Akamatsuverse Inverse Psychology


Well-Known Member
This is an expansion on the Warlord Negi thread, a snippet that I am sort of happy with at this point. I'm a bit intimidated by the quality of writing from TFF authors but I'll try my best! This hasn't been pre-read so I would like to ask for a little help in that area.

And I need a better title <_<

CH. 1

"Vox Victum"

by Hypothesis

"Remember Negi, the Headmaster is an old man," a rather tall and stately blonde woman whispered out the side of her mouth to a smaller figure wearing a pointy hat. "If they don't call you up, I'm sure we could take him."

With a muffled groan, Negi pulled his hat down even further in an effort to hide his burning face. "I'm sure that won't be necessary, Nekane..." But even as he said it, there was a small sliver of doubt. He hadn't been paying attention to every name called, but he was reasonably sure that it was being done in alphabetical order and 'Springfield' should have come up by now. He hadn't exactly failed the finals, so technically he was qualified for graduating but...

They could deny him a diploma.

Nekane sniffed before giving the top of his head a look that was half way playful and half way worried. "If you are sure!"

And he was sure. Very sure. Whatever reasons they might have for not giving him a diploma would not be helped by attacking the Headmaster out of rage. He would have told his sister that he was better than that, had he not spent the last hour considering it.

'It won't be necessary.' He reaffirmed to himself and a second later, a certain name was called.


The very last name off the list. Negi bit his lip as applause began to resound in the hall, feeling the pin pricks of forming tears. Wiping the evidence away, he looked up at his sister and promptly began to fear for the Headmaster's life. That smile...Nekane was always smiling but this one was...not pretty.

"No innocents in the crossfire!" he said quickly.

"We can make them clear out faster."

"Nekane!" His voice was close to whining but not quite, because Negi Springfield does not whine. It was far too childish.

"We will have words with the Headmaster, Negi," she replied in a tone that brooked no argument. "I will not allow you to go home and mope in your room until we know exactly what is going on." He felt her tug at his hat affectionately. "You earned it, don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

'That's right!' He stood a bit taller, lifting his chin with a new determination. He had earned it; he had been earning it for five years! 'I have to take what's mine.'

It took the better part of an hour for his classmates to stop congratulating each other and stop walking on eggshells around him but eventually, the hall emptied. Gathering his courage as the attendants started to clean up, Negi stepped forward. "Headmaster!" The old man turned to look him dead in the eyes, momentarily choking his words. Did this count as insubordination? "My diploma..."

"Mr. Springfield," he murmured pleasantly, even as Negi's heart jumped.


"May I speak to you privately?"


Over the course of five years, Negi had been inside the Headmaster's office far more times than he was comfortable with. It was regal, it was impressive, it was large and he was there again. The very first time he had seen the room was when Nekane had been bulldozing the man into letting him move up in the academy early giving this situation an ironic flair.

"I don't suppose you would like some tea, would you? Oolong."

Negi was tempted but he was so nervous that he just might throw it up. "No, thank you." His hands were shaking.

The Headmaster made a noncommital humming sound as he poured himself a cup from the plain white set. The old man took a sip, breathing in the steam. "Do you remember, the second to last question on your Magical Theory exam?"

The young boy blinked. That was a random question. "Yes, it was an essay on the benefits of having greater magical control." The man's mind seemed to have drifted away sometime during his answer, so Negi took a breath and pressed forward. "Was something wrong with my answer?" 'I know I didn't put down anything incriminating...'

"In terms of content and voice, it was horrible."

Negi nearly had a heart attack. "H-h-horrible!" 'Crud!'

"You didn't answer the question. What little examples of benefits that you included were minor at best. The whole thing was beating around the bush with a strong sense of disapproval. You know the material," the man asserted. "But you rebel against it so strongly that you can't even write it down?"

