Scylla and Charybdis


Well-Known Member
I was watching Get Backers recently, and saw the Arms of the Venus episode. Clayman's comments about it being granted eternal beauty from the loss of its arms struck a chord with me.

So, would you prefer a fanfic to be finished, but see its quality suffer, or would you rather have it remain at its peak, and never see the next/final chapter?
Definitely the second. Wishful thinking about "what might have been" is much less unpleasant than regret over "what is".


KING (In Land of Blind)
Staff member
And yet the reality is terrible fanfictions that are never finished...

Actually, I would think good stuff tends to reach some kind of conclusion more often than bad stuff, so I guess this is kind of a False Choice.

...Not to knock the OP.


Well-Known Member
False Choice, indeed. I never judge a work of fiction until such time as it has been finished; thus, the distinction of "good or not" does not enter into it.