Lost Line


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"Who are these people?" Obi-Wan Kenobi asked the clone commander over the holocom.

"Other than the admiral in charge of the fleet saying that he's a Republic admiral," Cody responded from his position in the medical bay of the Pride watching Hevy in one of the tanks of what he assumed was bacta and Fives being patched up from his blaster burn, "And the mandalorians I really don't have a clue beyond the fact that a bunch of them are carrying lightsabers."

Yes, the Jedi General considered, that was rather unusual.

"I've been told that the one in charge is called Revan, though they seem to refer to him as Lord Revan," the clone continued, "And he seems to be competent, the only observation of his actual skills involved him taking a flying leap out of a moving tramp freighter to take down a half-dozen droid starfighters and a lander before landing unharmed."



Well-Known Member
Carth was relatively annoyed by the current events. They had lost nine ships in the encounter, taking just over half that number down in exchange as well as capturing one relatively intact but even less mobile than the rest of the fleet.

The remaining ships were now carrying more crew than usual, survivors from the wrecks had been rescued as quickly as possible while discussion with the new fleet that had apparently ended up in the hands of the most cantankerous being in the fleet.

He still wasn't quite sure if they had gotten anywhere in the actual conversation beyond introductions and Jolee's stories.

Then there was the fighter situation, their own fighters had achieved superiority thanks to the fact that they were heavily upgraded due to T3's copy of the Starforge's databanks. The problem was that the hangers were now overloaded on most of the ships leaving only a few that actually be launched if they encountered more complications.

On top of that there was what information they had gotten out of the soldiers picked up from the surface.

From the descriptions of the Republic it felt almost like they left and with them went the Republic's sanity.

Slavery was being stamped out, the few holdouts in the Republic being in cases dealing with situations that began with a massive debt.

However, even with the laws against the owning of sentient species, the Republic had created what amounted to an army of clones that were essentially told to fight for the Republic or die.

Carth had dealt with dozens of things during his time, from the bombardment of Telos, the quest for the Star Forge, finding Dustil, trying to prepare the galaxy for the threat that Revan saw, dealing with the near endless wars.

But now to find that he wasn't even sure if the current Republic may not even be worth fighting for, well that was something even worse to feel.

On top of that, he was dealing with crewmembers getting more and more anxious about their situation and seeing what happened to their friends and families, not to mention the few that commented that they were now owed several thousand years of backpay.

Then there was the more immediate problem leading up to something that he just knew would be a horrific idea.

He needed a translator to make sure things went over easily, unfortunately pretty much their only choice on that front was HK-47.

Oh, and Canderous was insisting to accompany the team going to meet this General Kenobi aboard his ship.

Revan, Vandar, HK-47, Mandalore, and himself.

Not a workable diplomat among them...


Well-Known Member
SotF said:
Impressive? Oh he has no idea that he hasnt even SEEN impressive.


Oh this will be awesome. HK translating? :mmm:


Well-Known Member
While HK will officially be there to translate, in this case it is more of a just in case precaution to deal with any linguistic difficulties. This is especially true as it wouldn't be the best of ideas to rip the modern language from someones head, especially if your trying to be friendly and have other options available.


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Anakin Skywalker stood back, something about the name seemed familiar to him, but he just couldn't quite place it.

Revan, something from his life back on Tatooine.

Then the memory came and his jaw dropped.

Anchorhead, he'd heard legends from the Jawas and talk from others who came from there about an ancient Jedi who was the reason the Sandpeople avoided the place.

"Master, I think you may want to hear this."


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Admiral Carth Onasi was more relaxed than he had been for the past several years.

A part of him truly hated being put in charge, to him, being a pilot was the first part of his abilities and was damn proud of that. However, the various wars had ended up putting him smack into position as the Admiral of his own fleet in order to do what had been asked of him.

The Ebon Hawk still felt right in his hands, the small freighter behaving as he remembered.

It felt like the good old days, traveling the stars on an epic quest to save the Republic, or at least stop it from being crushed by a lunatic.

