Evangelion Neon Genesis Eidolon Fact Challenge

Okay guys, I've given it a lot of thought, and I'm thinking of combining the "Homecoming" fic I've been working on (involving Lucifer being in the Eva verse and deciding to stir up a little mayhem) and The Neon Genesis Eidolon fic idea, where a number of factions in other nations cloned their own versions of Evas from a Demon named Samael, these biomechs being known as Eidolons. I have several ideas but am still working on putting them all together into a coherent whole.

So! Basic rules: 3-4 people, organizations (including military branches) and things (Evangelions, Eidolons, demons, locations etc) per prompt, and each will have a number of facts about them. There are (so far) five confirmed Eidolons:


Now, knowing my track record with stories, this may seem like something I might just give up after a few chapters. Well, I think I need a bit of a change of pace before I can return to Naruto fanfiction writing, and this story is that change of pace. So, as long as people are interested in reading it, I'll be writing it. And I am aware of the reservations a number of you might have about OCs. All I can say is to give me a chance, and I'll tell you a good story.

Prompts, begin!


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II

And I was beginning to like Homecoming in its current incarnation with a wierd fusion Doctor/Lucifer persona...

Oh well.
PCHeintz72 said:

And I was beginning to like Homecoming in its current incarnation with a wierd fusion Doctor/Lucifer persona...

Oh well.
Hey, Lucifer remains Doctor-like. However, the fact that another demon like him is out there suggests that maybe he's not quite as alone as he thought. Sure, I'd develop the other characters but Lucifer gets his story told loud and clear.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member


British Eidolon-using group, if there is one


Well-Known Member
Pilot for Oblivion
Pilot for prometheus
Pilot for Nemesis
Pilot for Morningstar


Well-Known Member
Wow, and here I thought you were dropping Eidolon. Nice to see it up and running again, in a fashion. And a suggestion for the british group... How about the Library of England? They're pretty likely to have a copy of the Scrolls, or have just stolen them out-right. And if England's underwater, they have enough tech and resources to pull off building an underwater city. I'm also listening to Suite for an I-Jin, so that's probably making me a little biased.




1: It's internal defenses were intended for usage against civilians, terrible spies, and Angels. Demons are another matter entirely, Doctor is all too happy to discover.

2: At least 50 percent of it's budget is entirely superfluous and unneeded-The Evangelions could operate at the same level with a mere half of the revenue. Whether this is an intentional ploy on the part of SEELE to build resentment towards NERV or simply a sign that despite his goals, Gendo Ikari enjoys having such immense wealth at his command is unknown.

3: They have never been able to discover the leak in their archives that allowed the nations involved in the Eidolon program to progress so quickly. Though thorough investigations have been conducted at every level, no culprit has been found. Most troubling is that only someone who had been with Gehrin, and later NERV from the start could have given the Eidolon Program nations such extensive information. It is a short list, indeed, though the only man who fits the profile has been ruled about by Gendo. Fuyutsuki is a slave to his unrequited love for Yui, and would never give up Instrumentality.

Or so he thinks.


1: The organization has, contrary to whispered rumors across the World Wide Web, not existed since the dawn of human civilization, but since the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls. At least three of it's members are escaped Nazis, trading their information from Hitler's research into the occult for safety from the Allies. Ironically (or appropriately, depending on your point of view) without this research undertaken in the name of the Third Reich's obsession with Aryan ancestry, they never would have unlocked the code for the prophecies regarding Second and Third Impact.

2: After Second Impact, and nudging the UN to assume control of the world's militaries, they knew that the intelligence divisions of the world's nations would become the major means by which countries would compete. With this in mind, SEELE used it's formidable resources to turn as many intelligence services as possible into their agents, to prevent any information about NERV or SEELE getting out to the world's governments. Unknown to them, thanks to the efforts of Kaji Ryoji and a few other agents in the employ of the Eidolon Program, several of these agencies, including the Japanese Intelligence Service, the CIA, and MI-6 were turned back without SEELE's knowledge. It is one of the most unprecedented intelligence coups in human history.

3: Despite this, SEELE guards it's secrets well, and the leak responsible for the progress of the Eidolons is the only hard source of information the nations of the world have on the organization's intentions. And that source, codenamed CARDINAL, primarily supplies technical data. It did, however, carry one non-technical detail in one single message: "THIS MUST BE STOPPED. WORLD DEPENDS UPON IT."


