Mezool... an ally?


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Ok, I've just been rewatching episodes 15 and 16 of Kamen Rider OOO, and got an idea. the majority of the medals in the Gigantic Turtle Monster were Mezool's... 7 of them. The only time these were removed were when the monster blew up, although there were also far fewer cells... which makes no sense, given the massive amounts needed to create the creature in the first place.

So this story's nail is that for some reason (maybe the fight finishes quicker) there are actually quite a few cell medeals when the monster blows up... enough for Mezool to reform her body, although she still looses most of her cores... but now she has a dilema, she's still weak, she's been backstabbed by both Kazari and Uva, and knows they'll probably do it again, and if she goes out on her own, they'll likely hunt her down. With no real other choice, she ends up trying to ally with Eiji and, much to both's irratation and worry, Ankh. Essentially this means that Eiji doesn't get the Unagi Medal initially, but instead gets the Shachi Medal in the form of Mezool. Mezool essentially becomes a secondary helper role (not her decision, Ankh points out that if she wants some cell medals and to hold on to the blue medals they obtain, she needs to help out).

This also makes Kazari a bit more cautious on occasion when fighting Eiji, knowing that any blue medals he loose will be used by Mezool at one point or another. Uva is less so, because unlike Kazari, he's not actually using her medals. At one point there should probably be a betrayl/strike out on own arc, like when Ankh decvided he didn't need Eiji and got beaten up by Uva for his troubles. Although given Mezool, it'll probably a very temporary situation or some sort of plan since she runs into slightly worse problem than striking out at the start.

And then theres the Other Ankh and Dino Medal plot points, the former of which I think would remind Mezool a little of Gamel. I also believe, given her nature, Mezool is likely to become friendlier faster, not much given that she is a Greeed and Eiji IS OOO, but friendlier none the less.


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Well it is an interesting idea, but do remember Mezool is spiteful and scheming. She did, after all, decide to team up with Kazari and the other ankh rather than Uva at the end of 36.

However, if this did work out, as in she had more than enough desire to stick around, like Uva has as a single core medal, ?I imagine she'd be very protective of Gamel's medals and try to revive him. And once she's seen Kazari having absorbed her medals and if she learned he was behind making her go berserk, I imagine she'd want revenge on him as a priority.

Another question is simply how the other humans such as Date, Hina, and Gotou respond to their new 'ally.'

Ankh, however, I believe would trust her as far as he could throw her. And once the other Ankh shows up, it might turn out quite differently and might result in Ankh getting more cores back, if not his body, if you consider Mezool's the greeed he'd be weak to and the other ankh doesn't have much experience when he first encountered OOOs and Ankh.

also, with the dinosaur medals, if she's struck up enough of a friendship with Eiji, I could easily see her planning on getting him the rest of the dinosaur medals so that he'd be a fellow greeed, without his knowledge of course.


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I know she's scheming, all of the greed except for Lefty, I mean Lost Ankh, and Gamel are.

Unless Pure Mezool yummy show up, I doubt Date is really going to be bothered by her being around, just means they have one more person on their side. Hina would probably be a bit more cautious as Mezool was one of the the people who helped in her kidnapping. Goutou i believe would be in the same situation as Ankhs for a little, but then again he treated Ankh the same way before he got more trusting.

I can actually see Kougami agreeing to this idea, after all, not only does it give the OOO side more strength, but it's also closer to having his world being made, the one of desire he mentions in 16.

And honestly, I think she actually might hesitate on getting more medals for Eiji if she hears the whole loss of desire story, that again could remind her of Gamel. And yes, she would probably try to get Gamel back, but that would take a mssive amount of cells that she'd need to gather, not easy given she can't easily make yummy, and at least two cores, which if we follow canon for Uva, doesn't happen until 31 when they get both a Sai and Zou Medal back.

And thats actually a good point, if Ankh gets his body back, then what happens to Shingo? Does he keep Shingo as before until he recovers, knowing that doing otherwise can result in Hina attacking him?

Speaing of Hina, I think Mezool might get a little protective of her once she displays her super strength, guessing that she might have one of Gamel's cores in her, only enough to give her the strength, but still noticibe


Well-Known Member
Well, that indeed is true. Greeed are greedy things, after all.

Well, the thing that could cause conflict with Date is that he's after cell medals, and having to compete with two greeed needing them might make it slightly more strained of a relationship near the beginning. It'd probably end up same as it is in canon, though.

I also think Goutou might remain cautious of Mezool if only because unlike Ankh, she's a fully formed Greeed that, when powerful enough, might betray them. Ankh, even if he's a Greeed, is a mostly harmless right arm.

