Akamatsuverse Mahora Stories


Well-Known Member
Spoiler warning for those who haven't kept up with the manga up to the current chapters of the Magic World arc.

Oh, and suggestions for a better title would be gratefully welcomed.


Mahora Stories

YueÆs Rancor

The surroundings were a blur to Yue on her decent down the shaft. The cloth of her armor whipped around wildly in the fierce updraft. The Adrianne Knights had generously allowed her to keep it and the flight lance. They couldnÆt spare the barrier wand, but she still received the gifts gratefully. It was for the best, since she was better with combat spells rather than the enchantments necessary to make the barrier shells.

Negi flew beside Yue, matching his speed to hers. He glanced over at the honorary Adrianne Valkyrie. With the visor of her helmet up, he could easily see the focus on her face. Her eyes were set firmly forward and she flew unerringly to her goal, as short-term as it may be. A grin grew on NegiÆs face at thinking about the impetus behind this excursion. Ahead, the bottom of the shaft approached rapidly. In tandem, they both flared up, killing their speed. Without bothering to touch down, they flew straight for a specific tunnel, carefully avoiding tripping any traps.

Their purpose in Library Island wasnÆt frivolous, per se; it would be a test of their growth. But, the objective of the mission wasnÆt necessary or even beneficial. It was only for YueÆs own personal motivations.

It wasnÆt long before the tunnel opened into a large chamber. The grey stone floor segued into green grass. Light filtered in from an unknown source. The roots of the World Tree webbed on the walls and draped over the stone door across from the mages. Smaller, leafless tree trunks were scattered along the room, adding to the covering on the walls.

The two mages touched down in the middle of the pathway of pillars. Immediately, a deep roar reverberated through the cavern. In front of them, a familiar dragon descended into view. A plume of flame huffed from its jaws. Leathery, light brown skin shifted rhythmically along with its flapping arms. Each beat produced a strong gust of wind, keeping the beast aloft. The dragonÆs eyes surveyed the two magic users. It paused, recognizing that one had once come across its domain with an invitation. When another such bid failed to be produced, it let loose another howl.

ôLizard! Your time has come!ö Yue proclaimed. The dragon merely growled at her. She glanced over at Negi, who nodded in response. He drew out her Pactio card while she pulled a simple wooden wand from her armor.

ôSis mea pars per trecentia secundus,ö he incanted. ôMinistra Negi, Yue Ayase!ö

YueÆs body tingled with the influx of NegiÆs magic. With a twist of her wrist, she planted her lance into the ground and took a ready stance with her wand. Meanwhile, Negi launched into another incantation. ôFoa zo cratica socratica,ö she chanted in anticipation of their opponentÆs offensive.

The dragon ceased floating. Its talons dug into the grass. Rearing back, the beast spewed a stream of flame at the intruders.

ôFlans barrias aerialis!ö YueÆs wind barrier redirected the flame breath upwards. The fires guttered out harmlessly before they made contact with the surrounding tree bark.

Negi didnÆt pay any heed to the exchange, confident in YueÆs abilities. He focused on gathering his magic energy and finishing the spell. Stagnet! The power of the spell whirled in his outstretched hand. It wasnÆt very strong. This was mostly YueÆs battle, after all. He was just supporting her as her Magister. Complexio! He felt the familiar rush of power that came with absorbing the magic.

The wave of magic was easily felt by Yue. She jumped back to begin her own supplemental enchantment. Negi moved to the forward guard in time to intercept the dragonÆs lunge at his Ministra. His punch to the side of its head barely fazed it, but he did get the creatureÆs attention. For her part, Yue concentrated her energies and erected the strongest barriers she could to protect herself. NegiÆs magic would only protect her to a point. Despite her animosity towards the beast, she knew it was better to take a cautious stance against a dragon.

Moving faster than its size would suggest it capable of, the dragon whipped its body around. The beastÆs heavy tail caught Negi in the side. The young teacher was slammed forcefully into a pillar. The stone cracked under the impact. With a powerful beat of its arms, the dragon took flight moments before seventeen thunder arrows struck the ground where it had been standing.

