Naruto Masters of Evil Magic


Well-Known Member
This is a bit of pre-preproduction fic that I felt inspired to write. unlike my other in porgress fics, which are collections of scenes with outlines in various degrees of completion, this one is scenes without a planned outline, so be afraid.

There were about four beings that knew, with varying degrees of certainty, that Zozma had planned the Kyuubi's attack on Konoha. Zozma himself knew that with total cetrainty, Rouge was certain that he had planned the event, but had no proof, Virgil knew but didn't really care (the whole event was far too lacking in fireworks for his tastes), and the Kyuubi, just before being sealed in the squirming pink thing that was to be her prision, if she hadn't been set up.

Zozma was fairly certain that only he knew why he had planned the attack. Unless that comment about no person, sane or otherwise, trusting Zozma to raise a pet rock was an unusually subtle hint from the mage to him. 'But,' Zozma thought to himself, 'that thing isn't one for beating around the bush when it's not offensive to him.' That ment that the mage was just being blunt, as he felt he could be from one not quite friend to another, and telling the truth.

Which ment that only Zozma knew that he had planned the attack of the Kyuubi on the village of Konoha, just so that he could have a chance at raising a heir.


Well-Known Member
Don't know if that really belongs into this category. To me it looks likesome sort of story idea.


Well-Known Member
Idea, not a fic in any sense.....change it from category, FH...... :no: :sweat:


Well-Known Member
I don't think that it helps me any if I say that after this
This is a bit of pre-preproduction fic that I felt inspired to write. unlike my other in porgress fics, which are collections of scenes with outlines in various degrees of completion, this one is scenes without a planned outline, so be afraid.
was the prologue, would it?

Edit: Well, might as well put more up while I'm at it.

Konoha, Rouge decided, was looking far better than any place that had seen a battle involving one of the most destructive demons in recent history. Some time ago, he would have felt a bit bitter that it had survived so well, and rebuilt so quickly, while his home was little more than ruins, even now.

'Truely,' he thought, 'miracles do happen now and then.' The sight of all these lively people actually made him feel a little guilt at his decision to raid the ruins for inspiration. He idly wondered if hoping that the infamous porn writer that had hailed from here had died in the conflict would make him that much worse of a person.

'At least I'm not as bad as Zozma.' the mage mused. Then he saw IT. That unmistakable red hair, surprisingly, not in it's usual topknot.

Rouge decided that this bore investigation; he had, after all, stopped believing in coincidences when he was four, both times.