Scene Breaks.


Well-Known Member
What Scene Breaks work on FF.N?

Especially the built in one I see a lot.

This is not a difficult question, but a great many people have trouble with it.

Taiteki Kagato

Well-Known Member
I used to use


to signify my scene breaks. Now that filters them out, I try to remember to use


however, when posting, I'll do a last-minute sweep using the document editor, and tend to change those into the built-in ones.

Every once in a while, I'll forget, though, and use the ---===--- which disappears and leaves my fic with an awkward flow.


Well-Known Member
From what I see the built-in mostly, though a lot of people seem to be dropping the use of scene breaks for some reason.

I used to use to stack ':' waaaaay back when, which seems really stupid now. Now when writing in wordpad I use (SPACE) then when I go through the editor to check for missing '"' and puncuation, I replace it with the built-in one.

But yeah, other than the built-in one I don't know of any other useable ones for

Lord Raa

Exporter of Juice Tins
What I do when I post something to is:

1) Upload a .txt file that had only a few random words in it.
2) Fire up their document editor
3) Copy and paste from my master file.
4) Go through it and replace my scene breaks with horizontal lines in the text.
5) Save the changes and I'm ready to go.

I found that it was a lot easier to do that than mess with a formatting that it wouldn't eat.
I have used the built-in one. Anything else is likely to vanish eventually. And frankly anything else looks ugly in my opinion.