Negi couldn't believe they were having this conversation. Again. "I passed, didn't I? This is a school! Not a political campaign! Headmaster, I know what you are thinking..." The man raised an eyebrow. "But I'm not that reckless anymore! I was just...young."

The other eyebrow went up.

"Really young," Negi blurted before throwing his hands up. "Come on, that was three years ago! I've changed, really." He pinched the bridge of his nose. "Power is not the end all be all of things..."

There was a heartbeat of silence.

"The Board worried that you would repeat that incident, with even more purpose." The old man took another, long sip from his cup. "You take well to Darkness, Negi. A little too well for anyone to be comfortable...." he trailed off as he reached into the left voluminous sleeve and withdrew a scroll, tied with a golden ribbon. "I trust you will give me no reason to regret this."

For a full minute, Negi couldn't speak because his heart was lodged in his throat. He wrapped his hands around the diploma gingerly, as if it would break into dust at any moment. "I..." He clutched it to his chest and smiled widely. "I won't!" And just like that, all lingering tension vanished as the new Magister-Magi-in-training stood up to leave. "Thank you."

"Think nothing of it. Make me proud."

"I will."

As soon as the door closed behind him, Negi felt a bit of regret worm into his heart. Lying never sit well with him. With a sigh, he began to chant a phrase that belonged to him and him alone.


He only had one chance to do this. 'Put me somewhere where I can grow stronger.'

The scroll rebelled. Bucking, twisting with the staccato of crackling paper, it burned him. A scorching, icy heat was lapping at his fingers and then slithering up his arm...it was...-it was too strong! Reflexively, his fingers snapped open and the scroll drifted down onto the ground. Sharp, angry letters formed.

A teacher in Japan.

Negi sighed again as he felt a geass snap into place. Oh well, he didn't really think it would work anyway. He nudged the diploma with his foot. Nothing. He picked it up, rolled it, tied it and stuck it in the closest pocket. And sighed once more. The two women in his life, Nekane Springfield and Anya Cocolova...

'They're gonna flip...'


'Japan, huh?'


And that's as far as I got. This Negi has goals and hopefully, I showed a different Negi than in canon while still keeping him Negi. Did I succeed? I didn't think that I would have the patience to start the story somewhen earlier but if it's needed, I'll whip it up.
Hmmmm.....not bad. Not bad at all.

So far you have a Negi that is obviously different from normal, though we still don't know how much. He is defiantly not evil, but seems to have different beliefs, and had lived a rather different life. As was discussed in the idea thread.

I am confused on how you portrayed Nekane though.....she is obviously different from the what little we have seen in the manga, but we don't really know why....is it because she herself is different, or because she is simply supportive of Negi and his goals, and has changed accordingly to help him? Something is obviously different.

I assume everything stems back from the "incident" three years ago.

Well, I think you have a good start here, and I look foreword to seeing where you take this.


Well-Known Member
Interesting. Solid writing, too.
I like how you used a geass instead of calling it a contract or something. Geass... fits better for this.

For the un-informed in the audience, thinking I or the author is making some strange reference to CG, click here.


Well-Known Member
A Negi who will still try to be diplomatic but once the first try at diplomacy doesnt work will begin to systemically tear the opposition apart?

Thats Awesome.


Well-Known Member
Nice opening, with a string introduction into the characters and the difference made quite clear. Good job.

One does wonder though, did Negi change because of the event three years ago or did the event happen because Negi changed.

Also, has Nekane been corrupted by Negi or the other way around?

And this shows that while Negi is still inherently good, he is not squeamish about certain things.


Well-Known Member
Interesting, although I do hope the changes from canon happened for a reason, and not just because you wanted a crazy Negi and homicidal Nekane.


Well-Known Member
No, Nekane is not crazy but rather benevolently manipulative. There is a "method to her madness" that stems around the 'incident.' I'm still tweaking part two and hopefully it will make some sense.

