Ranma ½ Ranma/AMG Idea

Chrono Scholar

Well-Known Member
Hrm. My first post here.

I've had this idea bouncing around for a while, but I haven't been entirely happy with any storyline I've tried to develop from it, so I thought I'd just throw it on here and see if maybe I can get some help figuring it out.

The basic idea originally involved an A!MG! crossover with Ranma, with more elements of original Norse mythology used in the A!MG! elements. The idea itself came to me after I'd been playing through the Valkyrie profile games, and I decided to do a little looking into Norse mythology. I was surprised to learn that Skuld is actually considered not just one of the Norns, but also was one of the Valkyries.

So, starting with the prologue, we see a very young Skuld some years before the start of A!MG!. In Asgard, Skuld sees Rind heading off to perform one of the many duties of a Valkyrie. Skuld, young and still learning, asks Rind where she's going. Rind replies, explaining her duties, and Skuld is so excited by her tales of adventure and intrigue, that she immediately promises, "When I grow up, I'll be a Valkyrie too!"

Skip ahead (way ahead), and now it's a few years after A!MG!. Skuld's gotten older (around 17-18), and now she's being called upon to fullfill her promise. After a crash-course in her new duties (Valkyries are in short supply, so they want her helping out as quickly as possible), she's sent on her first assignment: Collecting the souls of warriors on the battlefield.

It doesn't go very well. Skuld's never seen a single person die before, much less been on a battlefield, and she shocked by the environment. She doesn't manage to direct a single soul to Valhalla, and the veteran Valkyrie assigned to watch her progress is forced to do all the work when she breaks down.

After the job, Skuld retreats to the shrine, where she's comforted by a worried Belldandy, and surprisingly understanding Urd. While there, a call comes in from "On High": she's being re-assigned. Instead of battlefield duty, she's being moved to hero collection. Belldandy and Skuld are glad, thinking it will likely be easier (and Skuld is particularly annoyed that she wasn't started on that task in the first place), but Urd is less enthusiastic. She warns Skuld not to get to close to the souls she has to collect.

For those who've been wondering just where the Ranma series comes in, it's here: the first Hero's Soul she has to collect is Nerima's own resident pigtailed martial artist, Ranma.

During a fight with Tatewaki Kuno that's ranged across a decent-sized portion of Nerima, Ranma gets cocky, makes a mistake, and gets smashed through a building wall into what turns out to be an old Aum Shinrikyo cache of sarin gas canisters. The canisters are stored and sealed poorly, and a large leak quickly spreads.

Ranma instantly knows something's wrong with the air, and his first thought is to run to the whole he made with his entrance and punch a pursuing Kuno so hard he flies across the street, K.O.'ed. He then proceeds to burn all of his ki using a combination miniature Hiryu Shoten Ha to keep the gas in the building, while heating the room to try and burn the gas away. He's successful, but in the process he's inhaled too much of the gas himself, and dies.

By selflessly sacrificing himself (even though he didn't realize just how dangerous the gas had been), he's been deemed a hero, and Skuld's first assignment is to retrieve his soul to join the Einherjar. Of course, things don't go as planned. As far as Ranma's concerned, some god had to have been screwing with his life, so they don't disserve his help in some future war of the apokalypse. If Skuld wants him to go to Valhalla, she'll have to help him tie up some loose ends.

The story proceeds from there to Skuld showing up pretending to be a mortal at Furinkan High, trying to convince friends and fiancÚes that Ranma's actually dead. (In burning out the gas, Ranma's technique ended up colapsing the building's structure, so no one's found his body yet. And no one believes Kuno wandering around boasting that he's finally managed to defeat the vile Saotome.)

And this is where my idea starts to putter out. Aside from Skuld become more and more furious as she learns about the situation Ranma was living in (and some dangerously Mary Sue-esque fixing of problems/dishing out of justice), I don't have any ideas for an over-arching storyline or subplot. I've no idea for any kind of background villain or enemy.

I do know how I want it to end (kind-of), but without some kind of looming enemy of problem, the whole thing seems somewhat petty. Anyone have a clue as to how I might improve this?


