Shepard's Trial


Well-Known Member
Was on a different forum and someone asked what everyone though Shepard would say at his "Trial."

Decided to do an actual one shot for it. What do you guys think?

"We are here to begin the trial of SPECTREáShepard. Shepard, you are accused of destroying the Alpha Relay, killing over three hundred thousand Batarians! How do you plead?" The Asari Councilor stated clearly, staring at Shepard with disappointed eyes.

Immediately, the room erupted in noise, as spectators started jeering at Shepard. One Batarian roared, ôThere shouldn't even BE a trial! He murdered my damn family!ö

Another Batarian was quick to back him up, ôShepard has always cared nothing for us! He allowed the Destiny Ascension to be destroyed along with the original councilors!ö

A Turian yelled, ôOff with his damn head!ö

The Salarian Councilor started banging his gavel on the high desk, ôOrder! Order! I will have ORDER in this courtr-!ö He was interrupted as the doors to the courtroom opened and a clearly terrified Turian rushed in.

He tripped on the way to the councilor's tables, yelling in a panic, ôIts true! Its fucking true!ö He scrambled to his feet and ran forward.

The Asari Councilor used her biotics to try to calm the poor Turian, ôCalm down. Whats true?ö

The Turian just shook his head, ôYou need to see this.ö He turned to face the rest of the room and turned on his OMNI-tool. He pointed it to one of the large, overhead screens above the doorway and fiddled with it for a little bit.

The screen turned on, and a bleeding Salarian leaning against a wall was seen. He choked, green blood bubbling from his mouth, ôCouncil! Can you hear me?!ö He drew a ragged gasp, ôThere are hundreds of them! Great...machines! They came out of nowhere!ö He hacked, ôThey just appeared in the skies and started shooting! Our defenses were...were...worthless...ö He gasped and clutched his chest again, but whatever came next was drowned out as another screen to the left turned on.

Unseen to everyone who were being mesmerized by the horrifying images, Shepard's knuckles had turned white as he gripped his guardrail, his mouth pressed into a thin line.

Another Turian came on, clearly on a shaking military vessel. The was smoke in the background as the Turian coughed and yelled frantically, ôWE NEED AID! OUR FLEET IS HELPLESS! THERE ARE TOO MANY OF THEM! WE'VE BARELY MADE A DENT IN THEIR NUMBERS! WE NEE-ö A horrifying screech sounded as behind the Turian, the smoke cleared enough to show a great, glowing red eye in the middle of gargantuan form outside the ship. And then the screen turned to static.

They collectively turned to the last monitor where Councilor Anderson appeared, ôCouncil! They're here! You have to tell She- GAH!ö Anderson was knocked to the floor as an explosion rocked the building he was in. The man staggered to his feet and spoke frantically, ôShepard! The Reapers! WE NEED YOU HERE!ö

Pandemonium erupted in the room as everyone from as everyone from Batarian to Councilor? scrambled to either speak or escape. It didn't last long. ôQUIET!ö Shepard roared. And everything did. No one even dared breathe as Shepard, facial-scarring and all, turned to the Turian Councilor and looked him directly in the eyes. He visibly sucked his teeth and said, ôAh yes, ôReapers.ö The immortal race of sentient starships allegedly waiting in dark space. We have dismissed that claim.ö

The Turian sank to his knees, staring sightlessly at the floor. Shepard turned and started walking away, turning on his com device, ôJoker, I need a pickup. Make sure the crew is ready. I have Reapers to destroy.ö

The doors slammed shut behind him.


Well-Known Member
And that's where Mass Effect 3 would logically begin.


Well-Known Member
<a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'></a>

Nerfnow has been there before ;D

But yes, we're all waiting for the moment to grind Velarn's face into the "reapers" thing.


Obsessively signs his posts
Staff member
nice one shot!
