Akamatsuverse Love Ronin

sworded said:
Nice update and now some questions.

So will breaking the geass on Keitaro affect anyone else at the Hinata Sou? Will they change their behavior in any substatial way?

Did Kanako know that Osaka would free Keitaro and aid him if he asked? I'm pretty sure she did with the "give him whatever he asks for" line.
In answer to the first question, I direct you to this thread.

In answer to the second... Would I do that? :angel:


Well-Known Member
Andrew Joshua Talon said:
sworded said:
Nice update and now some questions.

So will breaking the geass on Keitaro affect anyone else at the Hinata Sou? Will they change their behavior in any substatial way?

Did Kanako know that Osaka would free Keitaro and aid him if he asked? I'm pretty sure she did with the "give him whatever he asks for" line.
In answer to the first question, I direct you to this thread.

In answer to the second... Would I do that? :angel:
I completely forgot the existence of that thread. Could have been the script format, or the premise at the time. Dunno.
FinalMax said:
Andrew Joshua Talon said:
sworded said:
Nice update and now some questions.

So will breaking the geass on Keitaro affect anyone else at the Hinata Sou? Will they change their behavior in any substatial way?

Did Kanako know that Osaka would free Keitaro and aid him if he asked? I'm pretty sure she did with the "give him whatever he asks for" line.
In answer to the first question, I direct you to this thread.

In answer to the second... Would I do that? :angel:
I completely forgot the existence of that thread. Could have been the script format, or the premise at the time. Dunno.
Well, he doesn't just screw Motoko, you know... Well, he won't. ^_^
Char Aznable said:
Is it wrong of me to want Keitaro to kill Kanako in a painful way?
Nah, natural reaction. Won't happen though.

... Probably...

... It is Metal Gear, sibling rivalry always involves some death at least...


Well-Known Member
Andrew Joshua Talon said:
sworded said:
Nice update and now some questions.

So will breaking the geass on Keitaro affect anyone else at the Hinata Sou? Will they change their behavior in any substatial way?

Did Kanako know that Osaka would free Keitaro and aid him if he asked? I'm pretty sure she did with the "give him whatever he asks for" line.
In answer to the first question, I direct you to this thread.

In answer to the second... Would I do that? :angel:
Ah, I had been ignoring that thread considering it irrelevant since you started posting Love Ronin. I see that I will also have to pay attention to that one as well.
Seriously people. Omake. Someone. Pretty please? I'll give you candy.

Next bit's coming along though, don't you worry...


Well-Known Member
I'll try my hand at a short Omake...

"Ah, Keitaro I'm glad to see you have completed your post mission debreifing and are ready to continue your ongoing operative training."

"Yes, Tsuruko-sensie. What will you be teaching me next? How to walk on water? How to move faster than the eye can see? Perhaps how to become invisible to the senses?"

"All good guesses my pupil, but no I will instead be teaching you a legendary technique that will be of much use to you in the future. How to breath through your ears."
Osaka returned with his gear, and handed it to him. Keitaro got dressed quickly, trying not to react to how she didn't turn away as he pulled on his clothing, and even looked unhappy when he was finished.

"Here, I got you this too," Osaka said, handing Keitaro a P90 with a silencer attached. Keitaro checked it, and gave Osaka a look.


"The General's best troops use them," Osaka explained. "The Russian equivalent is, I'm told, lacking when it comes to reliability."

"Got it," Ronin said, loading the weapon's magazine and checking the safety. "All right..."

"I'll guide you from here," Osaka said, sitting at her computer terminal. "I've already logged my number into your communications device."

"Geez... And you took a job here?" Keitaro asked. "Why?"

"It seemed interesting, and Yukari-sensei said it'd be like an adventure," Osaka said cheerfully. Ronin stared, and shrugged with a small smile.

"Fair enough..." He headed out of the room, carefully looking around. His HAITI-ATE down over his eyes, he followed the map, moving as fast as he could. The hallways here were thick, strong steel, modern and reinforced. It wasn't easy to blend in, but Keitaro didn't care.

Speed was the best asset he had right now, not stealth.

His map indicated that the hallway opened up ahead into a large, round room. This was bad.

