Harry Potter Realistic Time Travel Harry


Well-Known Member
I read quite a few time travel HP fic's but most of them don't dare to brake away from the origenal story and just end up with a Harry who knows what is going to happen just siting around letting voldermort come back and are just shody rewrite's, the problem seems to be that writers want Harry to be "cool" and not some anoying brain dead git, but then they come to the problem that he knows what will hapen and suddenly their story has no where to go, as if it is after he killed voldy, realisticly he would just up and destroy the Horcruxes and be done with it, so here is my Idea:

Over Christmass of third year when Hermiony gets his Firebolt taken away his Slytherin side comes out and he uses her guilt of going behind his back to tell him how she is getting to all her clases.

Hermiony who is still slightly insicure about friends and doesn't want to lose Ron and Harry gives in and shows them the time turner. Ron demands that they be alowed to use it at least once so he can say he's time traveled and he and Hermiony get into a fight over it. Ron tries to just take it and in the scuffle it flyes out of their hands SPINS through the air and smashes at Harrys feet, sucking him back in time in a time vortex as the univers restaberlises.

Harry winds up in his yunger self, maby three years old, he is to yung to do much about it and is forced to relive his life with the Durselys. While he is there he becomes more slytherin to servive with the mind of a thirteen year old in a three year old body and not get caught.

He doesn't have a wand but spends years trying todo magic with out it. He knows what it feels like and works to regain to feeling and control it, he comes across meditation as a means to focus and by the time he gets back to Hogwarts he has rudementry Oclumency shields.

Obviosly this takes time and it takes years to do any wandless magic and then at first it is just moving things and that wears him out but as he does more he gets better, spred out over several years to be beliveble insted of in the first week like some people have it.

He spend his time in the Muggle world learning thretens the Durselys with legel action against Child abuse and while not a good life they do leve him alown. Thinking ahead he learns all he can including Latin and several other old languges, like ancient runes. At age seven or eight he develops weak mage sight after focusing magic in his body and pushing it into his eyes to try to fix them, he can notice that runes focus magic as you write them which is why he learns them and he can experiment with them and slowly, until he re-enters the magical world, develop a way to do magic with them.

When he goes to gringots he is more aware and takes control of his acounts, nothing to crazy, Potters old family like Malfoys. Their are rules in place to stop incopetents from squandering the family fortune, which is in trust and being looked after by a law firm and they wont let him become the head of the family until he shows them that he knows how to run his finances himself. Dumbledore has no control over it and is not evil or stealing from him, he just kept it quiet so Harry wouldn't learn how to manage his family.

So what does Harry change, summer before first year he spends in the leaky couldren learning what he can and geting to know some purblood familys he's related to - one's in Ravenclaw and Slytherin, he slightly blames Ron for sending him back in time and as it was frustaighting he doesn't look him up, also he meets familys that he is related to, are in the same circles as his should be and knew his parents (the weaslys are much older than James and Lily as Molly remebers the grounds keeper before Hagred making them around Sixty in the books). On the train to Hogwarts first year he finds the twins, knocks them out with out them seeing him takes the map and pranks them so they don't realise what hapend and just think they lost it.

He's sorted into Slytherin, the hat doen't give him a choice as he has changed so much. On the train he hungout with the children of the familys he got to know other the summer and when he gets sorted into Slytherin Ron decides he must be evil, he tries to be friends with him at first because of his past life but soon realises that he is an immature git and as he is more self asured has other friends and what not Hermiony's atitude just anoys him.

Dumbledore, who's not trying to manipulate him, mearly let him have a childhood and guide him had several different plans depending on what house Harry goes into. The plan for Slytherin was to get to know Harry and to teach him directly about life, magic and politics as, as a Slytherin that is more what he should be like rather than a Gryfindore which would be more carefree. He also regrets his failers with Tom and feels that if he had got to know him he could have prevented his fall to darkness.

In the seconed week of term Harry mentions to Dumbledore that Quierel is being posed and uses his developing mage sight to explain how he knows saing he can see a second face on the back of his head. Dumbledore confronts Quierel and baneshes Voldemort, job done.

Part way through the year Harry steals a cockrol off Hagrid, goes down into the chanber of secrets and kills the Basiliscs, disects it for potions and what not, spends year doing politicle moving in house and exploing the chamber and learning from Dumbles.

Second year he just takes the diary off ginny and shows it to the Headmaster and lets him destroy it, more of first year routine, finds libery in chamber starts to learn some darker magic.

In the origenal time line he had learned that Sirius was his Godfarther but not that he was inersent...

And thats the start, I not sure were to take it just that it deviates from canon more and more, maby Harry is to clever to be cought by wermtail in forth year and voldermort uses some one elses blood to come back, Dumbles tells him the Prophocy earlyer as he is more mature and so on and so forth.


