Harry Potter My Gilded Life, Inverted


Well-Known Member
I'm sure you're all well aware of Perfect Lionheart's Gilderoy Lockhart SI challenge, and Skysaber's unspeakable abomination in response.

Well, a thought occurred to me; Lockhart could actually pass as a failed self-insert canonically. A pathetic fanficcer who tried to 'fix' the parts of Rowling's books that he didn't like, consequently screwing everything up. Couldn't handle most spells because he had picked up some retarded fanon ideas about wand waving. Tried to give himself plot armor by faking Gary Stu-dom. Trying to pull Harry into the limelight was some sad attempt at getting the boy laid. And in the end, the storyline of Chamber of Secrets was so altered that he had no idea what to do but panic.

I envision a story starting with Lockhart's youth, when he realizes he's now in Rowlingland, and starts plotting out how he's going to improve things. Cue a life-long fandumb that leads to the half-baked plot we know as canon, with glimpses of the books Lockhart was familiar with from his own perspective.

It's basically what would happen if guys like Skysaber and PL got SI'd for real.
I kind of envision it being like "Concerned: The Half-Life and Death of Gordon Frohman". Lockhart is just so totally inept he gets passed from place to place in an effort to get him out of people's hair. Until he dies.


Well-Known Member
I think it was from that one fic where naruto found a pistol in a shop in the village with the zero tailed leech.


Well-Known Member
Lord Raine said:
snthsnth said:
I'd read it.
Just out of curiosity, where did you quote your signature from? I don't remember that at all.
Ya know what, neither can I. It's got to be about 3 years old now.

I seem to remember it having to do with some village of shadows where it was always dark, located west beyond Wind country.

I also remember some weird shop owner who apprenticed Naruto.