Harry Potter Of Philosopher's and Sorcerer's


Well-Known Member
This idea is spawned by the differing titles of Book One, remembering the Goblet of Fire's Ghost Ordering mistake, and the television show Awake.

The idea is that Harry, although he didn't even realize it, has been living in two different worlds at once.

The first world, "Philosopher's" first difference is the stone is called the "philosopher's stone". The second difference would be that it was James who sacrificed himself to save Harry.

The second world, "Sorcerer's" would be the exact opposite.

There would probably be a scene where Harry called the stone "Philosopher's" and Hermione corrected it, then the next day he referred to it as "sorcerer's" and Hermione once again corrects him..

Probably a flashback...

After Voldemort is resurrected, Harry clearly remembers two different versions of events... Which leads to the realization that he is living in two different realities concurrently. (Not realizing it as the differences besides the name change was nothing, until the Resurrection)

But then the differences build in each reality, One would primarily be the books, while the other (IE the one where James sacrificed himself instead of Lily) would diverge into something else.

A few different facets not really mentioned but could be implemented with different believability.

1) The respective parent is also resurrected at the Resurrections, pretty unbelievable but would bring the series closer to "Awake"

2) Would Harry have two Horcrux, or just one? Would the Horcrux being destroyed anchor him to one reality forever?

3) Would Harry have two different love interests? Would he question this morally?

4) Possibly a few different 'crux all together. Maybe in the non canon world Regulus managed to destroy a few before dieing, leading to a swifter war? Or maybe Regulus is even still alive?

5) Luna. Is she aware of the differing realities, or is she just Luna?

6) What if Voldemort is aware of the two realities as well? Using them as a multiplier for intelligence gathering missions.