Bleach Protector


Well-Known Member
Title: Protector

Author: DhampyrX2

Genre: Drama/humor X-over

Rating: PG-13 to R

Disclaimer: I don't own these characters. Don't sue me, I'm poor.

Summary: Ichigo has just fallen against Ulquiorra, his conciousness fading and a new hole torn into his chest. As canon is going he steps down into the form of a hollow, giving into his baser instincts to help Orihime. But what if things took a different path? What if he recalled another time he was lying defeated with a hole in his chest? And what if "Hichigo" wasn't exactly what we all expected him to be?

I know some of you will hate this, but it popped into my head and demanded to be written. If you don't like how it develops feel free to not read it.


Indicates thoughts

"Indicates speech"

Indicates Hichigo Mindspeak


"Kurosaki-kun, please get up. Please..." Orihime sobbed as she looked at the fallen form of her protector and first real crush Kurosaki Ichigo. It just wasn't possible. He was supposed to win, to rescue her, and now here he was... dying.

But dying and dead are nit the same thing by any stretch if the imagination.

I can hear her. She still needs me. I... need... to... help her... Ichigo thought dimly to himself as he tried to get up, to keep fighting. He wasn't going to just lie there and die because some bat-winged emo-bastard decided to prove how cool he was. He was Kurosaki Ichigo and he was better than that.

"Please Kurosaki-kun. Shun Shun Rikka, I reject. I reject you being hurt. This isn't you. You don't lose. You don't die. You need to remember who you are. Please," Orihime sobbed, unable to even focus her powers as she tried to revive her fallen comrade.

But, as Aizen would remind people, even Orihime had no concept of the scope of her power. And her call for Ichigo to remember sparked something within him. Something so deep within his soul even he didn't know it was there.


Another bat-winged emo-bastard with too much power for his own good. Only this time he was more like a brother than an enemy. A lapse in judgment as he felt a ball of... lightning? enter his chest and shred his lung, leaving a perfect hole straight through him.

"I understand now, Naruto, that you are special. But I am more special than you," the bastard commented with a cool smirk.

If Ulquiorra even showed an emotion he would probably smirk like that.

And then there was red for a momentum and then... a fight. But Ichigo wouldn't kill him like he should have. He had a promise to keep. He would bring that bastard back if it took his life. Even if it took a thousand lifetimes he would bring him back. And he would protect his loved ones. No. Matter. What.


Nice trip down memory lane, eh King? Hichigo sneered as the memory faded.

What the hell was that? Ichigo demanded, confused by the strangely familiar images.

I guess you could say it was... a shadow of our former selves, Hichigo replied with a dark chuckle.

Well I could definitely use that power right now to put the sad clown in his place, Ichigo replied with a mental snort.

Really? Are you sure? Some doors can't be closed again after they're opened, King, Hichigo tainted with a leer that you could practically hear in his tone of voice.

If it saves Orihime and the other I don't care. I will protect the people I care about no matter the cost. Dattebayo, Ichigo declred in his mind.

Hmph. Looks like the door is already opening. Oh well, I suppose it will be nice to get back to basics. You never were much without me, King Hichigo sneered sarcastically.

Just remember our deal, you bastard. I'm still king and you're still the horse, Ichigo replied with a little venom.

He would later swear he could hear the toothy grin as Hichigo replied, Nah, I'm really more of a fox...


The battle that had erupted between Ishida and Ulquiorra as Ichigo lay fallen on the battlefield as a malevolent red energy that seemed nothing like the reiatsu they were familiar with erupted around Ichigo and seemed to prop him up. Both combatants' looked shocked as the hole in Ichigo's chest seemed to be filling in at an impossible rate as an unholy steam rose from the wound. But the most unsettling thing about Ichigo was his eyes as they snapped open to glare at the Arrancar that had fought him.

Gone were the kind brown eyes that Orihime had fallen in love with. For a moment, Ulquiorra would swear Ichigo's eyes were an icy blue before the pupils became slitted and the irises began to glow an unholy red.

"Oi, Sad Clown. You and I have some business to finish, you bastard. And If I'm right about you, I've still got a promise to keep," Ichigo challenged as he set Zangetsu on his back for a moment to point threateningly at the Hollow-Shinigami hybrid.

For his part, Ulquiorra showed the first real emotion he had even displayed in the form of shock and confusion before he let out an tentative query of "Dobe?"

