Self-Insert to DISGAEA!


Well-Known Member
So, yeah. I've had this stupid idea bouncing around for ages. It's centered around Disgae 2, the first one I played.

It goes something like this: I'm walking along one day, and happen upon a dues ex mahina, that sends me to Veldime. Unsurprisingly, I find myself cursed. A day later, and some fast running and luck sees me indebted to Etna's prinny squad. And thus to Etna. For those of you who think things are going good, let me clarify something: I was saved by PRINNIES! what sort of monster was I running from?

Thus, begins my entry into the world of Veldime. Other than this, I'm sort of stumped. There's a lot of characters in every disgaea, so this is going to be a bit hard to figure out.

Thankfully, thanks to the wonderful deus ex machina of Zenon's Curse, I don't really have to come up with a background for myself.

Oh, and here's a snippet.
I wasnÆt hurt too badly, if you count 'covered in bruises and small cuts' as that. Now, I didnÆt like pain very much. In fact, I was already planning my next move/revenge in this ÆsparÆ if you could call it that. I grimaced as I wiped off my face with the back of my hand, before rushing forward, knife first toward my target. A blue penguin on peg legs.

For those of you wondering whatÆs going on, maybe I should enlighten you. I was fighting a Prinny. A Prinny is made out of the soul of a damned being, and, for an unknown reason, explode when thrown. If they just jump they wonÆt explode, but if theyÆre thrown? Ka-boom!

The reason I was fighting this freaky blue penguin, was to become stronger. The reason for this training, if you could call it that was extreme fear of the demon who stood behind the penguin. At first glance she probably didnÆt look too threatening. Just a flat chested little girl with bright red hair and an S&M outfit. Then if looked at the eyeÆs youÆd notice they were a particularly bloody shade of red. And slitted. Sort of like catÆs but moreàwell evil. Demon Lord Etna. Well, technically she's a 'Beauty Queen'. A Beauty Queen that was probably more powerful than most Overlord class demons. This means that if she so much as thought about killing me too hard, I would die.

And I just happened to have ended up in her employ.
Thoughts? Comments? Rabid demands that I remove this 'abomination'?

Also, I'm looking for a dues ex machina to get myself sent to Veldime. My original plan was to have Etna from the future do it, but that almost seems a bit too gary-stu.


Well-Known Member
Dude, just leave it unexplained.

In fact, make it a point that it's unexplained. The Disgaea world(s) is full of random shite like that, and it's accepted or glossed over until it no longer matters.


Well-Known Member
Heh, makes sense. You have no clue how Almaz managed to get into Evil Academy anyway. By the way SNIPPET!
Another day, another vile miasma filled swamp to try and find my way through.

Seriously, you'd think that the prinnies would be able to hold more supplies seeing as they all carry around those little bags. But nooo, we run out of spicy mustard.

Well, I don't know how long they were out there before I got here, but still. Spicy mustard isn't something you'd think people use a lot. now, if it were yellow mustard, I coul understand, but spicy? Well, considering that it's all I saw the prinnies eat with their food... or rather local weeds that they picked up and hoped they weren't poisonous.

Suddenly, a hideous purple Barnie look-a-like rushed out of the fog in front of me. It was twice as large as I was, and very imposing looking, not to mention the purple colored stuff dripping from it's mouth.

One brief stab later, and it had decomposed into it's component mana.

Funny how well grinding with the prinny squad ups your level. Oh, sure, I would run like hell if these freaks showed up en masse, but one or two? Hello exp.

It had been an interesting week (or was that weeks?) that's for sure though. Lady Etna, (I'm not calling her 'mistress' and Beauty Queen takes too long) spent most of the time hunting around these swamps looking around for info on where some 'Overlord Zenon' was. The name sounded familiar to me, but considering this weird curse I'm under, I wasn't going to find out how anytime soon. Speaking of curses...