Interesting, although I do hope the changes from canon happened for a reason, and not just because you wanted a crazy Negi and homicidal Nekane.
It's a 'what if?' idea. I'm not going to pretend its something noble but I am going to try to make the pieces fit instead of changing things willy nilly.


Well-Known Member
Is Nekane channeling Lina Inverse?


Well-Known Member
Hypothesis said:
alansg said:
Is Nekane channeling Lina Inverse?
I do not know who that is. I will go look it up...
Lina Inverse. In this fic Nekane is acting just like her. Well, just a little bit. Had it been Lina, she would have destroyed the entire school at the moment the last student was called.


Well-Known Member
*snort* That sounds amusing. But no, she isn't channeling anyone psychotic or exceedingly violent. ;)

the DragonBard

Well-Known Member
Hypothesis said:
*snort* That sounds amusing. But no, she isn't channeling anyone psychotic or exceedingly violent. ;)
Lina isn't psychotic...
Incredibly violent, yes, but not psychotic.

Though she 'does' have the right to the titles dragonslayer, godslayer, and demonslayer. And is enough to terrify adult dragons as a teenager.
This shows... promise. However, there certainly is nothing to go on at this point. You're going to have to give us more material in order for us to give more constructive reviews.

That said, I'm intrigued.


Well-Known Member
Hypothesis said:
Interesting, although I do hope the changes from canon happened for a reason, and not just because you wanted a crazy Negi and homicidal Nekane.
It's a 'what if?' idea. I'm not going to pretend its something noble but I am going to try to make the pieces fit instead of changing things willy nilly.
That's all I can ask for, really.


Well-Known Member
Alright, this is part 2 of however many parts I need to make Ch 1 a decent length, is there a rule of thumb for that? I also wondered if the 'incident' should be clear or leave it as a semi mystery for the future chapters? Anyhow, I am a slow writer apparently >_>

'Japan, huh?'

He tried imagine what it would be like to live there, what the people were like but all his brain could come up with was a big fat 'it's way out east.' He knew he had learned about it but only the bare bones information was filtering in. It was different, in almost every way possible.

'I wonder...'

Without really meaning to Negi drifted down the corridors of the school, taking the long way back to the main hall while completely lost in thought. Marble tile after tile streamed underneath his feet until it blurred into one dull grey-brown mess. Some part of him admitted that he was lucky that hardly anyone was in school, or he'd probably mow right over them.

'This changes things.'

And it did. Precious research time would have to be redistributed towards studying the language and culture of the country, and perhaps some light reading on the native magic. Alternatives were never a bad thing. He could get the language in three weeks, with the help of some minor spells, two weeks, if he pushed it. Culture could be taken care of on the plane...

A slightly uneasy expression crossed his face. 'A bit close...best to read up on it the day before, at least.' And then there was the limitations of being physically so far away from his usual haunts. 'I hope there will be a library nearby, and I'll have to stock up on my research materials...'

Books. Bone fragments. A few more vials of blood, speaking of which, perhaps his order had come in by now? Crystals, runes and the ritual knife he had cracked last week...he scrubbed the top of his head. Age pills were a necessity and those were expensive! He could almost feel Puru-puru cry out in pain. 'It will be a short dip in the red, I'll have a teacher's salary...' He felt a smile tug at his lips. More money as well as less supervision...

Now there was a pleasant thought.


His head jerked up guiltily. He meant less supervision in the form of the Headmaster! How could he forget that it also meant less Nekane? Less of everyone...

"Sis!" He cried out after making sure that he could inject enough false happiness into it. "I got it!" With the tinkling, pure laugh he adored about his sister he found himself swept up into a warm hug. He thought about complaining, he wasn't so little anymore, but he kind of wanted it too before it was reduced to a letter.

"I knew it," she said and pulled away to pinch at his cheeks. "You'll be just like your father..."

That last word almost killed the happy mood for Negi. "Maybe." 'If any of us knew what he was actually like, maybe.'

