[Metroid] Hunters' faceoff


Well-Known Member
This is an idea that came to me in one of the rare occasions I actually drank too much alcohol. So yeah...

Basically, it is as follows:

During her very first mission against the Metroids (Zero Mission storyline), Samus actually lands on Zebes to find a trail of dead creatures.

Later on, she gets the distinct impression that something else is on the planet, besides her, Metroids and Space Pirates. This impression is proved when, during her infiltration of the Space Pirate ship, she finds a lot of dead Space Pirates.

Upon recovering her suit, she sees several Space Pirates... get attacked by air.

Or more accurately, by an invisible opponent, which then decloaks.

Yes, it's a Predator. :p

Not wanting to engage it right about now, Samus prefers to retreat, but now, in addition to the Space Pirates, Metroids and Ridley, she has to also deal with a nasty hunter who seems to think her head would make a nice addition to his collection.

It's just an idea, and fairly mehish, but eh. I was drunk, remember?



Well-Known Member

Seeing the title and a certain game that I usually play with my brothers, I almost thought this is going to be a Monster Hunter Freedom 2 and Metroid crossover.

After all, there is a friggin 'dragon' that turns invisible in that game after all.

edit: forgot a couple of words.


Well-Known Member
I like the predators, heck I even enjoyed watching the predator in avp 2 (Wolf) kicking alien rear. However, I have seen very little in the predators arsenal that would allow it to hunt down and kill a suited and fully upgraded Samus. She's just got too many abilities that could counter his advantages.

The only way I see this working is if you have Samus face one before the Zero mission. The back story does state that she had done other jobs before, had even brought in some of the pirate generals. Zero Mission was just the first time she'd done something that epic.

Now we could suggest that while in her weaker suit, Samus faced a predator and though she won, it cost her most of her suits abilities. Which would explain why the dang thing is so weak in the beginning of Zero Mission.

That's just my thinking though.


Well-Known Member
Good point.

To be fair, Predators DO have some serious destructive weapons (namely, the self-destruct kind), but overall, yeah, their arsenal is not quite up to par.

Unless it's a beginning-of-mission suit. Then, yeah, it can get nasty. It's all about finding the right powerup before the nasty dreadlocks dude finds your sorry ass. :p


Well-Known Member
Perhaps instead of a standard "hunter" pred, go with one in full Wargear.


Well-Known Member
If you have an image or source information on a predator in war gear, please post. I'd like to see that.


Well-Known Member
Can't find the older page I'd read a while back. Found a thread with at least a pic on Spacebattles

Yautja Wargear


Well-Known Member
Ah thank you, that helps.

Well, the war gear gives the Predator better odds, but not a whole lot. Again most of what I see is similar to staff Samus has faced before. The Blazer might be a problem for Samus suit systems, but considering all the crap it's survived over the years I wouldn't bet on it.

Now if you put an Elder Yautja in war gear and send it after Samus, things get interesting. Let's be honest, to have survived as long as an Elder has, when these guys routinly handicap themselves against some of the nastiest things the universe can throw at them, shows some serious skill. An elder is unlikely to make the same mistakes a younger predator would so I imagine that would be an interesting fight.


Well-Known Member
I can't begin to imagine how deadly the confrontation - let alone the cat-and-mouse tradeoff beforehand - would be between Samus and an experienced Yautja warrior (or even an Elder).

"Epic" would be too small a word for it, by my reckoning.
Won't Yautja gang up on a target if it's really hard to kill, as in worth spilting the honor of killing it