Canderous was seated beside him while the Jedi and the droid were back in the lounge.

He just hoped the sociopathic droid could keep its mouth shut when it wasn't needed, they didn't really have the forces for another shooting war, and their supplies were already on the rather low side.


Well-Known Member
Obi-Wan was glad that the Clone Commander was back, if for no other reason than it meant less work for him to cover.

However, other problems were just starting.

Yoda was en route, apparently with Senator Amidala, in order to figure out just what the hell was going on.

Then there was Anakin and his comments about legends from the sands.

Of course, they still had the problem of setting up more direct contact with the fleet, and hopefully getting whatever intelligence they got from the droid control ship they'd taken.

The tramp freighter had settled into position within the Venator-class star destroyer, the soft hissing as the ramp lowered to reveal one of the strangest groupings of people he'd ever seen.


Well-Known Member
Revan straightened from his relaxed position at one of the seats aboard the Ebon Hawk, memories of the time spent aboard her awhirl in his head, but placed aside for the needs of the present.

"Statement: Master it is clear that we outgun and outnumber these meatbags, therefore why not simply eliminate them?"

He groaned slightly, moaning into his hand as he remembered why he'd left the droid with the Hawk on its trip back to Republic space.

"HK," he stated, "These are possible allies, and we don't have enough information about just what the hell has happened to the Republic."

He paused as he headed towards the boarding ramp, the familiar presence and footsteps of Carth and Mandalore just behind him while the softer padding of the Jedi master was right beside him.

"And HK," the twice knighted being added after a shiver went down his spine, "No threats to them, or anything hostile, we do not want to start a fight here."

"Exasperated Query: But master..."

"No, we don't need to start an unnecessary fight, do I have to dig out that modual the general found?"

"Pleading: No master," a brief almost sniffling pause, "I will behave."


Well-Known Member
Vandar was back in his element as he accompanied the other leaders of the fleet.

He considered how he'd ended up in his current position.

As a Jedi Knight he had been on the front lines in the frantic battles with Exar Kun and his forces of the fallen. He remembered killing those he had trained with and studied beside while watching others fall by the blades of their friends and family.

He had known both of the leaders of the Sith at that time, and had known them both as heroes and villains. Nomi Sunrider, as well as both her deceased husband and daughter, had been friends. Once even fighting alongside the venerable Thon of Ambria, even spoken at the Tchuukthai's funeral.

His own talents were in planning and was also exceptionally gifted in receiving visions. Unfortunately, while his rise to mastery was meteoric, the council he'd been stuck with was far more disappointing. They would argue and whine over what he said, twisting it into something entirely different and applying it seemingly on a whim to whatever situation came up.

Near the end of the Mandalorian Wars, the main council had finally given in to provide aid and he did what he could providing aid and advice when he was able, letting those trained to command the armies as the final arbiter of the fate for good or ill.

Being corralled into aiding in the the only one of those close to Revan to return being exiled because of their fear, he almost despaired.

But he was tired of the constant bickering of the council, and chose to retreat to the Dantooine enclave and teach at the end of the war, saddened by Revan's desire to leave, but a part of him felt that the man needed to find peace, and the Republic was not where it could be found for the troubled soul.

Vandar had little choice but to watch as the others decided to make Revan into their puppet, even then he could feel how wrong they were in doing such a thing. Revan was abandoned by their ignorance before, and it was only because he had taken that teaching to heart and been betrayed once more that he would be made into their pawn.

But the Sith had proven to be stronger of will than the others had hoped, becoming the symbol of the force itself.

Yes, Revan's actions had shown him a secret about the force that his fellows had only feared. The force itself was neither light nor dark, but the beings using its power were corruptible not by the force, but by the power they took from it without the traits that made them Jedi.

And he had watched many rise in the ranks that did not have the moral fiber to be there, and he partially blamed himself for allowing it.