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
You definately need a better setup to the explosion. A Ranma Kuno fight would not last nearly long enough.

Chrono Scholar

Well-Known Member
Normally, no. But I'd probably throw in one of the random magical artifacts or odd training techniques that show up in the series from time to time. Maybe a combination of both. Ranma'd at least to to prolong the fight long enough to figure out what Kuno was doing.


Beware of Dog. Cat not trustworthy either.
Or, maybe Ryoga or one of his other enemies is a part of the fight too, but seeing them as the greater foe compared to Kuno, Ranma attacks them first (take them down in order of threat level) when he runs out of the building. Before the eventual KO, the stronger opponent would have last seen him outside the building and had no belief that he would need to go back in.

Ryoga, giving grudging respect to Ranma for his ability, finds it hard to believe that the building would actually harm him. He believes that Ranma probably went off on another training journey due to a sentence he remembered during the fight. "I must need more training if I let you two bakas sneak up on me!"

However, here's the main problem as I see it:
Skuld won't be able/won't need to fix his problems. He's dead. Now that he is and once people realize he is, he's released from his honor responsibilities to marry any of them. Game Over for the Nerima crew. The only thing he has left is revenge for those that wronged him, and that's not the way heroes are expected to act.

It's possible he and Skuld are sanctioned to bring 'divine retribution' to those of the area, but that would make for a crack-fic one-shot, not a full fledged one.


Well-Known Member
Most heros have the 'I like to help people' thing running pretty strongly in them, usually without any countering force. Ranma believes that all of his troubles are caused by the gods, so helping them is low on his list of priorities. It could be that a hero must -want- to help the gods with battles after death. Several in the past could have needed to be given contracts to ensure their loyalty. 'Do X, Y, and Z, and I'll help you out' kind of thing.


Well-Known Member
snthsnth said:
Most heros have the 'I like to help people' thing running pretty strongly in them, usually without any countering force. Ranma believes that all of his troubles are caused by the gods, so helping them is low on his list of priorities. It could be that a hero must -want- to help the gods with battles after death. Several in the past could have needed to be given contracts to ensure their loyalty. 'Do X, Y, and Z, and I'll help you out' kind of thing.
Not in Valkyrie Profile. Gandar outright said he was coming aling with lenneth just to get the chance to backstab her and become a full God himself, Lezard only came with her because he had a huge crush on her and didn't give a flying fuck about helping Asgard, Arngrim didn't even believe in Gods, let alone them being just, Lyseria was FORCED to come along...

If Skuld is a Valkyrie Profile-style Valkyrie, the souls she collects don't have a CHOICE. They come or they go to Niflheim. End of story.

The Eromancer

Well-Known Member
Well, going to Niflheim isn't so bad, at least by Norse terminology but then A!MG kinda screws it over by basically making it "Hell" in the sense of the word. Really, its the place ALL souls other than HEROES go to after they've died. And while its a pretty dreary place its not like its all fire and brimstone. Only the truly vile and wicked get the torture treatment. Valhalla however was supposed to be really nice, so that's why every Norse always set out to be some great Warrior and die honorably in battle! ARGHH!! :rolleyes:

I haven't played Valkery Profile ether so I can't help you much there, however if you REALLY need to have some big-bad for Ranma and (possibly) Skuld to fight you could use some plot devise with some major demon wanting to destroy everything NOW instead of when ragnarok is SUPPOSED to happen so he/she/it seeks a way to free Fenrir now, who supposedly will eventually devour EVERYTHING -yes that includes the entire multiverse and THEN himself.

Needless to say, they have to stop him/her/it from doing this. However becuase of some complication or some-such bullshite that I'm to lazy to think up only Ranma and Skuld are capable of doing it at the moment (or at all).

PS- oh and its not the "apocalypse". THAT is the supposedly final battle between heaven and hell for the fate of all, your basic Holy vs Evil bit (good is not on the same "level" as evil, bad is).

