New here, but not to forums


Active Member
Hello everyone,

As my title suggests, I am new here. Have been trying to join this community since this morning. I am not new to forums in general but to this particular site, I am. I like the mobile layout and I hope to see the real layout later on.

I hope to become an integrated and regular member here. Hope you'll have me. I'll be looking for places to post in while I have time before my next class begins. In about 20 or so minutes from now.

That's about it!



Not The Goddamn @dmin
As is tradition, I shall tell you to lurk more before you regret it.

Although honestly, TFF isn't quite as rabidly insular as it once was.


Active Member
Thank you~

I'd love to lurk... Actually, I believe I'm doing that now. Well, sort of I think. Just reading some threads and such.

Kind of waiting for the admin Watashiwa (?) to get back online. :)