Ichigo smiled ferally as he looked into the shocked Espada's eyes and replied, "Well Sasuke, looks like that's all I needed to know. Time for round two, bastard. And this time I'm not pulling my punches. Kage Bunshin no Jutsu."

And suddenly the field of battle was filled with dozens of Kurosaki Ichigos, each one wielding a Zangetsu of his own, with mayhem and payback on his mind.


Well-Known Member
That wouldn't of been so bad if it wasn't for the old names to pop up. Which implies Ichigo is gone. I said so bad because it wouldn't be bad at all if Sasuke wasn't there either.


Well-Known Member
So, Sasuke became a Hollow after he died in the Valley of the end and got eaten by Ulquorria, while Naruto went to Soul Society, reincarnated, and eventually became Ichigo?


Well-Known Member
zeebee1 said:
That wouldn't of been so bad if it wasn't for the old names to pop up. Which implies Ichigo is gone. I said so bad because it wouldn't be bad at all if Sasuke wasn't there either.
Actually, zeebee, if you look closely the only time Naruto is mentioned is a direct quote from Sasuke in the flashback. He might have a few extra facets but I could't just erase Ichigo for the sake of Naruto. If I did it would have been a bunch of Rasenshurikens there to finish Sad Clown, not a bunch of Zangetsus.

So, Sasuke became a Hollow after he died in the Valley of the end and got eaten by Ulquorria, while Naruto went to Soul Society, reincarnated, and eventually became Ichigo?
Nope, Sasuke became a hollow whenever he dies in the regular manga, who in turn became Ulquiorra. Naruto eventually lived his life as per canon, died, and reincarnated down the line to become Ichigo.


Well-Known Member
Uh huh.

Does this mean that Ichigo will learn Sage Mode, and proceed to make Uryu jawdrop when he notices Ichigo swiping the technique that's the source of the Quicy's power?


Well-Known Member
Ulquiorra iis not cool. But Sasuke is not cool enough to become Ulquiorra. Do you really think that death is enough to make Sasuke competent?


Well-Known Member
zeebee1 said:
Ulquiorra iis not cool. But Sasuke is not cool enough to become Ulquiorra. Do you really think that death is enough to make Sasuke competent?
Well Aizen CAN all but bend reality. And they are both bat-winged emo bastards. I thought it fit well. :huh.:

lord geryon

Well-Known Member
Be very goddamned careful on how many Naruto characters show up.


Well-Known Member
lord geryon said:
Be very goddamned careful on how many Naruto characters show up.
QFT. I will kick you over the internet if there are any huge dogs or more busty blonde women showing up.


Well-Known Member
While Akamaru showing up would be funny as hell it's just Ichigo and Ulquiorra reincarnated here. Others might remind Ichigo of Naruto's life, the big busted girl withthe quiet crush on him in Orihime, the big busted mentor that could kick his ass most of the time in Yoruichi, the weirdo friend of the big busted mentor that is probably a pervert and likes to make a fool of himself in Urahara, Tatsuki reminding him of Sakura when she kicks Chizuru's ass, Mayuri reminding him of Orochimaru, etc. but they won't be reincarnations. Besides this won't go into a whole lot of detail.

'Tis just harmless crack. Take it for what it is.


Well-Known Member
Wow, what a knee-jerk reaction. I am guessing their concern's are the typical modus operandi for Fanfiction.Net writers?


Well-Known Member
marthf1 said:
Wow, what a knee-jerk reaction. I am guessing their concern's are the typical modus operandi for Fanfiction.Net writers?
Yeah. Every other fool who writes a story feels the need to display how TRU LUV WILL SURVIEV and shove Hinata into it.

Then Sakura, then Tsunade for a mother figure, occasionally Kushina and Minato for real parents... -_-
DhampyrX2 said:
zeebee1 said:
That wouldn't of been so bad if it wasn't for the old names to pop up. Which implies Ichigo is gone. I said so bad because it wouldn't be bad at all if Sasuke wasn't there either.
Actually, zeebee, if you look closely the only time Naruto is mentioned is a direct quote from Sasuke in the flashback. He might have a few extra facets but I could't just erase Ichigo for the sake of Naruto. If I did it would have been a bunch of Rasenshurikens there to finish Sad Clown, not a bunch of Zangetsus.
Not quite.

