Digimon Seductive Shadows


Well-Known Member

ôPuppy Howling!ö Takato ordered.

Plotmon complied, releasing a high-pitched scream. Even through his covered ears, it hurt listening to that.

Gabumon X apparently agreed as it replied with a howl of its own; a howl of pain.

ôSledge Dash!ö Plotmon cried, following up by plowing right into the larger Digimon. She hit him with enough force to knock him over, leaving her on top of him.

ôPetit Punch!ö She didnÆt miss a beat, hitting the Gabumon an instant later.

She immediately bounded away; she didnÆt want to risk taking a counter attack. Something theyÆd learnt; Plotmon was weaker then pretty much everyone they would meet in this new world. She could make up for it with Puppy Howling and surprise attacks, but head-on æfairÆ fights are impossible.

But theyÆd had time to perfect this style over the last few weeks. She couldnÆt do much against Adults, but she could defeat any Child they came across if she played her cards right.

Sure enough, Gabumon finally fell. It had taken a few minutes to wear down the X Digimon, but sheÆd done it.

Takato walked up behind her after he was sure Gabumon wasnÆt getting back up.

ôGood job, Plotmon.ö He said with a casual smile, as if they did this every day.

Which, granted, they did.

Plotmon smiled at him, but her smile turned nervous when she glanced at the fallen Gabumon.

ôShould Iàkill him?ö She asked.

It was an issue that made her uncomfortable.

Takato was significantly less uncomfortable with killing people that tried to do the same to him, but he could understand her feelings. He looked closely at Gabumon X.

ôHeÆs not going anywhere for now. ThereÆs no need to kill a fallen opponent.ö

It just made more sense than leaving them alive, he didnÆt say. Besides, if there was one thing heÆd noticed, it was that Yggdrasil and his servants were really merciless when it came to X Digimon. If they left the fallen Gabumon here, odds were he wouldnÆt be getting up.

Takato knew that. And Plotmon did too.

He looked into her eyes, suppressed a sigh, and approached the fallen Gabumon. He picked him up and moved him out of sight.

It was better than nothing.

He moved back to PlotmonÆs side and looked at her. She smiled beautifully at him and he felt a bit guilty over how much he wanted to tell her to just kill him and take his X-Antibody so sheÆd be safer.

He tried to change the subject.

ôThis Gabumon was running from something.ö He said. ôBefore he attacked us.ö

ôYeah.ö Plotmon said. ôI noticed. I smelt something burning, too.ö

ôHe came from that direction.ö Takato said, nodding his head towards the Northeast. ôShould we move towards it or away from it?ö

Plotmon was silent for a moment, before swallowing.

She began moving forward.

Takato smiled at her, though she couldnÆt see it.

He followed.



Well-Known Member

When he saw what Gabumon was running from, he was significantly less happy.

No, scratch that; he was flat-out pissed off.

It was a village. Emphasis on was.

It was burst, broken, and crushed. There was no one in sight, probably because Digimon donÆt leave behind corpses.

TakatoÆs hands clinched into fists.


Suddenly, he felt really grateful towards Plotmon for keeping him from killing Gabumon.

He must have been running from a massacre and thought them servants of Yggdrasil.

After all, Plotmon wasnÆt an X Digimon.

Takato closed his eyes as his teeth pulled away from his teeth.

But why? Why was Yggdrasil doing this? Takato understood killing those that tried to kill you, but why did Yggdrasil destroy this village?

Takato was well aware that Yggdrasil was a monster, but heÆd considered him a calm, logical monster. The Digital World was overpopulated, so he lowered the population. A horrible act, but it was at least logical.

But Takato was well aware that there were no gatherings of X Digimon large enough to populate an entire village. They were hunted down constantly and they had to be on the move at all times.

And even if it was, this wasnÆt a military base. There were no fortifications, this was not a strategic position, this wasàthis wasà

Takato moved forward, seeing something in the rubble. He shifted through the broken wood and glass as carefully as he could, wincing several times when he cut his hands anyway.

But it was worth it to reveal what was underneath.

A small stuffed doll, the kind owned by a child. One of its arms was torn most of the way off, releasing stuffing. He took it in his hands after a moment.

ôYggdrasil, you bastard.ö Takato whispered, his hands clenching around it, drops of blood staining the fabric.

