

Well-Known Member
Ok, excuse me for creating a new topic, but I didn't want to intrude on any other ones and ruin their flow. Or even bring up the rant topic, since that's just about Naruto fan fic issues, instead of other issues.

My current Issue isn't even about the fan fics. It's about those who read them, then decide "WHOA! THIS STORY IS COOL! I'M GONNA TAKE IT AND PUT MY NAME ON IT!"

For, you see, I am an author. I consider myself mildly successful, if you count reviews. I like to think of myself as creative, as no one else has thought of the stuff I have.

But people who just take my stuff and post it, then take credit for it, piss me off.

I write a few stories. The first is All for One, a story about Naruto getting adopted repeatedly. Stupid premise, I admit, but it's pretty damn original. I work hard on it. I really do. Occassionally, I branch off, but I work on All for One because I enjoy writting it, and like that people enjoy it. I get nothing physical out of it, other then some pages I can look at later.

But today marks the second time I've been ripped off. The first time was in late march, and one of my reviewers told me that it was happening. Hence, I went over, and sure enough, there were my scenes, spliced out of order, with some names changed.

I found that one funny. Mainly, because I then posted the fact it was happening as an A/N on my story, and it got about seven pages of flames before the guy axed it.

The second was today (which was funny, because I was talking about how annoying it was in the Art of the Deal Topic). But the dude either destroyed his account before I could catch him, or just changed the name. Which sucks, because I can't find it. I know it exists, because I got google hits off of the user name, and there's no reason a reviewer would just tell me that if it doesn't exist.

So the dude got away, without the flaming and destroying he deserved!


Sorry I took up your time ranting. But I didn't want to post another A/N on my story, and I figured you guys wouldn't mind too much.


Well-Known Member
when you find him bring him here and put him on Trial before the TFF 13 and we can destroy him with the holy flames or not so holy flames of the representatives :snigger:

by the way I thought I saw that fic in question not even an hour ago


Well-Known Member
If you can give me a link, I'd be... most thankful....

*Lights up Flamethrower*


Well-Known Member
perfect_solider said:
when you find him bring him here and put him on Trial before the TFF 13 and we can destroy him with the holy flames or not so holy flames of the representatives :snigger:

by the way I thought I saw that fic in question not even an hour ago
Can I experiment on him first? I find a person being so idiotic to be 'interesting'.


Well-Known Member
perfect_solider said:
Vesvius said:
If you can give me a link, I'd be... most thankful....

*Lights up Flamethrower*
ask and ye shall receive *smiles slightly* never say that I've never given you anything Vesvius-Tachio Naruto Son of the fourteen Clans
You, my buddy, have just made me a very happy author. If you want to see a blazing fire, I'm going to post this address up as another A/N to my fic. It should be... interesting. :evil2: :evil2: :evil2:


Well-Known Member
I remember back a while ago, sometime last year, when there was this chronic plagiarist named gatoman666 on ffnet. He had up maybe 3 stories of his own, which just ungodly terrible. Then all of the sudden, he started posting up a new story, rapidly, of much higher quality.

He didnt even change the name....He left it as "Comes the Cold Dragon", one of the best Ranma stories out there, and probably the best Ranma/Akane match up.

Naturally, idiots on ffnet began praising him, but he also started to get flames from the smarter people who remembered the original story.

I must have reported this guy a dozen times, and left a dozen reviews.

The problem was that Don Granberry, the author of the story, had left fanfiction like forever ago, and either changed his email addy, or just never looked at anything involving fanfiction in an email. So, while it was obvious that this guy wasnt writing the story, the real author never came around.

Finally Gatoman666 admits that he didnt write it, but instead wanted to "Share it with all those who have never seen it before", took down the story, but left links up to it in his profile.

And then he goes and finds another old, but more obscure, story, and posts that. "Nightmare symbiosis", (I just spent 5 minutes lookin through old sent emails to get that name). At least this time the author responded, and the story got shut down.

I dunno what Gatomon666 is up to now, but I know he changed his name awhile back, to something productions. And he's probably still stealing stories.

God, I hate it.


Well-Known Member
Vesvius said:
perfect_solider said:
Vesvius said:
If you can give me a link, I'd be... most thankful....

