Las Vegas Fanfiction

I need some help. Some time ago there was a posting board for Danny/Mary shippers called "All That I Want :: A Danny & Mary Fansite" that I absolutely loved going to. In particular there was a fanfic called "Danny's Choice" in the adult fanfiction section that I loved and had re-read a couple of times. Then about a year ago the board went down while the software was upgraded/converted and it was supposed to be done sometime that week. I didn't think anything of it and in fact I haven't been back. Recently I decided that I wanted to re-read "Danny's Choice" and so I went to go to the board and not only found it still down but the same message there. It has been over a year. I don't know who was running the board so I don't know how to contact them and find out if they ever plan to relaunch the posting board. I was wondering if anybody knew who was running this board and how to contact them. Also, I was wondering it somebody had a saved copy of "Danny's Choice or knew of someplace else that it was posted because I would love to re-read it. Unfortunately, I don't remember who was writing it. Thanks for your time and any help you can give.

Krissy :)