Why? Had he destroyed this village just to get at Gabumon or a few other X Digimon? Was that reason enough to kill so many innocents?

What the hell was Yggdrasil doing?

He suddenly noticed Plotmon wasnÆt by his side and quickly stood up, not releasing the doll.

He suddenly didnÆt want to let her out of his sight.

He quickly found her sniffing the ground.

ôPlotmon, whatÆs wrong?ö

ôThey went that way.ö She said.

It was the way theyÆd come.

In the direction theyÆd left Gabumon.

Takato narrowed his eyes.

ôLetÆs go.ö

He knew what Yggdrasil was doing. HeÆd known for awhile, but the knowledge that he was partner-less and powerless always calmed him before he could get worked up.

But after this, he couldnÆt suppress his anger anymore.

Even if it was stupidàhe couldnÆt change who he was.

He was a Knight. A Protector of the Innocent. A Defender of the Real and Digital Worlds. He was a Tamer. And though he may be a fool, he wasnÆt a coward.

Yggdrasil was killing innocents.

Nobody got away with that on his watch.


Deleted member 5249

This is making my face split. Takato's a badass as always and I'm just waiting for him to beat up Yggdrasil already.


Well-Known Member
Calling it now:

Takato's RAEG is going to make Plotmon evolve to Lilithmon.

When Dukemon arrives and sees Takato, he'll ditch Yggdrasil and rejoin Takato (mass slaughter? fuck that shit!)

And if Alphamon is there...

Yggdrasil is so screwed.


Well-Known Member
sytang said:
Calling it now:

Takato's RAEG is going to make Plotmon evolve to Lilithmon.

When Dukemon arrives and sees Takato, he'll ditch Yggdrasil and rejoin Takato (mass slaughter? fuck that shit!)

And if Alphamon is there...

Yggdrasil is so screwed.
Crimson Mode... where are you. Omnimon is going down. Bitch ain't got a chance.


Well-Known Member
dr.michael92 said:
sytang said:
Calling it now:

Takato's RAEG is going to make Plotmon evolve to Lilithmon.

When Dukemon arrives and sees Takato, he'll ditch Yggdrasil and rejoin Takato (mass slaughter? fuck that shit!)

And if Alphamon is there...

Yggdrasil is so screwed.
Crimson Mode... where are you. Omnimon is going down. Bitch ain't got a chance.
Just imagine if Lucemon and Beelzebumon or better Beelzebumon X where there.

Oh and Dukemon would be in Chaos-mode.


Well-Known Member
Curbstomp Battle incoming!

On both sides, even!



They arrived just in time.

YggdrasilÆs servant, a Mechanorimon, was attacking Gabumon X, who seemed to have woken up. It was obvious who was going to win; Gabumon was fighting a higher level Digimon while still exhausted from his previous fight.

Added to the mechanical nature of his opponent and its mindless loyalty to a being that seemed intent to butcher everything, it was also obvious what would happen after the fight was over.

Takato wasnÆt going to let that happen.

ôPlotmon! The red thing on its chest!ö

ôSledge Dash!ö The small Digimon faced the larger one down without fear. She slammed her entire body into its red optic circle without a trace of hesitation.

It cracked and the force was enough to make the larger Digimon step back.

ôGet out of here if you want to live!ö She shouted to the Gabumon without taking her eyes off her opponent.

The other Child hesitated for a moment but began to run.

Mechanorimon moved to stop him and Plotmon moved even faster to prevent that.

ôPuppy Howling!ö

The incredibly high pitched noise made the Adult Digimon pause and Plotmon took advantage of it as she had trained for weeks to do.

ôSledge Dash!ö She exploded forward, slamming into the optic circle again, forcing the cracks on it to widen.

She attempted to back away as she normally did, but Mechanorimon was still an Adult Digimon. As she tried to do so, he struck at her with lightning speed, tearing a pained yelp from her throat and tossing her away.

ôPlotmon!ö Takato cried, rushing to his friendÆs side.

He was well aware what would happen if his friend lied there prone for even a moment while fighting a higher level Digimon.

ôGyro Break!ö The Machine Digimon launched a number of disk-like bombs at his target.

Takato pitched himself forward, grabbed Plotmon, forced himself to ignore her pained whimper, turned the dive into a roll, clutched Plotmon to his chest, and curled his body in to less the inevitable impact.