With the decimation caused by Exar Kun and the war that followed, they didn't have the numbers to be picky about who was there, and results in battle spoke more than the training and wisdom one had picked up.

Those in power would not lightly give up such power, and while capable warriors they were not all the best choice as leaders.

And then there were those who wanted to change things to their own whims, a prominent example being Atris and her desire to shred the code they followed and remake it as they wished it to be.

After Adi's death, Atris led the charge to begin restricting who could be trained, stating that it was the fact that they were not trained from their childhood that Exar and Ulic had fallen.

To his disbelief, others listened then, and their actions then led to his decision to join Revan in returning to the fleet he had been supplying as a rearguard against the menace he saw the warrior prepare to face.

In the end, it was that decision that saved him from Atris' betrayal of the Jedi, calling down a deadly foe that slew many of those he still viewed as brothers and sisters leaving only the scattered remnants from the ashes of Katarr.

The familiar words of the Code he had followed, passed through his thoughts.

Emotion, yet peace.
Ignorance, yet knowledge.
Passion, yet serenity.
Chaos, yet harmony.
Death, yet the Force.


Well-Known Member
As a side note, for the moment I'm considering using Sareth Dorn for the actual name of the Exile. Considering the name was one of the alternate names for Bastila before settling on her final name.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member

As for the name, 'Sareth Dorn' flows well, IMHO.


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Canderous smirked slightly as he followed Revan.

He'd been keeping secrets for some time now, and the one that not even Revan held a clue about concerned the leader of their forces most of all.

When Revan had left to lead the guard against the True Sith, he'd left a sample of his blood. It had been the key to the storehouse where the man had locked up the helmet that now named him Mandalore.

But there was another use he'd put that same sample to.

Something about Revan had always bugged him, something familiar and the DNA gave him the hint.

Hell, that witch, Kreia, had even confirmed it for him.

Now he was the sole keeper of Revans origins, and had yet to figure out how to explain them to the man.

His attention switched to the two Jedi waiting in the hangar bay of the Star Destroyer, the somewhat comforting sight of them wearing the same form of robes that those he remembered across the galaxy .

The odd looks from the armored forms of the clone troopers, at least that's what the ones in the Pride's medical bay had called themselves, had a vaguely mandalorian look in how they carried themselves as they all seemed to turn from their various duties in the hanger and watch as the party descended from the Ebon Hawk.


Well-Known Member
Sareth Dorn grimaced at the ruined hulks of ships, both from the fleet and from the enemy they had encountered.

She would let Revan deal with this version of the Republic that seemed just as war torn as the one she remembered, but her own mission couldn't wait.

They had taken one of the hyperdrives off of a smaller ship within the captured cruiser and used it to bring one of the long range shuttles back into working order while updating their charts where they could.

"T3," she yelled from her position at the controls, "Is everything ready?"

The whistles that came in response got a grin from her.

"General," she heard her iridonian companion state from the back, "The navicomputer has finished extrapolating the variables for the systems we need to get to."

At least, she figured, without Atton flying this bucket of bolts they weren't likely to get shot down.

"Set course for Dxun," Sareth ordered as she relaxed at the controls, "Dustil, make sure we're rigged to be able to contact the beacon."


Mandalore and Revan had left backup plans as a contingency to their losing against the True Sith, now those same plans could reinforce their own forces.

They had followed Revan's plan of taking planets and removing them from the databases with the aid of the HNG. Now they had to see what was left of the armies, weapons, and other resources scattered about the galaxy.

"Punch it."


Well-Known Member
For those that knew him, the biggest thing that stood out about Revan was his ability to plan. When a plan failed, you could be sure that there was at least backup plan with a dozen or so contingency plans after that.

Bastilla had been uncovering the interlocking web of plans for the off chance that Revan had failed in preparing the Republic with his war, not to mention the ones on the chance that they then failed themselves. On top of that were the later plans involving the strike on the True Sith, and even some for the chance that the Star Forge was destroyed.