It got worse when, the moment he passed through the double doors, he was struck by an invisible blade and sent flying.



"Ah, Ronin, it looks like those sexy cyberninja are-" Shotakon tried.

"I KNOW!" Ronin barked back, flipping onto his feet and firing his P90. He could barely see the distortions of Yukari and Nyamo jumping around, their active camo shifting and trying to counter his HAITI-ATE's vision.

They dodged and deflected the bullets artfully, which Keitaro was glad for-Last thing he wanted to do was kill them.

However, it made it hard to stop them.

"Heyah Ronin, you seem to be having some trouble," Osaka observed over the codec. Keitaro ducked, avoiding a slash by Yukari, and managed to fire his P90 in time to deflect Nyamo's follow-up strike.

"A BIT!" He shouted, throwing himself into a cartwheel and barely escaping a thrust by Yukari. Even if he was invulnerable, constant hits would take a toll on his stamina.

"Yukari, Nyamo, stop this! You don't want to do this!" He shouted.

"We'd like to stop, Ronin, but we can't," Nyamo said.

"Besides, this is kind of fun!" Yukari said.

"The nanomachines have altered their minds to be accepting of this turn of events," Osaka said. "But, they are still who they are at their cores."

"So how does that help me?" Keitaro demanded, ducking and weaving around the two women's strikes.

"Yukari-sensei will always be jealous of Nyamo-sensei," Osaka said.

Ronin froze, just long enough to get hit hard by Nyamo and slammed into the far wall. "URK!"

"Very sorry," Nyamo repeated. Keitaro groaned, looked at the two women... And got an idea.

"You're right... You should be... Man, you hit a lot harder than Yukari," Ronin said. Yukari's facemask opened, matching her mouth.

"WHAT?! I-I hit you WAY harder than Nyamo!" Yukari growled.

"Well, I am a gym teacher," Nyamo got out, clearly fighting against the urge to attack Keitaro again. "I'm much more athletic than you."

"And better looking," Ronin added. Nyamo's facemask opened, and she blushed. Yukari gaped.


"Well, that's what most of my students think," Nyamo said. She raised her blade again.

"And you fill out the suit better," Ronin said, giving Nyamo a look up and down. Yukari seethed.

"Well, Yukari is starting to sag a bit," Nyamo said.


"Make that a lot," Nyamo pressed further.

"Trust me, if I wanted a cyberninja to warm my bed, it'd be Nyamo," Keitaro continued. Nyamo's blush became quite lovely... Until Yukari punched her.

"GAH! Why are you hitting ME?!" Nyamo snarled, blocking Yukari's next series of attacks.

"I'm dealing with you FIRST, you-you mannish woman!"

"Immature brat!"


"Look who's talking!"

The two cyberninja dueled, an art-filled display of superhuman agility and the beauty of attractive women in skin-tight body suits.

Keitaro really would have stayed to watch, but he did have an appointment with saving the world. So, he blended with the background and got to the other door of the room as fast as he could go.

"HA! HEY! GET BACK HERE!" Yukari bellowed. She ran for the doors, Nyamo right on her heels.

"Sorry! I didn't mean it! You're BOTH really hot! Bye!" Keitaro said, shutting the double doors behind him. He breathed a sigh of relief and grinned.

"Thanks Osaka..."

"No problem! Oh wait, yes, problem..."


Yukari's high frequency blade rammed through the door, bare centimeters away from his ear. Keitaro slowly looked at it, and nodded.

"Ah... I see..." He turned and ran. Not the Olympic dash for the finish, oh no. Keitaro had opted for the ohshitohshitohshitohshit! sprint favored by those being chased by serial killers in slasher movies, or young men who have offended powerful women with swords.

So really, it was little wonder Keitaro managed to outrun them to the next set of armored doors down the hallway. Which would only last long enough for him to make another dash.

"It seems my training was very effective, Ronin," Tsuruko piped in, sounding amused. "You have no complaints this time."

Keitaro bit back his reply-No need to make his sensei upset or waste breath better spent on running.


Well-Known Member
For some reason I get the feeling that Yukari will do a "Here's Johnny!" line like Jack Nicholson did in the first movie adaption of the Shining.

