Sig explanations


Well-Known Member
Was wondering if someone could explain to me what the different BvS sigs meant so far as to how far you were through the game.

Red - Redeye
White - WhiteEye
Green - Legacy

I know that many have their own personalised sig,
I know that yellow with some type of kanji inside is for True Blood of the Reaper

But for example, what is the blue eye sig with pants writted across it?
Does it represent failing at the arena :D
Also what and how do you get the arena additions to your sig, and are there any other sig changes I have not listed here that are obtainable by achieving things in BvS?


Well-Known Member
The PANTS sig is for PANTS. I have no idea what it stands for but it means the person has The Note and Bankai.

This is the Monochrome sig otherwise known as reaper 3.

Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!


Well-Known Member

Numbers like so are a sign of The Note without Bankai.

Arena is gained by winning fights there. No more, no less.

Expert is from 100 wins.

Champion is from 250 wins.

There is supposedly ones for 500 and 1000 wins too according to the News a while back.

And PANTS is a reference to the whole Monochrome/Cobra Kai thing where you decide to get PANTS or go PANTS-less later on.


"All of us have Pants - supernatural shackles that let us focus our power, look awesome, and keeps us from being arrested when we walk around outside. You've seen Stripey's Pants for days.. did you not sense their power?"

(but you don't have Pants..)

Tea senses your internal monologue. "No Monologues! You don't have Pants because you haven't tapped your inner Pants yet. The creatures that inhabit this place are different. They've had Pants.. and they've ripped them off somehow. Removed their shackles. The evil they can create is infinite. Here, I'll go get us what weneed to find them. Stay here." He gets up to leave.

Seconds stretch into minutes. "He hasn't come back," says Robogirl. "I'm going to check on him!" She rolls out, and you hear a scream!