Peter Parker: The X-Men's Best Friend


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1 of 10


ôGive me a B. Give me an A. Give me aà.ö God I hate cheerleaders.

DonÆt get me wrong, I got nothing against hot girls in tight clothes, especially with this weather, but just hearing them open their mouth gets me pissed. Then again it might not even be the girls that are doing that to me. At least not today. Because today is my first day stepping foot in this god-awful campus, and I have to say IÆm not amused.

ôHey, buddy, thatÆs my seat.ö I turn around to see a guy. Not just any guy, but a big one. HeÆs almost twice my height, and smells like an ape. ôGet off.ö

I contemplate following what he says, and decide to give him the seat. ôBe my guest.ö You smelly peace of shit.

Standing up, while ignoring some of the looks the people around me give, I try and make a move for the exit. Of course that isnÆt easy when this big sack of shit is standing there, waiting for me to go around him. ôCan you move?ö I tell him.

He gives me a look to say 'fuck off', and just when I think heÆs going to say the word he surprises me. ôAlright, wait a second.ö He gives me a grin, and sits down. ôThere, you happy?ö

Not really, but whatever. ôThanks.ö You hairy bastard. ôIÆll probably not be back. So donÆt worry about saving the other seat.ö I say this because IÆm pretty damn sure he wonÆt.

He smirks, and waves me off. ôGet outta here, bub.ö Asshole. Could at least say thanks for not making a scene. I mean, you did leave your seat for the past hour. Who wouldnÆt steal it?

Sighing, I turn to the direction of the stadium and walk towards it. On my way I try not to slip on anyone, or anything, and make sure to constantly check my wallet. Earlier, I saw some toad-boy going around, jumping from bench to bench, going through the wallets of unsuspecting people. A part of me wonders if he is still around, doing that, but the larger part just wants to get out of here.

I look up at the sky as the rain continues to fall, and try not to think about why IÆm here. Well, thatÆs kind of hard because the rain only brings back the memories of that day. The memories that lead to me and my family moving to Bayville.

ôHey, watch it, kid.ö I turn around, and see another person almost knock into me. This one looks just as unfriendly as the guy I previously met, only this one looks like he might actually pick a fight. ôKid, you know youÆre blocking the way donÆt you?ö

I look around. Actually, heÆs right. I really am blocking the way. ôSorry,ö I say sheepishly, while placing my hand on the back of my neck. ôI guess I was lost in thought.ö

The manÆs angry expression softens. ôHmm, head's too into the game.ö He points to the scoreboard. I try to make it out in the pouring rain. ôI mean, we might have a shot at winning this.ö

ôI doubt it,ö I automatically answer. ôWeÆre down ten points.ö

ôBut we might be up another five if Duncan comes out.ö

ôWhoÆs Duncan?ö I ask.

The man looks at me funny. ôYou honestly donÆt know who Duncan is?ö


ôDuncan Mathews?ö

ôUm, no.ö


ôSeriously, I have no idea what youÆre talking about, or who.ö I say this while trying not to look annoyed. Apparently I fail because the man frowns.

ôWell, youÆll see, I guess. HeÆs the star quarterback.ö He looks at the scoreboard then back at me. ôAnyway, pay more attention to the people around you. I was ready to sock you a new one.ö

I smile grimly. ôYou wouldnÆt be the first.ö

He raises an eyebrow. ôReally.ö He looks me up and down. ôYou donÆt exactly look like the type IÆd pick a fight with.ö

I frown, then look down. In the pouring rain you can easily see my chest muscles. ôTrust me, IÆm not as strong as I look.ö

ôIÆm not blind, sonny, those are some damn powerful pecs.ö He looks at me curiously. ôYou wouldnÆt happen to be on another schoolÆs football team would you?ö

ôNah,ö I say. ôBut I wanted to join the basketball team back in Midtown.ö


ôItÆs where I used to liveàuntil I had to move.ö

The man looks at me suspiciously. ôA lot of bad people live in Midtown.ö

"Bad people live everywhere.ö I should now. Oh, how I should know.

ôYouÆre probably right about that.ö He looks around him, and notices we are blocking traffic. ôDamn, I got so caught up.ö

I shrug and turn around. Before I can leave he puts his hand on my arm and asks me something. ôHey, sonny, whatÆs your name?ö

I contemplate giving it. ôParker.ö I pause. ôPeter Parker.ö

ôParker, eh?ö He laughs. ôSounds kinda familiar, not sure where I heard that butàwell, I guess I gotta go.ö He laughs, waves me off, and disappears into the crowd.

I laugh a bit, then get on my way.

The less IÆm here, the happier IÆll be, and thatÆs a fact. Crowds just isnÆt my thing. Come to think of it, nothing is really my thing.

As I make my way down the steps of the stadium I take a last look around me and sigh. ôGod, I hate this place.ö It reminds me so much of home. ôI wish Uncle Ben didnÆt have to switch jobs like that.ö But then, itÆs my fault that he had to do that in the first place.

My stupid mistake. My very, very stupid mistake! I try not to think about it and look back at the sky.

Step by step my feet take me away from the crowd. The rain is getting harder, and the noise is getting louder. Deciding to take a shortcut I go through the bleachers and try to ignore the cheering around me.

ôHey, guys. Can we, er, talk about this?ö I hear someone say. I pause and turn around. ôGuys, please?ö

I sigh. This canÆt be good. I walk toward the noise and, sure enough, there is a group of jocks picking on the toad-boy I saw earlier. Yup. He is just as ugly as I remember him. I look down to the floor and see the money heÆs been stealing from people and smirk. Damn. ThatÆs a lot of cash. The kid is better than he looks.

