Misc WH40k ideas


Well-Known Member
7 Cont. A few more thoughts....

- Megaira Vs WH40K ships.... well In the novel Megaira was a Alpha synth ship that was cutting edge tech.... and she was PROUD of that... so given the passage of time, I can easily see Megaira using the fortune Alicia and Tisiphone 'acquired' (In the novel they STOLE the bank account of a entire interplanatery drug syndicate... and there is no reason to believe they wouldn't keep doing this to scum they stumble across) to keep herself cutting edge all the way up to the start of the Age of strife, when Tech started getting lost.....

What this translates into is that Magaira actually matchs up fairly well against WH40k ships... Imperial ships are based on lower tech (Lost tech during the age of strife) and can hold there own against other races ships. So I see no reason that Magaira couldn't do the same..

More importantly is her size! She is small, and thus just about any space commander is going to assume her armaments is similar to ships of the same size, and will tailor there attacks accordingly. Only to get caught unprepared by the massive level of fire power she can unleash with her 'upgrades' she installed over the millenia.

The fact that she's fast and FTL capable (Not sure if she should have Warp drive, or if cannon Furyverse uses another form of FTL that fell out of favor over the Warp drive... and was lost over the millenia) are just icing on the cake... as anything she can't out fight she can out run and escape into Warp/FTL...

Various powers views of Alicia and Megaira and Tisiphone

Tau Empire- If they are aware of her existence, on fairly good terms... Cannonly int he novel Alicia was fairly successful as a 'smuggler' and working with Alien races would not seem out of place with her. So She may occasionaly do runs of high quality goods in small numbers (Megaira is small) to various Tau planets... Perhaps even occasionaly doing runs between the Main Tau Empire and the breakaway farsight enclaves, shuttling unofficial and plausibly deniable dignitaries attempting to convince Commander Farsight to return to the Tau Empire for the Greater Good...

As to her quest to help the Emperor, I don't see the Tau playing a role one way or the other. Although if pressed on it, the fact that Alicia is more pro-alien than the Imperium, and might alter there view on Xeno's in the longterm is probably a good thing.

Orks- Female ship has lots of Dakka and must secretly be painted red because it goes faster... Would give a good one on one Waargh if caught up to. (Frankly minimal contact, at best Alicia may do strafing runs on various Ork Waargh fleets threatnign imperial space.... she's much to smart to actually think she can go head to head with a Ork Waargh.. but she can weaken it signficantly if caught int he open...)

Necron- UNaware of Alicia's existence. She arose while they and the C'tan were in dormancy, and never became as famous as the GEoM. Thus they have no knowledge of her, at best the Deciever is aware of some silly Imperial cult that believes the GEoM has a bride out in the far reaches of space...

Eldar- Are aware she exists, subtly intrigued by a DAemon Possesed human who isn't a pawn of the Ruinious powers... not that she's anywhere as good as a noble Eldar of course, but she is a interesting Monkeigh....Not sure which way the Farseer's would go on Alicia's quest to Reach the Emperor.. Suppose it depends on how they forsee ALicia's success or failure in reaching the Emperor affecting the Eldar race. End result is its up to the Author what role they play.

Dark Eldar- Megaira is generally fast and heavily armed enough to cause headaches to any Dark eldar raiding force she stumbles across... so don't particularly care for her... still its a big universe so they don't cross paths often.

Tyranids- OMM NOM NOM NOM!!! Stringy and chewy food!

-CHaos Marines... DEFINITALY want to stop Alicia from reaching Terra if she has even the slightest chance of healing the Emperor... with the possible exception of those loyal to Tzeentch, as he might have a scheme or two which wants her to reach Terra....

The surviving Traitor Primarchs want her dead. Although those loyal to Slaanesh may want to defile there 'mother' first before killing her. ... but keep in mind by this point Alicia, Tisiphone, and Megaira are fairly powerful in and of themselves, and probably learned a few tricks from The Emperor prior tot he age of strife. So any attempt to take her out by them isn't going ot be easy or guarented to succeed.

As to the Ruinious powers:

Nurgle- Could care less about Alicia except when she ruins His schemes...