Considering the fact that Osaka's my favourite Azumanga Daioh girl with Tomo in second place, I enjoyed that you made her a good guy by making her switch sides in an Osaka fashion.

Best part so far was the part where instead of having to fight two cyberninja, you get them to fight each other, saving you from a lot of pain in the process. :p


Well-Known Member
Crusader said:

Best part so far was the part where instead of having to fight two cyberninja, you get them to fight each other, saving you from a lot of pain in the process. :p
Unfortunately, he didn't wait to incapacitate them or let them incapacitate each other. On the other hand they are providing all the motivation needed to move really fast to get in place to prevent the weapon from fireing.
sworded said:
Crusader said:

Best part so far was the part where instead of having to fight two cyberninja, you get them to fight each other, saving you from a lot of pain in the process.? :p
Unfortunately, he didn't wait to incapacitate them or let them incapacitate each other. On the other hand they are providing all the motivation needed to move really fast to get in place to prevent the weapon from fireing.
Yeah. Not quite according to the walkthrough but it still works. ^_^

- - - - - -

"All right Ronin, just keep going," Shotakon said, as Keitaro raced down another armored hallway.

"Didn't exactly have any other ideas," Keitaro replied flatly. He turned a corner and ended up plowing into a group of guards. "OOF!"

"AUGH!" They cried, sent flying into the walls like bowling pins. Keitaro groaned, and rubbed the back of his head. He got back up, and looked around at the sprawled soldiers.

"Hey, you guys okay?"


"Oh shit," he muttered, and took off again. Yukari and Nyamo rounded the corner again, swords out.

"GET BACK HERE!" Yukari bellowed. Keitaro yelped and went even faster, pushing his ki into his legs just as he was trained. Another patrol of soldiers blocked his way, but this time he ran up the wall above them, practically flying past.

"Hey, what was-OH GOD!" They cried as Yukari and Nyamo crashed through them next, not even breaking a sweat or their stride.

"Hope those guys have health insurance," Lennon muttered.

"Not helping!" Keitaro managed, skidding through another double door and closing it with a punch to the control panel. "How do I get out here?!"

"Try the hanger. Go down this hallway, then turn right, then turn left, then run to the double doors," Osaka advised.

Keitaro obeyed, rushing through the prescribed route as quickly as he could. He slid through the double doors, thankful they shut behind him.

"All right, now I..." His vision was twisted and turned into a horrific cacophony of chaos and gut-wrenching terror. "Oh..."

"Remember Keitaro, keep your eyes shut," Tsuruko advised. "Ki sonar, you did this before."

"And think happy thoughts," Osaka advised.

Keitaro closed his eyes, and ran, relying on his ki senses to guide him through the hallway. From his memories, he knew to turn right and headed to the double doors.


"Ow! Damnit! OSAKA!" Ronin shouted.

"Sorry, forgot the codes were changed... Just a second," Osaka replied. Keitaro grimaced as he heard the double doors behind him being sliced apart. He was getting used to the sounds of shrieking metal and angry women.


"Patience is a virtue... But it's also a sin, I think," Osaka replied. "Why, just the other day I-"


The double doors opened, and Keitaro rushed through. These were about twice as thick as those he'd previously run through, so hopefully they'd last twice as long.


... If they were allowed to close, that is.

"Here's Yukari~," the cyberninja grinned through the cracked double doors. Keitaro gulped as she and Nyamo worked their swords like levers, preventing the doors from closing.

"Blast doors, blast doors!" He tried.

"Those are the blast doors," Osaka said. Ronin turned and ran for it, jumping off the overviewing platform and onto the hanger floor itself.

"Hey! There he is!"

"The intruder! Get him!"

AK-47 weapons fire filled the hanger, and Keitaro ran for it, bullets whizzing every which way. He felt himself get hit once or twice, but powered on through the pain.


He ducked behind a few snowmobiles, continuing to take fire. He poked his head up and got off a few shots with the P90, but they did little to blunt the continued assault.

"Gah...!" He grimaced. The troops were closing in all around him, continuing to tear up the vehicles he was using as cover. He had to get out of here...!

"Osaka, Shotakon, somebody open the doors!" He demanded.


Well-Known Member
Nice update.

If I was Keitaro I'd certainly make learning techniques to KO suped up crazy women a priority before my next mission.


