Need a server to reroll on.


Well-Known Member
What it says. I'm gonna reroll rogue (horde) on a US server, and I'd like some recommendations on which server to choose. Preferably one with multiple guilds that have finished endgame content and will continue to raid into WotLK. High population would also be nice, as would forumgoers who actually play on that server to shoot the shit with and etc.

PS: Invite a friend? Please? :help:


Well-Known Member
Well TFFers are all on Bloodscalp. And the guild that we are all in (Band of the Hawks) does do end game runs. While I myself haven't played that one a lot, it is a medium pop server. It certainly is better than Darrowmere (where I still play my Ally character).

My main Horde character is on Gurubashi. This one is a pretty high pop server. and there are a number of guilds that do end game runs.

A little factoid. Random1377 plays in Gurubashi. However, he plays Ally. :p


Well-Known Member
How deep into endgame is the guild? 6/6 SWP, I assume?

I play WoW more for the raiding than anything, and since it's hard for rogues to get raid spots I need to gun for the beginning of WotLK, when guilds will be recruiting en masse for serious raiding.


Well-Known Member
I wish.

Sorry, Bjorn, but if you're looking for raiding, the TFF guild is really not the place to look for. We're still currently on kara in terms of raid progression. Don't have enough people to do anything else without pugging it. Too few tanks and healers (mostly tanks more than anything), and those we have are for the most part all inexperienced along with the dps. We're not gonna be reaching SWP any time soon.


Well-Known Member
Ehh... no offense, but yeah, that's not what I'm looking for. Karazhan to me is rote memorization and extreme boredom - I've actually MTed it the first time I ever played drood (a friend's char, more through brute force of gear than anything).

I was mostly looking for a server that "supports" endgame raiding, as in terms of economy, population, guilds that have the coordination and experience to make it in endgame, etc. Any recommendations? I've never played on a US/EU server before and I'd like a pointer so I don't end up reaching, I dunno, 20 or something and then finding out I'm on a ghost server.

edit: preferably an EST PvP realm, arr.


Well-Known Member
That's fine, I understood it wasn't. As for server recommendations, can't really say much since I haven't looked at other servers. One site to use as reference could be Using wowjutsu, your preferred server may probably be Mal'ganis, which is a pvp server, with a slightly higher horde to alliance ratio.

It has had 3 horde guilds downing Kil'jaeden, and about 11 more guilds that are starting or midway through SWP. Assuming you don't care if it's alliance, then 4 guilds have downed Kil'jaeden, and about 17 guilds are starting or midway through SWP.

I have hear some bad things about queues for BGs in the battlegroup Mal'ganis belongs to (Stormstrike), so depending on how much you like to pvp, Mal'ganis may not be that good for you.


Well-Known Member
My server (Skullcrusher) is a day 1 server, I'm pretty sure, and has a hefty population of people. Not so many that it has queues (anymore), but it certainly aint empty.

Raidingwise, we've got 1 guild with KJ on farm (hordeside), and about 5-10 others working their way through swp. About another 10 more working through BT/Hyjal, and then 10 bajillion guilds full of failboat people attempting to down High King (He's srs bsnss, dontcha know?)

Its Eastern time zone, and once you hit 70, I'd be able to get you an invite into my guild (one of the very few guilds working through t5 content on the server, oddly enough), but then again, by the time you hit 70 and get yourself basically geared up, it'll only be like a month before wrath. So meh.

But my server is a good one, thats for sure.


Well-Known Member
Ike said:
and then 10 bajillion guilds full of failboat people attempting to down High King (He's srs bsnss, dontcha know?)
Wow, those people must really suck since I cleared Gruul's lair with only 3 wipes (My guild sucked, and since I only went raiding with them my gear did - and still does to an extent - suck) in one night.


Well-Known Member
Our guild's problems really stem from our lack of people who want to raid without being jackasses about the fact that there are only a couple people in any one guild raid who are both a) geared and B) knowledgeable. We have enough reliable people for ONE weekly guild Kara run. And both of our reliable tanks are paladins, though I'm sorta working on a druid and there's a couple Prot warriors leveling. We need more players for guild raids. We need more of our current players geared and willing to raid with us. This week we had 9/10 guildies for Kara, 10/10 if you include Holyra, even though he's in <Malicious Intent> now. I know more of our lv 70s do Kara than just 9 of us. The real problem is that we don't have the tanks or healers for a second guild group, and fucking PUGS tend to move faster than we do, given the state of gear and experience for many of us.

Bah. At this point I'm rambling/ranting. I hate the fact that our geared recruits have tended to be jackasses. I hate the fact that we're stuck in Kara because we can't find any more tanks or healers who want to join us, and they don't want to join us because we're STUCK in Kara, even though... gah....


Well-Known Member
Solarman said:
Some geared people do end up getting a superiority complex so don't worry about it so much. My suggestion would be to try searching in trade, get people that aren't that geared as well as those who are, go down heroics and even some of the normal instances for some gear, and even if there isn't any gear you need from heroic, go for badges, since badge gear tends to be pretty cool ^_^

Pugs only move quicker than you guys because as you said, you're not geared. It's nothing to worry about, as you and your guildies get more geared you'll find that runs pick up speed, there's also the fact that the more you run kara, the more you'll be used to the tactics, and won't have as many problems.

By the way, what server are you on? And is it European or US?


Well-Known Member
Bloodscalp US, PvP server, Horde tends to dominate outside BGs (as usual.) This be the TFF Horde-side guild server.


Well-Known Member
US? I was gonna roll a character on that server if it was European, or since I'm bored of my realm transfer my main to that realm and go do some imba healing for you guys so you can move onto Gruul's. Ah well.


Well-Known Member
It's not really superiority; it's just plain exasperation when people can't seem to grasp things that they (the geared people) could do with their eyes closed. It's the little things, really.

Warlock accidentally casts curse of agony on a CCed mob. Instead of immediately switching the curse to one that doesn't do damage (like CoE), he wastes his 1.5 seconds of possible not-fuck-up time typing 'oops'. The rogue keeps on DPSing when the shackled mob breaks CC and runs towards the healer. The healer backs up instead of running towards the tank. The tank doesn't realize his intervene on CD and fails to have a macro on hand that switches to zerker and intercepts. The mage has a twitchy trigger finger and novas without clearing the other CCed mob first and breaks CC on THAT too. The tank in the meantime gets there but gets a taunt resist, doesn't immediately shout and last stand/shield wall... etc, etc.

They're frustrated because a good, skilled raid runs like a well-oiled machine. People cover for their own mistakes, if they make any, as well as they can. A good player expects to play with people who are as good as he is, and is frustrated when things go otherwise.

Of course, there are people who think that just because they have pretty purples it gives them an excuse to be a complete ass even if they're not that good. They're trash, but I'm just explaining it from a fairly advanced raider's pov.


Well-Known Member
Trust me I know how you feel, I just started wow two weeks ago and in that time I've had only two good group experiences.

I play an Undead Priest, so i'm the healer of any group and my main problem is when m y teammates keep rushing before I have enough mana to heal, then I waste so much on healing the idiots I gain aggro and get attacked and no one EVER cares about the healer. Its even worst when they split into groups forcing me to decide who to heal.

Anyway I play dethecus and it seems like a good medium realm,lots of high level players and good raiding I expect it to fill up in a few weeks for WOTLK.


Well-Known Member
Ah, I misunderstood. Yeah, i understand what you mean, I've accidently done that a few times myself, though thats cause I have lightning bolt and chain lightning next to eachother, or something's headed for the healer and I've started casting to take the aggro off them when a mage decides to sheep it. Though that was accidental, not idiocy.