Tzeentch- Probably the same as Nurgle, except Tzeentch has a couple of plans and schemes that use her and her unique status... but than again Tzeentch has schemes that uses just about anybody you could name of, usually several.... that occasionally work at cross purposes...

Khorne- Probably the most complex... Can't decide whether he wants her and tisiphone dead for daring to be a daemon of vengence and blood that isn't subordinate to him, or seduce her to join him as a favored minion because they are just so good at vengence and bloodlust when they get there dander up. May actually have had plans for her after she was supposed to ram the orbital spacestation at the end of the Fury novel, foiled by Tisiphone's sacrifice in bonding to Alicia.

Slaaneesh- Want to kill or seduce to worship him than kill her... if only because doing so would really piss Khorne off....

Imperium (Here's where it gets complicated)

The imperium is probably going to split over Alicia, and whetehr or not she hsould be allowed to reach Terra... actually this could start a new Imperium Civil War... which is always fun for vast sweeping military scifi.... And would work nicely if Leman Russ had found her... since he prophesized he would return during hte 'end times'... and said civil war could mark the End Times for the Imperium as they know it....

A small break down...

Adeptus MEchanius- Mostly in the 'Stop Alicia' camps... if only because they want Megaira and all the lost tech she and her support base has for themselves... something Megaira is NOT eager to do...

Inquisition- Those INquistors who lean towards useing 'friendly' and 'Tamed' dameons to help the imperium will latch on Alicia as proof of there theory. Other wil be the generic "Kill the HEretic!"

In general the Puritan faction as a whole will side against Alicia and try to stop her.. of the Radical Factions, those who are members of the Xanthism and Recongregationism factions will generally side with Alicia... with Recongregationists as the most loyal (How better to reformat the Imperium than with a Empress at the head??)

Space Marines- If Alicia is accompanied by some of her 'sons' *primarchs* than those Marines whose Gene Seeds come from those Primarchs will side with alicia mostly... Others on a case by case basis... probably no more than half side with Alicia.

Imperial Guard- Case by case basis... but with other powers trying to stop her, or taking advantage of the conflict the Guard is going to be pressed on all fronts.

Ecclehisarchy- probably a schism split down the middle... those who know of the Emperor's search for his 'empress' and follow that doctrine will mostly side with Alicia (Mostly as some may argue she's a imposter or adopt a wait and see approach.)

Sisters of Battle tho... majority side against Alicia (There the only brides fo the Emperor Dammit!)

High Lords of Terra- Side against ALicia pretty much unamiously... Even those who might believe Alicia's change will NOT be willing to give up the power that might come from a healed Emperor....


Well-Known Member
It wouldn't surprise me at all.

After all, the imperium has been moribond since the end of the Horus heresy and the disappearance of the loyalist primarch. The only things that have prevented it to collapse is the permanent external threat of Chaos and Alien and the harsh repressive policy enforced by the High Lord of Terra.

The 3 main factor keeping it from sinking are:

-Exernal threats (Chaos, Xeno, Necron,etc...)

-Societal infrastructures such as the Adeptus Mechanicus, The inquisition, the ecclisiarchy, the administrorum, etc... who enforce that the population would not stray away from the party-line.

-The fanatical faith in the emperor, primary factor of the Imperial unity.

Anything altering this 3 pillars would make the Imperium collapse like an house of card.

The trinity Alicia/Megaira/Thisiphone doesn't strike me at someone who would stand for the Imperial Statu-quo.

In fact neither would the Emperor.

Funny that the Emperor would be considered an heretic by his loyal subordinate.


Well-Known Member
7 cont. Been thinking about this a bit and refining hte bunny .... I think I will have the II and/or XI Legions (the 'lost' or unnamed spacemarine Legions) sought out and eventually join Alicia, Tisiphone, and Megaira...

The reason they remain unmentioned is that while they didn't stay loyal to the emperor, they weren't quite considered 'traitors' but rather more laong hte lines of 'momma boys' because they decided there loyalty was to seek out and find htere lost 'mother' instead of helping the Emperor on his crusade. Since oneof the secondary goals of his crusade in this bunny was to find Alicia (His 'empress') technically they weren't disloyal legions, just one that didn't have there priorities straight.

Although... a thought... could the II or XI legion have a Female Primarch and space marine perhaps?