Nasuverse [Iron Fic 5-2] The Heroic Riot


Well-Known Member
One day which is everyday and everyday is one day because time makes no sense in the Throne of Heroes.

Shirou Emiya's heroic spirit got sick and tired of being bored and forced to work in the afterlife, or whatever it is that he is stuck in for all eternity, asked Akasha for a vacation day which would span an eternity since time still doesn't make sense..

Akasha being the bitch that she is to her heroic slaves told him "No, now get back to work slave!"

Shirou took exception to this because he was sick of her PMSing all the time and generally making him miserable for all eternity. So he traced a sign held on a steel stick and written on the sign was "Akasha give me my vacation or else I'm not going to work anymore."

Then he held up the sign satisfied with what it said and waved it in a protesting manner while shouting "Give me vacation, I want it now!"

An Hour Later...

Other heroes who had heard the loud shouts came to check on what was happening and realized that they too had desires.

Thus more heroes had joined Shirou in protest with varying signs and shouts of their own.

"Akasha give me freedom!" or "Akasha let me go to heaven" were some of the more reasonable demands, but they were in the minority while the more absurd or inane demands filled the majority of the voices.

"I want a new chair! These old uncomfortable wooden ones are terrible!"


"I need bitches! I mean new bitches! I can't keep looking at Freya's ass all the time, it gets boring!


"Mongrels, only my desires matter and I want my Saber!"


"I want a to go back in time and beat my cheating husband!"


"I need a 72 inch Plasma Screen T.V."


"There was this guy that look at me funny, I want to go back to kick his ass!"


"I died a virgin, I want to lose my V Card!" *Sob*


"I can't believe I'm sharing a room with that douche. I want my chair to be in another room. A room with cool people!"


"These chairs are terrible! Why can't we have chairs like the one you are sitting on!"

All the heroes were in agreement on that last one.

Seeing as all her slaves were rioting against her Akasha decided to do something about it.

It was time for her to punish her slaves and what better way to do that than send them back to the 5th Holy Grail War.

Akasha being the bitch that she was also decided not to give them new spirit bodies and instead sent them all back in their normal living forms giving them a second chance at life. Which also meant a second chance to screw themselves over die in a most humiliating fashion.

As the heroes protested they suddenly noticed that the scenery had changed and they weren't in the Throne of Heroes anymore.

Instead they noticed that they were alive and were holding up their protest signs. Thus the first thing they did was hit the heroes next to them with their sign because violence is the most obvious solution to unknown situations.

Time Passes...

The Epic Hero Riot left Fuyuki city in ruins and the world with a lot of extra heroes running around doing whatever they wanted to do because no one had the power to stop them.

The world was forever changed on that day as the Age of Heroes had begun.

More Time Passes...

Shirou Emiya was pleased with himself enjoying his vacation in the recently vacated Von Einzbern Castle with Saber who was grateful to Shirou for starting the protest that made Akasha kick them out and send them back to Earth.

"Shirou do you think we should go look for Rin?"

"We could, or we could let her find us because she'll turn up eventually. She always does."

"I guess your right." Saber reclined on her La-Z Boy recliner. "If only they had these chairs in the Throne of Heroes. I never want to go back to those wooden things."

"Didn't you use wooden chairs back when you were alive in the past."

"Yes and they were always so uncomfortable that I'd just sit on Guinevere. She was so soft."

More Time Passes...

Akasha was annoyed that her Slaves weren't coming back.

"Maybe I should have gotten them better chairs."

Akasha leaned back on her Chair of Unlimited Comfort.

"Nah, I can't let someone else have such comfortable chairs. My slaves will just have to deal with the wooden ones."

Thus ends the story of The Heroic Riot


Well-Known Member
There's a limit to how off the rails a story can be. For your own virtual safety you should post this on Beast's Lair.


Staff member
Writing Proficiency: 13/20 One of the rougher fics this week without having one error that leaps out and beats me over the head.
Theme: 18/20 Well the actual riot is glossed over but there was a protest march! That was pretty good.
Source: 16/20 Good grief are they in-character or not? I eventually remembered that Carnival Phantasm was a thing and gave you a pass.
Story: 13/20 Alaya's solution to their complaints was surprisingly elegant, but resolving things through "Time passes" is the height of poor storytelling.
Other: 15/20 The complaints voiced by the heroes made me laugh out loud.
Total: 75

If you want to turn this into a real crackfic for posting elsewhere I'd recommend expanding on the breakdown. Maybe once they're incarnated and have actual thoughts and feelings again a hero recognizes their greatest enemy (Lancelot sees Arthur?) and charges screaming, tossing heroes in every direction and starting a war.