Random Suikoden megamassive crossover idea


Random phantom.
Yoyoyo, I'm here.

After having sort of a growth on my RPG needs, I came up with a simple idea... what if the 108 Stars of Destiny from the Suikoden series ended up on Earth - our traditional AnimÚ Earth, the one where we know various animÚs combine at?

Now, this would likely be limited to all animÚs that take place at current age, either by normal or abnormal means ... but honestly, I hope it could be done.

Of course, here comes the problem... I don't know how to write for ALL of the possible series. And this project would likely be quite taxing, even. So, if anybody ever finds themselves wanting to help (but you'd need to seriously be capable of aiding me), just PM or whatever.

A tally of those animÚs would be cool, too.