New Ultimate


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With everything going crazy at DC it seems I missed some strange stuff going on at Ultimate Marvel, like a new Ultimate X-men and Spiderman being black.

Someone want to fill me in here?


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kid gets bitten by a spider. Again. And dons a black spider-man suit


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evilplushie said:
kid gets bitten by a spider. Again. And dons a black spider-man suit

And Peter Parker is where?
Bendis was told to write the best story he could involving Spider-Man, and was also pressured into killing him off. He resisted for a bit but came to the conclusion that writing the story was in fact, probably was going to be his best work, and it was.

Death of Spider-Man was pretty damn good, with Peter taking out five of the Sinister Six and dying with his identity revealed to the world, but secure with the knowledge that he'd saved his family. That he'd save his Aunt and friends from danger when he'd failed his Uncle. He died happy.

Then Marvel revealed that a new Spider-Man would be released right after Peter's death, and also that he would be black. In fact, the fact that the new guy would be black was almost the first bit of press they showed off along with a new costume. Fans everywhere raged hard, and people were yelling racism, affirmative action, etc...

Later, it was revealed that the new Spider-Man was also half-latino and might be gay, which stoked the flames even more. The issues are out now and people are just waiting to see what happens.

Personally, I haven't really paid attention to this but I thought this was sort of disrespectful since the new guy has no connection with Peter. Spider-Man's thing is that with Great Power comes Great Responsibility, and the failure of Peter to save a single life when he forgot that. Miles (new guy's name) so far hasn't revealed anything like that. Might have changed in the past month or so, don't know.

Anyway, Jaime Reyes, the new Blue Beetle, also had no connection to the previous one and he worked out fine so Miles might do the same. People are just going to have to see the stories.

Don't know shit about the X-Men though. Last I heard they were pretty much dissolved. Did Kitty and Bobby get them back together or something? I mean, most of them died in Ultimatum.


Well-Known Member
A Curious Stranger said:
Bendis was told to write the best story he could involving Spider-Man, and was also pressured into killing him off. He resisted for a bit but came to the conclusion that writing the story was in fact, probably was going to be his best work, and it was.

Death of Spider-Man was pretty damn good, with Peter taking out five of the Sinister Six and dying with his identity revealed to the world, but secure with the knowledge that he'd saved his family. That he'd save his Aunt and friends from danger when he'd failed his Uncle. He died happy.
Well, better than 'One more Day'


Well-Known Member
A Curious Stranger said:
Don't know shit about the X-Men though. Last I heard they were pretty much dissolved. Did Kitty and Bobby get them back together or something? I mean, most of them died in Ultimatum.
Ultimate X reveals Wolverine had a kid. Kid discovers his mutants powers and goes searching for answers. He and Jean team up and go looking for mutants, not be X-Men but just because it is kind of a crappy time to be a mutant. They gathered a team of some new characters and old (Hulk, Firestar). It is kind of a prologue.

In Ultimate Fallout, Kitty along with Bobby and Johnny form a group. General assumption is that the two groups are going to merge to form the new X-men.


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Whose the Kids mother?


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There are probably people out there claiming that the woman never existed. Wolverine just used his machismo to make himself an illegitimate baby.


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zeebee1 said:
There are probably people out there claiming that the woman never existed. Wolverine just used his machismo to make himself an illegitimate baby.
This a perfectly valid theory, in the non Ultimate comics... The Wolverine in the Ultimate universe always struck me as a douche...


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That's because in Ultimate the women are much more loose. Fated couples aren't considered hip anymore.


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Has anyone followed the new Ultimate line? I know that the new Spider-man gets Fury's stamp of approval, but that's about it. What ever happened to Richards and the FF?

What's up with the new Ultimates? And what the hell is up with 'mutants' in the Ultimates verse?
Hickman's Ultimate fantastic four has been awesome.

But long story short:

Ultimate Reed goes full evil. Dr. Doom in the ultimate Universe has been killed by Ben Grimm (although ya never know with Doombots) and is now married to Sue Storm. Ben's powers are now more wondermanish, Johnny Storm is hanging out with Bobby and Kitty during the Ben/Sue honeymoon.

Reed has recently returned after using super science to basically spend a thousand years doing batman prep-time shenanigans (he brought along a few scientists). He returns with his super army that he genetically built to be perfect and takes down Asgard as well as grabbing a large section of Europe.

Everybody is all like "oh Crap"

That catchs you up with current Ultimate fantastic Four.

Mutants were revealed to be an experiment by the government and all sorts of anti mutant trouble has been kicking up as a result. this was revealed in I believe Ultimatum.