Harry Potter Shift


Well-Known Member
Of the wizarding population around 20% have some latent talent in a specialized form of magic known as Shift.

Of these 20% who are touched by the gift only a further 20% are full Shifters. But only full Shifters know they are full shifters.

The other 20% just think they have some special abilities... Never pulling them together to find what makes them different.

Shifters live as a part of the Wizarding world but keep their abilities secret, or just show an illusion of them being on of the Touched.

Those who are touched include:

Animagi(full body modification), Beast Speakers(vocal cord and ear modification), metamorph(full body modification), and a few other examples.

Inside of the shifter community there are seven renowned criminals who formerly trained awakening shifters they are known as the Homunculi.

Now that Voldie has been conveniently been taken care of their eyes set on the UK.


Well-Known Member
So we have seven unknown OC's become villains. Where's the pull? Why would anyone want to read this?


Well-Known Member
Because being original is a bad thing. Besides, no one would survive.