Quick Zelda idea.


Well-Known Member
The idea is based on the fact that we know so little about Link's heritage.

In this one, Link's father is a mad wizard, ala Lezard Valeth, only less so.

This Lezard-lite, made Link as an artifical being, but was unable to get any of his attempts to grow to any degree of maturity.

So he kidnaps a Hylan woman and implants one of his homonculi into the woman to grow to maturity.

Only the woman escapes, gets to the Woods, then dies shortly after giving birth to Link.

Some time after returning from Termina, with the power of the Fierce Diety, Link's 'father' finds out about him.

Seeing as the old man made Link as a way to obtain immortality and the power of a god, this makes the old man miffed, once he finds out that Link has gotten the second.


Well-Known Member
Where would it go from there though? The guy trying to take over Link? Link getting wizard powers? The setup works, but without a plot it can't go too far.


Well-Known Member
Well, the old man would try to take over Link's body. Seeing the problems that the wizard has had so far, I'd assume that Link stays in his body.

From failure, the wiz would then try anything he could to get the body and the powers. Seeing as the wiz is Valeth-lite, that is a very, very large number of things.

Then again, the wizard might try a little negoiation. He gets Link to give him an immortal (or at least young) body, and he gives Link something in return that, considering that Link now has the powers of a god, Link could have gotten on his own without a trade.

Giving the wizard a new body is in all likelyhood, a very bad thing.


Well-Known Member
Just something I came up with for the idea. Tentative chapter, totally unedited, unbetaed, and un-just-about-anything-else.

"So brother, you prefer plum brandy, Castle Town grape wine, or ... wait, you never did try the stuff and like it did you?"

Link, for the fifth or so time, just stared at his black robed double.

It was decidedly odd to see your face looking a bit sheepish when there's not a mirror around.

But it wasn't nearly as odd as seeing his double, dressed in his, er Link's, normal fasion, locking lips with Malon. And the mental image that the doppelganger gave everyone was even odder. And being called older brother just made things worse.

"I suppose that I should start from the beginning, shouldn't I?"

Link agreed, just a bit annoyed.

"Well, you and I are full brothers, despite the lack of a common mother, and you are the older brother, because we are both artifical beings made by the same person, our father after a sense, and with no appreciable physical variation."

Link told his double that he though that was crazy, but to go on. Stranger things had happened.

"Well, we were made to be spare bodies initally, ways of attaining an approximation of immortality for our father. But then his research turned up something interesting. The existance of other divine beings, ones not affiliated with the Triforce. But more appealing to him, ones that were sealed, and thus had power for the taking."

It was about then that Link asked his 'brother' to get to the point.

The black robed double grimmaced a bit, but continued, at the point. "Well, he also disocvered that the artifical being that he was trying to create could also be used to contain the power and form of a god. For a man afraid of death, this was THE goal. Getting even the weakest of the gods' power would mean immortality and power well beyond what he could attain in six thousand thousand years."

"About here is where we come in. Until you, he had never actually successful gotten one of his ... bodies to live. The nearest he had gotten to success was about a month away from being out of the vats."

Link voiced his horror but the double went on, unheaing.

"Then he had an idea. A horrifying idea to be certain, but with a certain undeniable genius. He had studied the body. He knew how children were born. He had no idea why his vats didn't work, for some reason. It's obvious, really, that... you know, nevermind. Back to what he did."

"Father decided to kidnap a woman, and then use her to give birth to his new bodies. The first time though, his security was insufficient. The woman escaped, and for reasons yet unknown, she remained untrackable, even posessing blood and hair, and other good things to use in scrying."

Link was about to say something in the pause, but once again his double continued unheeding of Link. The Hero of Time was beginning to think that the double wasn't really going to let him say anything.

On the other hand, he was getting lots of cold milk for free and some very important information too, so who was he to complain?

Wait, why was the voice getting more and more indistinct? Why was he feeling so sleepy? Had the story really gone on that long? Or was there something....