Where many assumed that most of the Mandalorian equipment was destroyed after the Mandalorian Wars, she had discovered entire systems wiped from the record containing them in seemingly endless stockpiles for the off chance they would be needed in the apocalyptic wars he saw as approaching.

Hell, Sith equipment alone included three actual shipyards with stockpiles for centuries of production.

And all of it hidden, something she'd discovered after finding Revan once more, then leading the charge of his Sith against the True Sith.

Then there was the other mastermind in their forces, the Utility Droid was just as bad. During the assault on the Star Forge, it had apparently decided to have the facility build it a new body with its technology and transfer into it. This created more mayhem with T3-M4 containing nearly all of, if not actually all of the database of the Rakata.

She hadn't even suspected until Bao-Dur and the droid built a system killing superweapon out of scrap.

Part of her wondered if either of the two had plans for their current situation.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
SotF said:
Part of her wondered if either of the two had plans for their current situation.
... the rest of her was certain of it. :snigger:


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Anakin Skywalker watched the group cautiously, it had been a habit that was becoming more and more necessary since the war broke out.

Oddly enough, it seemed that, of the newcomers, the most heavily armed were the armored figure ii what seemed Mandalorian armor in design, but unlike any he'd ever seen, as well as the strangely menacing droid, who seemed to be a twisted and some how dark side infused version of a protocol droid.

The one in a uniform was the admiral of the fleet they were dealing with, and the other two carried lightsabers though held themselves in very different ways.

While small one looked sort of like Master Yoda or Yaddle, his age was apparently far more kind to him, save for the fact that his hair left only a few scattered wisps of pale white on an otherwise bald head. However, at the same time he got the feeling of a coiled spring that held the capability to strike hard and fast if riled.

With the last, something unnerved him about the armored form walking with a calm and yet powerful stride. It was an odd feeling to feel his sheer presence throught he force, a seeming pillar of calm amidst the ripples and waves he could always feel in the force.


Well-Known Member
Very nice, interesting way of describing HK-47. Good to see a story showing the republic as messed up as they were.


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Deep within the bowels of the Mandalorian missile ship, Sasha continued working over the surface of her fighter.

Across the cavernous hanger, the mix of fighters was apparent, even to the point of her own being flanked by a Sith Interceptor and a Aleph-class Fighter, not to mention the intermingling gaggles of fighter pilots and astromechs mixing with the techs and maintenance droids working to prepare every fighter for launch that they could on the off chance that another combat situation would come up.

Distantly, she could see the heavy transport that had been commandeered for transferring the hyperdrive from one of the enemy craft they'd eliminated to replace the damaged one of the A'denla Ad.

Until they could get a resupply, the ship was of little use beyond deployment and retrieval of craft.

It was a sacrifice for the design, the ship was armed with a large number of rockets and missiles, but it gave up the ship to ship canons. Essentially, it let the ship do a lot more damage early in the engagement in exchange for having nothing left after that, though its complement of smaller craft could continue the fight, and the rest of the fleet it was intended to deploy with could keep the momentum that the warhead barrage could begin.

Now, on top of that, they had other problems.

While they'd had casualties, there had been far more devastated ships in their fleet, not to mention the survivors of the ships lost over the preceding campaign and the battle with this Confederacy.

But she was a fighter pilot, not one of the officers who would need to figure out just how to keep things working, and she had no notion of ever trying to become one.

Just the simplicity of the sky and her fighter.


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"Dustil," Canderous stated slowly as he surveyed the hangar deck of the star destroyer.

"I read you, boss," came the self assured response over the comms network, "Cameras working just fine."

It was a simple setup with the gear already in his armor, transmitting everything he saw back to his ship. It wasn't that he distrusted this so called Republic fleet, well, actually it was that he distrusted them.

They hadn't given him much of a reason, and with the Jedi in charge, well he had reasons to distrust the Jedi Order.

After what he learned they did to Revan, not to mention the poodoo concerning General Dorn, well, they had a lot of ground to cover before he'd trust without a second thought and backup plans of his own.