1: Headed by Major Robert Oyelowo, an... Unusual British Army officer, Project Ethon was created at and based in RAF Machrihanish, a "decommissioned" airbase. An ardent fan of swordsmanship and medieval combat, combined with a degree in electrical engineering, the Major was the main driving force behind Advanced Bio-Mechanical Mecha Unit (ABMMU-04)'s focus on close range combat. The claymore-inspired vibroblade that became ABMMU-04's main weapon was of his own design.

2: Due to the secrecy of the project, and fears of SEELE-controlled reconnaissance, ABMMU-04 and it's component parts were often shipped from airbase to airbase. One of the more inventive means of getting it around undetected was to disguise the biomech as a moving castle exhibit to educate children about medieval times.

3: It was Major Oyelowo's suggestion to name the ABMMU-04 "Prometheus" rather than "Ethon", citing that a god who brought fire to aid humanity was better fitting for a machine built to save humanity, rather than a liver-eating eagle. After the project's completion, he apparently "retired" and was never seen again, leaving his sword to his son, Daniel Oyelowo, with an admonition to "use it to pierce the heavens".


Well-Known Member
And we have some names, and some thoughts on Eidolon-04, it's pilot, and an interesting quote.
"Pierce the Heaven's" indeed.
David Alan Abramczyk said:
To help out, here's a few ones to start you off on:




Misato Katsuragi

1: Despite the mess her home is, the things she never forgot the locations of were her gun, her underwear, and her cross. Her gun for obvious reasons, her underwear for equally obvious reasons, and her cross for reasons she doesn't want to think about.

2: The first time she has an inkling of attraction to Shinji is, strangely enough, in her Renault when the N2 mine goes off. He was holding her just as tightly as she was him as the car tumbled end-over-end, and when the dust settles, the way he clings to her so desperately, face buried between her breasts, well... It stirs her libido just a bit before common sense takes over.

But the attraction refuses to go away, and continues to grow, and out of all the people who tease her about the "little man at home", the only person with knowing eyes is Shinji's best friend, the Doctor. Yet they are in no way judgmental, which, for some reason, lets her lower her guard and inhibitions around Shinji, a little bit at a time.

3: Didn't quite know what to make of the Doctor when she met him, and quite frankly still doesn't. He cheerfully accompanied Shinji with a big smile and random joke, and wasn't shaken in the least by the N2 mine or the introduction to the Evangelion. At times his presence is impossible to miss, particularly when he's angry, and other times he almost fades into the background, usually when Shinji was expressing himself or taking a stand. He's such an enigma, someone part of her really and truly wants to trust with all her heart and someone who makes a primitive part of her mind scream that she needs to run, and get away.

Yet he makes Shinji happy, and in the end, as long as he keeps doing that, Misato is willing to let them continue to be friends. Besides... She has the sneaking suspicion that there is very little she could do to stop either of them from continuing their friendship.

4: Her love for Kaji was real and genuine, not just lust, but the pain and betrayal of what happened between them refuses to go away. This is ultimately the last stumbling stone between herself and Shinji-The fear that she'll hurt and drive him away just like she and Kaji did each other.

Shinji Ikari

1: The first time he met Doctor, he was crying at the train station, his father long gone, the sun beginning to set. A few people had passed him by, but not one had stopped to see what was the matter. Shinji wouldn't have noticed if they did, really.

It wasn't until he heard a sigh near him that he got his eyes away from the ground, and towards the source of the noise. An older man was sitting on the stairs near him, just staring up into the stars, which were just beginning to emerge in the twilight.

The man looked over at him, smiled, and apologized if he'd disturbed Shinji. Shinji just stared, listening to the man ramble on about his life, curiosity growing inside him at someone who could still smile despite how sad everything seemed. The man told him a story, and stayed with him until his uncle came to pick him up. When his uncle asked who the man was, Shinji answered for him: "Doctor".

"Doctor? Doctor What?" His uncle asked.

The Doctor just shrugged and said (perfectly straight faced), "Doctor Louis Schiffer."

It was that that brought the first smile to Shinji's face since the death of his mother.