Nekane stood, blue eyes shining suspiciously with something, and smoothed a few wrinkles out of her sky blue dress. "Why don't we go pay Anya a visit? Lira told me you two had some kind of bet...?"

He smacked his palm with a fist, feeling the diploma shift in his pocket pleasingly. "That's right! I told her I could do it! She owes me about ten..." He quickly calculated the girl's tab. "Pounds and three pence now."

His sister raised an eyebrow. "And you owe her how much?"

'Damn, she had to ask.' "...fifteen pounds..." The eyebrow crawled higher. "I can pay her back!" he blurted out. "I'll have a salary now, it'll be no problem!"

That just lifted the other one. "What did your diploma say?"

For a moment, Negi froze. He knew where he was going. He knew what he'd have to do to prepare for it. He knew that eventually, within weeks, he had to leave. But for some reason, telling Nekane about it would make it seem all the more real.

He wanted to soften the blow but as always, his mouth jumped ahead. "A teacher in Japan."

And his sister deflated. Too little surprise, too much shock with a healthy dose of what looked like...fear. He stared at her and she stared back as her hand came up to her mouth.



The day was dragging on towards its end. From the window, the red sun could be clearly seen hanging fat in the sky as the horizon rose to meet it. The smoky light filtered through the clouds to tint a house, the sidewalk, a tree, a subtle red. The deep afternoon before evening, quiet as the village tended to be, was the best time of da-

"Aaaaaannnnyaaaaaa!" Negi flung the door open, uncaring or just not thinking about what could have greeted him on the other side. It was a habit everyone in the hostel tried to break him of to no avail. Sometimes he caught the girl at a bad time, something she would reinforce painfully, but today he was in luck. "Guess what I got- Lira!"

Crossing her arms, a young girl of around nine with dark red-brown hair tied back with a red ribbon huffed while rolling her eyes. "That's Negi for you. He'll come in like I'm his best friend but instantly forget about me once he spots something shiny." She met his indignant 'hey!' with a dismissing wave of the hand, but smiling to take away the sting.

An olive skinned young woman chuckled as she closed the book. "I suppose that makes me 'shiny' then?" Flustered, the boy could only squeak as Lira slid the worn book back into its spot on the bookshelves covering the south wall. "Anya? Would you like me to help you into the chair?"

"Nah," the girl replied easily. "Negi can do it." He spluttered but slumped in defeat as the woman ran a quick cleanliness check on the room before passing him. For a brief moment, a hand was on his shoulder.

"Relax, Negi. Anya won't bite." And she was gone to her room right across the hall.

He sighed. "She doesn't know you too well, does she?" Watching the angry blush spread across Anya's cheeks was a sweet revenge. Whipping out the diploma before her stunned eyes was just icing on the cake. "Nyah!"

"You dork" were the first two words out of her mouth. "You really did do it and only a six months later than me!" She gave him a cheeky thumbs up as he felt his left eye develop a tick. She was horrible.

"You owe me ten pounds and three pence now." He didn't know why he said it, chances were that she kept a running tally of their bets already. How long had this rivalry been going on? Funny how he forgot the details of each bet, but still remembered the outcomes...

She stuck her nose in the air, a fair approximation of some kind of a Baroness if it weren't for her lips twitching. "Negi, Negi, Negi. Forgot your fifteen pound whopper already?" She pumped a fist in the air. "You will never beat me!"

He snorted and embracing his age, took a running leap onto the bed. The mattress was just as springy as he remembered, making both of them bounce up and down for a good thirty seconds. He knew he had the largest grin on his face as Anya bopped him on the head.

"You dork..."

'So you always tell me.' But that was ok, he could always count on her to be brutally honest. Four years ago, he had taken people for granted. But she had called him a dork back then too so at least, that was one thing that hadn't changed. The village was both emptier and fuller than it had been in a while. Less familiar faces, more foreign attention. People were more...cautious around him now.

