South Park hits 200!


Well-Known Member
Episode Number 200 (which is simply named "200") is basically a tribute to the history of South Park, as the Super Best Freinds(with Mummahad censored), the ginger kid cult, Mecha-Streisand, the hand puppet Cartman used to impersonate Jennifer Lopez, and a LOT of celebrites that Sotub Park's insulted(that's the episode's plot, as said celebrites try to get revenge on South Park; only to really want whatever makes Mummahad immune to ridicule), and the episode ends of a cliffhanger; apparently, the results of the parentity test for Cartman's father was faked, and as the real result is about to be revealed...Roll credits.

I smell a trick like what they did with Terrence and Phillip when they did the "who's Cartman's father" bit coming up.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
And even worse, Scott Tenorman is Cartman's half-brother!
200 Episodes, and I've never watched any of them. Huzzah.


Well-Known Member
nuclear death frog said:
200 Episodes, and I've never watched any of them. Huzzah.
You poor deprived person!
I feel so sorry for you! :blue:
Quick click this link now, and fix the the horrible, horrible situation you're in!

Jk, but do you find the show offensive, stupid, or just not interesting? Or do you have some other reason for not watching?
Well, I don't own a TV, that's one thing keeping me from watching it.

In all seriousness, what I've heard about it says I'd probably find it too stupid and crude. But that's hearsay, so...


Well-Known Member
Well the link I posted will take you to the official site where you can stream any episode but the newest. Some episodes are fantastic, but others are...not so good. I've always liked the "Ginger Kids" episode from season 9.


Well-Known Member
I have a question about the US version.

I've bought the European DVDs and some swear words like fuck or bitch have been censored. Are the American DVDs uncensored?

But the most shocking thing Iv'e read on the internet is that two episodes (200 + 201) aren't available on the European DVD release. So much for freedom of speech.
Out of curiosity I looked this up. The US release DVD's are supposed to be uncensored and complete, but there are apparently legal issues that prevent US content from being available outside the US.


Well-Known Member
Personally I think they should let the people decide what version they want to buy.