"You do know that Revan's doing the exact same thing," came the comment from the younger Onasi.

And here he was starting to think their leader was going soft.

The only 'normal' Jedi that he was willing to trust was the diminutive Jedi Master, someone that he'd heard stories about in his youth. During the wars where they fought alongside the Sith under Qel-Droma.

Of the rest of the force using forces, none of them really considered them to be part of the Jedi Order as it was, and no real inclination to remain in it afterwords.

The Senate was responsible for a lot of that.

Atris had become a recurring problem, something that was partially their own fault it seemed. They had left her behind when heading to Malachor V, and she fell further and with no being that she would trust to help her remaining there, she continued her descent adding a feeling of betrayal by Sareth in abandoning her.

It was only during the war with the True Sith that he'd finally figured it out.

Atris had apparently fallen in love with the Jedi general and that was the key for why she fell.

She'd felt scorned by the one she wanted as a lover, and then shifted the blame for the decision to exile her to the rest of the council, leading to the events at Katarr.

A nightmare that continued when she managed to usurp control of the refounding Order, apparently being the last known Jedi Master had let her do it.

Those Durn left to train the new Jedi were marginalized.

That dream was over, the new Jedi were left to follow the same path that had ripped the order apart before it.

However, the dream had been reborn for the Exile among the fleet Revan had waiting.

Those who followed Yuthura Ban in her exodus from Korriban, those that had been convinced by her and Revan had joined him in reinforcing the vanguard fleet harassing the True Sith.

No longer were they the Sith Apprentices, nor were they Jedi.

They had also joined the Mandalorian forces in becoming something entirely new, adding the acceptance of the Clans to their own mix of training and a willingness to adapt that the Jedi had seemed to have lost after the reformation post Exar Kun.


Well-Known Member
Chapter 3

Well, the armor of the supposed honor guard in the hangar bay was well polished it seemed. Unlike the armor the Republic of his time used, the shiny materials seemed bright and almost garish, not to mention they seemed to use them wherever they deployed as it was fresh armor of the same type as what the soldiers they'd retrieved from the Rishi moon.

"I believe this is your show," Carth muttered under his breath, knowing that Revan would hear it.

Revan grinned behind the mask for a split second, but never gave a hint of that moment of mirth that could be seen upon the armor and robes that were uniquely his own.

It had evolved with him as he faced war with the Mandalorians, armor went a long way in keeping him alive. The Mandalorians wore armor for a damn good reason, and so did he.

The masks development was longer, starting during battle to take control of a comet the Mando's were using as a listening post. He needed a rebreather and one of the troopers had taken a holo of his attack.

He wasn't quite sure how that image ended up in the hands of the holonet news, but it made him consider a permanent version and from there he'd added to it.

The Mandalorians had little thought about a Jedi leading the forces, but when he became a symbol rather than a man to them. The faceless Jedi Crusader who would do whatever it took to stop them, the man they saw became a legend.

It didn't help that very few of the exploits the galaxy spoke of were exaggerated much.


"Lord Revan," Obi-Wan said as he stepped forward across the flight deck, receiving a bow from the figure before him.

"That would be me," the armored form answered while stepping forwards in turn, reaching a hand out.

"My name is Obi-Wan Kenobi," he responded reaching out in turn, hands clasped for a moment on the others wrist and a moment where he assumed their eyes met, "Jedi General of the Open Circle Armada."

The diminutive Jedi seemed to chuckle at that comment, "Revan, now for your titles."

With a groan and a glare between the two newcomers, Revan began.

"If I must," he sighed, "I'm Crusader General, Lord Darth Revan."

A moment as Obi-Wan blinked trying to figure out if what he heard was correct.

"Jedi Master, Sith Lord, Supreme Commander of the Allied Fleet, Warmaster of the Mandalorian Forces, Champion of the Republic, and well..."

He glanced at the smirking man in uniform beside them, "And what else did I miss."