Well-Known Member
Looks good, go for it! I know I'd like to read it as I love time-Travel fics, but find many to be simple rewrites, not necassarily a bad thing, but there's so much potential for originality that only gets explored in the better fics.


Well-Known Member
I concure, it looks good.
Question: what happens to the original timeline? Destroyed, or overwriten, or ...?

One thing to add, -- and many of the other board-members would do the same, not to take you down but to enhance, -- please check your story posts, especially the longet ones like this with a spellchecker.
An easy thing to do write in you favorite text-program, use the spellchecker there, mark all and copy-paste in the post-window here in the board.
This will get you more readers (many simply drop a post after (n)-errors) and better critics, as it is easier to concentrate on the plot and story progress with less errors an spelling and grammar.
Yes there are likely more than a quarter of the board readers and members that are not english-native, but see this as an incentive to get better.

Wish you very best -- I'd realy like to read more from you!
Cheers, Yamaban.


Well-Known Member
Rather good idea. It shows a decent change for Harry, along with the consequences of the changes his character has had to make as he goes back in time. This is the kind of time travel fic that I like.

I have never understood the authors who write the "Harry loses everyone in the war, so since his life was SO great the first time around, he decides to re-do it all over again".


Well-Known Member
It makes sense if it's Harry loses the war. But I once saw Harry and his friends had things good, but since they were all emo, they decided to send Harry back into the past to make things better. Lots of people grab for any reason to send Harry back, because they think that originality is more important than making sense.

Mighty Bob

Well-Known Member
What I love are the ones where Harry's from a war torn future, years apart from the books, and he can not only pass as a wide eyed 11 year old again, but he's weepy as all hell to see all his old friends and can instantly fit back in with them. Bleh. Personally, I'd like to see instead of a story of a war torn future where Harry gives Pluto a headache by jumping timestreams, that he's stuck dealing with the crap wizarding society has unleashed upon itself and the world. But thats just me, I kinda like stories of survivors fighting in a post-apocalyptical world. :huh.:
It's a different approach to time-travel, could be pretty interesting to read. Have a couple of suggestions on the outline you've written:
he comes across meditation as a means to focus and by the time he gets back to Hogwarts he has rudementry Oclumency shields.
-Harry was a third year before he came back, and hasn't encountered Occlumency (nor has he had any real problems with his scar beyond Quirrell, now that I think about it) , but I suppose if he doesn't know it's occlumency he's doing it'd work...
Thinking ahead he learns all he can including Latin and several other old languges, like ancient runes.
-I highly doubt the Dursleys would take him to Diagon Alley until they're blackmailed/threatened, and I doubt the Little Whinging(what's the spelling for the town's name?) has a magical section; Harry is supposedly the only wizard that lives there. So where does he learn Ancient Runes? Latin is fine, my High School had a latin teacher there, and you can find books on it relatively easily. Maybe start with Latin and delay Ancient Runes until he somehow gets to Gringotts/Diagon Alley.

At age seven or eight he develops weak mage sight after focusing magic in his body and pushing it into his eyes to try to fix them, he can notice that runes focus magic as you write them which is why he learns them and he can experiment with them and slowly, until he re-enters the magical world, develop a way to do magic with them.
-I suppose the accidental mage sight part is ok (the explanation you have makes sense- Harry is powerful, and doesn't know what limitations people believe may/may not exist with wandless magic, and therefore tries different things out).
-Personally, I think a person developing a new style of using magic over 3-4 years is a bit of a stretch (even if it's only the basics of a style). Consider that Harry was only about halfway through his 3rd year, and does not have unlimited time to spend messing around with magic and runes- I'd assume he still has to go to muggle school, eat, sleep, etc.
Dumbledore has no control over it and is not evil or stealing from him, he just kept it quiet so Harry wouldn't learn how to manage his family.
-Erm, either this is just a confusing sentence, and you mean that ..."He [Dumbledore] just kept it quiet; so [therefore] Harry [didn't] learn how to manage his family [fortune]." Either that, or you start by saying Dumbledore isn't evil, but then that he kept Harry's inheritance quiet so Harry wouldn't learn how to manage it, and therefore Harry wouldn't be able to take control of it.
So what does Harry change[:] summer before first year he spends in the leaky [Cauldron] learning what he can and [getting] to know some [pureblood] familys he's related to - one's in Ravenclaw and Slytherin, he slightly blames Ron for sending him back in time and as it was frustaighting he doesn't look him up, also he meets familys that he is related to, are in the same circles as his should be and knew his parents (the [Weasleys] are much older than James and Lily as Molly remebers the grounds keeper before [Hagrid] making them around Sixty in the books). On the train to Hogwarts first year he finds the twins, knocks them out with out them seeing him takes the map and pranks them so they don't realise what hapend and just think they lost it.
-I'm going to assume "one's in Ravenclaw and Slytherin" means there are two families, one with at least 1 child in Ravenclaw, and one with at least one child in Slytherin (older than Harry's current age (biological, not mental) would work well, considering he isn't exactly 11 mentally at this point)
-It's possible, I suppose, for Harry to knock the twins out, without them noticing, but that might be difficult... although, maybe not, since they're only second years I believe...
He's sorted into Slytherin, the hat doen't give him a choice as he has changed so much. On the train he [hung out] with the children of the familys he got to know [over] the summer and when he gets sorted into Slytherin[,] Ron decides he must be evil, he[(Harry?)] tries to be friends with him at first because of his past life but soon [realizes] that he is an immature git and as he is more self [assured] has other friends and what not[; Hermione's attitude] just [annoys] him.
-I'm not so sure Harry would go well in slytherin... two of his worst enemies (Draco, Snape) are there. With all his studying and learning, perhaps Ravenclaw would be better (esp. since he used what he learned of the law to get the dursleys to do what he wanted).
-Where Hermione would wind up being sorted- would anything from the train ride change for her? Does Harry even try to be friends with her? Also, would Harry take into account that despite the fact that he has lived a total of 20-something years, Hermione and Ron are only 11, and are obviously going to be immature compared to him.