Well-Known Member
This was a fun escape scene with Osaka trying to help Keitaro from falling into enemy hands. At least those guards were luckier than when Null/Grey Fox tended to cut through them in the MGS games.

I wonder how he'll get himself untangled from the current mess he's in.

Just a nitpick, the Russians did phase out the AK-47s and AKMs with the AK-74 series and the AK-101, AK-103, AK-107 and AN-94, but the usage of older assault rifles like the AK-47s and AKMs could be explained with that it's easier and cheaper to get hold of them and foreign copies of them in mass and ammunition is plentiful. And that since they're easy to replace they are ideal for testing experimental magitech ammunition or retrofitting them with experimental magitech gizmos.
Crusader said:
This was a fun escape scene with Osaka trying to help Keitaro from falling into enemy hands. At least those guards were luckier than when Null/Grey Fox tended to cut through them in the MGS games.

I wonder how he'll get himself untangled from the current mess he's in.

Just a nitpick, the Russians did phase out the AK-47s and AKMs with the AK-74 series and the AK-101, AK-103, AK-107 and AN-94, but the usage of older assault rifles like the AK-47s and AKMs could be explained with that it's easier and cheaper to get hold of them and foreign copies of them in mass and ammunition is plentiful. And that since they're easy to replace they are ideal for testing experimental magitech ammunition or retrofitting them with experimental magitech gizmos.
Um, yes, let's go with that. :unsure!:


Well-Known Member
"Here's Yukari~," the cyberninja grinned through the cracked double doors. Keitaro gulped as she and Nyamo worked their swords like levers, preventing the doors from closing.

"Blast doors, blast doors!" He tried.

"Those are the blast doors," Osaka said.



Well-Known Member
Char Aznable said:
Andrew Joshua Talon said:
Char Aznable said:
I'm wondering when the next chapter is coming.
Well, this is the conclusion. You can't rush an epic showdown, you must build to it.
It's that short?
Rocks fall, and everybody but Keitaro dies. :sisi:
Finally, an update.

- - - - - - - -

"We're working on it, Ronin, hang in there," Lennon called. "No-No, Osaka, don't do that you'll blow out the whole mainframe!"

The firing abruptly stopped. Keitaro blinked, and slowly poked his head out from behind his cover. He gulped as he saw one of the multiped tanks approaching.

"Oh boy..."

The speakers on the tank flared to life.

"Ronin, please surrender," the voice of Sparrow implored. "You don't want to continue resisting, do you?"

"Yes, I think I do!" Ronin shot back. The hatch of the tank opened, and the girl poked her head out. She smiled, looking absolutely adorable in her oversized combat fatigues and combat helmet.

Holy... She's so cute... He thought.

"You won't be harmed, I promise," she said.

Ronin shook his head. "Maybe I won't, but millions of people will be!"

"What do you mean?" Sparrow asked.

"I mean you've been helping the General sell out his country!" Ronin shouted. Sparrow's eyes widened, but Keitaro pressed on. "He's going out in the Svarog right now to nuke Moscow!"

Keitaro looked at the soldiers around him, and could tell they were confused and disbelieving as well. "It's the truth!"

"No... It's not happening like that," Sparrow said. "It isn't...!"

"Yes, it is," Osaka called on the intercom.

"Miss Osaka?" Sparrow asked.

"Yes Chiyo, that's the plan," Osaka said. "The General and Kanako-nee-chan are going to hit Moscow with a nuke."

"How... How long have you known?" Chiyo asked, looking heartbroken.

"I suspected, but I didn't put the pieces together until now," Osaka said.

Meaning, the moment he revealed his plan, Keitaro thought, getting a headache.

"Oh no... I-I need..." She looked over at the troops. "Someone get me a computer! Now!"

The troops began to move, when the tank came to life. Sparrow yelped, and held on for dear life. The turret of the multiped turned and pointed at the soldiers. Sparrow's eyes widened in horror.


BOOM! The concussive force of the gun blasted screaming soldiers this way and that. The multiped tank began to close it's hatch, threatening to crush Sparrow.

"EEYAH!" She cried, but Keitaro had the good sense to get moving in the distraction, and he shoved her down into the cabin of the tank before she was crushed.