Yue threw herself behind another pillar to avoid the retaliation flame for her Sagitta Magica spell. Peeking around the stone column, she saw that her arrows had their intended effect. Negi had recovered and he was making a run at the dragon. He took to flight with seven air spirits. The dragon snapped its jaws and swung its tail at Negi and his copies. Yue tried once more with as many as she could muster. ôUndetriginta spiritus fulgralis, coeuntes segittant inimicum. Sagitta magica!ö The girl was weaker than her teacher when it came to pure magic power, but she had control and technique. The twenty-nine arrows twisted through the air. They all converged at the same point on the dragonÆs underbelly. The blast caught the beast inhaling in preparation of another flame attack.

The dragon turned its eyes to the girl. A puff of steam issued forth from its nostrils. While the attack wasnÆt highly damaging, it was annoyed. The drake tucked in and dove at the offending mage.

Yue could hear Negi exclaim in surprise and worry. Pushing that out of her mind, she put her focus on her lance. The weapon wiggled in its spot staked in the grass. A moment later, it was off like a shot in her direction. She barely had time to jump onto it and get airborne before the pillar was crushed under the dragonÆs massive charge. It craned its neck after her. She could feel the heat on her back chasing her.

Negi was quick to intercept. The dragonÆs flame breath was blown away with blade of wind. He looked up at Yue. The young valkyrie had leveled off and was taking deep breaths from the sudden, intense exertion. It was hard to tell whether it was from physical strain from the abrupt movement or from the exhilaration of the narrow escape. Another roar turned his attention back to their enemy. With a flap of its wings, it was back on the chase.

On a sudden reckless impulse, Yue decided to mimic its earlier charge. She angled her lance back down for a dive. Negi watched his normally calm and analytical Ministra with stunned incredulity. He fretted to the point of panic when another round of fire built up in the dragonÆs jaws. His earlier astonishment was nothing compared to when the girl separated from her lance. She turned in the air, grabbing the handle of her weapon mid-rotation. The Library Exploration member scored an unexpectedly accurate slash across the beastÆs snout. Her centrifugal force combined with gravity put enough force behind the strike to turn the dragonÆs head. The fire of its attack puffed harmlessly away from the girl.

Yue came out of her controlled tumble. Her lance was back under her and she pulled up with ease. She looked up. The dragon was shaking off her blow, but that was to be expected. It was NegiÆs reaction that drew her eye. His expression was one of open awe. YueÆs face flushed with a little pride and some embarrassment.

Negi was snapped out of his daze when Yue cried out to him. He jerked back on his wand dropped out of his float in time to avoid a rush of fire. The dragon had recovered. Yue called out again. ôFifteen seconds!ö Without a glance, he nodded in understanding.

The young mage sprung off his wand and at the dragon. He was a tightly controlled storm of punches and kicks. His midair shundo wasnÆt perfect, but it was enough to keep the strikes coming. That, combined with Magia Erebia, was enough to have his punches be felt though thick, leathery skin. The dragon didnÆt take the assault lying down, though. Negi received plenty of cuts and bruises in the furious exchange. He ignored the wounds, focusing on his own assault and ticking off the seconds in his head.

Right on cue, Yue shot up next to them. Wheeling around tightly, she stabbed at the beastÆs flank. The tip of the flight lance dug into the dragonÆs hide. It wasnÆt very deep, but it was enough. ôFulguratio Albicans!ö Keeping her grip on the lance, she channeled the spell through it. Electricity arced and the chamber was filled with a blinding white light.

The dragon plummeted, smoking and still crackling with lightning. Yue fell with it, her weapon dislodged from her hand when the drake began it forced decent. Eyes wide, Negi called out for his wand. Yue spiraled through the air, grasping for the lance. Fingertips brushing metal, it rotated around. She found purchase when she shot out with her other hand, catching it on the spin. The girl scrambled atop her flight medium and tried pull up, but she was too late. The dragon crashed into the earth with tremendous force. Yue stopped enough of her momentum to avoid lethal impact, but she clipped the ground. She was thrown off and sent tumbling into the dirt, kicking up a path of dust and grass.