2: Throughout the years, the Doctor would often visit, telling Shinji more stories, helping him with his homework, and just generally hanging out. Aside from birthdays, the Doctor's visits were always unpredictable. Shinji even tried to learn advanced mathematics to see if he could determine a pattern to the Doctor's schedule, but all he got for it were straight A's in school. It wasn't until later a gleeful Doctor said that that had been his "evil plan" the entire time. Shinji did manage to get him back later though, in an incident neither boy nor man will ever talk about, not even under threat of torture.

3: Shinji wasn't sure just why the Doctor got him into the "harem" anime and manga genre, which had seen an explosion in variety (and, for the most part, in quality) following Second Impact. Sure, it was interesting, a single guy getting several women (including his enemies even) because of their pure hearts, determination and courage (usually while piloting a giant robot or being a superhero), but what were the chances of that actually happening in real life?

When Shinji asked the Doctor this, he simply replied with a mysterious smile, "You'll find out eventually."

4: After becoming friends with the Doctor, he was no stranger to getting drunks home, whether by car or foot. He had to admit that doing it for Misato, Maya, and even Ritsuko once were all a LOT better though.

Asuka and Rei coming soon.
But first, the pilots of the Eidolons. Well, 2-5 anyway:

Jabez Terrence Carter-Pilot of Hermes

1: He really, really hates his name, and insists on being called "JT" by all and sundry. His mother was always unhappy about this decision, complaining about how she gave him a perfectly good name and he goes and shortens it. JT maintains it's better short, much better. His mother doesn't believe him and has always insisted he be known as Jabez by everyone she talks to. His father, formally an F/A-18 pilot, was more laid back and when he was alive, called his son JT.

2: JT is a geek. There are no two ways around it. Even if he hadn't gotten a complex about his name early in school, he'd still be socially awkward, insisting on video games and books over sports and parties. It's much easier to control how much of his true self he chooses to give out, rather than be judged by a name. It's why he likes his callsign and the name of his biomech, ABMMU-03, so much. Hermes is unknown, unknowable, a complete enigma. He has to make his own name.

... That, and it is really, really cool.

3: Due to the role and function his Eidolon plays, speed was the essential factor in how he was trained. Track and off-road running were only the start of the activities he participated in, trained to move as fast and surefooted as possible. Gymnastics, firearms training, free-running, even parachuting and gee-force training.

After all, when one has a biomech that can run on water and break the sound barrier on foot, it's pilot needs to be an adrenaline junkie of some kind. And after seeing real results after the insanity he's gone through, JT is all too happy to serve the role.

4: Hermes' default weapons are Metal Storm-based hand cannons-Essentially very large pistols capable of firing several high-calibre, electronically-launched, armor-piercing rounds. Combined with the focused nature of the Eidolon's AT Fields, and it makes it possible for JT to riddle Angels with rounds if he's got a high enough synch ratio. Consequently, he watched Equilibrium and several John Woo movies for inspiration on how to move.

Daniel Oyelowo-Pilot of Erebus

1: It is a study in contrasts to compare Daniel with his father, Major Robert Oyelowo. Where the Major was a boisterous, loud, slightly-crazed man, his son is polite, charming, and well-spoken. While the father may have been an officer, the son is the gentleman. At least outside of his Eidolon. He has a respectable synch ratio of 70% but also a record of going berserk in at least 30 percent of combat simulations. Each time he does, his Eidolon hefts it's sword and becomes a whirling, raging demon of death. The experience always leaves Daniel shaken afterwards, which he studiously tries to ignore... Along with the feeling of familiarity.

2: Like Asuka Langely Soryu, he too is a college graduate. He has a degree in Sociology from Canterbury University, one he would like to continue to obtain a doctorate after he retires from piloting the Eidolon. He has little desire to continue it after he is no longer needed.

He doesn't like to admit that for all his plans for the future, wielding his blade in Erebus is where he feels the most complete.

3: Charming and eloquent, he enjoys flirting with women and having them flirt back. Having a madman of a father taught him plenty of ways how not to treat women. He subsequently classifies his mother as "bleeding insane" for falling for his dad.

4: Is not stupid. That is why he believes he already knows who is in his Eidolon. He supposes it's appropriate-Erebusis designed for close-range combat, and will wield no other weapon save the vibrosword his father designed. He never wanted to live his father's dreams of combat and glory, but at least he isn't fighting alone.

