Ranma ½ My Take On Setsuna's Fault/Time Lost, Prologue

I mentioned this idea in the ideas forum and I've finally finished the prologue. Note that I am thinking of using buytbuyt line of Civilization: Saotome and Friends as the title for this. Please let me know if I've mucked up anything on this.


Ranma had known that the inter-school track meet would not end well just due to the fact that the rest of the Sailor Senshi would be there, whenever all of them got together for something like this trouble seemed to follow. The fact that for some inexplicable reason several all-girls schools where also just ensured that there would be trouble with his track record. As a result he was staying off to the side with his fellow warriors of Love and Justice.

This didn't improve things too much, as recently Minako and Makoto had been giving the same sort of looks that his fiancés did and he'd caught Ami mentioning something called the Scared Band of Thebes to Hotaru.

For this reason he had missed whatever it was that went down. What he did know was that some sort of monster had shown up and that before he or the other Senshi could even find somewhere to transform he had heard Akane challenging the thing to a fight, presumably in one of her ego driven drives to prove herself.

Apparently it had had some sort time control powers or something because the next thing he knew Pluto ways saying that the time-stream was disintegrating or something and there was a tunnel of light effect from a cheap TV show about time travel that seemed to have swallowed up everyone in the area in little bubbles of light. He'd ended up in a bubble with all the other Senshi present, likely because they'd all been together when whatever happened, happened. As the bubbles moved through something (Time he guessed) he noticed that more and more bubbles seemed to be showing up, picked up from somewhere, or more likely somewhen. Some seemed to have people in them, some had stuff, others had pieces of landscape, and invariably some had all three. And he could have sworn that one that kept behind them held Shampoo.

As they moved towards their destination some bubbles merged, others split apart and some even disappeared in a way that generally suggested something bad had happened to whatever had been in side them. And far off in the distance Ranma could see more bubbles heading towards them and he could only guess that when/where the two groups meet would be their destination. And it looked like he was right, for when the leaders of both groups reached level with each other they faded out. In the sort time before their bubble faded out Ranma noticed that not all of the bubbles where fading at the same point, some seemed to be fading before they reached the meeting point and other after.