Oh, I imagine Kougami would be laughing like a madman before going and baking a cake to celebrate Mezool joining OOO's side. I really hope they resolve his role in the show as to how he was introduced to the greeed because he's the one character that's basically remained an enigma.

As for Mezool. It depends on two things on if she'd try to get Eiji the other Dino medals: if she knows Maki's teamed up with Kazari, and how she thinks of Eiji and his being OOOs, especially his berserk stints with the PutoTerano. Hell, if before Eiji manages to get control of the form, she decides to get the medals as a way to stop his berserk mode, it might prove reason enough. She also might to try to get a hold of them to keep a fail-safe in case a situation like 800 years ago is about to happen.

That's a good point about Ankh. First and foremost, how willing is Mezool to hold onto a grudge, because he IS the reason the other 4 greeed lost to King OOOs 800 years ago. If she is, she might not help him, or she might subtly help lefty Ankh win.

However, if she's willing to let go of Ankh's actions 800 years ago, then there is indeed a good chance that Ankh will be reborn. Which leads to the question of if Ankh will even care enough to keep control of Shingo's body or if he's even able to. I imagine he probably could, though.

I don't think Ankh could be too worried about Hina if he's fully revived. Flying, feather missile span, and fire powers do help to bolster noe's confidence. However, it does mean one has to ask if he'd try to betray Eiji and Mezool. If he does, then would he do it immediately or would he delay until the other Greeed are defeated? If its after the Dino Medal revelation, then there's a good chance that Ankh might die, because PuToTerano is a deadly, deadly form.

As for Hina and Mezool, that is a good question. I think she'd probably investigate the cause of Hina's super strength and if its revealed to be one of Gamel's cores, it depends on if core medals can easily be removed from a person. From the way the dino medals stick to Eiji, though, there might be a chance she might try to make her Gamel MK2 if its impossible to remove his core from her considering that people can become Greeed like Maki and to an extent Eiji are doing.

However, this doesn't necessarily mean that Uva won't try to revive Gamel like in canon. There not to much known about Uva, but I imagine that'll change soon.

However, Maki and Kazari are fucked if they have to deal with full power Ankh, Mezool, and PuToTerano OOOs, especially considering that Maki implies something bad might happen if he and Eiji remain in close proximity to one another for too long.


Well-Known Member
i wonder what if Mezool wasn't fully revived but was a arm like ankh.


Well-Known Member
datenchi said:
i wonder what if Mezool wasn't fully revived but was a arm like ankh.
Not possible in this scenario, the reason Ankh only partially can back is because only part of him was sealed.

@Cosgrove: Firstly, you actually made me laugh with that Kougami bit, the worst part is I can actually fully imagine that happening, this is the man who decided that to celebrate the anniversary of Kamen Rider he'd watch every series simutainously.

I doubt Mezool would hold onto her grudge for too long, if she see's just how badly he's treated around the others for the sake of comic relief. I do doubt Ankh would abandon Eiji at the point of Lefty showing up, remember that only an arc or two later he showed that he was actually concerned for Eiji's health. He might get a bit more aloof and demanding, but that'd probably end up with fight between Eiji in a combo form vs Ankh. Not to mention he's invested quite a lot in Eiji and I doubt he'll try after the purple medal arc, given the PuToTyrano is able to fight Greeed as easily as it fights Yummy

Would Maiki even be willing to team up if its only Kazari? while he may be strong by himself, Lefty is a strong pawn to lose in both plans. However, remember also that Kazari was nearby when Ankh and Lefty met, and we've been shown the Mezool is weak to Kazari's medal powers, so it might balaence out, or more likely Lefty and/or Kazari are going to lose a medal or two given that all in all its still 3 vs 2.

I actually think Gotou might be more cautious, given how quickly he suspected Ankh of making the first bird yummy. Of course, in exchange, Ankh is likely to loose suspicion when that happens because Mezool will either question or state weither or not Ankh can actually make a yummy.

And I think that if Eiji was willing to put a few calls in, Kazari's group would be screwed anyway. Shoutaro and Phillip owe him a favour for taking out the Luna Dopant in the Kamen Rider W movie, even if Movie Wars Core hasn't happened in Canon yet.


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<a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>HAPPY BIRTHDAY SNIPPIT TOPIC!</a>

Sorry for the double post.


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For lack of a Kamen Rider general ideas thread:

What if Kougami was one of the Kamen Rider Scouts as a child (given how much of a Kamen Rider fanboy he is despite working for a Shocker successor group), and OOO met him during his trip to the past on DenLiner?