"Lucky" Prince


Well-Known Member
Sorry, but my brains is not really functioning at the moment. I only gotten this little piece out at the moment.

Now, while that doesn't explain Lymsleia's excersizes nor why Gizel had cowered in fear of doing it again but the day after that event pretty much explains which ended off with Queen Arshtat teaching her how to <s>punish a man with several items to do 'foreplay' when they are displeased</s> relieve stress the way that the Falena Royal Family has done for several years.

This fact has made Ferid swear to have sex with his wife nearly every night for as long as possible in fear of just a small sample that his beloved wife has taught to his daughter and gave a brief prayer to whoever the soul that marries to her in getting that fate.

It also caused him to walk buck naked throughout the entire Castle half asleep, but that's another story told by someone else.
You think I should flesh that out into a little more detail? As in have Lymsleia knock on the Royal Bed Chambers of the Queen and try to do the talk about the 'birds and the bees' and how to make those same bird and the bees obey you and such?

Or should I just try to finally get into her dreamscape and show what goes on in her mind?

Heck how about I should just get four cans of Red Bull or other energy drinks and wing it like I have done halfway with this fic? :sweat:


Well-Known Member
Wing it! Winging it is usually fun and/or exhausting... Part of me wants to talk more of winging things, but my attempts at thread hijacking usually don't work, so I'll just stop now.

Or now...

Perhaps now...

Ok, I'm done.