Past Lives


Well-Known Member
Ok, I've been a fan of the HP fic "Past Lives" by Roscharch Blot...what if this idea was within anime?

Just, one makes re-incarnation cross dimensional.


Ideas such as:

Hinita geting hit with a kinjutsu (forbidden technique) that makes her act like Kodachi Kuno (or even better, Naga the White Serpent) for a short time...Run Naruto, run


Naruto gets hit with the same technique and finds out that he was Ryouga in his last life. Strength, direction sense...but thankfully, no Junsenkyo curse


Kodachi Kuno gets hit with a magical artifact that brings back the memories of her past life, and she was Anko. How would the wrecking crew deal with this new version of Kodachi.


Actually, this would be good for a series of short stories.