PPS- ragnarok on the other hand isn't just a final battle to deside the fate of the universe as a whole, its the END OF ALL THINGS. NOTHING will be left, gods, demons, galaxies, the stuff that make up atoms, not even the wolf that ate it all , he's gonna eat himself; nadda, zippo, neit, void, NOTHING!!

I'm done here.


Well-Known Member
You could be a little bit more original with the setup, there are probably some other ways to trigger Ranma's death besides using the standard fight.

Aum shinrikyou is original I guess, but bumping into one of those cannisters is like one in a gazzillion, and saying the ultimate force was in play doesn't really cut it.

Skuld being a valkyrie and collecting souls is pretty good, but your motivation for Skuld needs a heck of a lot more development. Simply doing things out of idolization, while in character, doesn't give a very full experience to your readers. Try mixing up motivations with conflict and anything else you can think of.


Well-Known Member
As for the motivation instead of simply having Skuld seeing Rind in action and wanting to be like one, have it go a bit more like this. Skuld sees Rind one day and is in awe of her skill. When she gets home/wherever she declares that SHE will become one. Urd picks a fight by laughing or something. Or if you want to go a different way Urd is trying to honestly warn Skuld of that path. Skuld is determined to prove that she is more than capable and makes the promise that she will become one, and one of the best. After a day or so both Urd and Skuld totally forget about it however the promise is logged into the world tree. And when the right time comes Skuld it called upon to duty.

Chrono Scholar

Well-Known Member
Skuld being a valkyrie and collecting souls is pretty good, but your motivation for Skuld needs a heck of a lot more development. Simply doing things out of idolization, while in character, doesn't give a very full experience to your readers. Try mixing up motivations with conflict and anything else you can think of.
Skuld's not doing it out of idolization. In fact, she's quite unhappy to be doing it. The promise was given impulsively at a young age, and until she's reminded of it at the beginning of the story, she'd completely forgotten about it. And she'll come to curse her childish naivetÚ.

As far as Skuld's concerned, she's the single most wrong person for the job. She's a scientist and inventor, not a warrior. Her fighting skills leave a lot to ask for, and she's not very inspiring as a leader.

Still, she's nothing if she isn't prideful. After failing so horribly on her first assignment, she's determined to succeed with her second. Simply banishing Ranma to Nifelheim, or any other alternative, is unacceptable. She has to succeed, to prove that she isn't a complete waste of time.

Thus Skuld finds herself conflicted. She wants to do good, and prove herself capable. However, she's all but certain that she'll fail. Eventually, she'll have to learn that she can be an amazing warrior and inspiring leader. Something she will discover over the course of the story.

As for Ranma's motivations, he's more worried about the kind of reputation he's leaving behind. At best, all his friends will think he just up and abandoned them, and ran away. At worst, people will actually start to believe Kuno managed to kill him!

Eventually he'll come to realize how insanely lucky he was that Skuld was in a good mood at the time, and that maybe he'd better learn to think before opening his mouth. Also, as he's essentially incorporeal (and can only interact with Skuld), he's going to be learning quite a few life lessons from hearing what people are saying about him when they think he's not around to hear them. (Or would that be afterlife lessons?)

As I've been typing this post, I had an idea for a source of physical conflict. Skuld notices the strangely high quotient of weird in Nerima, and decides it'll be good practice to try and figure out what's causing it, dragging Ranma along for the ride. Skuld would have to do a decent amount of the fighting at first (anything that isn't a ghost or some kind of spirit Ranma can fight), until she learns how to give Ranma a corporeal form via mana. Still, she can't let him interact with anyone else who's alive and knows him.
I don't see why Ranma needs to be in this at all. In fact, I don't see why this can't be solely an Ah! Megami-sama fanfic. Crossovers are in excess of the requirements as I see them. I would much rather read a non-crossover fic where Skuld made this promise, and has to eventually fulfill it or die trying. That would be infinitely more interesting.


Well-Known Member
So Ranma's going to be totally dependent on Skuld? I never liked that bit about Norse mythology that fallen hero's get to be slaves/canon fodder for the gods, to be used when needed. It'd be like "hey slave heros! It's time! Go...fight....do what your told"
I can see the point about Skuld having to convince Ranma, to have her grow through the process of convincing him. Could Ranma find a way out of it? Like just go to the normal afterlife? That could go along with his idea that the gods screwed up his life.... him saying he's had enough and just wants them to leave him alone now that he's dead.

