Just Transfered my Darrowmere Pally


Well-Known Member
Well, as many... okay, few of you know, when TFFers were on Darrowmere, I set up shop there as a Draenei Pally. Even when everyone moved on to Bloodscalp and rerolled Horde (I followed even though I don't play it as much as others), I stayed on Darrowmere and played my Pally. Liked the character too much to just 'abandon'. :p

However, there is a reason why TFF left Darrowmere. And quite frankly, it isn't getting better. I mean, just a quick look through the AH, and you see that even though 'medium' population seems to be common sight now, it isn't on the Allies side. If anything, it got worse. Heck, THE last T5 Ally Raid guilds that were around... quit. Horde side of Darrowmere might be a little better. But well, we rolled Ally on that server. Not Horde.

So I broke down and... transferred the character to a PvE server. Muradin. Why PvE instead of PvP? Well, quite frankly, didn't want to get ganked all the time. :p True, I play PvP on Horde and semi-love it. Semi since yes, still hate getting ganked. But at least Horde is 'better' in the servers I play. Certainly better at BGs pre-70. ;) But for my Ally character? Change of pace IMO. I want to level her up without the fear of some 70, heck even a 60 kicking my ass. Also, when I do want to PvP, I'll just do it in BGs. True, Ally suckage is fairly universal. But at least with PvE, that suckage is confined in the BGs and not the world. ;)

Well, I'll see most of you on Bloodscalp... when I play it every so often and hope to get to 40 eventually. ;) But for now, my Draenei Pally will have a new home to level.