I eyed the three clover seal on the back of my right hand. Elaborate and vivid as always. I think the claws that my nails had become were stronger on that hand. God, or in this case, Zenon, considering he was the 'God of Overlords', only knew why. Literaly. Not a lot of people know how this whole 'curse' thing worked. Other than that, I don't think I've changed too much. Well I can't really say that for sure as I can't remember what my own eye color was before I ended up on Veldime. Or should that be 'colors'? My left eye was sort of a normal brownish color, while my right was what I called, 'Demon Red'. I don't really know where the name came from, but it described it well enough.

Oh CRAP! I shouldn't be wasting time reminiscing here! Lady Etna only gave me two days to find a town and get back with the spicy mustard! And that was only because the town was apparently fourty miles away! If I'm late she'll flay the skin from my entire body!
Once again comments?


Well-Known Member
Hmm. Fake Zenon's seal must not be affecting him very strongly (yet). Is it just due to lack of time spent in Veldime?

The metahumor is quite apropos for Disgaea, I must say.

Hmm. If the Seal progresses too far, won't he have to change weapon types from human weapons to monster weapons?


Well-Known Member
Meh, he's been there for about two weeks. Right now, it's messing with his head more than his body. Speaking of which, I really need to give the fic-me a name. Hmmm. Kasey? yes, he's a guy, before you ask, but that's one of my own nicknames, so I think I'll stick with it.

On the subject of weapons, Kasey'll keep on changing, but there's only one more big mod in store for him. He'll keep on using human-weapons though. He has low skills across the board (no weapon affinity above 'B'), so don't go expecting him to break out any major skills. Being a 'unique' character, he'll get some cool moves, but he won't be able to go off and massacre large amounts of monsters anytime soon.

I'm drawing part of my inspiration from Recca's Appreciation, and some from Venus Tenshi's Two Worlds Combined. Keep things loose, stay at least somewhat serious, feel free to go off on a tangent, and keep your SI low on the powerscale. Also, if the other characters don't like him, that's fine. I plan for Kasey to get along with Adell ok, but he and Rozalin won't really like each other.

Here's why: "Daughter of an Overlord? You sure about that? I mean, seriously, where's all that great and amazing overkill and destruction that Overlord's are so famous for? At least SOME of it should have been passed down. And you're at this age and don't know how to fight? What sort of demon are you?"


Well-Known Member
Hell, where I grew up, by the time they hit Rozy's age, humans are expected to know (or at least be able to fake) how to fight.


Well-Known Member
Heh.. this idea reminds me of my own fan-Disgaea character... hmm....

Aside form a 'nicely done' you also get a thumbs up from me for causing creative juices to bubble.


Well-Known Member
Hmm. It's 2 am, I'm bored, I picked up two volumes of the Disgaea 2 manga, and my mind's buzzing like a vibating phone.
Must be time to write a snippet.
Heh. Made it.

It's been a long hard run, but I'm here. Let's see here, the sign says 'Holt Village'. Doesn't look very big, but isn't this supposed to be a backwater netherworld anyway? Still, there's only a few houses. A lot of them don't look to be in the best of shape either.

Well, I suppose when every one is suddenly turned into a demon, they don't have much use for houses. Or respect for personal property judging by all the graffiti.

finally, I reached the center of town, and the only house that didn't look like it was half fallling apart, half ripped apart. Up until now, it's been almost eerily quiet, which is sorts scary. Reminds me of a Resident Evil game. Wait a second, what's-

"Who are you? Are you here to try and steal stuff too?"

HOLY SCHMEEBUS! I whipped around, the sudden actual talking being the first I'd heard in a day surprising me more than anything else. I almost had my sword at her throat before I realized who it was.

"Hello, Hanako. Wait a second, how do I know your name?"

The little pink haired demon sighed and shook her head. How did I know her name? Seriously, what kind of person was I before I ended up here, that I know the names of tiny demon children?

"Come on, you're cursed right? You should know why you can't remember. I might not recognize you, but a lot of wannabe-heroes come through right before they try to find the overlord. You were probably just one of the more snoopy ones that came through, you know, the ones who have to ask everyone's name."

I shrugged, and decided not to correct her. It was probably close enough to the truth anyway, right? I did like knowing information, although I still can't come up with a reason that I ended up in Veldime. Accursed memories! Or lack there of, on this case.