Or you could have that be true, one god; a less known one(or even a greater unknown god) could have helped making Ranma's life a mess and had a plan for him all along. That could be your 'bad guy'. Having something about Ranma that Skuld doesn't know, something that screws up her plans to conscript him would be good. So it's not just a straight forward Valkyrie mission. The bad guy could have done anything to Ranma; like what effect would the curse magic have when Ranma died? Would it give him any 'mana'? Could he use it now he's dead? What if the bad guy set something up, so Ranma's ki started to change into mana when he died.

A story with conflict, where the unexpected (even for gods) happens makes it more exciting, a better read IMO.


Well-Known Member
Skuld's not doing it out of idolization. In fact, she's quite unhappy to be doing it.
Belgarion213 was able to divine the intent behind my post. I apologize for wording it so vaguely.

The scenario leading to the moment of commitment is still a little thin. In essence, the entire story hinges on a childish remark. This is not to say that Skuld shouldn't be childish and shouldn't be able to make a careless promise, I'm just pointing out that the world around her leading up to the promise has to be richer.

Her motivations during the story proper is good as is.

Chrono Scholar

Well-Known Member
The scenario leading to the moment of commitment is still a little thin. In essence, the entire story hinges on a childish remark. This is not to say that Skuld shouldn't be childish and shouldn't be able to make a careless promise, I'm just pointing out that the world around her leading up to the promise has to be richer.
Ah, I understand what you're saying. Whenever I get around to writing this (which, if I can squash my tendency for procrastination for once, might be soon) I'll be sure to put enough depth into her reasoning at the time. Belgarion213, your idea has merit as well. I'll have to think on it, and see if I can make it work for what I was going for...

As for Ranma being dependent on Skuld: that's only insofar as much as interacting with midgard/earth goes. He's dead, and he's not supposed to be able to interact with the living world at all. So while he does need her help to achieve closure with the living (or if he decides to go to Valhalla), there's nothing stopping him from moving on to most other portions of the afterlife.

Really though, Ranma'd probably like Valhalla. Wake up in the morning, spend the whole day fighting, return to the hall and feast, then go to sleep and do the same thing the next morning? Sure thing. He's just bitter over how he feels he was gypped in life, so he won't be signing up immediately.


Well-Known Member
PCHeintz72 said:
You definately need a better setup to the explosion. A Ranma Kuno fight would not last nearly long enough.
Agreed, magical artifacts or no. Kuno just doesn't rank as a class 'a' protagonist, or more importantly, an interesting protagonist. Ranma is going down as a hero. Epic fights with Dragon princes and Phoenix people are appropriate opponents for that. Kuno hyped up on artifacts while Ranma accidentally plowing into a stash of Sarin gas doesn't fit that profile. Not saying that it couldn't, it doesn't inspire from the summary here.

that aside, It's a good setup for a a Ranma Skuld romance. Hoping you don't leave Skulds affinity for tech behind in her new position. I'm assuming Ranma will figure into some of her evolution... Techno Valkyrie skuld... Fun stuff.

Write this.


Well-Known Member
During a fight with Tatewaki Kuno that's ranged across a decent-sized portion of Nerima, Ranma gets cocky, makes a mistake, and gets smashed through a building wall into what turns out to be an old Aum Shinrikyo cache of sarin gas canisters. The canisters are stored and sealed poorly, and a large leak quickly spreads.
This isn't in very good taste. It's turning real life tragedy into a plot device. I'm sure there are better things for Ranma to become a hero over. =.=;;

Lost Star

Well-Known Member
My suggestion would be to use a demon, low level of some sort. Have it be an epic battle, or a desperate one.

I just got the idea of a demon who is fairly weak by himself but is capable of mind control. *Shrugs* But you can use something of the sort to foreshadow whatever it is that Skuld is being called foward to do.

Hell if you really want to have something earthshaking have something like riots, people getting seriously crazy and setting fires and other such.