"Several, such as Guildmaster of the GenoHaradan, swoop champion of the first circuit, and..." the mans grin grew a bit before the small Jedi cut him off.


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"Leave me," Palpatine stated as he placed the hologram faded.

The two guards nodded and stepped out, very quickly and in the perfectly ordered step that spoke the discipline he preferred.

As the doors slipped shut behind the blue armored figures, he reached down and pressed a sequence of keys before the holoprojector fluttered again.

"Tyranus," he asked, "What is it about the General's last mission that went wrong?"

"My Lord," the Count responded in an instant and a bow, "I assumed that the Republic ships in orbit of the Rishi Moon were your doing, though the ship classes are unknown to me, Grievous is still on his way back."

"With his tail between his legs no doubt," Sidious commented as he turned to face out the window to the streets, "My own information on it is spotty at best, only that they claim to be lost and that there is an Admiral Onasi there."

"Onasi," the noble mused for a moment, "I've heard that name before, though I cannot place where."

A moments pause before the thoughtful look passed, "There was one other name Grievous spoke of from my end, a Lord Revan."

"Now that is a name I have heard in passing from my own master," the Sith Lord commented, "This bares investigating, contact me with your report when your General makes his own."

"Yes, My Lord."

The image faded behind him as the supreme chancellor turned back to his desk and retrieved a small black pyramid from a hidden compartment.

Placing it before him and a form began to appear in the gloom while the lights dimmed at his command.

"Tell me of Revan."


Well-Known Member
Onderon and Dxun seemed to be ageless from orbit, Sareth mused as the small craft exited hyperspace into the sliver of space between the world and its moon.

Images of the side effects of their final battle with the Sith before heading for the Republic was still fresh in her mind.

It was a trap, a reminder of the Battle of Malachor V, the entire Sith Fleet was engaging their entire force as the weapon was readied for launch within the Nebula that housed all but a single colony of the hidden Sith Empire.

They had only intended to destroy the star of a single, uninhabited system, but the destruction didn't stop there.

The shockwave did something as they entered hyperspace then with a mere fifth of their fleet still intact, the others lost either in the preceding battle or in the supernova itself as the detonation was far quicker than they had prepared for.

They transited back at the meeting point chosen beforehand after a nightmarish trip, the ships seemed to have almost shaken themselves apart, and they had lost a third of the surviving ships during that trip.

The engineers did what repairs they could, but low on supplies and time due to the detection of a rapidly accelerating wave of destruction from the destroyed star forced their hand and they couldn't repair the relativistic shielding that tied them to normal space and thus time dilation effected them.

Members of the fleet were still attempting to calculate the exact passage of time between their entrance into hyperspace and the exit, for them it was two days of travel though.

"General," Bao-Dur commented from his position at the sensors, "Code sent, we've received the coordinates for the next hop, Yalara."

"Not bad, hows the beacon network holding?"

"Little data, it seems the main network hasn't been used since shortly after our time."

"Can you get a date from our calendar?"

"No General," the Iridonian responded, "The Beacon Revan left was powered down until the signal triggered it."

"Then we have no reason to remain here for the moment, prepare for jump."

"Yes, General."


Well-Known Member
He was annoyed.

Jolee Bindo had been cooped up aboard starships for far to long to be his friendly old self, but Revan left him behind aboard the ship.

Sure the former Jedi could see several reasons why the man had done so, but he was bored out of his mind. Then his friend had to do something even more aggravating and put him in charge of the medical deck full of this "republic's" soldiers found in the hostile ships wards.

Of course, to make things even worse, Dustil had asked that maniac of a droid that followed him around to keep tabs on those rescued.

The distant, and grating voice seemed to rip through the air from across the medical bay.

"Exclaimation: Now you to have the joy of being able to juggle thermal detonators!"

He was beginning to think that accompanying his allies on their mission was an act of senility on his part.

"No I don't want to try it with live thermal detonators," came the screech of Hevy an instant later.

Mad metallic cackling echoed.

Perhaps there was a test for it that he ought to get for himself while here.