I... hadn't really expected so many responses to the decision of Jin's fate... :blink:
Very well, I suppose he'll be staying. ^^;;
Especially not as this one is so funny. I really liked the evil Seta and hellspawn Sarah thoughts. That's probably somewhere along the lines I myself would think, if I were forced to deal with two people like that.
You mean your thoughts are self-defeating? Jin-san has... some problems. Says/thinks one thing and does something completely different. ^^;;
Oh, and FatuousOne, Keep the OC. I think we have an agreement that he serves his purpose well. You could have Sarah throw him down some old ruin tunnel to finish him off or something, for the sake of divine justice before you end the prologue.
Err, that's all of the prologue, though. It need only serve the purpose of linking Sarah to 4chan, so it fufills that needed element. Adding any more scene with Jin is unnecessary, really.
I just had the mental image of Sarah just about to do that, with her whispering in his ear "Anonymous does not forgive." Then(thus?) pushing him over the edge to an "untimely" end.
T'would be amusing but... ^^;;
The next part of this will be of the first chapter, with Seta dropping Sarah off at the Hinata and breathing a sigh of relief.

Finally, he can relax!
Well, I COULD link you to Wikichan, where all the memes and 4chan lingo are stored.
Actually, GH, Wikichan removed the 4chan memes and other related stuff. Apparently, they found it too... well, /b/, and got rid of it.
Its been a few days since I've been there. Last time I was on /b/ I was actually disturbed enough that I'm wary of going back.
That happens from time to time. The worst experience always seems to be the first. After all, when I originally traveled into /b/, I got accosted by the sight of someone getting impaled. -_-