"ARGGGGHHH!" Though not fast enough to keep his arms from being pinned. He groaned in pain, especially when the tank started bucking about like a bull, trying to throw him off.

"I think Kanako programmed the multiped's AI to switch on if the General's true plan came to be known," Kentaro opined.

"YA THINK?!" Keitaro shouted over the codec, as other troops began to open fire on the tank from all sides. The tank responded in kind, the machine cannons in it's "pincers" opening fire.

"Other multipeds have gone into autonomous mode," Osaka reported. "They're closing in on your position."

Keitaro would have responded, if Yukari and Nyamo hadn't managed to break down the door and leap high above him. He looked up and gulped as they flew down.


They rammed their swords into his upper arms. They didn't penetrate the flesh but it sure hurt like hell.

"Oh you're so going to pay for that," Yukari hissed. "Everything you said!"

"No! Get off! Look out!" Keitaro shouted, as the tank turret turned back towards them. Yukari and Nyamo took one look at it, just as the shell fired. The two cyberninjas dodged, and another part of the hanger went up in an explosion.

"OSAKA!" Keitaro bellowed.

"I'm trying... The internal controls have locked out Chiyo-chan..."

"Yukari! Nyamo! Chiyo is stuck in the tank!" Keitaro yelled.

"We've got to get her out of it!" Nyamo cried, charging for the tank. Yukari mirrored her movements, and the two leaped into the air. However, rather than slamming their swords into the tank, they once again struck Keitaro.

"GYAAAHHHH! Son of a-WHY?!" Keitaro shouted.

"Must be the nanomachines," Nyamo groaned. "I... I can't fight them...!"

"Yeah, nanomachines," Yukari said. She stabbed Keitaro again.


The cyberninjas leaped away again, avoiding another shot from the tank turret.

"Ronin, I think I've got it," Osaka said. "There's a way around the nanomachines."

"What?!" Ronin shouted.

"Well, I tested them on myself, and I was always able to throw them off with a strong emotional reaction," Osaka suggested.

"That's great, how does THAT help me?!" Ronin got out.

"Well, first ya gotta get free," Osaka said. Keitaro blinked and peered into the tank as he saw some movement.

"Chiyo? What are you doing?"

"Ah... It was hard to find some, but here it is," Chiyo said. "It's C4-It'll force the hatch open."

"C4?! You can't set that off inside the tank, you'll kill yourself!" Keitaro shouted.

"I've done the calculations, and it's just enough to blow the hatch open but not enough to kill me," Chiyo replied. "Don't worry about me, just worry about stopping this thing!"

"You mean you can't stop it inside?!" Keitaro shouted.

"No, everything's sealed," Chiyo said. "Kanako-nee-chan's very tricky... I can't believe... Anyway, are you ready?"

"Ready," Keitaro said.

"All right... Three... Two... ONE!"

KABOOM! The hatch blew open, and the force of the explosion sent Keitaro flying off. He landed on the hood of a truck, denting it severely.

"Ergghhh," he groaned. He shook his arms out, restoring feeling to them, and looked up. The multiped tank was heading right for him-And Chiyo was nowhere in sight.

"Shit...!" He rolled off the truck just as the tank fired, and he sprinted fast to avoid the resulting explosion. He was still sent flying into a snowmobile, and slowly he got back up.

"URK!" Only for the blades of the two cyberninja to be pressed against either side of his neck.

"I'm sorry Keitaro, it-It's no use!" Nyamo apologized. "We can't fight it!"

"Trust me, I'm trying everything I can to fight it off," Yukari said. "But there's nothing!"

Keitaro slowly got to his feet. He looked at the two women, and back at the tank, heading their way through a few other parked vehicles. He turned back to the women, and nodded.

"Well then..." He reached out, rested his hands on the back of Yukari's neck, and pulled her into a deep kiss.

"Mmph?!" Yukari gasped against his mouth, and then moaned when he sent a pulse of ki through her nervous system. Tsuruko had taught him how to do this to make someone relax and feel warm, useful if he had to do first aid to someone injured.

But Keitaro wasn't born yesterday. He'd seen Tsuruko doing this to her husband before, and the looks that passed between them weren't for first aid. His tongue slid into Yukari's mouth, quickly twisting around hers.

