Nothing But The Rain


Well-Known Member
Six years ago

"What do you hear, Mai?"

"Nothing but the rain, General."


There wasn't much in Omashu that Mai liked.

Earth Kingdom architecture had long since lost its novelty and the less said about the fat and lazy populace used to hiding in their mountain eyrie, protected from the war the better. Bumi she despised - what sort of leader surrendered without a fight? - and at the same time feared, because there was a look in his eyes that reminded her far too much of the General.

If it wasn't for firm orders from the Fire Lord, she would have poisoned him. it wouldn't matter how skilled a bender he was if his stomach was perforated by rabbit jaguar fur in his broth. Just another mistake by the 'glorious and honourable' Fire Lord Ozai.

She even hated the throne that she occupied as the city's military governor. Fortunately, symbolism could be made to work for her there and the throne was left ostentaiously unoccupied. A Fire Nation banner was draped over it and the scroll-case containing Mai's orders to hold the city until a civili administration unit could arrive was placed upon it to 'symbolise the authority of the Fire Lord'.

Mai herself had carried the small, rather battered field stool from her quarters in what had once been the apartments of the Royal Chamberlain and placed it in front of the throne. The stool was famous and as she walked she had heard muttering as old soldiers told the story to the raw recruits wondering why their commander would use such a humble piece of furniture.

Mai hated that story. Hated hearing about how General Iroh had had that very stool in his tent the whole time Ba Sing Se was under seige, had been sitting right there on it when the news arrived that Prince Lu Ten had been killed in the fighting. Hated remembering the tired look on the General's face that day almost a year later when he arrived unannounced on the docks just as Mai was returning to the war, newly promoted to Captain, and gave her the stool and his advice: 'It's a comfort to sit on it, but never think you can fight a battle from it'.

Not that there had been a battle. She'd been looking forward to a nice cathartic campaign through the mountains and then taking Omashu. That would probably have been enough to force even the fossils around Ozai to agree she should be promoted to General. But no one got promoted for a bloodless victory and the sudden lack of resistance had thrown off the timetables, leaving her marooned here until everything else could be expedited.

The throne room was empty now. She'd ordered everyone out so that she could think in peace.

There was one thing - one person - in Omashu she didn't hate, yet. Probably she would be given reason to shortly, but for now she was merely intrigued. Of all the things to find in Omashu, an airbender?

The attack on her last night had been fairly trivial of course. A few boulders shoved down a chute while she was passing with her guards. It was mildly insulting that the Resistance seemed to believe that something so crude would be enough to kill her. Of course they might have crushed some of her guards if the boulders hadn't been blasted aside by the short airbender who was probably the Avatar.

That the Avatar might be here was somewhat challenging. That he might be working at cross-purposes to the Resistance made him fascinating. And possibly useful.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member


California Crackpot
Very interesting start. Want to see more of this. Nice work.


Well-Known Member
Skelethin, you missed you chance to make a bad joke. Just give up. Or better yet, update.


Well-Known Member
zeebee1 said:
Skelethin, you missed you chance to make a bad joke. Just give up. Or better yet, update.
mah... i had to try.

I'm working on it! No clue if its actually going to work though...

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
Skelethin said:
zeebee1 said:
Skelethin, you missed you chance to make a bad joke. Just give up. Or better yet, update.
mah... i had to try.

I'm working on it! No clue if its actually going to work though...
Did you change your avatar, or did your account get hacked?

I have to say, I liked the previous one better.


Well-Known Member
Any heterosexual male with a libido liked the previous one better.


Well-Known Member
"Plague?" Mai glared at the officer who'd brought the news. "What plague?"

The man grimaced. "I saw a kid last night with pentapox. It must have spread."

Mai rubbed her chin with the butt of the throwing knife she had been sharpened. None of the armorers could get the edge right. Useless sods. "Pentapox."

"It's contagious, Commander. And deadly."

"And I've never heard of it. Is it a local disease? And what's the treatment."

He cleared his throat. "I don't know, Commander."

Of course he didn't. "Very well then lieutenant. then find me someone who does. If our own surgeons don't know about it then find an Earth Kingdom healer who does." Returning the throwing knife to it's place inside her sleeve, Mai rose to her feet and stalked towards the door of the throneroom. "Captain Sukumo! Order a general announcement through Omashu: curfew is brought forward to midday in order to quell the plague. Anyone found on the streets today will be severely arrested or - if they show signs of this pentapox - burned down. I will not see half my army wiped out because some inbred cretin couldn't tell the difference between drinking water and a toilet."

It didn't take very long for the streets of Omashu to clear. Given that the garrison's firebenders only had to make one example, it seemed that the conquered populace was beginning to learn what Mai's soldiers had: that when she gave an order she required that it be obeyed precisely. She didn't waste any sympathy for the stupid man who'd thought her soldiers would waste their time bluffing.

And apparently no one - not her army surgeons nor the local healers - had anything verifiable on pentapox. Most of them swore up and down they'd never heard of it. The symptoms: spots on the skin and pain were common enough that they meant nothing. For all Mai could tell from the reports, the incident last night with the curfew breaker claiming to be a sufferer was the first incident ever.

"Find that boy," she ordered. "And someone do a house by house - get me numbers on how many of the population are infected. Tell them we're setting up an isolation camp outside the city and need to know how many people we'll be feeding."

The doors to the throne room burst open as a rather energetic messenger burst in and then bent over, desperately trying to catch his breath.

Mai sighed. Another problem. It never rained but it poured. "What?"

"Princess Azula has arrived."

Dead silence filled the room. Mai's mind raced. Ozai's daughter, Lu Ten's cousin. The assumed next Fire Lord since Zuko had managed to demonstrate his spinelessness in front of the entire court. The General seemed to cut his nephew some slack but he'd never said anything much about Azula, which probably meant he didn't have much that was good to say about her.

"What a perfect day," she sighed. "Someone prepare quarters for her."


Well-Known Member
zeebee1 said:
Any heterosexual male with a libido like the previous one better.

I decided to try something new for a bit. The fact that I didn't even recognize my own post until I looked again is making me think of switching back...

anyway, this is getting more interesting. And appears to be getting a lot more information on the full background soon too.


Well-Known Member
Well, it's obvious Mai's a bit older. I was wondering about that.