the Breaking Point training theory? At an early age, Keitaro was always clumsy, and possessed a naturally high level of ki...so, his body began to adapt, the ki strengthening his body over time, until he could survive living at Hinata Inn when he moved in. As the girls have increased their physical abuse, his ki has naturally developed, all going towards defense, for the most part, though it can still be overloaded with enough damage. I've considered using a variation of this to have Keitaro become immortal (or at least, exceptionally long-lived) due to the way his ki developed for my Immortals Club multicrossover notion.
My theory is that Keitaro is an incredibly advanced, self-repairing android. His brain is wirelessly connected to a huge memory core; which stores his memories and experiences. When Keitaro's current android body takes enough damage to be rendered non-functional, a signal is sent to that memory core that makes it download all it's current data into one of the thousands of replacement Keitaro-droids, which is then swapped for the nonfunctioning unit using instant matter transportation. The catch is that Keitaro doesn't know that he is an android, which is what has kept him from utilizing his super-android brain in his quest to be accepted into Tokyo U.

The reason why Keitaro is an android is that the real Keitaro died years ago, and his family is secretly rich enough and crazy enough to make an identically mechanical duplicate.

The android duplicate also has the memories of the original Keitaro because everyone in Keitaro's family has circuitry implanted in their brains that download their memories into a data-storage device that is much like the one I talk about in the first paragraph.


Well-Known Member
Blind fools.

Keitaro drank the Hourai Elixir.

Just as planned.


KING (In Land of Blind)
Staff member
Just like his sister and grandmother, Keitaro was trained in the family Martial Art (seriously, who teaches the adopted daughter the family kung-fu but not the only blood son?).

Unfortunately, after he totally mastered the Iron Spirit Kung, his nervous system was harmed and his muscular coordination was shot. Incapable of ever regaining the skill of a martial artist but retaining the nigh-invicibilty of Iron Spirit, he had to fall back on Plan B: the Tokyo U Promise.


Well-Known Member
Got a new theory here.

The Indestructible Man

Keitaro's a Talent from the Godlike RPG setting with the same powers as Moreland.

That or that he has the same invulnerability like the Marvel character Paulie Provenzano, but not his super-strength.