"Mmmmph... Mmmgh," she moaned, and wrapped her arms around him in return, deepening the kiss. Another minute, and Keitaro managed to pull away. Breathing hard, Yukari looked at him with darkened eyes.

"And now..." He turned and managed to pull off the same trick with Nyamo, practically licking her tonsils as he kissed her aggressively. She tried to punch him, but it was an ineffective blow and soon she too wrapped her arms around him.

"Uh... Uhh... TANK!" Yukari screamed. Keitaro and Nyamo broke their embrace just in time to see the multiped tank knock a truck out of it's way. Keitaro briefly wondered what had taken it so long, but his libido and his brain told him this was unimportant.

"BREAK!" He shouted, and all three of them ran just in time to escape the machine cannons of the tank. Keitaro managed to fall safely this time, and rolled back up to his feet with the imparted momentum of the shockwave. Nyamo landed next to him, sword out.

"Okay... Yukari and I will draw it's fire, you get Chiyo-chan out," Nyamo ordered. Ronin nodded.

"Ready? GO!" Nyamo shouted and charged. Yukari joined her and both cyberninjas began jumping and weaving around quickly. The tank's guns fired, trying to hit the two ninja but failing, and as the two bounced and flipped towards the back of the hanger, the tank turned it's back to Keitaro.

Ronin took his shot and rushed the tank, using his ki training to accelerate almost to a blur. The turret, however, saw him and fired.

"Gah!" He barely managed to avoid the shot, which exploded behind him. He was sent flying, and slammed into the left rear leg of the tank. "Ergh..."

It lifted it's leg and shook it, violently, trying to get him off. Feeling a bit like a flea, Keitaro crawled along the top of the tank, sticking to it's hard armor. He made it to the hatch, even as the tank bucked again. Keitaro threw himself inside the tank, and he landed in the dark and ruined interior. He grimaced at the sight his HAITI-ATE gave him.

"Shotakon? Lennon?" He extended his ki senses to the burned body of Chiyo-chan. He could sense life, but it was very faint.

"She's got some broken bones, and the blast may have done some internal damage, but she's alive," Shotakon reported. "Move her out of there, quick, but be careful!"

As the tank continued to jostle and shake around them, Keitaro bit back a sarcastic retort and pulled the injured Chiyo-chan into his arms.

"Ohhh..." She groaned weakly.

"Don't worry, I'm getting you out of here," Ronin said softly. He held her tightly against him, and crawled for the hatch. Sticking to walls, he pulled himself out and flipped onto the tank's back. The turret swung around hard, trying to get him off. Keitaro grimaced. If he moved from here, the tank would open fire. He'd probably survive, but Chiyo-chan...

"HERE!" Nyamo shouted, and threw a bag. Keitaro reached up and caught it, and checked inside.

"Holy shit! That's a lot of explosives!" Shotakon commented. Keitaro tossed them into the hatch without a second though, and pulled out his last grenade. He pulled the pin and tossed it in after the bag, before he gathered all his ki energy together and jumped away. The tank's cannon turned, tracking him...

KABOOM! And a moment later it found it's body was badly damaged, unable to support it's gun. Yukari and Nyamo did the rest, attacking the joints of the damaged tank and slicing it apart. As it collapsed, Yukari beat on the turret of the tank with her sword, hard.

"DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE!" Yukari bellowed. "DIIIIE!"

"YUKARI!" Nyamo shouted. "I think you got it...!"

"Well... I just don't like pieces of crap that hurt my students," Yukari huffed. "Speaking of...!" She raced over to where Keitaro was cradling Chiyo. "Is she-?"

"She's fine," Keitaro said. He quickly rattled off her injuries to her. "Get her to a doctor, fast. If there's medical magitech on this base, get it in her ASAP."

"Got it," Yukari replied. "Hey wait, what are you going to do?"

Keitaro stared down at the burned face of Chiyo-chan. He looked back at the ruins of the tank. Finally, he looked at the hanger door the Svarog had no doubt used to exit.

"I'm going after that thing, and stopping it," Keitaro said.

"Wait a minute," Nyamo said. "You can't do that alone."