The bombs exploded less than five feet away.

It hurt. A lot.

Takato gasped at the heat that came first; it probably lasted only a second, but it felt like so much longer as it scorched the skin on his back.

The force of the explosion came next. Well, realistically, it probably came together with the heat, but the horrible burning of his back drowned out the pain of the impact. As it was, he only became aware of it when he realized he was in the air.

Finally, he hit the ground. To TakatoÆs credit, he was able to think despite the pain, curling around Plotmon as he landed.

On the Brightside, he succeeded in both keeping Plotmon from hitting the ground and trapping her under his own weight, which would have been even worse, as it would have kept her from moving.

In this case, that could be fatal.

On the downside, he ended up taking most of the impact to his wounded back.

He gasped at the pain, contorting reflexively in an attempt to make it hurt less.

It didnÆt work.

ôTakato!ö Plotmon cried. He could tell because of her voice, not because he could see her; his vision was sort of going black right now.

He blinked quickly. He needed to see, damn it! Where was Mechanorimon?

His vision came back just enough for him to see something that sort of resembled a strange ink blob, whose location seemed to be the same as the weight on his chest.


ôTwinkle Beam!ö His ears were working fine though, so he could hear Mechanorimon just fine.

He wrapped his arms around the thing, hoped to God that it was Plotmon, and rolled over, putting himself between the two Digimon.

It would have been more impressive if he wasnÆt well aware that MechanorimonÆs attack would just cut through him and hit Plotmon anyway.

ôTakato? Takato! What are you doing! Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God, please be okay!ö PlotmonÆs voice came to him a moment later.

Which didnÆt make any sense, since it would require him to be alive to hear it.

He tried to reply, to reassure her and tell her he was fine. It came out as a twisted choking sound that wouldnÆt reassure anyone.

As his vision cleared enough to make out definite shapes, he tried to figure out why he was still alive.

What he saw just pissed him off even more.

Mechanorimon was facing away from them.

Specifically, he was facing the direction Gabumon had been running in.

And as for Gabumonà

There was nothing but a cloud of data.

TakatoÆs strange choking increased and got louder.

ôWhy?ö Plotmon asked, attracted to the sight by TakatoÆs expression and choking. ôWhy are you doing this? Why? Why are you killing everyone?ö

She started squirming underneath him. Takato tried to keep her from escaping and drawing attention to herself, but he wasnÆt in much of a position to do anything.

She escaped his grasp.

ôWhy? What did we do? Was the old Digital World really that bad? What did we ever do? We were just living our lives andàand youàand you tore down our entire World!ö Tears were beginning to emerge from her eyes. ôWas that not enough for you? Do you have to burn down this world, too? Is that it?ö

Takato hated seeing her cry. And for than that, he hated himself for not being able to do anything about it.

But he couldnÆt do anything. So instead, he looked at her, tortured by what he was feeling. Anger, sadness, fear, shame, andà

Something else.

ôI hate you!ö Plotmon continued through her sobs, even as Mechanorimon turn towards her. ôI hate you, I hate you, I hate you! Why did you do this to us? Why did you do this to me? W-why did you hurt Takato!?ö

MechanorimonÆs optic circle began to glow. Takato wanted to scream for her to run. He wanted to pick her up and carry her far away from this place. He wanted to pick up the shattered pieces of her innocence and her life and put them back together.

But he couldnÆt do anything. So he watched helplessly as that strange feeling he couldnÆt identify grew stronger.

Mechanorimon prepared to fire, but not before Plotmon got off a few last words.

ôI wishàI wish you would justàI wish all of you would just disappear!ö

And everything changed in an instant.

For Mechanorimon, it was an explosion of light and an eruption of data that disrupted his sensors. He fired his Twinkle Beam anyway, but it failed to hit anything. In his defense, he wouldnÆt have been able to hit if he hadnÆt been blinded, either.

For Takato, it was like the strange feeling reached its limit and erupted, He was blinded by the light that came from Plotmon, but he was also blinded by the light that he, himself, emited. The last thing he felt before losing consciousness was something in his hands.

And for Plotmon, it was so much more.

ôPlotmon, shinkaàö

Her body grew, especially her ears and tail. Her collar like ring disappeared as she grew whiskers. Her paws grew as her coloration vastly changed. The gloves that formed around her forepaws. And to complete the transformation, her beautiful blue eyes changed.