It was exhilarating. And it hurt.

He looked down at the bed, at the brown quilt with flame spirals stitched into each square; his eyes tracing the sparking edges of the pattern. "I'm sorry for-"his breath hitched.

N-Not me! Not -!

Surely, the young master has prepared a sacrifice-

Negi! What are you do-

'Pull yourself together!' he thought with some irritation. It never seemed to get any easier to say. "For giving up your legs, Anya." Fire. Did she keep it to remind her, to remind him or was it completely innocent?

Her eyes rolled again. "You are a bloody fool, Negi Springfield." She poked him in the chest and he was embarrassed to find that he curled into himself away from the accusing finger. "I know you." He pondered over the strange emphasis as her voice softened. "I know you. You don't have to keep apologizing."

"But I want to." And that was that. He got up and opened the door to the closet where a sturdy and, in his opinion, cool looking wheelchair sat just waiting to be used. He wheeled it by the bed and floundered over how to break the news to his volatile and fire happy friend...


A minor levitation spell later and he was put on the spot.

"Did you see what your diploma said?" He watched her hook up the buckle around her waist, with an intensity that could only come from a dogged determination not to look at what lay below the belt. Or what didn't.

"Tell me your's first. You promised for when I got mine..."

"Fortune teller in London, exactly what I wanted! It's not too far from home either..."

"Oh...well..." he stalled as he opened the door, and wheeled her out of the room. "You see...it's kind of like this..."

"You're stalling, Negi. Is it that bad? You didn't get ermine breeder, did you?"

"...I'm to be a teacher in Japan."




Well-Known Member
wait wait wait, Negi was the reason Anya lost her legs? Doesn't magic have prosthetics/magical legs etc. that would substitute?

So, from what I can gleam, Negi is a studious magician who probably made an error four years ago, that caused Anya to lose her legs and hurt the village.

Also, who the hell is Lira?

Negi may also be a necromancer though, since there is talk of bones, blood, and rituals.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
nairit said:
wait wait wait, Negi was the reason Anya lost her legs? Doesn't magic have prosthetics/magical legs etc. that would substitute?
Perhaps she has to stop growing, before she can get them installed?


Well-Known Member
I am guessing that is two votes for coming clean with the incident before the chapter is over? The entire thing started on purpose, but you can probably guess that it went out of hand soon after. Anya can get magical prosthetics but not right now due to a large complication that has stalled her continuing education in London. A clue lies in his words:

"I'm sorry for giving up your legs, Anya."
As for Lira, she's another change brought about by Negi's actions but at the moment, a minor OC. I'm a bit scared of giving non canon characters too much spotlight.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
Hypothesis said:
I am guessing that is two votes for coming clean with the incident before the chapter is over? The entire thing started on purpose, but you can probably guess that it went out of hand soon after. Anya can get magical prosthetics but not right now due to a large complication that has stalled her continuing education in London. A clue lies in his words:

"I'm sorry for giving up your legs, Anya."
Hmm, so that wasn't a typo. I had wondered.


Well-Known Member
I...can see why you would think it was a typo. It is a bit odd there, isn't it? But yeah, it isn't one. Should I make that clearer somehow? Mini flashback or something?

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
Hypothesis said:
I...can see why you would think it was a typo. It is a bit odd there, isn't it? But yeah, it isn't one. Should I make that clearer somehow? Mini flashback or something?
IMHO, yes. Please do.


Well-Known Member
Flashback added. You guys could probably tell what the incident was now, or at least get very, very close. Thanks for the feedback! :yay:


Well-Known Member
I like what I have seen so far. This looks pretty good.


Well-Known Member
ah, demon summoning. Always a good excuse for Character Development and Changes. ^_^ :sisi: :sisi:


Well-Known Member
It is!? Damn, does this mean that I need to think of something else? In my defense, it happened because of character changes, instead of causing it, but still, if its old hat by now...