"Whatever works, but do you know where a shop is? I need to get some spicy mustard." Might as well go the direct route.

"Sure, but it'll cost you."

Suddenly that little pink haired devil had a much more... devil-like grin on her face.

This pobably wouldn't end all that well.
18 hours until Kasey is due back at HQ.

And so begins an exceedingly odd little rivalry. And, look, a TIMER!! Just like in Disgaea 3. And sorta like Makai Kingdom. sorta.


Well-Known Member
You thought it had perished.
That you would never have to deal it again.
That this strange, little thing would die, and stay dead.

You thought wrong.

Joking aside, I'm trying to work on this again. I finaly got disgaea 2 back from a friend, and the juices are flowing again. I've thought about it and decided to discard the 'Spicy Mustard' run idea, and switch it to a yogurt run. Why? Honestly, when has Etna ever cared enough about the prinnies to have anyone do something for them? Never. So, having run out of her favorite yogurt, she sends her new vassal off to town for more.

Also, the previous snippet? Pretend it never happened. Kasey is entering Holt Village for the first time, and I'll need to re-do the swamp bit, but what can you do?
I'll go back to work now.
Holt Village.

You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

Honestly? That quote (although where it's from I can't recall) describes this place pretty well. Everyone who's been cursed by Zenon is trying to be evil and villainous, but they're kinda on the lower end of the Evil scale.

One guy claimed to be the absolute best in Veldime at flipping skirts. Another bear... thing I was passing was going for the Ding Dong ditches record, or so he announced to the world.

Despite being total asses, they still pointed me toward the local Rosenqueen market. Haven't heard of that particular chain of grocery store before, but then again I'm having trouble remembering anything at all. I should be able to get some of Lady Etna's Yogurt there.

"Goodnight, kiddo."


"Wow, Mom. I didn't think you'd be able to get another volunteer for the ritual."

"Well Taro, I have my ways of convincing people."

"Why's he sleeping though? ... Unless he's not a 'Volunteer'."

"My my. And Hanako says that you're stupid."

"Isn't this kinda wrong though?"

"Well, we're demons, honey. And this is for a good cause. If it gives us a shot at summoning the Overlord and becoming human again, I'm willing to do just about anything. Just like this."

"Huh? Mom, what are you-Waaaaaaaah!"

... Owwww.

Man, does my head hurt. Feels like I've hit upside the head with a cast iron pot. I can't see anything either, but at least that's explainable by the blindfold.

"... Clown shoes, and a Wyrm bone... It's all here."

What? Clown shoes? A bone?

"Now, we just have to sacrifice a bit of life energy to summon Zenon. I hope."

Wait, Zenon? This is relevant to my interests. Lady Etna's looking for him, or rather to kill him. Come on, go on. Summon Zenon.

Then, there was a scrambling sound, like some one standing up on metal.

"*Gasp-weeze* Honey, this summon is gonna take more than just a little life, we're gonna die."

A different voice chimed in. This one sounded like a little kid.

"Yeah. Why do you have to use our life anyways?"

The first voice spoke up again. She sounded like a mature woman.

"Yeah, yeah. That's enough complaining. We need to sacrifice some life in order to summon Overlord Zenon." Bingo! They were summoning the Zenon that Lady Etna's after! Well, they could be after another Overlord named Zenon, but that was rather unlikely. How many Overlords named 'Zenon' could there be? Not taking into account impersonators looking to cash in on the title of 'God of all Overlords', of course.

Crap, I stopped paying attention for a second. What was she saying now?

"...Oh, hohoho. Shut up, brat. Mommy wants to be human again! So, be a good little sacrifice now."

Wham! Bang! Clang!

Man, it sounded like she knocking them into a big... metal ...container.

You know, I just realized something. That sound kind of echoed around me, which doesn't make much sense unless... I'm in the same container. With the 'Sacrifices'.

I should probably escape now, I don't want to be sacrificed and die. A moments struggle, and I was sitting up against the brim of the 'container'. Almost free...

"Oh, no you don't."