Constance Turpin-Pilot of Nemesis

1: Is very laid back and easy going most of the time. She enjoys drinking Guinness beer regularly, something her guardian/commanding officer, Major Elizabeth Cutler, allows-Much to the consternation of the Nemesis Project Head Scientist, Nathan Parsons, who does not want his masterwork piloted by a drunk teenaged girl.

2: Was born on a floating city in Charleston, South Carolina, some months after Second Impact. Her father was deployed with the US Army at the time, and due to a lack of medical supplies, her mother died, leaving Constance only a name and an aunt to look after her until her father returned. As a result, she grew up an Army brat, moving from base to base with her father whom she grew very close to.

3: All of the Eidolons go berserker from time to time, but Constance is the only one who revels in it. She and the soul of Nemesis (ABMMU-02) seem to click perfectly, and as her Eidolon goes berserk, she remains in control, providing a guiding hand to the fierce biomech's rage.

4: Routinely jokes that she likes to think of herself as "One of the guys whom the guys can bang without feeling gay about it." In all seriousness, she is very aware of her femininity, and knows how to use it.

David Samuel Diener-Pilot of Morningstar

1: Was born and raised in the Har Megiddo Azrael Project Base, under careful supervision by Head Scientist Hannah Diener, who was his guardian. Despite some protests from a few other project members (and the boy himself), he was raised in the Jewish tradition and underwent a bar mitzfah upon turning 13. The only reason he went with it was because of Dr. Diener's daughter, Abigail, who promised to help him study every step of the way.

2: Intensely dislikes nearly everyone around him, as he grew up with most of the people around him poking and prodding him and regarding him as a potential threat. The only people he truly cares about are Dr. Diener, and Abigail. The latter receiving a bit more of his attention as of late than the former.

3: Quickly mastered the operation of Morningstar (ABMU-05), at least in simulations. Compared to the other pilots, he easily held the highest synch ratio and the highest amount of time in simulations. However, he dislikes synching at too high a level with the dark Eidolon-He likens it to "the abyss staring back" at him. He thus has spent a great deal of time trying to mess up his synch ratio. Singing Disney songs in his head seems to do the trick, as much as they disgust him.

4: Probably the best thing about Morningstar is that it is the first Eidolon to have flight capability. While he has not flown a great deal due to fears of SEELE espionage, every time has been one of the happiest moments in his life. Though he stubbornly maintains Abigail giving him his first kiss as number one... For now.
Doctor Who and Evangelion, with your own twist.
It certainly is interesting.
Shaderic said:
Wow, and here I thought you were dropping Eidolon. Nice to see it up and running again, in a fashion. And a suggestion for the british group... How about the Library of England? They're pretty likely to have a copy of the Scrolls, or have just stolen them out-right. And if England's underwater, they have enough tech and resources to pull off building an underwater city. I'm also listening to Suite for an I-Jin, so that's probably making me a little biased.



While the Library of England did indeed participate a bit in the Eidolon Program, to find out how much, you'll have to post up another prompt.

Gendo Ikari

1: Was a closet fan of Star Trek, but regarded almost anything British as "dull and uninspired". He kept this from his wife though, who loved Monty Python, Doctor Who and Upstairs Downstairs with all her heart. He only consented to watching anything she liked if she agreed to give him a blowjob afterwards. As a result, he remembered very little of anything he was shown.

2: Was never a particularly religious man. He felt that humans just tried to put to words what they couldn't understand before science unveiled the darkness. Again, something he loved about his wife but never understood was her faith in a brighter tomorrow and a universe with truly good intent behind it. He believes she would understand his actions though. He has to.

3: Knows something is off with the Doctor from the moment he sees him, but cannot place what it is. This uncertainly, combined with his obvious skill and talent, made Gendo mentally dub him "someone who needs watching". He was thus perfectly willing to accommodate his son's foolish demands in exchange for piloting. After all, it is said to "Keep your friends close and enemies closer..."

4: Is so sure that Fuyutsuki was in love with his wife that he could never betray NERV. The man's will only extends enough to try and steer the course towards Instrumentality along lines less unsettling to the old man.

