Harry Potter Just Plain Freaky


Well-Known Member
Harry was somewhat angry, Dudley had decided that the typed paper was boring and so his oh-so-loving aunt and uncle had forced him to type it.

In a moment of frustration he slammed his fist into the keyboard and vanished in a flash of light...


It had been a long fight as Harry dodged another spell with no seeming end in sight.

Dumbledore had insisted that he had the power to beat Voldemort before his untimely death.

"Use your freakyness, boy! Let the annoyance flow through you!" came the somewhat familiar inner voice.

"Oh hell, why not," the green eyed boy with the lightning bolt scar muttered to himself.

:snigger: :snigger: :snigger: :snigger:

Hilarious, Freakazoid is awesome and for once, the Dursleys were right when they were calling him a freak...


Well-Known Member
"Hold it," the blue skinned and red clad figure stated with the odd effect of freezing his opponents in place, "Now how did that spell go again?"

He muttered a few odd phrases before smirking, "Ah that's it...bibbity boppity BOOM!"

In a flash of fire and smoke a massive figure seemed to materialize beside him wearing a horned helmet and a massive axe with warpaint.

Everything started moving again as the viking berzerker was pointed into the death eaters and the screams began.

"Don't put that there!" he heard one shriek amidst the bloody sprays.

"Oooh," Freakazoid stated as his jaw dropped, "That had to hurt..."


An hor later Harry walked away while sliding two packages into the mail.


Voldemort slowly opened his eyes and blinked, he and Belletrix were in an odd chamber while wearing straightjackets and three odd little creatures.

"Weee're the Warner Bros..."

"And the Warner Sister..."

"You'll be our new special friends..."


Peter Pettigrew was annoyed. He wasn't sure how he ended up where he was or why he was incapable of changing back into human form.

His new "roommates" were the problem, two white lab mice.

"Gee, Brain, what are we going to do tonight?" the tall and stupid looking one asked the dour looking one.

"The same thing we do every night, try to take over the world!"

"Please just kill me now," Peter muttered to himself...