Suddenly, I had a revelation. That was the same voice! From before, when I was-

And that's all for now folks.

Comments? Questions? Death threats?


Well-Known Member
*Squints* Were you the one that posted a one-shot that seems vaguely familiar to this? It had a criminal on earth being killed in a shootout and Prinny-fied. He was greeted by Etna. Ring any bells?

Other than that: Take months like this again, and I'll kill you. :)


Well-Known Member
Err, no.
Is my writing style similar?

Also, :angry: please don't threaten me. I'm fine if it's about quality or details, but updating?

I take the Fosfor approach to that: I'm doing this for my entertainment, and I'll post when I'm ready. Threatening or demanding updates only pisses me off.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit. I just thinking about this thread, and I realized I hadn't worked on it forever. Then I check it and realize it's been a year.

Now, Sleeping with the Girls has me thinking about trying this again...

And I find myself looking at the (pitiful) outline I had with extreme distaste.

And thinking about a new direction.

Code named the Day After, it's basicaly... what happens next? I have only seen a handful of 'finished' SIs, and none of those really go into life after the fact, or really last that long (generaly only a chapter just to get back into daily life). The conflict is gone after all, and there's no more story to tell.

But this is a lie. Even though one chapter has ended, your own story still continues. Only now you lack the re-assurance of knowing the 'future'. Welcome back to Life. It goes on. And sometimes, it goes on in more ways than you think.



Let's see here...SOH-CAH-TOA. Sine is opposite over the hyptenuse, Cosine adjacent over hypotenuse, and the tangent is the opposite over adjacent.

"I know this," I muttered to myself. "Three days ago, I could do this no problem."

Of course, that 'three days' is pretty subjective. I had spent a few 'months' since then fighting demons and acting as the vassal of Demon Lord Etna... Assuming it really happened, and wasn't some really long, weird, and detailed and hallucination/dream.

My parents had found me passed out on the path home from school. Apparently they had immediately taken me to the hospital. The doctors did some tests, and according to them, I was just fine. There seemed to be just a big bruise on the back of my head. They thought I had just been knocked unconcious. I said nothing to dissuade them of the fact, because saying that I had had an adventure in a Netherworld called Veldime and been cursed into becoming a demon seemed to be something that would get checked out of medical patient out-processing and into in-processing for mental ones.

I took another look at my hand holding the pencil. My pale, normal, one hundred percent H-U-M-A-N hand. My fingernails were a little long, but they weren't claws. The back of my palm was just pink skin. No Black Three Leaf Clover, or even the pale remnant that had been there when the Curse of (Fake) Zenon was broken.

It was if I had never been cursed. As if that whole episode had never even happened.

Part of me was saying I should forget it myself. It would have no more bearing on my life. I was a normal human now.

A different part of me said that the first part could go stuff itself. I had been a character in a Disgaea game. A participant in a cool adventure, and wielder of awesome powers. Even now, just remembering the feeling of Mana pumping through me was an indescribable sensation. It was a rush unlike anything I had ever known. I should never forget that I was once a demon.

A third part of my mind was a sort voice of moderation. While I was now just a plain-normal vannila plain human, a person was shaped by their experiences. Challenges could only make one grow, afterall.

Keh, it's almost eight thirty. And I still have to catch up on three days of homework.

So, focusing my mind on figuring out the specific lengths of each side on a right triangle, I worked. I had now had some interesting memories. That's all I had.

The story of Kasey Hunter, the demon, was over. The tale of Kasey Hunter, the human student, was back as though it was never gone.

Aaand... CUT for the first scene. Also, another reason I'm starting from 'Scratch' as it were... is that I knew no matter what I did, all I would be able to write was a re-hash of D2. Maybe from the viewpoint of another character, but I don't think I want to write that now. Not until I have a better understanding of Kasey.

So, for now, we're starting something new. Also knowing the possessiveness of Etna, she'd never really let any vassal under her employ go, unless she had a plan. Kasey thinks he's home-free. That it's over. The book's closed and all that.

Now, for an interesting lesson. There is no such thing as 'they lived happily ever after' in the real world. Why should any less apply elsewhere?