Ranma ½ Nova 4


Well-Known Member
Why not change that "blue collar" thing to "high society"? I think that fits.
Sure, it fits. If it doesn't I can just reword things slightly.

Also, if you're worried about chapter length, I think you could significantly shorten the breakfast scene. The most important thing is the knowledge that Ranma knows how to cook, because it paints a broader picture of him as a character, but the rest doesn't add anything new. We already know that the kids can turn into juvenile morons.

So I'd suggest you leave in the bit with Rogue going to the kitchen and tasting the muffin or whatever it was and getting overwhelmed with confidence and stuff, but then condense the food fighting bit. Don't get me wrong, it's amusing, but it's really not that important and can be removed without taking away anything important.

Also, if you plan to have some kind of trouble between Storm and Ranma because she's jealous of Jean, then you should leave in the bit where Jean worries about her diet, and Ranma tells Jean she's in perfect shape. Otherwise you could probably cut that out too. Though he does also pay Storm a compliment, which is another step to their reconciliation, so you might want to leave it in anyway.
Overall there are several plot points in that scene that relate to future events/revelations, but beyond that its more a touch of life scene.

I found the breakfast scene amusing. Chapters can be as long as they need to be.
Glad you enjoyed that scene if nothing else. As for the chapter length, I'm still undecided all things considered.

Though I also think it's fine if he ends the chapter there. It's mostly an exposition chapter that sets up the next bit of plot, but you need those too. The next one could then focus on Ranma's meeting in New York as well as Xavier helping Rogue with her dream.

Also, I think it's another memory of Mystique. Seems like more backstory on Nightcrawler, which would make Ranma his dad. And it adds a nice big heap of conflict on Ranma, because if he is Kurt's dad he now has a very good reason to stay in this world.
The exposition chapter leading to the charlie foxtrot in New York and the rest of the X-men dealing with Rogue's dreams was my original thought on the matter. And anyone whose actually seen/read a synopsis of the cartoon would likely get the same conclusion you have, Foesjoe.

Man, I'm so freaking wasted. Few days ago my AC unit outside died (Motor cacked over), so I went most of a night/morning in brutal hot temperatures that just screwed up my sleeping schedule. I hope tonight I can pass out and stay asleep for the duration; I got a damn game session with my friends tomorrow and I can't be out of it as the Face for the group.


Well-Known Member
Neither white nor blue collar workers are rich.

Also, I get the feeling Magneto has Nova tech. I also get the feeling Magneto is going to regret it.
and i doubt that he knows he has it, altought En Sabah Nur may know about it.