*Lights up Flamethrower*
ask and ye shall receive *smiles slightly* never say that I've never given you anything Vesvius-Tachio Naruto Son of the fourteen Clans
You, my buddy, have just made me a very happy author. If you want to see a blazing fire, I'm going to post this address up as another A/N to my fic. It should be... interesting. :evil2: :evil2: :evil2:
*nods benevolently* anytime my Tachio anytime *eyes grow hard and reitsu fills the room* shall I unleash the cleansing flames of Ryujin Jakka?


Well-Known Member
Well, I'll be posting flames people give him here. It helps ease the anger...


Well-Known Member
The stupidest thing is he wrote in the summary that he pretty much stole it form you. I was at loss for words with his stupidity on an account where it looks like he had had it for a while so my flame was kinda lame. Oh and I reported him.


Well-Known Member
perfect_solider said:
Vesvius said:
perfect_solider said:
Vesvius said:
If you can give me a link, I'd be... most thankful....

*Lights up Flamethrower*
ask and ye shall receive *smiles slightly* never say that I've never given you anything Vesvius-Tachio Naruto Son of the fourteen Clans
You, my buddy, have just made me a very happy author. If you want to see a blazing fire, I'm going to post this address up as another A/N to my fic. It should be... interesting. :evil2: :evil2: :evil2:
*nods benevolently* anytime my Tachio anytime *eyes grow hard and reitsu fills the room* shall I unleash the cleansing flames of Ryujin Jakka?
Nothing, my friend, would please me more.


Well-Known Member
I added my own review for it, too (my ffnet name, as is my name on most other forums, is MogtheGnome).


Well-Known Member
Why thank you. I just read his summary. He says he rewrote mine. I have given permission to do spinoffs, and maybe one rewrite, but not to him!


Well-Known Member
The first one has arrived, outside of Ike's and Immolo's (thanks for those, BTW)

"I still don't inderstand why people would be so blatantly stupid as to
plagiarize somebody's work, ESPECIALLY when you are stealing it from someone who
actually posts their story here... you sir are the pinnacle of stupidity and I
hate you for it. Idiot... you should delete this story and crawl into a hole so
you can die in seclusion"
EDIT: Another one showed up, but I didn't want to quadruple post.

YOU BLISTERING, ASS CLENCHING, COCK-MONGLER! HOW DARE YOU?!? IF I COULD, I WOULD REACH THROUGH THIS PC AND SLAP THE SILLY SHIT OUT OF YOU! STEALING THE HARD WORK OF ANOTHER, AN ABSOLUTELY IDIOTIC THING TO DO! NOT EVEN BOTHERING TO GIVE PROPS TO THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR! (Vesvius B [1015043]) I have reported you. stealing another's story is, without a doubt, the most reprehensible thing that can be done on this site. You can't even make the excuse that you took inspiration from Vesvius's work, else you would have mentioned him somewhere, ANYWHERE, in what you claim to be your own creation. May your punishment be swift and completely without mercy!


Well-Known Member
immolo said:
The stupidest thing is he wrote in the summary that he pretty much stole it form you. I was at loss for words with his stupidity on an account where it looks like he had had it for a while so my flame was kinda lame. Oh and I reported him.
immolo-sama, I too have reported him, as well as added my own review.

I beleive one of the stand out lines i used was...

Like Anonymous, TFF does not forgive.


Well-Known Member
Reported and Identified

This villian shall know Punishment

For Justice is Swift and NEVER Blind


Well-Known Member
Or, more likely, he'll keep the story up for several months before anything happens. Justice isn't just blind, it's also lazy.


Well-Known Member
zeebee1 said:
Or, more likely, he'll keep the story up for several months before anything happens. Justice isn't just blind, it's also lazy.
Don't remind me

:eek:t: :eek:t: :eek:t: :eek:t:

Just had a thought. Maybe Kubo Tite created Kaname Tousen as if to allude to Justice being Blind?


Well-Known Member
Hmm...I'm trying to add a second review onto the story, but it aint letting me, saying "Story not part of the archive and therefore can't be reviewed".

Weird, that.


Well-Known Member
It probably doesn't want you to review twice. So try reviewing a different chapter.


Well-Known Member
I have.

It says that for all three chapters.


Well-Known Member
Wow, that was fast. The guy is now claiming that he didn't know he needed permission, and is going to take it down.

I'm too nice, but I've called off the flaming in my A/N.

I don't buy it though, so I'm going to keep him on alert, just in case.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if that means Justice for once was FAST!?!?!?!
(I ain't holding my breath on tha one especially on

EDIT: He's on my Alert List too