Negi pulled up into a hover nearby. He sighed in relief. His ministra didnÆt look too banged up. His magic most likely buffered much of the damage. SheÆd probably be sore come morning, though.

Yue moaned in pain. The fall had hurt, but it was nothing compared to the other falls sheÆd taken while exploring Library Island when she wasnÆt being supplemented by magic. She picked herself up with a groan. Negi was waved away when he floated closer to inspect her injuries. She glanced around for her lance. It was a couple meters away, next to the furrow she left in the ground. Yue winced. The path was at least three times longer than the distance of her weapon.

With a little more than a hobble, she tenderly made her way towards her lance. Her eyes trained on the dragon. At best, it was knocked out by the spell and the fall. She knew it was just as likely that it was only stunned.

Her fears turned out to be well founded when the reptileÆs wings stretched out just as she reached the lance. She pulled her wand back out and took a defensive stance. The dragon reared up to full height and bellowed a roar. A gasp escaped her throat when she felt it. Her posture slumped slightly. The contract had run out.

Yue stood frozen with the dragon looming. Fire built up in its jaws. There was a flash of motion above her.

Negi gripped his wand tightly. It pulled him along, cutting through the air at high speed. His fist glowed brightly with a charge of magic energy. Letting go of the staff, he launched himself at the dragonÆs head. Arrows of his magic archer spell twisted around his arm. His punch landed squarely on its temple with great force.

The dragon toppled over unconscious and the battle was well and truly done. Negi made his way over to Yue. This time around, she gratefully accepted his help. They both looked over the drakeÆs inert form. Yue knew that Negi could have done this from the very beginning, but it would have negated the purpose for coming down into the depths of Library Island. Done this way, she gauged her advancement in the magical arts and she could shelve away the vengeful thoughts she harbored for the creature before them.

Clapping from the door caught the attention of the two mage warriors. They turned away from the fallen dragon to see a familiar figure in a hooded robe.

ôVery good, Negi-kun, Yue-san,ö commented Albrieo Imma. ôBut donÆt you think you were a little hard on the chamber guardian?ö

Yue humphed, looking away and turning her nose up at the dragon. ôWith only this much, that overgrown lizard shouldnÆt have any permanent damage.ö She began to dust herself off.

The Ala Rubla member brought a hand up to cover a chuckle. ôAh, such a spiteful young woman you are, Yue-san.ö The girl had the good grace to flush at the comment.

Negi retrieved his discarded wand. ôItÆs not that bad. Yue-san had her reasons. Anyway, Al-ô

ôNegi-kun,ö the man interrupted firmly. His warm expression suddenly turned cold and dark.

The young mage scratched his nose awkwardly. ôS-sorry. Colonel-san, could we leave the rest to you?ö Negi asked, motioning to the dragon.

His serene expression back in place, æColonel SandersÆ nodded. ôHe will be well again in a few hours.ö

With a smile, Negi mounted his staff. At his side, Yue was getting on her lance. ôThen, weÆll take our leave. Thank you for allowing this.ö

ôNot at all, Negi-kun. Next time perhaps, we can have another tea party with everyone.ö

ôIÆm sure the girls would like that. See you again, Colonel-san.ö With that, both he and Yue took off the way they came. Behind them, Albrieo waved them off before setting himself to heal the guardian dragon.

The two of them flew silently through the underground tunnels of Library Island. It wasnÆt until they reached the spiral staircase leading to the exit did Yue break the quiet.

ôThank you, sensei.ö Starting their ascent, Negi only looked at her curiously. She filled in the rest. ôFor tolerating my foolishness and doing this with me.ö

Negi smiled at her. ôOf course. It was a request from one of my precious students, after all,ö he said brightly.

Yue smiled back softly. They both turned their eyes upward to the top of the shaft. He wouldnÆt know, she thought, how much the excursion meant to her. It wasnÆt something for the girls in class. Nor was it something for Ala Alba. It was something that was theirs alone. No matter what happened in the future, this was something that she would hold dear as something between the two of them.


