[Rant] Musings about Heroic Achievements


Well-Known Member
If I ever, ever find the person who designed the Ahn'Kahet, Azjol-Nerub and Oculus heroic achievements for Glory of the Hero, I will kick them in the crotch so hard that their balls (assuming they are male, of course) will shoot out of their NOSE.


Why am I so angry?

We failed Volaszj's Quick Demise (Ahn'Kahet, last boss) by two seconds. GrrrrrRRRRAARGH.

Seriously. 496k HP + two add phases = the crazy. It's almost as bad as Gotta Go, the last achievement in Azjol-Nerub.... which is so wtf crazy that Blizzard is actually DOUBLING the time players have to do this achievement -_-


If only paladins weren't the only healer class in game who got no new healing spell since the start of WoW... if only we had some sort of AE heal... but nooo~~~, 'tis not to be :(

Why the rant?

All that seperates me from my shiny new protodrake are a few easy achievements that I had no time getting, the Violet Hold Ichoron achievement (since I am not GETTING him in VH, despite going in there EVERY-DAMN-DAY!) and, of course, Volaszj's Quick Demise and Gotta Go -_-"



Well-Known Member
Cornuthaum said:
If only paladins weren't the only healer class in game who got no new healing spell since the start of WoW... if only we had some sort of AE heal... but nooo~~~, 'tis not to be :(
I think they have glyphs that will make it so that players nearby the Pally's heal target receive some healing too.


Well-Known Member
They do, but 10% of a heal, even if its Holy Light (possibly the biggest hitting single target heal in the game), isn't enough to AoE heal groups, not even considering that it only has a 5 yard range. They're upping it to 20 yards on the PTR, but I doubt that'll go through, maybe 10 yards.

Anyways, paladins really do need a true AoE heal, but Blizzard is adamant in not giving them one.

I'm not 80 yet, so I can't comment on the Heroic achievement difficulties, but yeah, two seconds off an achievement sucks.


Well-Known Member
The Oculus achievements are all rather easy, actually.

You can down him with 5 emerald drakes pretty easily to get the Amber/Ruby achievement (Just kite the hell out of him... it takes like 10 minutes, but it isnt hard).

The Emerald achievement is doable with 3 Ruby/2 Bronze, with the ruby passing who's tanking around while destroying the whelps, and the Bronze switching off on who's using the beam and who's shocking.

The 20 minute achievement seems difficult... until you realize that if you zone in on regular, beat the first boss, get your drake... Then have everyone die, and while you run back switch it to heroic, you keep your drake from regular.

You can then fly around and kill 9 sentinels before downing the first boss (thus not causing the timer to start), making the zone that much quicker.


Well-Known Member
I got Amber/Emerald void by doing him with five rubies (haha those adds die fast xD) - v. easy if your healer stands at the platform of the chest and direct heals the dragons... something for which a paladin is ideal, since we can self-heal through beacon (due to the nasty 7k arcane bolt thingies)

Will do the timed run (20 minutes to clear) tomorrow, though, with the method you described.

Still, gotta go! is crazy.

Watch Him Die! is ASFASDGH. I got it, but I hate it >:{

further notes: I hate, really, really hate the violet hold now. It refuses to give me ichoron - I have, in eight runs, seen ichoron ONE DAMN TIME. No achievement on that front, since we weren't out to hunt achievements then -_-"


Well-Known Member
Don't get too eager to see Ichoron. The achievement for him, while not particularly fatal, is an absolute pain to get. Since it spurts out adds in a 360 degree arc, there really isn't any 'perfect' spot to position the boss as to get some decent distance between it and the adds.

Even using the defense system doesn't completely work. It's slow to initialize, and all it takes is one little add to merge with the boss to cause a failure.

If you happen to be running heavy on melee dps...forget it. Given how the adds explode and knock back upon death, melee gets bounced everywhere.


Well-Known Member
Eh, I got it two days after posting this.

It's not hard, yeah, but... KNOCKBACK


I hate flying around, unable to use my spells -_-"