Kozou Fuyutsuki

1: Actually met the Doctor in 1997. The two men had bumped into eachother in a coffee shop, and Fuyutsuki had spilled coffee all over the other man's shirt. In good humor, the Doctor had merely offered to replace the professor's coffee, so long as Fuyutsuki got him one of his own. The professor agreed and they began talking on a wide variety of subjects. They soon got around to the subject of future evolution, a subject they disagreed deeply on. The Doctor was of the opinion humankind had nowhere to go but forward and up, while Fuyutsuki believed humanity was seeing it's twilight hour soon. The Doctor quite cheerfully stated he could prove Fuyutsuki wrong. The Professor, unsure but feeling like he could trust this stranger, agreed.

The Doctor led Fuyutsuki out to his car, parked in a back alley... Which then turned into the strangest construct Fuyutsuki had ever seen. The Doctor just turned and grinned at Fuyutsuki's dumbfounded expression.

"Fancy a Sunday drive?"

2: The Doctor's demonstrations left Fuyutsuki... Feeling both wiser and yet stupider, as a vast realm of possibilities opened up before him. The Doctor calmly told him afterwards that the Professor had intrigued him, and that, should he wish to join him, he need only say the word. Fuyutsuki stuttered an excuse that sounded so weak... So pitiful... Yet the Doctor merely nodded and grinned.

"Ahh... Got someone here, I see?"

Fuyutsuki denied it, just before his student, Yui Ikari, began calling for him some distance away. At the Doctor's grin, Fuyutsuki merely sighed.

"Well... Until the day you've got nothing else... The offer stands." With that, the Doctor vanished, leaving Fuyutsuki to meet his... Prize pupil.

3: It was meeting the Doctor, Yui's optimism for the future of humanity, and an old friend that compelled Fuyutsuki to begin funneling information to the Eidolon Program nations. Said old friend, a teacher of Kyoko Soryu's had caught up with him after her descent into insanity and demanded to know what the hell was going on. Fuyutsuki had stared at him for a moment, trying to recall the cover stories, the lies, tried to remember Gendo's argument that had made him agree to cover up for SEELE's atrocity...

And all he could see in his mind were countless stars and Yui's smiling face.

4: He took the codename "CARDINAL" based upon Tom Clancy's series of novels, which he had occasionally indulged in.


1: Tried to keep as low a profile as possible throughout the centuries, but trouble kept finding him, turning him from hero to villain to legend to myth, and the cycle always started anew. He figured it was the nature of his Knowledge-Humans grew and changed and evolved, and he remained the same. New knowledge accumulated, of course, but he felt like he was standing still next to humans. The ever vigilant, self-appointed guardian.

2: Despite his claims, a number of humans over the centuries did understand him, at least to a point. But they grew old and died, or were injured or took ill and died, or were simply killed... And he remained. He supposed it was better to claim nobody understood him, than to admit to the fact that he kept having to start over with humans to find someone to understand him and then have to watch them die. Gone to a place he knew, but could never go.

Despite this... He keeps making connections with people across the universe. He supposes he cannot escape denial anymore than any other human can.

3: Was first called "Doctor", or the closest equivalent, by the pre-historic Greeks. He rather liked the title and what it entailed-Healing the sick, and figuring out the unknown. He infinitely prefers it to "Morningstar", which he only uses when he's enraged.

4: Did not inspire Doctor Who... As far as he knows. He cites it as a fascinating coincidence, or proof of parallel development of a culture meme, or something like that. All the same, their ideas for the character intrigued him, and he has adopted a British accent and fashion similar to the Doctor ever since.

And yes... He does have a "sonic screwdriver".


Well-Known Member
Now, I have to ask.

The Library of England.

Yomiko Readman.


Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
Andrew Joshua Talon said:
Shaderic said:
Now, I have to ask.

The Library of England.

Yomiko Readman.

The first one I get. The last two, not so much. Why ask about them?
Are you familiar with Read Or Die? That appears to be what he's referring to, and as one is the main character, and the other an important supporting character, in that series, I think that's why he asked.
Prince Charon said:
Andrew Joshua Talon said:
Shaderic said:
Now, I have to ask.

The Library of England.

Yomiko Readman.