The point is, if you are gonna kill Ranma AND make him hero material, you have to emphisize the hero quality.

Just my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
If you want to keep Kuno in it at all costs, he could stumble upon some artifact that is said to grant the user unimaginable power. He's not adverse to using things like that and even did so more than once in the manga.

It could be some sword, or magical armor, or even a magic tooth brush. Just some item containing a demon, who then takes control over Kuno's body.

Kuno challenges Ranma to a fight, pulls out his magic item, gets possessed. Ranma taunts the demon, thinking it's still Kuno, and an epic battle ensues.

It could all even be set up by your antagonist who recognizes Ranma's potential as a hero and fears that the pigtailed boy would be able to foil his nefarious plans if he didn't take care of him.

Lost Star

Well-Known Member

Depends really....

Though it would be really ironic that the only cure for the damned thing is death.


Well-Known Member
Ironic, yes, but then you might as well just use Tenchi as your main character. Or Naruto. Or that dude from YYH. Or that other guy who is really really good at martial arts but doesn't have a gender curse.

That said, divinity doesn't exactly make for curses per se, so you might need to re-engineer it... A combat form, maybe? If Ranma is going to help Skuld out (at least I'd assume so) and you made mention of him being right at home in Vahalla, I'd nearly assume he'd be a Valkyrie as well, or something. Valkyries are traditionally female. He can be male when he's 'off the clock' ;p

Of course, this all depends on the role Ranma ultimately plays, so...


Well-Known Member
Ironic, yes, but then you might as well just use Tenchi as your main character. Or Naruto. Or that dude from YYH. Or that other guy who is really really good at martial arts but doesn't have a gender curse.
Feh, I don't see it that way. If you think of it like that, there shouldn't be any Chan fics either, you might as well use that chick from Ikki Tousen, or Tenjou Tenge, or Negima.

He can just as well be one of the Einherjar. Fighting all day, then spending the evening and night in feast seems to be just what Ranma'd want.


Well-Known Member
I'd assumed the main plot of Ranma's end is his frustration in how everything is always screwing with him. The Kami just send someone to pick him up and draft him into some war? Yeah, what'd they ever do for him? Where were they the rest of his life?

Basically, he needs someone to blame and just got a convinent outlet for that.

If he befriends Skuld and finds out about her forced Valkryiehood then things could potentially get even worse. That combined with both sides noticing and ever-escalating attempts to grab him, Ranma's desire to just be free, and Skuld's promise to help Ranma even though she's technically supposed to drag him off makes an interesting conflict.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
Lost Star said:

Depends really....

Though it would be really ironic that the only cure for the damned thing is death.
This would depend upon how the curse actually works.

As I see it, it could be two completely different ways, either it is directly a part of the body, or a reflection of the soul.

If a part of the body, then either getting a different body, or dying, or ascention into godhood should remove it. As you are leaving your human and mortal body behind.

If, on the other hand it is a reflection or aspect of the soul, then nothing you could do yourself to your body would remove it

The problem, as I see it, is that there is not enough evidence to support one over the other, and I've seen both ways done in fan fiction.


Well-Known Member
PCHeintz72 said:
Lost Star said:

Depends really....

Though it would be really ironic that the only cure for the damned thing is death.
This would depend upon how the curse actually works.

As I see it, it could be two completely different ways, either it is directly a part of the body, or a reflection of the soul.

If a part of the body, then either getting a different body, or dying, or ascention into godhood should remove it. As you are leaving your human and mortal body behind.

If, on the other hand it is a reflection or aspect of the soul, then nothing you could do yourself to your body would remove it

The problem, as I see it, is that there is not enough evidence to support one over the other, and I've seen both ways done in fan fiction.
You all do realise that Ranma being a ghost/spirit/whatever water pass rigth trough him, right ? That wouldn't even be an issue...

And second...if its an aspect of the soul, then Ranma would get controle of the curse then, because oldest magical power on earth or not, there is NO WAY IN HELL that Jusenkyo could alter someone soul to that extent.

Heck, even gods and demons avoid altering souls in such way...