The yellow eyes of a predator stared out of a new face.


The new born Demon Beast strode forward calmly, the tail that was its namesake swaying behind her.

She glanced at her unconscious friend, looking at his horribly wounded back. She cast her eyes back at her opponent and narrowed them.

ôTwinkle Be-ö Mechanorimon began but could not finish.

BlackTailmon tore her right hand out of his body, where it had pierced his optic circle. It had broken through it like it was made of paper and pierced deep into the gears and machines within.

One in particular she tore out. The source of his Twinkle Beam.

She looked at it, seeming a bit bored, before lifting it up to him.

She crushed it with her bare hand.

ôShut the hell up.ö She said.

Mechanorimon tried to attack her. He swept one of his arms at her as he had with Plotmon.

But she wasnÆt Plotmon. Not anymore.

She blurred out of the way, moving so fast he thought heÆd actually hit her.

But he didnÆt.

She stood, holding one of the claw-like extensions that passed as his fingers, standing in the same spot she had been before heÆd attacked.

But his claw had passed through that space. She held it now with its back facing her.

He hadnÆt even seen her move.

She blinked those yellow eyes at him lazily before twisting her wrist.

The metal finger she held bent backwards until it touched the back of his hand.

ôTell meàcan you feel pain?ö She asked, curiously. ôI hope so.ö

She was on his shoulder so quickly she might have teleported there. She grabbed his arm where it connected to his body and-

And she tore it off.

She looked at his then, glee shining in those yellow eyes, hefting his stolen appendage like a weapon.

She slammed into, no, through, the glass hemisphere that protected his cockpit. She slammed it in so hard that it penetrated the delicate circuitry and controls within.

The Machine Digimon lost control of its body.

BlackTailmon hopped down and looked at him silently for a moment.

ôYou did all thisàyou killed so many innocent peopleàand for what? Did Yggdrasil promise you a reward?ö She asked.

He couldnÆt have replied if heÆd wanted to.

ôTell meàwas it enough? What did all this murder gain you?ö

She clinched one of her paws into a fist.

ôNot even one more day of life.ö She hissed.

She pulled her fist back and brought it back down like and executioners axe.

And so ended Mechanorimon.


Deleted member 5249

I think Fanon affected my perception of Black Tailmon. I always pictured her with Blue eyes like the regular one.


Well-Known Member
SeiyaxUsagi said:
I think Fanon affected my perception of Black Tailmon. I always pictured her with Blue eyes like the regular one.
fool, you should've realized black versions always have yellow eyes


Well-Known Member
Flamewolf said:
SeiyaxUsagi said:
I think Fanon affected my perception of Black Tailmon. I always pictured her with Blue eyes like the regular one.
fool, you should've realized black versions always have yellow eyes
Unless they are red, of course.


Well-Known Member
Yo, guys; back from Black Friday shopping. Here's another snippet.



She gestured towards the data that used to be her opponent and it stilled its random movements. She motioned towards TakatoÆs prone body and it gravitated towards him.

It quickly began to heal him. The charred skin on his back healed and mended, quickly becoming the health pink of new skin before slowly beginning to match his normal tone. Minor cuts and bruises, likely caused by his fall, healed next. After that, the spare data began to fix his clothes as well.

In seconds, he was in pistine condition.

She walked towards him slowly and sat down by his head. HeÆd wake soon.

Sure enough, after a minute, he groaned and began to move.

He opened his eyes and looked at her for a moment of incomprehension.

Then he lifted his hand. BlackTailmon noted interestedly that he held a black and purple device in it.

She hadnÆt seen that before.

Takato sat up and looked at her again.

ôPlotmon?ö He asked.

She gave him a catlike smile.

He looked around.

ôWhereÆs Mechanorimon?ö He wondered.

ôI killed him.ö She said simply. ôI donÆt regret it.ö

He turned back to her, looking into her eyes while she looked into his.

There was no judgment there. Only a bit of sadness.

He reached out towards her and she didnÆt flinch. He slowly began to scratch her behind the ears. After a moment, she leaned into his touch.

ôItÆs okay. IÆm not going to judge you for something like that.ö He told her, picking up on her worry.