My meager offering to the small amount of Negima fics around here. I plan a series of one-shots that revolve around the theme of: "as little interference with the canon storyline as possible while telling tales of the Mahora campus." Of course, my plans always get shot to hell, so we'll see.


Well-Known Member
How... how could no one have comented on this yet?! :blink:

This is.... amazing!

Bravo! :yay:

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
How did I miss this? Its good.

Daneel Rush

Well-Known Member
Pretty good, I must say. The descriptions of magical combat can always be tricky, but here it was done just right.

I was left expecting an "accidental" uncomfortable scene between Yue and Negi, but this doesn't need one to be amusing.


Well-Known Member
Oh man. I must be blind. Thanks Femtedd for the find and Thanks Ikari for the short fic!

As for a suitable title, I think we need more before we can make a good suggestion ;p

Honestly though, the current title is sufficient. If you really need a change, consider what is the underlying theme in your snippets. For instance, since the stories are about what happens with a little interference, you can use a title taking that into consideration, eg: Mahora Tales: A Butterfly Sneezes etc


Well-Known Member
:blink: And here I thought no one was commenting because this story was the rushed piece of crap I thought it was...

Elvarein said:
As for a suitable title, I think we need more before we can make a good suggestion ;p

Honestly though, the current title is sufficient. If you really need a change, consider what is the underlying theme in your snippets. For instance, since the stories are about what happens with a little interference, you can use a title taking that into consideration, eg: Mahora Tales: A Butterfly Sneezes etc
I guess I meant suggestions for a subtitle. The series will remain named "Mahora Stories," I wanted a better title for the one-shot than "Yue's Rancor."

And the theme is "little to no interference." Stories that could feasibly fit into canon with pretty much no disruptions.

Really, I'd thought to open it up to try a collaboration effort if anyone felt inclined to go by that little rule. Any one who'd like to post such a one-shot on this thread is welcome to do so. Or if you'd like to give me other such ideas to write, I'll add it to my to do list. (Though, I make no guarantees of getting off my lazy ass to do it...) The ideas I've been kicking around already are:
  • Negi takes up the twins' offer to go out for parfaits again
  • The slimes are released and serve at the school as penance, of course getting into mischief here and there.
  • Asuna is out of the dorm for a night and Negi sleepwalks into Konoka's bed
  • Mahora first day alternate timeline: Negi doesn't show up for his date with Nodoka
  • After the Magic World trip, Negi tries out the Diarium Ejus and emotionally scars himself (likely from Haruna)


Well-Known Member
Ikari666 said:
:blink: And here I thought no one was commenting because this story was the rushed piece of crap I thought it was...

Elvarein said:
As for a suitable title, I think we need more before we can make a good suggestion ;p

Honestly though, the current title is sufficient. If you really need a change, consider what is the underlying theme in your snippets. For instance, since the stories are about what happens with a little interference, you can use a title taking that into consideration, eg: Mahora Tales: A Butterfly Sneezes etc
I guess I meant suggestions for a subtitle. The series will remain named "Mahora Stories," I wanted a better title for the one-shot than "Yue's Rancor."

And the theme is "little to no interference." Stories that could feasibly fit into canon with pretty much no disruptions.

Really, I'd thought to open it up to try a collaboration effort if anyone felt inclined to go by that little rule. Any one who'd like to post such a one-shot on this thread is welcome to do so. Or if you'd like to give me other such ideas to write. (Though, I make no guarantees of getting off my lazy ass to do it...) The ideas I've been kicking around already are:
  • Negi takes up the twins' offer to go out for parfaits again
  • The slimes are released and serve at the school as penance, of course getting into mischief here and there.
  • Asuna is out of the dorm for a night and Negi sleepwalks into Konoka's bed
  • Mahora first day alternate timeline: Negi doesn't show up for his date with Nodoka
  • After the Magic World trip, Negi tries out the Diarium Ejus and emotionally scars himself (likely from Haruna)
Oh, yes! I :wub: the slime girls and I would love to see more of them!