The first one I get. The last two, not so much. Why ask about them?
Are you familiar with Read Or Die? That appears to be what he's referring to, and as one is the main character, and the other an important supporting character, in that series, I think that's why he asked.
I know, but why issue prompts for characters from that anime when this thread is for an Evangelion fic?


Well-Known Member
Oh, um, sorry.
Guess I ended up sidetracked.
You have alot of characters and angles to cover already, and I can see why you wouldn't want to focus on a rather 'minor' (to the point of not appearing/mattering) set of characters.

Anywho, I was just trying for a complete set.
I'll try again...

Library of England

Toji Suzuhara

Ryoji Kaji
Library of England

1: It holds over 14 million books, 920,000 journal and newspaper titles, 58 million patents, and 3 million sound recordings, officially. Unofficially, it holds an additional 4 thousand books, 10,000 sound recordings, 1,000 artifacts and 5,000 patents. Those are just closed from the general public, privy only to the higher echelons of the British government and the Royal Family. They all have two entities to tie them all together, codenamed "Old Tom" and "Wickerbasket". But most in the know simply refer to them as "The Doctor" and "The Beast".

2: They were involved extensively with "Project Prometheus", acting as advisers. Why was anyone's guess outside of the brass. It seemed odd to bring in a bunch of librarians to help with a giant biomech. Downright peculiar... Then again, what wasn't about this project?

3: Daniel Oyelowo still has his library card from this library. He doesn't know why he hasn't gotten rid of it. After all, what use could it possibly be? It's probably just to have another token of familiarity about him, that's all...

Toji Suzuhara

1: Is a big fan of classic American and British rock. In particular, Queen, the Rolling Stones, the Eagles, and Ray Charles. His grandfather traveled America extensively, and his father made many stops while with the JMSDF. They brought back all sorts of things, but it was the music Toji loved the best. He, his father and his father managed to rig up a stereo system made of various electronics parts they'd found, and kept updating it ever since. Toji likes to think of it as a better family portrait than photographs could ever show. The ultimate expression of the Suzuhara men's legacy.

At least until Mari began decorating it with pretty, girly designs. She said that so long as it was their family legacy, she should contribute to it. And he can't begrudge her it too much-She did find some wicked transistors to boost the amps available-but did she have to choose pink?

2: He never had any intention of becoming an Eva pilot. Maybe get a good scholarship with a college based off his basketball skills, get a business degree, hell, maybe even join the JSSDF. His family was a military family, through and through, and keeping the tradition for a good living wouldn't be so bad.

Becoming an Eva pilot? Just by watching Shinji in battle with the Fourth Angel made him want to steer clear from NERV.

His sister changed things, but he didn't really think of himself as an Eva pilot-Just a guy doing a job. It was Shinji, ironically enough, who asked him to step up-To fight for more than just his sister.

3: Due to his family's legacy as a military family, he is not only a decent cook, but a tidy housekeeper who always gets up at five o'clock every day. He kind of resented at first, but being able to maintain his discipline is what's allowed him to become such a good athlete.

Ryoji Kaji

1: In all honesty, loves James Bond. Sure, it's nothing remotely like the real thing, but a little levity in his business is good for the soul. And James Bond provides that. Besides... It's fun to point out the mistakes and implausible crap.

Such as the Walther PPK. It's a crap gun. Kaji would only ever use the Heckler&Koch USP.

2: He loves Misato. Truly, deeply, with all his heart... But, he can't deny who he is, and that with how they are, they'll just keep hurting eachother if they press together too close again. So, this is how it has to be. Separate, except for the occasional bit of "meaningless sex". It's kind of like having a sister... No, scratch that. Best friend he sometimes has sex with, fights with, teases and goads and messes with the guys she dates...

Damnit. It is like having a sister. How messed up is that?

Oh well... The least he can do for her is to ensure she finds the right man. Then, maybe she'll forgive him.

3: Has never really been tempted by Asuka's flirtations. Not even when she showed up naked, in his room, on his bed, with a condom between her teeth. He actually was caught between laughing and shaking his head.


Well-Known Member
A little nitpick. Queen and The Rolling Stones are British/English.
Just a random bit of fanart I did for Eidolon Unit 01, Leviathan.

An actual picture of the unit is in the works...


Well-Known Member
How many times have I said that on this forum?