ôHey, IÆll give it back, I swear.ö He offers to hand the money to the jocks, but I donÆt think theyÆre going to let go. ôPlease, I donÆt want any trouble.ö

I feel sorry for the kid, I donÆt think even he believes heÆs going to get out of this. But what can I do? I mean, I have to keep a low profile here. I donÆt want to make another incident, not like the one in my last school.

ôGuys, letÆs teach the freak why he shouldnÆt steal.ö This is said by the head honcho of the group. Shit! The guy looks like Flash Gordon. The same build, the same monkey like speech, even the same hair color. Or at least I think itÆs the same hair color.

Hard to tell when heÆs wearing a helmet.

ôLet him go.ö I look ahead of the goons. Hmm, interesting. Maybe I donÆt need to help the kid after all. ôHe said heÆs going to give back the money.ö

The thugs ignore him, and start hassling the toad. ôBack off Summers.ö Flash, or IÆll call him that, looks at the other person in disgust. ôThis isnÆt your business.ö

ôItÆs my business when three guys have to pick on one.ö

ôHe has it coming.ö

ôHow come? He just said heÆs going to return the money.ö

ôWe donÆt care about that.ö He turns to his boys and they smirk. ôWe just wanna teach him a lesson.ö

The man steps out of the shadows. Interesting. He sounded a lot more intimidating while he was there. The kid is taller than me, probably a half a head. With the same hair color, only his is a lot darker. HeÆs wearing red shades, a pair of khakis, and what looks like to be a bluish-green vest/shirt.

Over all, not the kind of guy youÆd be afraid of. But then there is something just not right about him.

ôWhatÆll you do Summers?ö The thug is not looking at Summers. Or at least I think thatÆs his name. ôThereÆs three of us.ö

Yeah. But if the Toad boy and Summers team up, itÆll be two against one. And the toad actually looks pretty strong, judging by the wirey muscles on his arms. ôMy advice is to back off.ö He turns back to the toad, and proceeds to punch him in the stomach.

ôDuncan, I told you to back off!ö

The guy ignores Summers, and punches toad a second time. I' really feel bad for the guy, heÆs getting punched once, twice, three times, and now DuncanÆs friends are joining him. I really want to help out, I really do. But I canÆt. I canÆt make the same mistake I made back in Midtown. The same mistake that got me expelled from school.

ôI said back off!ö Summers spears Duncan and flings him to the ground. Duncan lets go of Toad boy, and I get a good look at his surprised face.

I really do feel bad for the guy. I donÆt think anyoneÆs every helped out that kid before, judging by the shock on his face.

But he doesnÆt stick around.

Instantly he gets up, looks at the scene one last time in regret, and hops away. I clench my fist because heÆs just left the guy who saved him with three guys almost twice SummerÆs mass. ôShit, this isnÆt going to end well.ö

ôQuick, heÆs getting away.ö Or maybe it will because the other two chase after toad boy. I wonder if thatÆs what toad boyÆs plan is all along? To get the goons away from Shades. Interesting.

ôShit, weÆll never catch him.ö The two stop. Never mind. Looks like weÆre back to square one. They turn back to Summers, ôDuncan, you want any help with Summers?ö

Duncan gets off the ground and smirks. Shit. HeÆs going to beat this guys ass. I just know it.

ôSure.ö He takes a step towards the other boy, who is getting ready to fight. But there is hesitation in his movements. ôGet behind him.ö

Hmm, so now IÆm at a cross road. I can walk away, let this guy get the shit beat out of him. Or. I could help.

What should I do?

ôGet him!ö

God. I hate me. ôHey!ö

The four stop. They turn to my direction, and I smirk. ôCome on guys, itÆs just a game. No need for violence. IÆm sure weÆll win the next match. Go team go!ö

Duncan and his gang look at me in confusion, but only for a second. ôWhat the, no, wait. Beat it kid!ö

Right. As if. ôNah, I think I wonÆt. See, like Summers here,ö I gesture to the other boy. ôI donÆt like three on one.ö

The guy doesnÆt get it. I sigh. ôDo I have to simplify it?ö

He still looks confused. What a moron. I can see why SummerÆs wants to beat his ass. ôIÆm the hero.ö

He looks me up and down. Then smirks. ôYou?ö He takes a step towards me, towering over me like a giant. ôYou, seriously?ö He laughs, and his friends follow.

Haha. Laugh it up wise guys. ôYeah, me, handsome.ö I say cheerfully. ôIÆll even give you the first shot.ö

Duncan stops laughing. He pauses, looks behind him, then smirks. ôDonÆt say I didnÆt warn you, kid.ö He rears back his arm. ôNight, loser.ö

And as his fist swings across the air, I make my move. I grab his arm, pull with his momentum, and swing him across my shoulder, and into a nearby beam. He flies through the air before hitting it, getting a few shouts from his friend, and then manages to get his head knocked there.

Overall, itÆs not an impressive fight. Heck, itÆs not supposed to be. ôDuncan! You bastard!ö His friends come charging me, and I resist the urge to groan.

This is going to be like Midtown all over again.


AN: Yes. IÆm aware that in the original Wolverine was not in the bleachers. But in this one I decided to have him watch the game in episode 1, before he enters the X mansion.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't really 'sound' like Peter Parker, too bitter and angry, but I approve of the idea at least.

ôIÆm not blind, sonny, those are some damn powerful pecs.ö
Lol, gay. :p


Well-Known Member
And so, yet again, the number of unfinished fics grows.


Well-Known Member
zeebee1 said:
And so, yet again, the number of unfinished fics grows.
If I didn't like the snippets so much I'd be screaming in rage...


Well-Known Member
If I actually thought he was a good writer I might be screaming, or at least grumbling, myself.