For his part, Ulquiorra showed the first real emotion he had even displayed in the form of shock and confusion before he let out an tentative query of "Dobe?"

Ichigo smiled ferally as he looked into the shocked Espada's eyes and replied, "Well Sasuke, looks like that's all I needed to know. Time for round two, bastard. And this time I'm not pulling my punches. Kage Bunshin no Jutsu."
Ichigo and Ulquiorra start calling each other that right out of the gate.

Actually, I think that's a lot of what grates about this snippet. It's too fast, too immediate. We jump straight from Ichigo being a reincarnation of Naruto to, ZOMG, SASKAY'S HERE TOO!

I mean, what's next? Rukia as a reincarnated Sakura?

(Though I wouldn't mind Matsumoto flashing back to her time as Tsunade. :wub: )

I think this could actually be delicious crack if you just slow down. You know, having Ichigo use the Kage Bunshin instinctively, which starts sparking memories in Ulquiorra's head, and prompts counters that tickle the back of Ichigo's mind as more of his memories come to the fore...

I realize that this is off-topic, but right now I can't help but think that Naruto and Sasuke, stuck in an eternity trying to kill each other - reincarnating into different lives, different places, different worlds... but they keep getting drawn together, clashing against each other, dancing the same dance, The Danse Macabre, over and over and over and over again - is freaking epic.


Well-Known Member
Um I did mention this was crack right? I'm not trying to put everything into a coherent story here, I'm just goofing around.
DhampyrX2 said:
Um I did mention this was crack right? I'm not trying to put everything into a coherent story here, I'm just goofing around.
... Yeah, I saw that after I posted. :sweat2:

Though I still stand by what I said ...just with less vehemence :p . This could be a really fun story, crack or not, but the pacing burns like something I dug up on



Well-Known Member
SEG-CISR said:
lord geryon said:
Be very goddamned careful on how many Naruto characters show up.
QFT. I will kick you over the internet if there are any huge dogs or more busty blonde women showing up.
I disagree with this most vehemently.

Komamura = Akamaru

For the lulz! :p

lord geryon

Well-Known Member
Revanant Dragoon said:
I realize that this is off-topic, but right now I can't help but think that Naruto and Sasuke, stuck in an eternity trying to kill each other - reincarnating into different lives, different places, different worlds... but they keep getting drawn together, clashing against each other, dancing the same dance, The Danse Macabre, over and over and over and over again - is freaking epic.
Thing is, for it to be effective, Sakura would have be reincarnated too, otherwise, Naruto's promise is null if there is no Sakura for him to bring Sasuke back to.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
lord geryon said:
Revanant Dragoon said:
I realize that this is off-topic, but right now I can't help but think that Naruto and Sasuke, stuck in an eternity trying to kill each other - reincarnating into different lives, different places, different worlds... but they keep getting drawn together, clashing against each other, dancing the same dance, The Danse Macabre, over and over and over and over again - is freaking epic.
Thing is, for it to be effective, Sakura would have be reincarnated too, otherwise, Naruto's promise is null if there is no Sakura for him to bring Sasuke back to.
Somehow, I doubt Tatsuki/Rukia/whoever would want Sad Clown boy, as she'd have had more than enough lifetime to get over him.
Can't believe I took this long to read this. It's very nicely done, and of course, has a heaping helping of awesome too. Keep up the good work.

lord geryon

Well-Known Member
Prince Charon said:
lord geryon said:
Revanant Dragoon said:
I realize that this is off-topic, but right now I can't help but think that Naruto and Sasuke, stuck in an eternity trying to kill each other - reincarnating into different lives, different places, different worlds... but they keep getting drawn together, clashing against each other, dancing the same dance, The Danse Macabre, over and over and over and over again - is freaking epic.
Thing is, for it to be effective, Sakura would have be reincarnated too, otherwise, Naruto's promise is null if there is no Sakura for him to bring Sasuke back to.
Somehow, I doubt Tatsuki/Rukia/whoever would want Sad Clown boy, as she'd have had more than enough lifetime to get over him.
That's irrelevant.

Ichigo and Ulquiorra weren't best friends before Ulquiorra betrayed their home and left in this story, either.

What I was trying to say is that for those two to be reincarnated due to Naruto's promise, Sakura would have to be too. That doesn't mean they'd have the same relationship in every reincarnation, just that they'd all be together.