I'll finish the comments I have in another post; this one is getting rather long :sweat:
Note: These are meant to be (hopefully) helpful suggestions on improving what you have, not flames or pointless criticism.


Well-Known Member
I don't see any really big problems with besides the fact that he got recycled while he was still too young. Way too much magic wasn't even shown to him during third year, so a LOT of opportunities are going to be missed simply because he doesn't know about them. Mental shields (Occlumency) are just one of the things he's most likely going to screw up, even with years of meditation under his belt.

To really do this right, you might want to pluck Harry out of sixth or seventh year instead.

As for Slytherin!Harry, he's going to fighting for his sanity, and probably his life, with his views running counter to just about any Slytherin's views. Blood issues alone are going to make him a pariah within that house, much less the fact that he put down their hero when he was a baby.

With all the learning you're having him do, perhaps Ravenclaw would work better? All it would take is for him to finally like to learn things for a change. Even manipulating the Dursley's wouldn't necessarily make him Slytherin, because he's doing it for a better life, not much else.

Oh, well. I'll read your story, just because I love time-travel fics. Even though most of them are simple rewrites, as has been stated before.


Edit: My favorite time-travel story to date: Harry's Second Chance by Dr. T http://www.ficwad.com/viewstory.php?sid=14536


Well-Known Member
Thanks! All the suggestions are helpful; I have a tendency to not write in full sentences a lot, as I generally know what I mean, so I will try to explain and to answer a few questions:

The point of sending him back in third year is that he doesnÆt know about the tri-wizard tournament or voldemortÆs rebirth, and as such canÆt prevent it using future knowledge.

I know he hasnÆt come across a lot of magic yet, thatÆs the point, is he has to discover it, he learns meditation to try and control wandless magic. The rudimentary of occlumency are a bonus, when he makes friends with some old families, I imaged that they sill taught their children and teach him.

You can learn basic ancient runes from a dictionary of runes in any good library and my idea was that with his knew drive to learn, he remembers Hermione learning them at school and decides to get a head start. The idea for a knew form of magic was more new to him not wizards in general, things like carving the rune for fire on a stick and pushing a bit of magic into it to get it to light, or the idea that the sound of these old words are in themselves magical so with some effort and a touch of voice magic you can get limited effects, nothing to amazing, the idea was basic wards that lots of people know but the fact that he stated to do it without being taughtà

I welcome all suggestions for his former friends and which house he should be sorted into as any decision changes the story drastically and IÆm not sure which way to go? I will say that I donÆt like Ron or the Weasleys as I think they smother him to much, and as Hermione is sheÆs to bossy, but I can see it working if HarryÆs matured and can have a friendship on equal footing and not let her over run him like some writers write.

And as for Slytherin and Snape, in the sixth book Snape mentions to Bella that their was a lot of speculation in the æundergroundÆ of Harry being some sort of dark prince, a banner that they could rally around as he destroyed Voldemort, and in second year when Harry speaks parsltongue (sp?) Snape gives him some calculating looks. I think if he were in that house they would be more Slytherin and try to recruit him, not kill him.

I hope this answers peopleÆs questions, but thank you for asking them as it has helped me a lot.