Ori Oneill

So err yeah what it says on the tin, basically an idea I had written down and then spilled water I guess on the paper.

Basically Jack is a descended Ori retains a good deal of knowledge but since he's you know stuck in the ass end of the milkyway i.e. smack in the middle of enemy territory not much he can do.

So rather than taking the Seth route and starting a cult he decides hey I'm stuck here for the time being best make the best of it.

Anyway so he settle down over the centuries (Highlander style life) and then well things get to the modern era.

Come season one he's back out amongst the stars but for the time being he still cant contact his fellow Ori, but he can mock the other false gods, these puny Goa'uld.

Effectively what I'm envisioning is O'neill's snark plus a bit more malevolence and manipulation behind it, and a great deal more mocking of the goa'uld

being in Enemy territory (the ancients) there would be minimal use of ascended powers that are obvious except in emergencies and what could be passed off.

I.E. Hey you know the reason SG 1 hardly ever gets seriously injured Jack's fucking up probabilty in his favor,

Plus this handily explains why he can handle a Staff Weapon the Ori have similiar ray guns

More to follow as I decipher my own handwriting