Looking for a DC title


Well-Known Member
ok, hopefully one of you will be able to help. back... huh, well before either the Death of Superman or even the breaking of the Bat I belive the JLA was relaunched. the arc for the launched revolved around the arrival of benevolant superbeings that were doing more than earth superbeings were. things like turning the sahara into lush farmland, supposedly killing several of the Bat's Rogue's Gallary(his gallary sticks out, they might have targeted others as well). this was all a cover for the newly awoken/freed White Martians to invade and take over earth.

a couple of memorable moments is that when the newly formed League sent reps to meet with Aquaman(one that wanted no part of being a hero again) they were attacked by a team of White Martians. in the fight Aquaman show just what the "guy who talks to fish" could do and proceeded to communicate with the part of the brain that humans inherited from fish to cause incapacitateing pain. another one was towards the end as the Hero's were gathering for the final assault, Flash nerveously teaseing the Bat that he only took down six of the White Martians by himself.

anyway, hopefully that's enough for one of you nice people to inform me of the name of the arc/novel. I had it at one time but I'll be damned if I can find it now and I'd like to replace it.


Well-Known Member
check white martians on wikipedia, it mentions an arc with various powered super beings that were actually white martians.