ôI hate them.ö She told him. ôI wish they would all die.ö

ôI hate them, too. ItÆs okay to hate, sometimes. To feel powerful emotions, for them to compel you to actàthatÆs called passion, and by itself, itÆs not wrong. Just donÆt let it control you. If you lose your grip on it, itÆll be torn from your grasp. But if you donÆt keep it sharpened and focused, itÆs useless.ö He lifted her chin and smiled at her. ôItÆs for that reason, that our hearts can be like blades.ö

She smiled wider.

ôWords of wisdom from a Knight?ö

He laughed.

After a moment, she did, too.

Their moment of happiness was interrupted by a sound from TakatoÆs new device.

BlackTailmon nodded towards it as he lifted it.

ôWhat is that?ö She asked.

ôThis?ö He smiled. ôItÆs a Digivice. ItÆs proof of the bond between a human and a Digimon.ö

ôWhatÆs that mean?ö She wondered, frowning.

ôIsnÆt it obvious?ö He tilted his head to the side in faux confusion before smiling even wider. ôàIt means weÆre partners.ö

She did her best not to show how happy it made her to hear him say that.

He looked at their Digivice and frowned, and expression she quickly took note of.

ôWhatÆs wrong?ö

ôThere is a group of Digimon heading in our direction. A big one.ö

He looked thoughtful for a moment.

ôA single Mechanorimon probably couldnÆt destroy an entire village.ö He said after a moment.

ôYou think this is the rest of the group?ö


ôàGood.ö She said, standing up.

He looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

ôIÆm not running anymore.ö She told him. ôWill you stand with me, partner?ö

He touched her face gently.

ôI ran up ætil now. I told myself there was nothing I could do. I told myself I couldnÆt help them without Guilmon. I told myself I needed to protect you. Maybe that was true.ö He looked away. ôBut maybe it wasnÆt. Maybe I would have died if IÆd stood against the first servant of Yggdrasil I saw. I probably would have.ö

He looked back towards her.

ôBut thatÆs what you did. ThatÆs what I think Guilmon would have done. And even if it was stupid, maybe itÆs what I should have done. But it wasnÆt and I canÆt change the past. But I believe I can change the future. And if my future involved running from Yggdrasil, it changed right now.ö He stood as well. ôIÆm with you all the way, BlackTailmon.ö

They didnÆt look at each other.

But they didnÆt need to.

The smiles on their faces were enough.

The stared steadily onwards as the first of the Mechanorimon came into view. One by one they came, landing one after another.

Lined up in neat little rows like little toy soldiers, Takato thought and the thought made him chuckle.

ôYou ready, partner?ö He asked.

ôI was born ready.ö

His chuckle became a laugh as he bared his teeth at the assembled machines.

ôCome at us all at once, you fuckers!ö



Well-Known Member
Ryuugi said:
She walked towards him slowly and sat down by his head. HeÆd wake soon.
I read that as "sat down on his head". I guess I'm getting ahead of the story.


Well-Known Member
Does this mean Takato has two Digivices with him?

If so, then the second Digivice is probably a D-Arc, in the end he'll probably be Matrix Evolving with BlackTailmon to Lilithmon... it's going to be incredibly awkward for Takato.

"...am I a guy or girl?"


Well-Known Member
sytang said:
Does this mean Takato has two Digivices with him?

If so, then the second Digivice is probably a D-Arc, in the end he'll probably be Matrix Evolving with BlackTailmon to Lilithmon... it's going to be incredibly awkward for Takato.

"...am I a guy or girl?"
I actually imagined plotmon warp digivolving to lilithmon. Or just like she did in this case, she gained enough experience that she permanently assumed the form of blacktailmon.

Lord of Bones

Well-Known Member
Seiya, your sig straddles that line between 'disturbingly cute' and 'very creepy'.

Deleted member 5249

Lord of Bones said:
Seiya, your sig straddles that line between 'disturbingly cute' and 'very creepy'.
That is Lucemon in a nutshell.


Well-Known Member
sytang said:
Does this mean Takato has two Digivices with him?

If so, then the second Digivice is probably a D-Arc, in the end he'll probably be Matrix Evolving with BlackTailmon to Lilithmon... it's going to be incredibly awkward for Takato.

"...am I a guy or girl?"
No it's a chance for Lilithmon to start making all sorts of double entendre's about her and Takato's joining together.