"You two need to stay here and take out any more multiped tanks, not to mention get Chiyo to a doctor," Keitaro said. "Don't worry, Osaka's on codec, you can talk to her about where to go. Now move!"

The two women looked at eachother, and nodded. Nyamo looked back at him.

"Good luck... Come back, all right Ronin?" Nyamo asked. Keitaro nodded, his determined look making Nyamo's cheeks turn red.

"I will..."

Yukari pressed her face close to Keitaro's, and licked his ear. He blushed.


"Don't die... I want to fuck you after that kiss," she murmured.

"YUKARI!" Nyamo shouted.

"Oh fine, you can join in," Yukari said, as she took off at high speed with Chiyo in her arms. Nyamo blushed deeply, but the look she cast Keitaro over her shoulder didn't seem angry.

Keitaro resisted a nosebleed, and shook his head.

"All right... Osaka? Where's the heavy ordnance?"

- - - - - - - -

A/N: Cue "Metal Gear Solid 3 Main Theme" here.

- - - - - - - -

Kanako sat on top of the Svarog's great carapace, looking out at the clear night sky. Stars glittered like diamonds above, filled with the promise of wonder. The call of the unknown.

She sighed as the huge mecha rolled on, it's legs currently in tread mode, as it crushed small trees under it's weight.

It had almost killed her, her nii-chan's look. So full of anger and disgust... Her greatest fear though, was not that he hated her.

Well... It was one of her greatest fears, but in this case... It was the fear that she'd really broken him. She hadn't seen his eyes-She couldn't bear to look.

Would she find despair? Would she find loss?

Or... Would she find...?

NYEEEEWWWW-BOOM! Kanako was thrown from her perch, and barely kept herself from falling off the Svarog.

"What?! What was that?!" General Gamov called over the radio. He'd decided to pilot the machine himself-Said it was his responsibility, his call, and he was going to push the button. Kanako looked back, and her eyes widened.

The main satellite uplink antenna was one of the most important components of the Svarog. It guided the shots of the rail gun to their target. It was also one of the most vulnerable. The antenna had been destroyed. Her breath caught in her chest, and she saw the dark shape of a snowmobile speed through the trees and rush up ahead of the Svarog on the snow-covered road.

The snowmobile skidded in an arc, coming to a stop facing the Svarog. The driver lowered the spent missile launcher he'd held, and his brown eyes burned with fiery determination.

"... Ronin," Gamov said on the external speakers. "You escaped... You are far more resourceful than I gave you credit for!"

"I'm full of surprises," Ronin returned in a loud, clear voice.

"You may have done some damage, Ronin, but there are backup systems," Gamov stated. "You cannot stop Svarog. You cannot stop me. You cannot stop history. That is what you stand against here, right now!"

"I know," Ronin said. "A history of miserable revolutions. Of tyranny. Of destruction and murder and evil. Tearing down bad systems in the name of the people for something even worse! That's what you're doing, Gamov!"

"Am I? We will see, Ronin," Gamov stated. "I offer you one last chance... Get out of the way. Follow your sister's example. Join us!"

Keitaro's reply was to calmly reload the missile launcher, and heft it up over his shoulder. He revved the snowmobile engine in challenge.

"So be it!" Gamov shouted, and the Svarog's two massive treads rose and spread into four massive legs. It's eyes glowed, and the mecha detached from the railgun section. Kanako jumped off, landing on the rail gun. She stared back at the battle, hidden with her active camo.

The Svarog charged towards Keitaro, just as the man codenamed Ronin hit the gas and accelerated for the Svarog. Kanako's face broke into a smile.

Her onii-chan was not broken... He was fighting on. He was the hero she knew he was.

... God, I'm soaked.

And she had never been more turned on in her life.

- - - - - - -

The epic final battle and conclusion, next time!


Well-Known Member
Kanako is being a baaad girl. ;)

Keitaro is going to need some really heavy ordnance to win this.


Well-Known Member
Note that any time anyone charges a supertank with equipment that shouldn't ever touch it, they must be channeling the spirit of every action hero known to man. We're talking Snake Pliskin, Jack Burton, John McClane, Rambo, the Terminator, and James Bond all pooled into a single entity.